WELCOME, HIGHWAY DELEGATION \% ?ijr (Hfernlff Urmit SB MB .">? ? NI'MEER ?. NVUmr, VOIilll < UOUXt, III! KSDAV. RETT. II !!ill IK. Ill PA( Polio Ban Lifted And Schools To Start On Monday ( erkee county schools will :ne 1944 45 term on next M nda*? morning, since the ban oj a tarings is lifted. Faculties u van us schools of the coun :? arc practically complete and ... announced by the school sup , .vndents. Lloyd Hendrix. coun H Bueck. Murphy city unit; a: I 13 Hudson. Andrews city u:.;'. M.t -.ings of teachers a/ being .<1 this week in preparation for opening day. Faculties as announced by the ;?< rir:? ndents are: MI'KPIIY :? a mentary Murphy: Miss ( . McCombs, Miss Prances D. r. ii Mrs. Evelyn Pa; ton. Miss (i? me Shields. Mrs Dair Miss Emily Sword Miss K Haye> Mrs. Martha Adams. M Addie Leatherwood, Mrs. J. \V I)a\ dson. Mrs. Lester Schaap M i ; v high sc: ool: Miss Mar .1 imson, Miss Mary Lec r. M. Anne Ward. Miss M Farrow Mr- Aileene K Mrs Harry Miller. M; Vlr \ : it* Morgan. Mis.- Beatri ? M:>s Laura Blanche By Mr. Robert S. Bault. Miss Curd. Mr> Margaret I Mauney. ?radt Mrs. John Barry M mma Louise Jenk.ns Mrs. V. King Spainhour. Creek: Mrs. Port -r Axlcy. 1 M ! : yd Hendrix. . Creek: Miss Ella Me ( : Mrs. Mary Nell Stiles. I ."villa: M : s . Willie Lou ^ ? Miss Lelia Hayes Miss Be : a May field. i ?ana 'colored1: Elma Rai Miss Bertha Mae Liver ma ANDREWS School and Grade 8 Mrs. I G Ax ley. Mrs. Aline E. Bris- j J< an C. risty. Ada M Corn Mrs. Eleanor C. Hudson, M Ruth B. Pullium. Elizabeth 'J Mrs Ruth F. Bristol. ! men.aary School: Boyd B n. principal: Mrs. Loui (' Mi Falls. Mrs. Veanah R. Rad ? M - Hazel H. Wood. Lenna n. Mrs Ruth S. Pullium., M Pauline S. Love. Ada Mae 1 Elizabeth Kilpatrick. Mrs Nichols. Mrs Annie S. Me- j (i Mrs. Mozelle M. Talley , M Louise P. Enloe. Mrs. A1 G. j I' Mrs. Hazel Abernathy I W ns. Vivian Moore. Mrs. Isa ! Trantham. Mrs. Florence j H in. R. P. Lovingood. Earlin;1 Stall i Ma i School: J. Frank Walsh, pal; Mrs. Gertrude Wal.sh O Glenn. Mrs. Nora L. Hall. M Carrie Womack. ! ; on: Mrs. Minnie Tat ham And - ews School 'colored' : Doro t'.i\ M Jones. i ontinued on page eight DIES IN ITALY? Pvt. Margin!! I Dock cry. who died in Itaiv. July I 27. ace rding to word receive J by ' : andpar? n- Mr. and Mrs ?>.. k Dockery of Murp! . I? ut< '?>. Ma: ; .all entered . in Mar.-; i. 1943. and trained in the army Ca!-. irynian, In ! ..uarv 1944. he was ent over ? . He I : survived b." mother. M L >i- \ Rowland, four aunts, M. . Verna | Dcrke:- M: Vert, a M Miss C ra L. ? Darke: y, an M. Lila ! Dockery. one uncle. Pv Carver D.vke:;., and grandpa ren Mr and Mr- lack Docke: v Group Singing Held At Lions Club Picnic Murphy Lions club had a Bruns wick stew suppei a the regular ; mee:ing held Tuesday evening, in the lunchroom I' the Murphy school. Mrs. H. G Elkins was chairman of th< sbess commit tee. Following a f< . ..nnouncemenis by Lion Pr< sident H. A. Mattox, ? group singing. : d by Mrs. H. Bucck. and danen. : \ ere enjoyed. Serving with M: Elkins on the hostess committee were: Mes dames H. A. Mattox W. M. Fain, a H. Duncan. Joe Hamilton. Rob ert Weaver. Duke Whitley. J. H. McCall. P. G. Ivie, Loren Davis. \ . M. Johnson, and Edward Brum by. Miss Addie Mar Cooke and w W Oodger. SOI'VKMKS A window at tiie Scout office is devoted to souvm from foreign lands, sint home by boys in service. , If anyone has something interest iug to contribute. i: will be appre ciated. Articles wi:: ^e returned. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Taylor of r 5 Winfred B. Taylor, left, is now in service 19 months. He took his also trained in the Armored Tank Knox. Ky. Calvin Wayne Taylor ?r?nch, Washington. D. C.. in Q his boot training at Great Lakes, 1 Payne 8 2/c in the Navy, who has l fehed his boot training at Camp F ' Violet have two sons in service. in Honolulu. Hawaii. He has been i basic training at Port Old. Calif.. Bn. at Campbell. Ky . and Port S 2 c. right, is now at Solomons uartermaster School. He finished [11. They have a son-in-law. Ralph ?ecently spent a leave here. He fin *erry. Va. Patrick Bov Is Hurt In Wreck Roy Wor!