Consolidated with GRAHAM COUNTY NEWS Serving Southwestern North Carolina ? Cherokee, Clay, and Graham Counties VOLl.ME 57 ? NUMBER 2. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA, IIII KSOAV. AlGl'ST 2, 1945. EIGHT PAGES TODAY Paving Expected Finished In 90 Days Fecple of this area are looking forward to the paving of the Geor fia highway from the N. C. State !:ne to Blue Ridge. Contract for approximately six miles of the reai alread yhas been let. and it is expected that the remaining five m !cs will be contracted following the c mpletion of that already le:. The six miles contracted is divided into two parts, approxi mately three miles starting at the junction of Georgia high-way No. 2 and going toward Mineral Bluff. The other three miles starts at the N. C. line and goes toward Miner al Bluff. Editor Luther Cobb of the Fan nin County Times who has edi torialized for years for the com pletion of the highway paving, states that state highway officials have assured him they expect the work on these two contracts to be completed within 90 days. LODGE TO MEET Cherokee Masonic Lodge No. 146 meets for rejrular communica tion Monday, August 6. All mem bers are urged to attend. Visitors I are welcome, announces W. A. I Sherrill. Worshipful Master. Accidental Shot Results In Death Of A. A. Bailey Alfred Andrew Bailey, 44, was instantly killed about 6 o'clock Wednesday morning while fish ing on Cane creek, a part of Hi wassee Lake about three miles west of Murphy, when a gun which he was carrying slipped down a rock and was discharged, striking him in the lower abdomen. He had been fishing all night, it was reported, and his two young sons, Bobby and Bryan Hurdas were with him. Funeral services were held to day (Thursday) at 11 o'clock at Liberty Baptist church with the Rev. Freed Townsend officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Ivie funeral home in charge. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Maida Hickey Bailey, and two sons. Mrs. O. G. Henkel of Hickory is spending the week here with her sister, Mrs. R. H. Foard. BABSON'S Authentic Statement Copyright 1945 ? Publishers Financial Bureau, Inc. WE NEED MORE MECHANICS Babson Discusses The Learning Of 1V*4ts Babson Park, Mass., August 3? Three reports happened to reach i my desk within a few days of each other. The first telis of the great Scientific Congress recently held in Russia. Representatives of the United States returned to tell us that the Soviets aim to give the youth of Russia vast educational 1 opportunities in science. The second Dr. Vannevar Bush's aspiring analysis laid before 'esident Truman and entitled: Science, The Endless Frontier", loposal: To develop scientific ?'ent in American youth. The bird report atop my desk is a let er from a highschool teacher in a small town of the Mid-West; but "ist let me say just a word of comment on the recommendations 01 Dr. Bush. NATIONS of edisons homas Edison himself in per once stated to me in substance : b ' "'J e ra11 me a great inventor ? 1 tel1 you, Babson, there is no hav!.^ J*lly 11411011 cannot thousands of Edisons. I 71" there should bo thousands a"f WOmcn who' if "-hey Could nC^d lea'n trades 311(1 Theivf 06 useful inventions". ZlTTe- 1 hearti,y a?pIaud the Scienter o0lU" wartime office of mem D Research and Develop S' ?f Ut remembe' ,hat the Wni m aW SUCh Pr08ram re" bccomo 6 J0Un8 PeoP'e to first Pr cUca,P' ?fiCient in some ^ Poetical every-day trade. an is .I!'1' youn8 ""an and worn the ?at ^ With aPt'tudes for somJhe'8 6nCeS' 1 hope that foldin,r ln the Program an un y,m appear for for the^P Wh0Se talents are life. Ari??'e?PraCt'Cal thln?s ot great n t ' 8 We aI1 know that acorns ^.1 comeonly from sma? the thiM gs me back to CI'?"* to which I re letter r ? What about the er in thTJ^ hlfrh 501,001 teach ef/ect: Mid^st? ft reads ln ??Er and HuMAr?cs *'?tly ?XTiCemen Wi" bC ln small work at trades ^ and r RUral areas need Plumbers. DC.?.nt'nue to need ? Paper han.. plasterers, 1 have alu^ S' 8nd electricians. ?chool term i r""' ^in* the factory live m the homes of some ? aides