Consolidated with GRAM Anl COUNTY NEWS Serving Southwestern North Carolina ? Cherokee, Clay, ard Greh^m Count j \ <>1 1 ' . : ? NT Ml Kit 'St MUfl'HV, NOKTII CAItOIIN.V ?AV, I Ki;Pa .\: V 22, 1045 - ^"""KEhP FAITH . I ?;.< ] bybuyim : .../A.. ma bonds TV : i: PAGES THIS WEEK Ims Chapt "c . rnota Of To Raise A NDREWE L. B. N ch I c .;;rn> of {li-? And1 \vs W.> Fund D-ive c:f : he American P. d Crc has armour vd hit jr larv^mtnts have baen c: mplctcd : campaign which starts on March !. Th: chapters Quota i.s rj 70i\ The following workers il! be a ne.1 a certain . j I uLe Rok? r?. Ihe workers cf the Andrews .y.hool will be: Mr;- D. E. Pullium in the pri- ; mar..' dep rtment: M . Vivian Moors in the grammar m ades; and Miss Polly Hicks in th.- ni",h : s hcol. Vincent Hall will have t of the Ma bl drive. and 1 i ? Kir.-. will ha* ? hat ,? ? I on. Dinner will be served n the I . ;m ' ( ft . ra :ory Tuesday eve inr, F u ary 27, at 6:30 o'ci AM Ir worker, a. a expect. :\ ill i I . ri i. p. , Ud ou". v..h the c n deration of mors ai:dl mo re b 11 ? p tponed un 3 d.i s, and with tempers i . x iv,: net:, ably shorter when cei tain ma . are up for consid ( ?: :.ion, ne observers see por t . . e f narLs which m in lit up s? . predic iimis of an early ad j< pment or at least bring; on a st , ics of night sessions. As to ad journment, the favorite pred'e t; -i still is for same time durin the week of March 5, but there : a:v more head-shakings over that pros pec:, than there were this ; tim last week. By the end of n xt wotk we should have a much ] clearer idea of what to expect in j this regaid. Few Major Bills Introduced Hills of major importance and j of general interest introduced [ curing the week could ba counted' ? n the fingers of one hand, even ; if that hand belonged to a care- j less saw mill employee. Of the to tal of 151 measures introduced , from Monday limited application, j and 32 mere public bills. Of these j 32 public bills, about half of them | could pass and still not make any perceptible difference in the gen eral law of the land, a quarter of them will pioba-bly fall of theii own weight h trays 11 puzzles and three wash clwt'i;.i. r APTIS V SPEAKER. D:1. M. i'., for many m nUis :n in.crnec in a Japan. ;e prison cam > and twenty-three years a $ ,;i the Orient, will b' he B : ' ii or si ? ak p mx , : t- ? n in . X V 1 1 25- ! | ?r.d v ! be heard over an inc! - ' ? ?:' network f thir y-.-ix J ? iior. . reaching from the Na- j suii' as anncui . and WHEREAS th. Air. 1 ican Red Cro s is serving our 11 hting men a: home and 0 . us well, by means of understand "... ?, fri.-r.dly n . . i v men trained e."i? ially for tin 1 iui: . and, WHERE A Am. ? i'. an R d Cro.- assists i men's famil in the L; I .l us as well a; s rving those n unit rm, ; 1 m WHERE A American people thrcu;h th ? H i Cro . . have .- 1 1) 1 1 0,0? 0, of blood to our wounded, tliu: . .ir. .n ? a v i liable 1:' b. tween us and them, and WHEREA An: rircan Red Cross ? ? ready -iv as i stance, in tha c* n any natural or man-made : 011 ihi horn. fxen THEREFOR. 1 M W. FAIN. Mayor of the Town of .'fi h in i-cco ? 