Consolidated with GRAHAM COUNTY NEWS Serving Southwestern North Carolina ? Cherokee, Clay, and Graham Counties YOUR SAVINGS INVESTED IN WAR BONDS WILL HELP STABILIZE PRICES NOW AND PROVIDE FOR YOUR OWN SE CIRITY IN THE FUTURE. VOLUME 56 ? NUMBER 45. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1945. EIGHT PAGES TODAY Bill Miller Broadcasts From Japanese Prison .(,mg Provost Marshal General' nf Washington, on Monday Mrs Edward S. MiUer the 14 V, message from an enemy fCU?^an 'a broadcast from the Japanese Gove rnment which was Lied in Washington: Ci ?> 311 fMy hclh , and thoughts of you eon C l ? working in a hos if any business items con ning me occur nave Harry . them as he sees fit. The nieces and nephews will have *L_ , i0t by this time, so tell fnem I try to picture them as they are now- Send pictures and any unoinKS that may be of interest Ind tell the Cherokee Scout I miss ^weekly news items. Give al my friends my best regards-Call " when you receive this. Hope vou see each other often. Lots a love to -11. Bill (Capt. Edward 8 Miller) Fukuoka Camp. Captain Miller was captured or. corngrdor in May. 1942. and a St to be the first Cherokee; county man to be captured m the present war. He is the son of Mrs. E. S. Miller of Murphy. His wife resides in Atlanta. $5,490 Allotted For Highway Improvement In This County At a meeting of the state high way and public works commission i in Raleigh last week contracts ! were approved for several jobs of ] (-pavement and resurfacing. In cluded in them was one for the a mount of $5,490 in Cherokee coun ts. - ? Carringer Boys Visiting Parents 8eaman 2/c, Harry A. Carringer of Miami. Fla.. and 9 1/c Ja?k Carringer of the U. S. Naval Air corps. Jacksonville, Fla.. are visit ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Carringer, here. Harry has recently returned to Miami from a 7,000 mile tour in which he was an escort in the Air craft Supply Corps which covers South America, Brazil. Pearl Harbor and Cuba. He has now served two years in the U. S. Navy and will be going overseas on his return. Group Of Men Leave For Examination Tlie following 49 Cherokie coun ty men left Tuesday morning for Port Jackson, S. C., for pre-in auotion examination: George Parvin Atkinson, leader: Hubert Almarine Mason, assistant leader: Walter Oscar Hampton <Imm. Ind.), Lake Robert Led ford <Imm. Ind), Lonnie Lester Killian, William Price Sherrill, Wade Earl Kephart, Wade Ware, Voit Wilson, William Hill Thom asson, George William Carroll, Joseph Casteel Hawkins, George Harold Mashburn, Jr., Fred Den nis Almond, Jessie Ray Whitener, Hoyt Clinton McDonald, Cecil Deaver, Winfred Patterson, Cecil Aud Lee Pack, James Robert Har mon, Claude Holloway, Albert Burton Cook, Kenneth Walker Jones. Ben William Wyke, Gold man Edward Eller, Richard Bry an Moore, Jack Lee Davis, Clif ford Thomas Ledford, Robert Lawrence Taylor. Cecil Eugene Crowe. Elmer Harris, James Ward Clark, James Vaughn Derreberry, Grice Augustus Ledford. Hoyt Earl Raper. Junior Floyd Radford, Robert Oneal Wooten, Edward Palmer, Claude Dale Ladd, An drew Miles Green, Jr., J. C. Cole man, James Earl Painter, itr). Forest Denton Curtis, Hoyt Hicks Beaver, Garland Crisp, Wayne Vin cent Truett, Wiley Franklin El rod, Luther Mashburn, Broadus Graves. Three Graduate At Mars Hill Among Murphy students who graduated from Mars Hill college last week were: Miss Eloise Davis, Miss Mary Frances Shields and I Junior Mason. SERMON SUBJECT The subject of the Rev. Ralph Taylor at the Sunday evening service at First Methodist church will be: "I'd Learn to Have a Good Time.'' AUXILIARY TO MEET The Presbyterian Woman's au xiliary will meet Tuesday after noon at three o'clock with Mrs. C. R. English. 