vow MK 56 ? NI MBKR 35. Consolidated with GRAHAM COUNTY NEWS Serving Southwestern North Carolina ? Cherokee, Clay, and Graham Counties (JIVE NOW! GIVE MORE! To The Red Cross MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. MARC II 22, 1945. EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK MAKE BROADCAST IN CHINA Shown above are Robert M. i Bob' Brumby of Murphy, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Brumby. Sr.. with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, when the two took part in a bioaidrast in Chungking. China, recently. Brumby, was correspond ent. arranged the program, this being the first direct broadcast the Generalissimo ever made. Oilier guests of Brumby were General Wedemeyer. commander of the U. S. forces in China, and Ambassador Hurley EN PACIFIC ? Cpl. Charles Odom. Army Air Corps, above, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Odom of Unaka, is shown aboard a wrecked Japane&e plane, holding: a captured Japanese flag. Cpl. Odom was on an air strip in New Guinea at the time the picture was taken Cpl. Odom received his basic training at Keasler Field. Miss He entered ser\r ice Jan. 26. 1943, and has been overseas since Jan. 10. 1944 He has one brother, Pfc. Hermon L. Odom. who is in the Hawaiian Islands. AN EIGHTH AIR FORCE BOMBER STATION. ENGLAND ? Pnvate Charles Raper .above, of Patrick, N. C., 22 year old radio me ch&nic at this Eighth Air Force Base, makes a continuity test on a transmitter to be installed in a B-17 Flying Fortress. Fortress airmen depend on Pvt. Raper and his co-workers to keep their communications equipment in perfect working condition. When a ^ort is in trouble, its radio is sometimes the only means of contact ing help if forced to crash land or ditch at sea. To the men of this section .perfect equipment means lives saved. Pvt. Raper is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Raper of Patrick, and was employed by the Tennessee Valley Authority before entering the Army Air Forces in June, 1943. A Brother in the Navy. Jack Raper. HA 2/C, Is serving aboard U.S.S. Hermitage. The North Carolin&n is a member of the 486th Bomb. Group, commanded by Colonel Glendon P. Overing. Orange. Mass. The 486th a unit of the Eighth Air Force's Third Air Division, the division cited by the President for its England-Africa shuttle bombing of the ^craft plants at Retrensburg, Germany. ?n . lr w- p Odom spent Sunday 111 Jefferson, Ga., i '. 'lg her mother, Mrs. P. L. CuTlannd h" MrS J L' Miss Mary Lee Felmet and Miss Mildred Farrow spent the week end at their homes in Ashevillc. Dr. D. L. Wells spent the Week end here with his wife. Murphy Cooperates In Nation-Wide Old Garment Collection From April 1 to 30 the United < National Clothing Collection com- j mi ttee of the United Nations Re- 1 lief and Rehabilitation ad minis - trati n will conduct a nation-wide campaign lor collecting old cloth ing. shoes and bedding for war victims in European and Pacific war areas. H. G Elkins, chairman of the military affairs committee, has been appointed by Murphy Lions club as chairman for this community. Serving on the local commit lee with him are: Loren Davis and Frank Ellis. This community is asked to collect a minimum of five pounds per capita, which will be approxi mately 12.500 pounds. From reports now assembled it | is revealed that, in the liberated countries of Europe alone, more than 30.000,000 aie "statistically naked", while more than four times that number are in desper ate need of clothing, shoes and bedding. The case of the victims of Jap anese aggression is no better. Brig. General Carlos P Romulo. follow ing his inspection of the Leyte area, icported: The people have been starving and most of them look like walking skeltons. The Japs took everything! The great est need is clothing. Most of the pe pie of Leyte are almost naked, even 17 and 18 year old girls. Among the reports are founu typical conditions like this: In Belgium, only one usable shirt in a family of seven. It is shared in turn