CLEAN-UP WEEK TO BE HELD HERE ON COTOBER 13-14 ? ????? * Lions Club To Sponsor Carnival Here On Friday And Saturday Many Features Of Entertainment Being Provided The popular carnival sponsored almost annually by Murphy Lions club will be held on Friday and Saturday of this week, on the public square in Murphy, next to Regal hotel building. Many fea tures of entertainment are being planned, to make the occasion cne that will attract and entertain a large crowd on both days. The bingo stand and other games will be opened on Friday afternoon. H G Elkins and W. M. Fain are co-chairmen of the carnival, and all members of the Lions club have been assigned work on the various committees. Among the features planned for the two days are: Bingo, rat game, pitching pennies, fortune telling, and airlock contest. All proceeds will be used for the charitable work the club- does, including the blind work upon which special emphasis is placed. 22,500 Sponges | Are Made By Red Cross Workers Fifty-one different women work ing 336 hours made a total of 22.500 sponges during the past month. Women rro*n ?h ; school made 8,500 of this number. Women working 35 hours were: Mrs. A. J. Burns; 28 hours. Mrs. R. S Parker; 25 hours, Mrs. C. D. Mayfield; 19 hours. Mrs. W. M. Axley; 17 hours. Mrs. E. F. Arn old. Mrs. E. J. Darnell; 16 hours, Mrs. Allen Howell; 12 hours, Mrs. Te^i Howell; 10 hours. Mrs. J. L. Savage; 9 hours. Mrs. J. W. Thompson, Miss Jean Murray; 8 hours. Mrs. J. M. Ammons. Mrs. O K. Erhart. Mrs. Lloyd Hendrix. 7 hours. Mrs. Henry Hyatt, Miss Gillie Martin; 6 hours. Mrs. C. A. Beany Mrs. R. C. Mattox. Mrs. Tom Evans, Mrs. Don Withei spoon; 5 hours. Mrs. C. C. Rich ardson. Mrs. Tom Mauney. Those working less than five hours were: Mrs. J. W. Metcalf, Mrs B. W. Brumby. Miss Peggy Savage. Mrs. L. E. Bayless. Mrs. Arthur Akin. Mrs. Alvin Buchanan. Mrs. John Berry, Mrs. B. W. Whitfield. Mrs. R. W. Easley. Mrs. Prank Forsyth, Mrs. T. W. Kind ley. Mrs. B. L. Padgett, Mrs. Hom e* Ricks, Mrs. W. C. Kinney. Mrs. T. A. Holder, Mrs. Bass Carroll, Mrs. Roy Stiles. Misses Emma Louise Jenkins. Ethel M. Camp tell. Helen Gann. Lovat Fraser, Margaret Fisher, Willie McKinney, Edna Ramey, June McCoy. Fran ces Waldroup, H. Desrochers, W A. Savage. Lions Club Hears Talk On Flag Code Murphy Lions club had the third in a series of picnic suppers. the school lunchroom Tuesday evening. The R. v. W. T. Meldin, Jr.. made a talk on the Flag code, Splaying the flags of the Allied nations. Mrs. W. A. Hoover was chairman of the hostess commit tee. The club discussed the carni val which is being held this week Serving with Mrs. Hoover on the hostess committee were : Mrs. Charles Worthen, Mrs. Wade Massey, Mrs. Frank Forsyth, Bob Easley, Mrs. Jim Gibbs, Mfs- P. J. Henn, Mrs. W. A. Sher *>11, Mrs. L. T. Russell, Mrs. Bob ?ault. Mrs. Ralph Taylor, Mrs. ^yle Burch, Mrs. S. N. Bobo, 80(1 Dr. J. R. Bell. GETS MEDAL Wc' James B. Walker, who is Infantry Rifleman in the army, awarded last week the Good Ribbon and Medal. ARRIVES IN ENGLAND ? Pvt. John T. Dockery, son of Mrs. Mae Brannon of Murphy, who arrived in England Sept. 19. He entered service January 13, took 17 weeks of infantry training at Fort Ben l intr. Ga.. was then sent to Port Meade. Md.. and took five weeks of parachute training. Receives The Purple Heart Pvt. John W. Maxfield who was wounded in France has been a warded th-e Purple Heart. He is ihe husband of Ethel Maxfield of Murphy who has received the medal for him. | Pvt. Maxfield received his train | ing at Camp Ba; kle^ Texas. Since Mtticli. 19t4. iV been serving in England and France. Public Chapel Programs Given The Murphy elementary school will have a chapel program each Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, tc which the patrons of the school are invited. The first program was held this week, in observance of Columbus Day. and was given by Mrs. J. W. Davidson's section cf the seventh grade. TO HOLD REVIVAL The Rev. Freed Townsend will begin a revival at Mt. Liberty Bap tist church, known by many as Rogers Chapel. October 22. at 7:00 p. m. Everybody is invited. Clyde Sparks Is Killed In Europe Pvt. Clyde Lakes Sparks. 31, i sen ol Mrs. Bez Sparks and the late Mr. S|>arks of Brasstown. was killed somewhere in Germany on | September 18. according to word ' received by his wife. Mrs. Rheta I Kilpatrick Sparks of Akron. Ohio, this week. Private Sparks entered the ser vice on September 28. 