'Kussin Kitty' Collect* , ? y After hearing a sermon by their battalion <~hiipl*ln. bllt_ M. I)u Puis of Detroit, Mich., these five members ol TP p |Re Ullon of the Fourth Marine Division somewl here In ' the ? r ' ?wore off swearing. The "Kussln Kitty." ? .f to the top, helps them keep their re*oW'' ^ the "kitty" the quintet cusses, he must make a eo,? ? ?? 0ver to a lof*' The money goes to Chaplain DuPuls. who *??? )eft to right, I Institution for religious charity. The fl? u Williams Cor,. John M. Saunders of NaArille N. C., of Tacoma, Wash, Corp. WilUrd A. Carpenter of <?*?taB'g? Cor,. William J. Selpel, Jr, of Columlma, ?^ac^k>l., I Charles J. Moon of Warren Point, N. J. (U- *? M,,ta ? CELEBRATE FIRST BIRTHDAY ? The twins of the Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor. Becky and Bill, are shown above as they celebrated their first birthday anniversary on May 16. They are standing te side their cakes, each containing one candle. Man Killed In Truck Accident Near Here Hamilton Is Granted Permit For Construction J. J. Hamilton, owner of Im perial Cleaners, has been granted a permit by the War Production Board to erect a brick and tile building to house a dry cleaning and laundry establishment. The building, which will stand on the former Methodist cnurch-Dickey property on Hickory street, will be 40 x 80 feet, one story. Mrs. Sara Lloyd Is New Nantahala Regional Librarian Mrs. Sara Lloyd of Norwood has been appointed librarian of the Nantahala regional library, succeeding Miss Dora Ruth Parks who resigned and left a few mon ths ago for Morgantown, W. Va. Mrs. Lloyd, sister of Mrs. Leon Lee who was known here as Miss Fannie Hathcock, is expected to arrive here this week end and be gin her work on Monday. She is a graduate of Emory University Library school, Atlanta, and has had experience in college and county library systems. She had charge of libraries at WCTC, Cul lowhee, in Winston-Salem, and Greenwood, S. C., county system. She resigned as librarian of the Whitfield county library, Dalton, Ga? to accept the work here. Miss Julius Amis, field repres entative of the North Carolina Li brary Commission, has been act ing regional librarian here since Miss Parks' departure .awaiting the arrival of her successor. BOARD TO MEET The Nantahala regional library board will meet in Robbinsville on Tuesday evening, June 5, at 7:30 o'clock. REALIZE $1,200 Murphy Lions club realized a profit of approximately $1,200 from the carnival sponsored on Friday and Saturday of last week. John Burton Davis, 20, son '1 Jess Davis of Morganton.^Ga., is dead and George Davis who suf fered a serious head injury and his sister, Mrs. Georp . Jones, suf fering from interna' injuries, are in a local hospital as the result of an accident when the truck in which they were riding overturn ed down an embankment about six miles from Murphy on the Hang ingdog road about 10:30 o'clock Wednesday morning. The truck driven by Harley Davenport of Union county, Ga., las loaded with people going to a decoration at Hangingdog church, and it was reported that the steering gear locked and the truck overturned three times down a 200-foot embankment and land ed in the creek. V i Burton Davis was brought to Murphy by Townson's ambulance, dying be fore reaching the hospital. Almost every one in the party had cuts and bruises. Some were treated and released from the hos pital. Officers reported that Robert Davenport, Lyle Jones and Laborn Dockery were being held In jail as witnesses. It was afterwards reported that they had been re leased on bond. VISITS RELATIVES S. Sgt. Roy J. Wilson has re turned to Camp Butner after spending 22 days with relatives in Marble. He was wounded in Lux embourg last October and holds the Purple Heart award. Sgt. Wilson has three brothers in the service, all overseas. They are: Pvt. Frank F. who has teen in Italy two years: Cpl. William M. who is in Hawaii and Pfc. Ralph L. who has been in the Pacific two years. They are the sons of R. J. Wilson of Marble. VISIT JOHNSONS Richard L. Johnson, U. S. C. G. and Mrs. Johnson recently visit ed Mr. