Classified Ads WE REPAIR < : 1. app! an, . ? and do house w :i Call 9t> J or see Happ Airt, 517 Hi wassee S \!urph> 7 Jtj FOK ^ ALE IMMEDIATELY < ? :? i Weh* H. i>?' Pin He til FOR SALE Oak .tovo wood St. J B M Murp. \ N Y.W.A. Has State Mission Program \ i M . B ? ; . - iU>t. ?:? . .ii e:'.a: .:i :? ???..'?r M ?V: ? ? IXh a v was .v , mt v. a> a new mem be : Mr Craig h-accI ? freshmen ? se : ? n: eting T. a\u: Iiary had a . : c at the city , ark Saturday - ver :ig T .?? next m?v w .. be hold ?. Thursday ?? September ]4 with Mis> Ak Mae Cook? FOR sal E : ' J acre farm on Bi.tvuiwn ood house and fairly n. lots of good imi s C. Roberts at 4 4: p FOR SAX E lie 1940 : oU Trut % in \ 1 tui See B T Sand Hi ? C. 6 l!tp I'OK -Mi ctric Coca-Cola v V: isonably Oak ? . a Otk Pa rk \ t> ?tp i'i'.V N* t\ irds of oak t ut 5 feet lorui \ A in Mur 7 2tp '? \NTF:i : N'T furni.> . :ip.i :mexi Mrs Raymond h\ ? p 7 after 7:00 p in Pt ? home. Mu: ph\ N C 7-2tp FOR SALE '.:e two year old hrifer cm : three montiis old. reasonab: a . or without calf See ha n at Moore 8 ip ply Co Murphy 7-1 tp ALWAYS ASK FOR GOLD MEDAL ( ream Of The Mill Oats MAC A RON I A SPAGHETTI at your grocer's Distributed in Cherokee County by THK H. T HACKNEY ( 0., INT Murphy, North Carolina Henn Theatre Murphy, N. C. >at . September DOUBLE Fl NTURF. PROGRAM Robert l.ivniL Smil \ Burnett e. In "PRIDE OF THE PLAINS" "MILLION HOLLAR Klir Ac >11 1 J' tin 1 2 5c I .ate > w Saturday 10:45 k. : ? Manlvn Maxwell. !n "S W I N (J FEVER" Admission I 2< and 35c Sunt >\ September 10 Mae \V est - Victor Moore, In "THE HEAT'S ON" ? Also ? NEWS SHORT SUBJECTS Admission i 2c and 35c \I onday - I uesday, September II -12 Humphrey Botjart - Michele Morgan. In ? "PASSAGE TO MARSEILLE" Also NEWS CARTOON Admission I 2c and 35c Wednesday, September I 3 Faye Emerson - Jerome Cowan, In "FIND THE BLACKMAILER" Chap. 5 "HAUNTED HARBOR" Admission 1 2c and 25c Thursday - Friday, September 14-15 M ickey Rconey - Lewis Stone, In "ANDY HARDY'S BLONDE TROUBLE" Also ? CARTOON ? NEWS Admission 12c and 35c LOST Brown billfold, contain ing identification cards, li ct iiM'.s and money. Keep money if the rest will be returned. Wi .mi H : | Ml B Wftta gue Ave Johnston Cit; Tenn. CHARM - Kl'KL PERMANENT WAVE. 59c! Do your own Permanent wit. Charm -kurl kit. Easy to do absolutely harmless. Requires no heat, electricity or machines. Safe for every type of hair. Praised by millions including Fay Mc Ken/ie, glamorou.s movie star Parkers Drug S ore 5-1 tp NOTICE Ol s| MMOXS NORTH CAROLINA CHKROKEE COl'NTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FSSIF LEDPORD HACKNEY VS HIV.H HACKNEY T: ;e defendant above named. Hu . Hackney, will take notice that an action entitled as above : as been commenced in the Su perior Court of Cherokee County North Carolina by plaintiff to obtain an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony now exist ng between plaintiff and defend ant on the ground of two years reparation, and that in said action plaintiff asks custody of their children . and the said defendant w ;i further Lake notice that he is required to be and appear before he Clerk of the Super ior Court of C.ierokee County North Carolina at ..s office in Murphy, North Can ma within twenty days from and after the 23rd day of Septem t:. r. 1944. to-wit. on or before tht 14k h day of October, 1944 and answer or demur to the Com plaint of the plamt ' in said ac tion. or plaintiff v ipply to the Court for the rei; : t inanded in tlu Complaint. Tins the 29th day of August. 1944. J. L. HALL. Clerk Superior Court. Cherokee 4t County. North Carolina I [heasackz LIQUID VIA JU'lMi/ | WE HAVE I OVER SEAS MAILING BOXES f V v Approved By Postal Dept. :|: MAIL SOi D1ERS CHRISTMAS BOXES :j: t SEPTEMBER 15TH, OCTOBER 15TH ? V A Y a r S. Y Have Your Wiring And Repair Work Done By A Licensed Electrician. X Y A i. I .j. ,j, | Murphy Electrical Shop f } Phone 134-R Murphy, N. C. Are You a "Putter-Off"? ? You knew ihcl the legal reserve Woodmen life insurance protection can't be excelled in building your oid age iinancial security, or in protecting your family si. uld sickness or death deprive them ol your earning power You know tl.a. ica. '.Ike hundreds of thousands ol other men and boys who are members, would enjoy ana ben efit from the social contacts and strong, lasting friend ships formed by taking part in Woodcraft's socio, end fraternal activities. You may have planned to become a Woodman hut have been putting it off until some hazy day in the future. Don't be a "pulicr o/f. " That future day may never come or it may ccme too late. Let the local representative of the Woodmen of the World explain how you can bespn at once to enjoy the many benefits and privileges the Woodmen Society offers you. WOODMEN Z WORLD Life Insurance Society OMAHA. NEBRASKA ASSETS OVCB $14 3,000,000 V. M. JOHNSON District Representative TENNESSEE STREET PHONE 161 MI'FU'tn N. C. When's the next time you'll be broke *P Hard to say, isn't it? In fact, you haven't given it much thought. Things are going well now. The jcb pays fine, and it looks as if it will last forever. But suppose it doesn't? Suppose, in the years after the war. you find things slowing up. What then? Sure . . . maybe a good man can always get a job. But isn't it a great thing to have a nice soft cushion to fall back on if and when things don't ^o right ? And right now, if you're in the Payroll Plan and tucking money away regularly, week after week, you're fashioning the best kind of cushion you can possibly have, a big wad of money invested in War Bonds. Here's why: War Bonds are the safest investment In tht world. War Bonds give you $4 back ten years from now for every $3 you invest. War Bonds are your stake in the good things of tomorrow ? security, independence; fravilj a decent old age. And today, War Bonds give you a chance to ( put your money into the fight? tht kilt reason of all! Think that over. And when you get yo check . . . chuck a good portion of it into Bona) . . . even though you're buying them already* Buy War Bonds? and hang onto them , WAR BONDS to Have and to Hold Cherokee Lumber Corporation Murphy, North Carolina