?a VOLUME 56 ? NUMBER 23. Consolidated with GRAHAM COUNTY NEWS Serving Southwestern North Carolina ? Cherokee, Clay, and Graham Counties 1 wOh MflW BOiP? MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER >8. 1944 TWELVE PAGES THIS WEEK "Jingle Bells" Theme Song At Rotary Meeting ? Jingle Bells" was the theme jong at last Thursday's meeting ,.J tJie Andrews Rotary Club. President E. S. Christenbury pave each club member an "An drews Rotary Club Directory, 19 44 45." This had been prepared under Mr. Christenbury's direc tion, by his secretary, Mrs. Irma smith. It was an attractive well bound mimeographed bulletin of twenty pages 5% x 8 inchcs. The front cover carried an at tractive design of the emblematic Rotary International wheel. The directory carried a brief statement on the history of Rotary as an organization. Also a history of the local club which was founded May 28, 1928 . The names of the eigh teen charter members were given as well as all presidents and secre taries by the years of their tenure. Si* charter members are still ac tive in the local club. A page was devoted to the nine club members nr< win the military services. Ac tive members were listed with pe: sonal data on each In alphabetical order. The names of the charter mem bers follows: J. Prank Bristol. Wm. Payne Currier, Samuel E. Cover, J. Wiles S. Davis, Luther M. Ellis, P. B Ferebee, W. R. Ford, G. B. Hoblit zell (deceased), Clyde H. Jarrett L. B. Nichols, John B. Sessons, Frank W. Swann, C B. Tarklng ton (deceased), D. H. Tillitt 'de ceased), Lee Watklns, J. H. Whit aker, W. D. Whitaker. Zed L Whitaker. Members joining in 1944: Hermann Brauer, Charlie Craine, Wayne Battle. J. Pearlie Matheeon. Club visitors were Rotarians ? D. A. Schilling, Forest Supervisor of the Nar* .hala National Forest, and John Als'up. Administrative Assistant of the Nantahala Nation a1 Forest, both of the Franklin club. Annually the hat is passed on the last Thursday before Christ mas for a "tip" to the waitresses. The passing of the hat. which by tradition falls to Bill Whitaker. resulted in a take of $19.50. Navy Recruiter To Be In Murphy A Navy Recruiter will be in Murphy at the court house on January 3rd. Men with experience in one or more of the eight construction fields listed below are urgently 1 needed in the Seabees now. Lieut- 1 W W. Templin, Jr.. Navy recruit- 1 mg officer, declared today. The "urgent need"1 category, according to the recruiting officer, includes line and station electri cians, winchmen, hatch bosses, carpenters, particularly those with extensive building experience, welders, blacksmiths, pipefiftters and plumbers, and equipment op erators, including bulldozer, crane and carryall operators. Men between the ages of 17 and 5