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Johnson of Murphy. Mr. Johnson has left for his new base in Miami. Fla . where he will attend a special school for eight weeks. Mrs. Johnson is visiting here before leaving for her home. She was Miss Virginia Tierney of Youngstown, Ohio, before her mar riage last November Thirty-Three Men Leave For Army Induction Thirty-three Cherokee county j men left Murphy Wednesday morn- 1 , ing by bus for Fort Brace for in- ( duction into the armed forces. ? They were: Oscar Wiley Taylor, leader; Dilas Edgar Adams, assistant lead- 1 er; Paul Allen, Sheridan Columbus 1 James, Arnold James Millsaps, 1 William Odies Mason, Frank Ed- 1 son Ammond, Ray R. Raxter, Will ard Beaver, Carl Panter, William Henry Cochran, Calvin Ouinn Willcox, Benjamin Franklin Ram sey, Walter Cecil Taylor, James ' Oscar Fendergrass. Roy Edwand McDonald, Fred Russell Thompson, Roy Cilfford Dockery, Ralph Harvey Sneed. Carl William Wallace, Carl Linly Debty, James William Duvall, Henry Dale Dockery, Omer Amos Miller, Fred W. Kilpatrick, Jr., Venson Adams, Frank Hall Dick ey, Claude Randel Hayes, Jack Leonard Davis, Cecil Ledrew Tan ner. Robert Calvin Johnson, Onis Radford, Virgil White. Final Rites Held For Mrs. Trantham, 78 Funeral sei-vlces for Mrs. Sher man Trantham, 78, a life long re sident of the Potato Creek com munity, were held in the new Bethlehem Baptist church Sunday, with the Rev. Roy Culpepper offi ciating. Interment was in the Bethlehem cemetery. Surviving are her husband; three sons, John, George, and Fred, all of Potato Creek com munity; five daughters, Mrs. Dorse Voyles of Copperhill, Term., Mrs. Emeryor Voyles of Turtletown, Tenn., Mrs. Arvil Hembree of Isa bella, Term., and Mrs. Ervin Jones and Mrs. Jerry Jones of Potato Creek; 54 grandchildren and sev era Igreat grandchildren. Two Games Are Scheduled For The Week End The American Legions, Ashe ville, will play Murphy All Stars Saturday at 2:30 p. m.: Sunday, Atlanta Army Air Base will play Murphy All Stars. A dance, sponsored by Murphy Baseball club, will be given at Mur phy gym, from 8:30 to 12 o'clock, Saturday night, honoring the At lanta Army Air Base boys. NEW PASTOR Pleasant Valley church has j elected the Rev. W. T. Smith to I fill the unexpired term of the Rev. Mi-. McClure who has resigned. Regular services will be held the fourth Saturday night and Sunday at 11 a. m. The Second ! Sunday night at 8 o'clock, an nounces Mr. Smith. The public is invited. 45 Head Cattle Average $236 In Guernsey Sale Held Friday The fourth annual Guernsey | cattle sale in Cherokee county, was held Friday at the fair grounds here, beginning at 12 o'clock noon. Forty-five head sold, averaged ap proximately $236.66. The top female, which sold for $650, was consigned by Riegeldale farm, Trion, Ga., and was purchas ed by David Kemp of Henderson ville. Fanning Field farm, Arden, sold the second high female which brought $550, and was purchased by W. E. Britt of Asheville, Route 1. Six bulls averaged (230 S3. The top bull was consigned by Riegel dale farm and sold for $355 to Clyde Cox of Rome, Ga. Quail Roost farm, Rougemont, consigned the second top bull