1 u ige all citizens of this community f-mribut? : ' c1. ' . : n :o the 1945 Red Oi Fund through ; I ? chapter; I fur' her urge that they ? member tha ihe w . not yet won, and that when the |>- ace c mes ihe Red C. s ill, through its War Fund, n a:ain If to work 1 m ;er interests of the American people in the po?t- war world. Countv-W ide School ff Consolidation Flan is Dis ii; sed Here V/. r. CivdV. di:. J ? c:f . ' * 1 ailment of Educa,:;. . wa , LI : Ht-'.diix, H. Bu k. end I. 0 it(y ?. r.'. . ' a. .. i i : 'I . J. j\ B. Giay, v cun v at :ney, r-:y. ? . i . . ;! i h.' c ur. > ommis^i n ers and E. Chr. ' abury. TVA. Mr. Grc -'i:' a ? In f t ih-' 3 i t cf No h C. 'ii: . will in im probability i ? v.' tnd for \h: { conafctei a* i. ?? ft co . y b ?rd of . e ducation and c ?; -ni ion* . 1 swee pin ? u ? id? sch consolidation p!r. . In conjur. tiotn with t?i will 1 1 I 'm i tor some i : 1 1 ; i un bu lrii:. . li: sum a : i all of t lit schc. I uni. . And rev,-. Murphy and c o > . m. would ? J. How vci emcr ency p. ? ..;ns like tJiat at'-'! t ? at J; ; Ir.r. e : . h whicn was rcce ? bu-ncd, would like! ? receive i - 'nsidera i n Should Hi; 4 ? ?n be realize d, few i : .i her rhool. would . main in tin y In ' U'? w'.j.ih would pi ? :i . ?> .i n 1 1 iir...s and equi -it in thf teac'irr pfrsonael ? : nr. fv:m I ur to ten teacher > i acjl. Stockholders . leeting Is 27th The annual ni. ting of stock ? i ? . f.i ? F?d. ration will be ;? Id in Mu;;;hy Tutsia;. Feb' ::ary 27. a 2 o'clock p. m. a. . local "e (.f lie Fedoaii >i! Fl< ( . -n of cfl ?? will be ? m vn \Y sfbvices E ] . C;nr.nnuili n a: emi n by Rev. A. Rufu it '.is Ctiui ? U l ! ' o'clock. RECEIVES I UONZE STAR MEDAL T. M. Carver. E. M 1 C\ above, son of Mrs. T. B. Carver cf Robbinsville, recently received a bronze star medal with the foil nvinjr citation from Admiral C. W. Nimitz: "For jperitorkus service in action in the performance of his duties as Electrician's Mate in charge of the Main Electrical Plant in a United States Submarine during a war patrol of that vessel. His judgment, skill and supervision of the main Electrical Plant in his ship maintained that department in the highest condition f efficiency and readiness, thereby contributing directly to the suc cess of his vessel in conducting asrgrcssive torpedo attacks against an enemy convoy and within a period of three hours accomplishing the sinking of every ship and escort in the convoy for a total of over 35,000 tons. His efficiency and coolness during enemy counter measures greatly assisted his ship in conducting successful evasive tactics. His conduct throughout was an inspiration to all with whom he served and in keeping with the highest traditions of the naval service". HEADS V -R FUND Ham 5 ' ! 1945 E..I C var funi for the Ch DIRECTS PUBLICITY - C. E. V/e i who h; .... Of 1 ol'cit ? i\ . . R.' i C fund ci ill.- CUerkee cou;vy chaptej ? > V M. . V. posters advcrti-sint;- i! war fun:i ! > public places in n. Ru': -it c?. Fault prepa- . ill. m:m i\.r to be eree: d .1 the publi. quart* to keep publ in >: :i. en the p. 0 th. f -mer ' ? Alness Vo West | E '\ Falm r . \ . in Palmer's i nd the Dick y I '? .. I . Muij ? ? W : hp.3 'a I" '. M r.d Vias moved his L .113 to Jherokee County iter Hps Quota Of $5,990 1 ii Oherokc- c .n'y chapter A v. -n R <1 Cross is ' fund d . v which staits oliii- . to raise .Jie i . $5,900. Hairy Ii. 