by both sexes and all sizes in the family and only one at a time the current possesor of the shirt ?is able to leave the hovel in which the family lives. The local committee has ap pointed the following sub-commit tee to work out plans for the cam paign. which will be announced next week: Planning: C. E. Weir, chairman. Rev. Ralph Taylor. Bob Bault. Miss Addie Mae Cooke. Dale Lee. H. Bueck. W. M. Fain H G. El kins. Frank Ellis. Loren C Davis. Mrs. Dale Lee. Publicity: Miss Addie Mae Cooke, chairman; Peyton G. Ivie. Frank Forsyth. Special events: Dale Lee. chair man: C. R. Worthen. and R. W Easley. Jr. Collection: H. Bueck. chair man; Ben Vaught. and Robert Weaver. Storage, packing and shipping: W. M. Fain, chairman; Roger Ammons, E. H. Brumby. Woman's club: Mrs. Dale Lee. chairman; Mrs. Thelma Dickey. Mrs. J. B. Gray, Mrs. W. A. Hoov er. Mrs. Myron Jensen, and Mrs. | O. K. Erhart. B. G, Brumby's Sister Dies Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Brumby, Sr.. were called to Clearwater. Fla., Sunday because of the death of Mi . Brumby's sister. Mrs. Rob ert Leach, 77. This is the first death in a family of six brothers and sisters, the others being: Mrs. Laura Hoppee, Marietta. Ga.; Mrs. McCloud Patton. Asheville; and Robert M. and J. R. Brumby. Clearwater, Fla. Six Pulliums Are Serving Their Country ANDREWS ? Lt. Olive Pull ium. who graduated from Mission Hospital. Asheville. in September, 1944. has reported to the Army Nurses' Corps at Camp Rucker. Ala., for basic training. Lt Pull ium is the daughter of MV. and Mrs. Crass Pullium. They also have five sons in service: Major Venison Pullium. Camp Gordon, Ga.; Pfc. Wayne C . in a hospital in England recovering from wounds received in action Dec. 14: First Sgt. Ray C.. serving in Paris; Pfc. John C.. who was wounded in action last Feb.. and Cpl. Louis Hiawatha. Camp Rob erts. Calif. Rev. R. E. McClure Preaches Sunday The Rev. R. E. McClure. execu tive secretary of Asheville Presby ters . will preach at Murphy Pres byterian church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Following the ser vice . a congregational meeting will be held for the purpose of calling pastor and transaction of any other nccessary business. The public is invited. Special Service Wednesday Night The First Methodist Church in vites everyone to attend the Holy Communion Service Wednesday. March 28. a t7:30 p. m. The pas tor. Rev. Ralph Taylor, will de liver the last in a series of sermons on "The Seven Word's of Christ" from the Cross. The sermon topic will be "The Triumphant" based en the seventh word. "Father into Thy Hands I Commend My Spirit". Bishop Ormston To Preach Here Bishop Mark D. Ormston, Spring Arbor. Mich one of the bishops of the Free Methodist Church will speak at Murphy Free Methodist church. Tuesday and Wednesday. March 27-28 at 7:30 p. m. Bishop Ormston is one of the leading ministers of this age. Playing Cards Wanted For Service Men Mrs. E. F. Arnold is chairman from the Woman's club for col lecting old decks of playing cards for wounded service men in hos pitals of this country. The club is sponsoring a collection, and Mrs. Arnold requests that everyone having an extra deck leave them at Candler's store or Dickey hotel before March 28. and she will send them to the distribution center. Schools In Contest To Select Sponsor For Ship Launching In 7th War Loan Mrs. J. S. Blair. Chairman of Education Division of State War Finance Committee announces that in recognition of the out standing results and the contin uous valve ot the SCHOOLS-AT WAR Program in North Carolina, it has been arranged that one stu dent from each of three schools, outstanding in aiding the war effort, will participate in cere- 1 monies for launching a vessel. I probably in May. by the North j Carolina Shipbuilding Company ! at Wilmington. N. C. A student, j sponsor for the vessel and two student attendants are to be nam ed by the three schools. Judges who will select the three schools will be named by the State Edu cation Advisory Committee, which is composed of state educational leaders. Local schools are parti cipating. The judge's decisions will bo based upon the percent of student participating in the program, and on the quality of th< ir over-all war program. On this basis small schools have an equal chance with the larger ones. The contest was timed to give impetus to the school's participa tion in the 7th WAR LOAN DRIVE. Mrs. Rogers Is Worthy Matron Of Eastern Star ANDREWS ? The Order of the j Eastern Starr held its regular i meeting Monday. March 12. at ? 