< ; 14. son of Mr. and Mrs Bu.it ? . Worley of Patrick Miffcrcd a broken kg and other injurie s when lu- was run over by truc k on .. way 64. about eight mil( - we.s: of Murphy, Tuesday afternoon. The truck in which young Wor . y was riding, met a state high , way truck on a > arp curve and i thinking the two trucks were go ! ing to collide t .mmped out. and the truck ran over his leg. break- { ing it. Worley was brought to Petrie hospi.al by Townson's ambulance and it was reported that his in juries are not sericus. Better Fire Equipment Is Planned For The Town Of Murphy Murphy town council on Mon day < vening. in regular monthly j > >sion. conferred with a repres- j entative cf a fire-truck companv j about the purchase of a new fir* j ruck for the 'own. Purchasing' i the truck was delayed until an 1 other meeting which is to be held | ,11 M nday evening. September I 25. T e council voted to have aj p -u, erected a' an intersec- ! j'. n near Murphy school. to elimi- \ uate a hazard to school children i ?r< .--sing the highway a: the re- 1 c.u ' of Supt. H. Bucck. The ligh: i i to t 1 operated at the hours I children are crossing, and to be 1 turned on and off by a representa- j live of the school. Plans for entertainment of the highway delegation here on Thursday were discussed. The! council voted to be hosts to the, ? isitors a' a picnic luncheon at t j , park. Following the suggestion of the j auditor who recently audited the' town's books, the council voted to ! 1 u Mr Walter Wit assistant; clerk, under bond of $2,500 Women Wanted By Red Cross The September quota '1 MU'giealj dressings is here, and more women a i ncded to work, the upe: visor:- ? . as During the month of August only 48 women out of al! ' c worn m living in Murpliy responded to j the SOS for workers Mr: . E. P. Arnold, 'lie of the Mipe: visors, says: "Will you not go 10 the Red Cross room and do ? our part in making somebody's on. husband, or sweetheart more comfortable while wounded in .? hospital? Tt is a known fact that urgieal dressings havt been used repeatedly because the supply of fresh dressings was exhausted Make Bequest For Improved Bond Efforts are being made to get the State Highway commission to take over the road through t 1 Texanna section, imprtve and maintain it. A petition which rev, den of tile section will present to the , the ban on children attending church and Sunday school and going to theatres and other public gath ir.gs in this count> is lifted, ef fective September lx according to the statement of the board at the time the ordinance was enacted. The Scout could not reach Dr. M. P. Whichard. health officer, who was nut of town, to learn whether it would he permissible for children to attend church services Sunday, about which many have inquired Referee Hears Some Evidence In Donley fees Par; of the evidence :n the cases ti gainst John Donle to roc ?*. Thanksgiving Day will be obs? d on November 2.1 this year, t Board of Con servation and Development in tegular session n Thursday. Sep tember 7. chati-cd the opening date for the hunting of quail, turkey, rabbit and grouse so that , the season on ?i! r. lu ?. w. T Medlin. Jr.. w ill bt Rogers Chapel, serin 11 a. m Unaka. sermon. 3 p. m. Bellview, sermon. 7 30 p. m. According to announcement > the pastor. Rev. W. T. Medlin. Jr.. revival services will be held a: Ranger Chapel beginning ne\: Tuesday ni .! September 19 an i will continue until Sunday nm .t September L'4 Services will be held each evening at 7 p. m. The public :s invited to attend the v Singing Is At Ranger Sunday The 3rd Sunday evening singing will mee; with the Ranger Baptist Church. September 17. a 1 30 o'clock. Ranger Baptist Church .s across tli. road f' om the Walker School house Tills is also tin West Liberty Singing convention. Every one i- invited to attend Republican Leaders Speak Here Monday SUPPLY PASTOR Dr. G. J Davis, promineni Baptist minister of Atlanta. Ga who is supplying as pastor of Fi)>; Baptist church, Murphy, during the months of September and October. Services are being held each Sunday morn ing and evening. ? A I Fenw. Republican candi date for the United State* senate; Lewis P. Hamlin, candidate for concns-: and Brownlow Jackson. ' t ??'?nsirevsiiuial e.iairman spoke at i lie courthouse v Monday nigh; ' af er atteiuiT.-r m? 'tings at Frank lin and Hay. \ the same day. The speakers stressed 1 ie nece.