1943 and received basic training at Camp Blanding. Fla., and Camp Wheel er. Ga. He was sent overseas in April, 1944 and spent some time in France. Besides his wife, lie is survived by his mother, two sisters. Mrs. i Romie Trentham of Marble, and Mrs. Talitha Chastain of Akron, Ohio, and two brothers. Beloth Sparks of Akron and Haden Sparks of Brasstown Sister Mrs. Taylor Taken By Death Mrs. Violet Derr Howard died Saturday morning at Charlotte Memorial hospital, Charlotte, after an illnes sof three weeks. Funeral services were held at Stanley Presbyterian church, Stan ley. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with the Rev. Howard C. Wilkin son. the Rev. F. B. Rankin, and the Rev. Elmer Howard officiat ing. The body was at the church one hour prior to the service. A native of Stanley. Mrs. How ard had made her home in Char lotte for the past eight years. Surviving are one daughter, Miss Hilda Howard of Charlotte: one sister. Mrs. F. V. Taylor of | Murphy; and one brother, George I Derr of Stanley, who is in the army at Santa Maria, Calif. Mrs. Howard was well known in Murphy, having often visited Dr. and Mrs. Taylor here. Mrs. Taylor had been with her for the ! past three weeks; her bother was ! also with her when she died. SPEAKS WEDNESDAY I Frank C. Patton of Morgan ton. i Republican candidate for Gover 1 nor. will speak at the courthouse ! here on Wednesday evening. Oc 1 tober 18. at 3 o'clock. Everybody ' is invited. Fifth Of War Fund Quota Is Collected Cherokee county, 's United War fund drive started Monday with j 'the committee announced lant week working: the business district [ Monday and Tuesday. Approxi- ! mately $650 of the $3,200 quota was reported collected by Tuesday night. Frank Forsyth, chairman for the Murphy area has announced the following chairmen of zone committees in residential sections: Zone 1 ? Bealtown. Mrs. Ben Warner, chairman: Zone 2. New town, Mrs. Ha/dley Dickey, chair, man: zone 3. L. & N. bridge to Filter plant. Mrs. D. L. Wells; zone 4. L. & N. bride to lower Valley River bride. Mrs. Vivian Gentry; zone 5. Factory Town through No. 6. Mis. Frank Palmer: zone 6, Murphy General hospital to filter plant and to McCombs' both sides Cherry Street and old hospital hill, Miss Addie Leather wood: zone 7, Square to Presby terian church to Springdale Road, back to Cherry Street. Mrs. Char | les Worthen: zone 8. Mooreland Heights. Mrs. Harry Bishop: zone 9. Lower Valley River bride to upper Valley River bride, Mrs. Dale Lee; zone 10, Presbyterian church to uper Valley River bridge to cemetery. Mrs. E. S. Miller; zone 11. south side Valley River Avenue from brkle to city limits, Mrs. B. W. Whitfield; zone 12, North side Valley Rive avenue to city limits. Mrs. A. Q. Ketner. HOOVER'S CATCH ? Lonnie Hoover, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover, holding #14 lb. bass caught by Dr. Hoover September M. Shipment Of Crayons From Local Talc Mine Made By Hitchcock First shipment of crayons from 1 the talc mine being operated on the Hitchcock property, known as the Nancy Jordan mine, was made last week. The shipment was 10 gross of crayons for iron and steel workers, for the war ef fort. All crayons poduced here will be for war industries. The mine is owned by the Hitchcock Corporation, of which W. H. Anderson of the Asheville Contracting Co. is president: Francis C. Bourne, treasurer and manager; J. C. Fore, superintend ent; J. W. Bailey, general sales manager; and Atty. S. G. Barn ard, Asheville attorney, secretary. Already 15 years' work has been blocked out with a diamond drill, Drilling is to a depth of 170 feet, with a collared shaft that is seven by twelve feet, and there never has been a pump in it. Approximately 30 people are employed at the mine now. and when it gets into full production, the corporation will employ 40 to 50 regularly. Truant Officer Explains School Attendance Law The Rev. Fred Stiles, school at tendance officer for Cherokee county makes the following state ment: "The compulsory attendance law is not a new law as many peo ple seem to think, as it has been a law for many years. It is true that not much has been done in i he way of enforcement for the past few years. The present law as amended and applicable at this time, requires that all children who have reached their seven birthday and have not reached