SOCIAL EVENTS Morrises And Deacons Honored Mi's. Peyton G. Ivie. Mrs. A. L. Buchanan, Mrs. J. L Savage. Mrs C. W Arnold and If t St D. Chandler entertained Thursday evening with a dinner party at the home of Mr. and M a Ivie. honor ing the Rev. J. Alton Morris and family, and the deacons of First Baptist church and their wives. The guest list included: The Rev. and Mrs. Morris. Sally and John Morris Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hamilton. Mv and Mrs. Ardcn Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus White. Dr. and Mrs. W A Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd W Hendrix. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Amnions. Mr. and Mis. J. H. Dyer J L. Savage, A. L. Buchanan. R. D. Chandler. C. W. Arnold and P. G Ivie. Wesleyan Guild Meets Monday Mrs. W. M Ax ley and Mrs. Laura Freeman were joint hos tesses for the meeLin^ of the Wes leyan Service Guild at the home : Mrs. Axley Monday evening. M.\, Emily i-'-.vord c onducted the devotional . ' vice and led the program. She read an article f >m the magazine You. Life." A social h.vr- . :h refresh men:. served 14 member pres ent, concluded ; he meeting. Attorney W: am E. Matthews of the Justice De partment. Wash ington. D. C. pent several days in Murphy th week on business. Seaman 2 C Harold Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. J B. Hall who has completed his boot training a Memphis. Tenn. pent a few days' leave at his h me here this week How women and girls maxj get wanted relief from functional periodic pain j Cardul. mar.y v. n ?-ay. hm bnught re lief from the cr. \: to ' Hill and h M - ; Jane it; ? ? Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow Your love for the departed will never fade. Let the memory of the funeral arrangements you plan prove equally fine ? by seeking our services. What you spend determines only the equipment and facilities you will get ? whatever you spend our considerateness, helpfulness and courtesy are the same. TOWNSON FUNERAL HOME Phone II 4-R Murphy, N. C. Ralph Moody of Raleigh spent the week-end here with his moth er Mrs. J. N Moody. Buddy Taylor left this week for Sianley to spend some time with j his uncle. G orge Derr, and family. M s. Annie Drweese and Mrs. j I aneoek if Knuxville were g:u >U : Mi Deweese brother. Porte ! A:;!ey and family ever the week t .;d. Ms. W. P O.i :n is rx-nding a ] \ .ays in A ia:::a this week. Mrs. H. J. Puett and baby E! \ anda. left VV dne ':v mining 1 ; w hinat n. 1; C. ;o meet her i and > epfather. and go f :n he e to their home in Jack t n. Miss., for a isit. M. and M I L Ly ns eturn < vi Tuesday ni^iit from Moun* Airy. Miss Victo i.t Pell and n tves. P.urieia Bel! ai : Ma y Ann Dud it 1 of Canton, spent Tuesday ; r' it in Murply. PERSONALS Bill Bayless of Asheville sj>ent the week-end here with his par- , enis. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bayless. Pvt. Jairtes Edwin Barnett of Camp Kilmer. N. J., is spending a 9 -J ay furlough here with his i pa cnts. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bamett and h:s wife, the former Miss Vivian Anderson of Marble. Mr. and Mr> J. W. Franklin spent Tuesday in Chattano^vga on business. Mrs J. B. Gray and Mrs. A. E. Venial were in Atlanta Tuesday. Miss Emma Louise Jenkins is ;k ndiny the week in Murphy wi:h her srran Smother. Mrs. Jenkins of Jeff. . s n. Ga . at the home of Mrs. W. P. OJom while Mrs. Cciom is away Mr. and M - J VV. Franklin, Mis. Joe Fulmer and son. Joe1 Sdnev. spent last VV<-dn"sday in Kn ?xviile with M and Mrs. D>ujr Simpson. Mr. and Mrs Henry Hyatt and Mr. and Mrs. Creed Bates spent Tup day in Chat anooga. Mrs. Rachel Slocumb of Tyron arrived in Murphy Tuesday after noon to see hei friend. Mrs. W. H. Griffiths who is ill at Petrie hospital. Shower Given For Recent Rride Mis. Fied Zimmerman and Mr. Geuce Wilson gave a shower Friday nitrlit for Mrs. Homer Wll son. Those who attended were: Mrs T. P Calhoun. Mrs. Bill Bam ett. Mrs. B:own Caldwell. Mrs. Abe Zimmerman. Miss Alma Han eoek. Mrs. Kenneth Caldwell. Mrs. Willie Ledfoi-d. Mrs. Ed Zimmer man, Miss Lucille Ledford, Mrs. Carrie Tabor. Mrs. Honeysueker, Mis, West, Mrs. Fred Zimmer man and Mrs. Gorge Wilson. Punch and cookies weie served those present. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Owenby ot Marietta are spending the week in Murpliy. iVtfTE'S FOOT % f?r - ' - -""ll??T,BITtS.mN6V?0R^ to*0' antiseptic^/ HOME FROM OVERSEAS Staff Sut. Hiriy Sword of tile ' air corps, who lias been overseas ! in Italy for more than a year, ar | rived home Friday to spend a 30 | day furlough with his wife and his i father, P. H. Sword and family. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baylc* Ashevllle, announce the birth of a daughter. Susan ElLse. at a hoe I'ital in Wilmington. June 12 I WIRING AND REPAIR SERVICE | Your Ally On the Home | Front The health of your family, and 1 ,your ease in keeping house depend to a great extent on how well your ; appliances functSon! Have them checked regularly to see ? that they are kept in efficient run- ? mng order. f If any repairs are needed, call on us. J | Murphy Electrical Shop MRS. If. G. ELK INS. Prop. Phone 134-R Murphy, N. C. ? ? ? He's an American hero. After fighting bloody battles in the Pacific, he was home on leave two years ago. ? ? ? Y'ou may remember seeing his picture. His name is John Basilonc, Marine Gunnery Sergeant. He traveled all over America, urg ing every American to buy more bonds. ? ? ? He said: "You don't know ? you can't know ? how much it means to the boys out there when they hear the folks back home have just put another War Bond Drive over the top." ? ? ? They gave him the Congressional Medal of Honor and offered him a commission. He didn't want it. "I'm a plain soldier," he said. "I want to stay one." ? ? ? Well, he stayed a plain marine ? like Joe and Bill and the fellows down the street. He can't ask you to buy bittger bonds during the Seventh. He was killed a few weeks ago on Iwo, just after he had led his assault team to the edge of an airfield we needed desperately. ? ? ? We can't let hiiri and all our other fight ing heroes down. Remember, last year we had ' V two War Loan Drives by this time. The Seventh is our personal call to arms ? two drives in one. That's why our quota is large. ? ? ? We must meet it? we will meet it ? for the hero of Iwo ? for Victory ? for pride in America. HERE'S WHAT UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU TO DO: Select your individual quota in the 7th War Loan according to your income? then meet it! If your average income per mouth is: $250 & up 225-250 210-225 200-210 180-200 140-180 100-140 Under $100 Your War Bon J Quota hi the 7th is: (Cash Value ) $187.50 150.00 131.25 112.50 93.75 75.00 07.50 18.75 let your dollars join the fight in the MIGHTY SEVENTH WAR LOAN I BUY BIGGER BONOS in the MIGHTY SEVENTH THI . MIGHTY Murphy Laundry Hampton Hardware & Supply Co. Hughes' Trucking Co. Columbia Marble Co. Ethel's Shop Sherrill's Gulf Service Murphy Sinclair Station The H.T. Hackney Co. Candler's Store Mt. Valley Mutual Canning Ass'n. People's Furniture Co. Johnson's Market