^ ' shy of winning the war tint, then restoring the government to the people. Fence said that America had ben clamoring for Thomas E. Dewey sine; he first distin guished himself as District A: . torney He stated that t e people are demanding a change to ef 1 1 ciencv in government. Hamlin pledged, if elected to ; congress, to support economy in government and a stoppage of ( \ travagant spending. OWNS ( LKAXIN'G PLANT Joe Hamilton, who has been managing the Imperial Cleaners for sometime, is now the sole own I er. He recently bought the busi ness which was originally owned I by him and Anden Davis. GOVERNOR HERE (i , : .o" .1 M Bp up Ji;on who i at rndinf meet in;: of the State ] H i\ i :nm. . >n being hole :n ' his count-. : (.clay and tomor: ? a Studv Soil And Forests Here 1) , Paul B Sea: s of Obe : . n College, Otorlin. Ohio: \V .1 Mi Olothlin, chief of training staff el the T. V A . and Hurry Will- . fonts, of ua mm* it&ff of ii< T V. A both of Knoxville recen* made t tour of C . -kee county ;.::'.i Chero kee county, he stated. IN THREE MA . BATTLE.1-' PfV Garnell (' ?>f Murphy who is now on K ' Island and lias been engaged \ three major | du ? n i M: and M U o C* .. | ? Know lie. AT TINAIN Pfr. Carl Craig son of Mr. and Mrs. George Crais of Knoxville. formerly of Murphy who is now stationed at Tinain. (i vtin? M Br ighion itnd riany c d inguisiied North L'arohna men ami v. men are visit Tip Che; ke? ? county today Thurs iay and Friday, ir. connection .vith a meeting of the State High vay Commissioners, arranged by Percy B Ferebee. commissioner from t;iis district. Among the visitors expected ire: Charles Ross, acting chair man of he State Highway com rission D. Hiden Ramsey, gen iral manager of the Asheville Citi zen-Times Mrs. Ramsey: Mrs. J. \A. Broughton T Boodie Ward, iirector of he Motor Vehicles Bureau Oscar Pitts director of he prison, the following highway romnvs !<;ne: - Carroll L Wilson. John G. Clark. Dr. G V Gooding, John N Hackney, G. W. Kane. D. B McCrary C. A Cannon. V. L\ Guire T. Max Watson and Mr. Fere bet ? ..ghway engineers: IV. Yam- B.. ? chie! J C. Gard :ier. W N' Sp nil. T. T Bet Us. R. Mark 11 am I' A Burton. L E Whitfield. I B Peck Z V. S < w - w H F. N ? .J c W.i.ner: A. D. R< an. otner reprt senta " ? <>? Tennessee Vail > Au 'I de.- - .on wiil meet i 9:30 i> n. itnin .! Terrace hotel, for ! he monthly business transactions .1 the Highway Comm. toners. A1 the lose of -iie meeting, the -'roup ... ? me :o Murphy, where the Towr. :>i Murphy will be host &t a picnic lunch in honor of the \ 1 /.ors. at it- c:ty park. A trip " ? Hiwassee Dam. via boat and car. . planned for the men in the afternoon T V. A. and Naval Ordnanc* department lepresentatives will be hosts on the Hiwassee Dam tour. Leav ing the dam. th?? oup will make , trip to Fame: and Ducktown and return t Andrews for the bight. In the afternoon. Mrs. Brough >n and M: Ramsey will be uc s:s of hon .i ea at Terrace i ? in Anc A number of men in Am!: Murphy ana ther par..- unty have been invited. On Friday n . the delega :icn will go F :itana Dam. :? re Mana r 1 -d Schlemmer sill ondue: v?a the dam Final Rites For Mrs.W.F? Payne Held Saturday M. ? W F Pa 73. died at er home in ady Grove sec : . .n of Gl lei oki ? ? amy at 8 o'clock Thur- d;' . morning follow er an ;llne> o! . cveral years. Funera - - vere held Sat r.rday afternoon a 2 o'clock at P'. .ady Grove - mrch with the R.. ?. Freed Towi. nd officiating. Bui . va- in ie church ceme tery. M: Payne v. ,:.s the daughter ot i < late M: and Mrs William Gi ceii. one of ol est families t Beech Gi section of Cherokee county Surviving are the husband; f ;ir - i liters M: John Davis ( . -?i n:a M 1 s. Shields and M ? Madia Payne of Shady Grove .ind M - Ann. i I h- P.'yne of At lan a two sen- Alfred of Gas ? : .i and Poles >f Murpuy; two .>;? i ? Mis^ Arabella Green of ?Ranger, and M . Maria Mash burn of Gastonia. hree brothers, Alfred Green of Ranger, the Rev. John Green <.f c ipel Hill and Alec Green of Imbaden. Ark. Townson funeral home was in 1 charge of arrangements. TO PREACH SI'NDAY Rev. L. E Latham, new pastor of Fiee Methodist church, will preach Sunday September 17. at 11 o'clock a. m. and at 7:30 p. m.