their fourteenth birthday, must attend their school regularly for the full length of the term, ex cept in the case of sickness on the part of the child, or sickness in the family which would require the sevrice of the child or chil dren. Distance from school or bus line, severe weather or other extreme emergencies are factors which must be reckoned with in the enforcement of the law. "Wilful defiance of the law on the part of parents is punishable by a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars, or thirty days imprisonment for failure to pay the fine. Payment oi the fine still carries with it the obligation :o send the children to school, since the parent can re peatedly be indicted for failure to send the children to school. "It is not the purpose of the law to work a hardship on the par ents. but is primarily intended lor the benefit of the child. If parents will cooperate with their teachers, and will furnish honest and timely information to the teachers, the purpose and require 1 ments of the law can be fully met "I welcome any information ! from teachers and parents that will help us to work out the prob lems that will confront us from | time to time." Wm. L. Whitmore At Moore General T/5 William L. Whitmore of Murphy has been admitted to Moore Oeneral Hospital. Swanna noa, N. C., for treatment. He has served in the infantry In the Pa cific Theater, rilness caused his return to this country. He Is be ing treated for duodenal ulcer. Hearing Donley Cases Continued To November 13 Hearing in the cases against John Donley, former clerk of Cherokee county superior court, to recover funds totaling $12,000, aleged by plaintiffs he failed to r.ccount for, has been going on since Monday before Judge E. Frank Watson, of Spruce Pine, referee. The court adjourned to day 'Thursday) until November 13, when hearing will be resumed. Ranger Homecomig To Re Held Sunday According to plans announced by the pastor. Rev. W. T. Medlin. Jr., the annual homecoming will j be held at Ranger Methodist ! church next Sunday. October 15. beginning at 10 a. m. A full pro gram has been planned for the occasion, which includes the morn ing worship with the sermon by the pastor. At noon, everyone will gather on the church yard and enjoy a picnic. In the after noon the Memorial mesage will be brought by Rev. Ralph Taylor, pastor of the First Methodist church. Murphy. It is hoped to have several singing classes pres ent. among them the one from Rogers Chapel. All former mem bers. pastors, and friends of the Church are invited to be present for all of the day's activities. Other services for the Hiwassee Circuit for Sunday are: Unaka at 3:00. and Bellview at 7:30. This is the last Sunday of the confer ence year, before all Methodist preachers go to Charlotte for the annual conference, and the ap pointments for the new year. Mariposa Hayes Under Bond For Appearance At Federal Court Miss Mariposa Hayes of Miami. Fla., who was arrested here Mon day on a charge of "wearing a uniform bearing insignia of the British, American and Free French services, without permission from any of these governments, with the intention of misleading and deceiving various persons," was released from the Cherokee coun ty jail Tuesday under a $500 cash bond for her appearance at the next term of U. S. district court at Bryson City. Miss Hayes, who was arrested on charges brought by the federal bureau of investigation, was said by officers to have been wearing a light-colored uniform bearing the British Clown pin, the U. S Medical corps pin. bars emblematic of a second lieutenant, and the insignia of the Free French ? 1 wings in the French tri-color. i Miss Hayes and her mother. | Dr. Henri Hayes, arrived in Mur phy about a month ago and said they recently returned to this country from the Bahamas. They said they are gathering material for a book comparing medicinal herbs in this section and those in the Bahamas. Miss Hayes said she is the au thor of the book, "Hollywood Glamour Cookbook,", and that her mother is author of the book "Eat I to Grow Young." KILLED IN ACTION ? Word has been received by relatives that J. L. Abemathy was killed in Italy September 14. Law Enforcement Officers To Meet At Canton 19th The City of Canton and the Champion Paper and Fibre Comp any wil play host on October 19 to the law enforcement officers in Western North Carolina attend ing