'J ..aii man, an ... ? uniza up, and that im headed . wiik i . purpose of the omm "es to con ivi '125 or more, ?' v :? ampaign Peb I lary 22. 23. 24. On M . t veiling. February ' ;0 o'. ck the workers ' :e en e . mpaign will have dinner n in at lie home :c? -m:t- buiidin? at Murphy lui- h il. Material will be dis k's. Pictures on by H. Bueck. Mr. I' . > and o: hers will discuss : '.in fci the drive. Miss Peggy will have charge of 'rv .;. the dinner. R . Ral :U Taylor has teen ap d chairman for Murphy . M' s Maiy Cornwell is :r,r.n. C. E. Weir is ad iv..- chairman: H. Bueck, of ? k ?; chairman; Lloyd I i'. : . Civ. ? '. c '. unty schools, ha n: Graver C. Mauney, is amp and iato employees ? irai::; . n. :.nn ci irmar . and h - ha appointed ii if.a n r, . the ? i. . . h i t'nm W Jones. c-o I N I Marshal and W. B. Thomas. T y Bowman ha 1: n ap ,-i-Ued chairman 1 ? tl . ? Texana c lored s cricn. Frank Foi.ytit is chairman of .1 gifts. and :hr foil iwing rve on hi committee: E. C Moore. W. M. Maun. y. Frank ? \V. E. Studs ill. D W. A. Hoo C . e. Dr. J. R. Bell, H. Bueck. r i r ') E ? C. E. V. J.. B. Ct Rev. Ralph Ro. ? ? Amnion;. L uen Dav . and W. D. Townson. :? in the Mt.-.-phy bu-ii:; c ' will be hi fulawin : >' Willard C Mi-s. .; .a. '. >n, Ben ? ' V s Eunice i Continue;! on page 6? 86 IV n ? c've ror Pre-lnduction Exam. tr: filbert Erwin Toth< . \\ Mar ? h n U All a Sn. rJ. C a rl A rnol t WVst. William Homer Raper.Bu: U N !m;i\ Car Willard Jam ? s. ! il| h V- II gal I, RU| - flam , lit on Trull, Law ton Oscar Mo D.nald. John Hoi man Rc'oerscn. j j Claude Rogers, George Allen ! Morrow, Charles Higdon. Birtio Ro. si voir. Hardin. Gid Prank j R-se. Arnold James Millsaps. ! Charlie Quentin Phillips, Olen , Taylc Leroy Claude West, Jas. j Evereite Davis. Fred Vivian Kil lian. Dilas Edgar Adam-. Emmett La: kl Hatchett. Collis Lee Rob ei . James Charles McOill. Dowey F anklin Garrett. Allen Burton LO'Vingdcd. Oliver Union Cook. Gay Hardin. William Od es | Mason. Stanley Willis Whitener, j Sidney J. Radford, Frank E. Cole. Bruce Walker Battle. Jr.. Ralph Lewis Barber. Herman William Lcdford; Troy Sillvester Moore, Winston 1 Wllbum Dailey. Gid Mor I . ! . n St ; veil. J r., Kim n Ilamby. Howard Paynr Bu:k Hamby. I . t A] it LaFevers. Tliomas Ji.e Henry Burrell. Potey Gordon Can Dell. V. non Hue Davis, .".in: Buf iid Montgomery. Ralph Radl.rd, Olen Columbus Dickcry, C-..: Ics Harvey H -:?cd. John h'^nry Hughes. Clay .on Jones N; well Edward McDonald, Wallace Mcnroe Rcdgers. Chas. Kenneth Simonds, J. D. Allon. G.-orue Allen Brow., C ell Owen P ^ ell. J. E. Hcirsed. Jr.. Lewis Palmer, Glenn Henry Johnson, Robert Transfers Hughes. Clyde Melvin Carver. Warren Calvin Sneed. Duel Lee Hampton. Paul i Rogers. James Guy Pox, Clinton I Edward Barnette, Wilburn Lee Golden. Fred Lee Zimmerman, j Lawrence Thaddeus Winfrey. Robert Wilbur Moore, Virgil Whrte, Gray Rowland. Lawrence More land Davis. John Marshall Graham. Charlie Marvin Gregory, Jack Edward Johnson.