5:30 o'clock, in the Masonic Hall ; Preceding their business session a i potluck supper was en.i yed by the | members and their guests. Mrs. Pearl Ford. Worthy Mat ron. presided. Special guest* , were: James L. Hauser, D. D. G. r of Franklin. Miss Lassie Kelly Franklin. T. M. Jenkins, Mr, Eihel Orr, Mrs. Lillie Orr, Mi^ Marion Ingram and Mrs. Mamie Carpenter, of Robbinsville Chap ter, and Mrs. Berniece Parsons of Waynesville. The following officers were elec ted: Worthy Matron. Mrs. Louise Rogers; Worthy Patron. Clyde H. Jarrett; Associate Matron. Miss Roxie Mcintosh: Associate Pat ron, John Stanley: Secretary. Mrs. Olive Ellis; Treasurer. Mrs. Quay Herbert; Conductress. Mrs Pauline Palmer; Assoc iae Conduct ress. Mi*s. Mellie Stewart; Chap lain. Mrs. Helen Slaughtei ; Mar shal. Mrs. Norma Lunsford; Or ganist. Mrs. Molly Stanley; Adah. Miss Elizabeth Kilpatrick; Ruth. Mrs. Olive Jarrett; Esther. Mi's. Mary Swan; Martlia. Mrs. Mabel Mc Falls; Electa. Mrs. Maude Wil hide; Warder, Mrs. Carrie Wo mack: Sentinel. Mrs. Veanah Rati ford. Ail-Day Service To Be Held At Shady Grove On March 25 there wil lbe an all-day service at Shady Grove Baptist church, according to an nouncement by the Rev. Freed Town send . Plans for a soul-win ning campaign wW be discussed. The prograrm will open at 9:30 in the morning with devotional by the pastor. Singing will be led by the Rev. W. B. Hawkins, song leader and evangelist. The Woods quartet will then sing. The Rev. Grady Chastain will preach on "Soul Winning". The sermon at 11 o'clock will be by the Rev John Stansberry, outstanding Bible teacher and preacher. Lunch will be served at noon. The afternoon program, start ing at 1:15. will t<? opened by the Copperhill quartet. Rev. Paul Lovingood will present "The Cen tennial Crusade" Tne Rev. P. H. Hooker will preach on A Bible Revival". The Rev. Thoma.s Truett is alternate. The Liberty quartet will sing, followed by pray er for men and boys in the ser vice. At 7:15 there will be special singing and at 7:45 an evangelistic message. Parker Finishes Chinese Missions ANDREWS ? S/Sgt. Kyle '"Diggie") Parker and wife, tht: former Miss Cleo Barton, are spending thirty days here. Sgt. Parker has completed his missions (300 > hows in China and is now on a 30-day furlough. He was guest of the Rotary Club at lunch on Thursday of last week. SUNDAY SERVICES "Christ's Purpose" will be the topic of the sermon by the pastor at First Methodist church Sunday at 11 :00. The Youth Fellowship will mee'. at 6:45 p. m. Evening worship will be at 7 :30. HOLY COMMUNION Services of Holy Communion and sermon by the Rev. A. Rufus Morgan will be held at the Church of the Messiah Sunday, at 11:00 a. m. TO PREACH SUNDAY The Rev. R. Lane Akins will pre ach at the First Baptist church ir. Murphy next. Sunday. The morning subject will be "What I would do in Murphy If 1 were the I Devil ? Mast iv Sergeant Loon Axley i who lias bit n stai >ned at Hamil ton Field, Calif., has trono to Wash ington. D. C.. after a few days' visit hero witli his parents. Mi . and Mrs. T W Axley. Red Cross Chapter Lacks $900 Reaching Its War Fund Quota REHTJRNS TO SCHOOL Clarence Bryant S 1/c. above, lias returned to Camp Shelton. Va where lie will attend school, after spending a 30-day furlough with his parents. Mr. and Mi's. J P Bryant of Patrick. Seaman Bry ant is a gunner on a submarine. \ Stores To Close For Half-Holiday On Thursdays Most of the general stores in Murphy will close on Thursday af ternoons beginning with April ?. it is announced in an ad in this week's paper showing the list of those who have stated they will close. The half-holiday, which starts at 12 o'clock noon will be observed from the first week in April, through the summer months and possibly the fall. v : rwKre ounty cnapter oi tne Ame . an Red Cross has received tcmribu: ;<>ns totaling $5,000 to a fo the 1945 war fund, leaving : .ian< e of $900 tv> be solicited. War Fund Chairman Harry Bishop urges all workers to make their complete reports within the next few da:.