a conference to be held at the YMCA. sponsored by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Among those from this section who expect to attend are: L. L. Mason. Frank Crawford. Franl: Mehaffey, Neal Ketchins. Sgt. H. D. Harrison, and Inspector Jack Dodds. Ben H. Mayfield Serving With An j Engineer Battalion A IX Eggineer Command Bat La lion, Prance 1st Lt. Ben H Mayfield of Murphy. North Caro lina is serving: with an aviation engineer batalion of the IX Engi neer Command which is construct ing airfields behind the front lines in France. His wife. Mrs. Marguerite May- 1 field, lives at 832 Pine Street. ' Gainesville. Georgia. He had al ready served for 18 months in the United Kingdom, where aviation engineer battalions have construct- j ed air fields for British-based A merican bombers and fighters. SINGING The Third Sunday singing will be held Sunday at Owl Creek Bap list church. It will begin at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone Asked To Clean Up All Premises This is National Fire Prevention week, and special emphasis is be ing placed on eliminating fire hazards and sponsoring of edu cational programs to call atten tion to heavy destruction brought by fire. In connection with and as a foilow-up of Fire Prevention week the Town of Murphy will have "Clean-Up-Week" October 16-20 and requests that every resident of Murphy cooperate with the ef fort. A new fire truck has been pur chased for the town and this with an additional amount of hose, will meet the requirements for a reduction in fire insurance rates. Mayor W. M. Fain and Clerk E. L. Shields request everybody cvean-up their premises, both back and front yards, vacant lots and any property that is unsightly. The town will provide a truck to haul trash thus collected on the live days of the campaign. On Monday. October 16. the truck will pick up trash on the four main and intersecting streets: district. Tuesday. October 17. in Bealtown: Wednesday. October 18. Factory Town; Thursday. October 19, Newtown and South Murphy: and Friday, October 20. East Murphy. Murphy Lions club. Woman's club, and Junior Woman's club I have been requested to cooperate ' in the campaign. District Court Of Honor Held The district Scout court of honor held at Pontana Dam on Tuesday night of last- week was attended by 140 scouts, leaders and parents. Representatives from Murphy. Andrews, Hayesville, Hiwassee Dam. Tapoco and Pon tana Dam attended. Three boys became life scouts and two stars scouts. Twelve had passed the tenderfoot tests; five, second class; and three first class. Twenty-five received merit badges. Capt. Frank Swan, first district advisory chairman, presided. Oct. 31 Canning Sugar Deadline The local rationing board an nounces that no canning sugar applications will be accepted after October 31. Canning sugar stamps already in the hands of the con sumer will be good indefinitely. Applications that are at board office will c? processed. Harvest Sale To Be Held At Andrews Ernest Hughes Awaits His New Assignment Miami Beach, Fla.. Oct. 6 ? Pvt. Ernest Hujrhes. 31, son of Mrs. ; Julia Hughes. Rt. No. 2. Murphy. I N. C. has returned from service | cutside the continental United States and is now being process ed through the Army Ground and Service Forces Redistribution Sta tion in Miami Beach, where his next assignment will be dtermin ed. Pvt. Hughes served 9 months as a cannoneer in the European theater of operations. Before entered the service Pvt. Hughes worked at farming. He became a member of the Armed Forces on March 25, 1941. ANDREWS ? A committee of F T. A. composed of Mrs. Zeb Conley. Mrs Gene Nichols. Mrs. Olive Ellis. Mrs. Lucy Laughter. Misses Gladys and Jean Christy, Vivian Moore and Polly Hicks met Thursday at 4 p. m. of last week to plan the annual harvest sale which is to be held Friday night of this week at 7:30 o'clock in the high school auditorium. Parents will be asked to donate homemade candy, cakes, cup cakes, dressed chickens, vegetables, etc., to be sold at the sale. There will also be two cake-walks. . I. B. Hudson. L. B. Nichols, and Clyde H. Jarrett will be the auc tioneers. Miss Lenna Hamilton and Boyd B. Robinson will act as clerks. The middle section of the au ditorium will be reserved for par ents. Everyone is invited to come and help make this Harvest Sate a success.

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