which sold for $325, and went to Charles Hamby of Long Creek, S. C. Mr. Kemp was high buyer, pur chasing five animals for $2,250, an average of $450. Fif teen animals were purchased by farmers in Cherokee county; Graham county purchased three head. A Maxim bred Guernsey heifer was purchased by the Lions dub and given to a local *-H club boy who will give the first heifer calf dropped by the gift heifer back to the Lions club to be used in further 4-H club work. The Murphy Guernsey sale com mittee entertained 42 cattle men and farmers at a dinner at Hotel Regal Thursday night. W. W. Pttzpatrick. manager of Quail Roost farm, the principal speaker of the evening, discussed vital points necessary to successful dairying expressing his conviction that without plenty of pastures and good quality hay. farmers can not grow profitable dairy animals. A record on the sale of Quail Roost Noble Primrose, the cow which sold for $17,000 at the re cent Quail Roost sale, was played. Schools Are Holding Their Closing Exercises Ben Warner Is Liberated In Germany < Mr. and Mrs. Ben Warner Tues day received the following tele- , j ram from the Adjutant General, Washington. D C.: l "The secretary of War desires me to inform you that your son, 1 Pfc. Benjamin E. Warner, Jr.. re- 1 turned to military control, 23rd ' al May." Mi. and Mrs. Warner received a message on Dec. 27 that Pfc. < Warner had teen missing since Nov. 28, and later they received a card from him dated Dec. 28, that he was a prisoner of the Ger mans, in prison camp, Stalag Iv B. He entered sei-vice May 20, 1943, receiving training in the infantry a> Port McClelland. Ala. He was transferred to communications ser vice at Camp Atterbury. Ind. and went overseas in Sept. 1944. Mrs. Almond Is Re-Elected Head Of Associational Baptist W.M.U. Mrs. C. T Almond of Andrews was elected superintendent of the Western North Carolina Mission ary Union at the meeting held here last Thursday. Other officers elected were: Mrs. Fred McGuire of Andrews, Associational superintendent; Mrs. R. D. Chandler, Murphy, secretary treasurer; Mrs. W H. Murray, Murphy. Community Missions chairman; Mrs. Prank Wilhide, Andrews. Mission Study chairman; Mrs. L. P. Smith, Andrews, Stew ardship chairman; Mrs. J. Alton Morris. Murphy, Young Peoples' leader; the Rev. R. Lane Akins, Hayesville, R. A. counselor; Mrs. W. A. Sherrill, Murphy. G. A. counselor; Mrs. J. J. Hamilton, Murphy, Margaret Fund Chairman. The meeting the theme of which was "Lead On, O King Eternal", opened at 10 a. m. with singing of the hymn, "Lead On, O King Eternal", followed by meditation. "Thy Cross is Lifted O'er Us, We Journey in its Light," prayer ? for those on prayer calendar, for all in armed forces, for a righteous peace, and devotional ? "The Crown Awaits the Conquest", by Mrs. J. V. Hall. During the business session, visitors including wives of new i pastors and others were recogniz ed, new committees appointed and other necessary business trans- 1 acted, followed by memorial medi tation. "We Follow. Not With Fears." "Thy Grace Has Made us Strong"; reports .if superintend ent and chairmen: r.Il call of so cieties. "Henceforth in Fields of Con quest" was the subject of an ad dress by state W. M U. worker. Miss Ruth Keller, followed by the hymn. "When I Survey the Wond rous Cross", and announcements. "With Deeds of Love and Mercy", was the subject of the missionary address by Miss Mar garet Marchman of Franklin, home from Nigeria. Lunch was served by women of Fust Baptist church. After lunch. "Hail to tile Bright ness". meditation, "The Sweet Amen of Peace, by Miss Emma Louise Jenkins, opened the pro gram. "Through Days of