- so that the chap ter can make a final report. It is hoped that when all workers liave submitted their reports, the chap ter will be over the top. Those making special gifts. $25 or more, since the last listing in this paper ,as as follows: Dr. Hairy Miller. Southern Bel) Telephone and Telegraph Comp any. $25 each. A friend and Dr. B. W. Whit field. $50 each. Ed King. $75. W. D. Towns on and Cherokee Lumber Corporation, $150 each. Bun mbe county chapter of the American Red Cross announces a Prisoners of War meeting to be held Apr il 5 in the Governor Vance Room of Hotel Langren in Ashe ville at 8:oo p m. Relatives, friends, and all oJier interested persons are invited to attend. Mrs. Phillip Fleming. Prisoner of War Representative from Red Cross National Headquarters in Washington. D. C.. will speak on the subject of American Prison ers of War in Enemy Countries. All interested persons are invit ed to this meeting It will be help ful and informative, especially to next of kin of those American men who are prisoners in enemies' hands. Prisoners Of War Meeting Dr. W. A. Hoover Heads New Club Dr. W A. Hoove ! was elected ; president of Murphy Business Men's club at the dinner meeting I held Tuesday evening. J B. Gray i v. as elected first vice-president; W. M. Fain, second vice-president, and R. W. Easley Jr.. secretary ! tieasurer. Members of the board of direc tors elected are as follows: Dale Lee, Loi-en Davis. P. J. Henn. J D. Elrod, Peyton Ivie. J. H. Hamp ton. C. L. Alverson. Paul Owenby. ; Walt Mauney. V. M Johnson. Dr. B. W. Whitfield. and Mrs. Duke ' Whitley. The object o fthe club is to im prove the economic condition ?t Murphy and surrounding territory by promoting the development of its commercial, industrial, agri cultural. mineral and recreational possibilities. The club was organized with 35 charter members. Two classes of members will be accepted in the club: general members and busi ness members. The next meeting will be on April 17. The board of directors will meet I on Friday evening. Andrews Chapter Is Over The Top Bellview Workshop Opens On Mar. 29 j Ernest F. Arnold. PSA Super visor and Miss Susan J. Beck, as sociate FSA supervisor .announce , the following program for the all day meeting at the Bellview com munity workshop on March 29: From 10:00 a. in. to 12 ? Wood work demonstration by Prof. Rob ert S. Bault and senior class, for men and boys. From 10:00 a. m. to 12 - Weav ing Demonstration supervised by Miss B.'ck. for women and girls. From 12 to 1:00 p. m Lunch hou From 100 to 2:00 Business Session. From 2:00 to 4:00 Moving Pictures. All farm families in the Martins Creek, Bellview. and Brasstown communities are urged to attend this meeting and bring a basket lunch with them. ANDREWS ? L. B. Nichols, chairman of the Red Cross War Fund Drive, has announced that, ever $3000 has already been col lected and several hundred dollars are yet to be reported, exceeding the chapter's quota of $2700 by $300, Report from schools will be pub i lished next week. Film To Be Shown At Church The religious film. "A Certain Noblem; a" based on St. John 4:46-54. will be shown at the Free Methodist Church. Sunday at 7:30 p m. The film presents a portrayal of the customs and hat its of the time of Jesus, especially those pertaining to the miracle of the healing of the nobleman's son. The sermon subject for the eve ning by the pastor, the Rev. L. E. Latham, will be. "The All-Power ful Christ".

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