Preparation" ? Report of training school and Margaret Fund chairman, was by Mrs. F. McGuire. "Lead On in the Training of Youth" ? report of Young Peo ples' work and report of Young Peoples' leader, followed. Reports of nominating and other committees were heard and other unfinished business trans acted. The closing message ? "She That Winneth Soul* is Wise", was by the Rev. R. Lane Akins. School commencement exercises a- ill be held in the schools of the uniy this week and next. On Sunday morning at 11 o'clock the Murphy baccalaureate sermon will be preached at First Methodist hurch, by the Rev. Ralph Taylor, Kho will use as his subject, ? Pion eers for Modern Frontiers". On Sunday afternoon at 2 D'clock the Rev. Ralph Taylor will preach the baccalaureate ser mon at Hiwassee Dam high school. On June 5 at 10 a. m., the eight grade will pi'esent their exercises, sponsored by Mrs. W. B. Thomas. Senior class night is June 6 at 8 p. m. The commencement ad dress and graduating exercises will be June 7, when Mrs. G. W. Cover, representative of Cherokee county, will give the address. Andrews exercises are announc ed on another page of this paper. Graduation exercises at Murphy will te on Wednesday, June 6, at 8 p. m.. when W. A McCall, pro fessor of education of Columbia University and a widely known au thor, will make the address. Miss Mildred Wells will give the salu tatory and Miss Mamilee Kilpat lick the valedictory. H. Bueck will present the speaker, and Miss Virginia Ann Morgan will sing. Honor students at Hiwassee Dam are: Miss Nell Keenum, vale dictorian. and Miss Alma Brendle, salu:atorian. Mrs. Reid Dies At Age of 82 Funeral services for Mrs. Eliza beth Collins Reid, 82, who died at her home Saturday morning about 9:30 o'clock, were held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at Bellview Methodist church, with the pastor, the Rev. Vamell Ozment. and the Rev. John Green officiating. Music was in charge of Bill Hem bree. Burial was in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were: Bill Hatchett, Emory Davidson, Guy Hill, Clyde McNabb, Wade Anderson and Em erson Anderson. Born Dec. 13, 1862, Mrs. Reid professed faith in Christ at the age of 16. and united with the old Friendship Baptist church. At the time of her death, she had been a member of the Bellview church for approximately 12 years. On January 5. 1888. she was married to James Reid who sur vives. Other survivors are three children. Elbert Reid of Murphy. Route 2; Mrs. Nina Johnson, and Mrs. Nora Seagles. both of Gas tonia; 12 grandchildren. 22 great grandchildren, and three great great-grandchildren. Ivie funeral home was in charge of arrangements. Club Schedule Is Announced The home demonstration club schedule for June is as follows: Violet. May 31. Mrs. Garfield Mor iow. 1:30: Sunny Point, June 5, | Mrs. Harold Payne, 1:00; Peach | tree, June 7, Mrs. Julia Wells. | 1:00; Liberty, June 11, Mrs. Em ma Lee Payne. 1:00: Bellview, June 12, Mrs. Alfred Crowder, 1:00: Postell, June 13. Mrs. S. Montgomery and Mrs. N. A. Quinn, 1:00; Slow Creek, June 14, Mrs. Sam Newton, 1:00; Ogreeta, June 15, Mrs. Mae Johnson, 1:00; Grand view, June 19, Mrs. Howard McDonald. 1 00. Unaka, June 20, Mrs. Lillie Car ter, 1:00; Tomotla, June 21. Mrs. J. R. Evans. 2:00; Wolf Creek, June 22. place to be announced ; Marble. June 25. Mrs. James Bry son, 1 :30; Martin Creek School, June 26, 1:30; Valleytown, June 27. Mrs. Lawson Crawford, 2:00; and Ranger. June 28, Mrs. M. U. Kilpatrick, 1:00. Liberated Verlon Carter of Murphy has been liberated from a German prison camp and it now home -with his relatives.

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