WSCS is Guest Of Mrs. Mattox Circle No. 2 of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service met Fri day night with Mrs H C Mattox. with Mrs. J. H. Hampton joint hos tess. Mrs. J. H. McCall had charge of the business meeting. Mrs. J H. Hampton led the mission study lesson from the book The Cross Over Africa." The hostesses served a sweet course and coffee. Mrs. L. P. Hampton of Etowah Tenn.. and Mrs Martine McDonald ot Knoxville, Tenn., were visitors. The smallest type farm food de hydrator sells retail tor about $5,000. Lemon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you suffer ft m theumat... arthri' | tis or neuritis pain, try th.< simple] mexp' : -ive home i ib..t th'.-mds arc using. Get a pi.kajjc < f Ru Ex i Corny :r.J. a 2 week supply t .. . Mix i it . *h a ijuart i, . :.J the ju:.v i 4 lemon*. I' ca?v. pi.-as.int1 and n.i trouble at .iil. V r. J v ) . t |b ipooflflllt two ' et i >;.e> back uuaij. tee. Ru Ex Compound is lor sale and iceumuiendcd by PARKER'S DRl'G STORfc Culberson Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and son Jack left Sunday to visit friends and relatives at Marietta, Albert Watson made a business trip to Atlanta. Ga .. the first ot . this week. Luther Cearley of Taft, Calif., is here this week visiting his mother, Mrs. J A. Cearley. J. II. Swaim of Murphy was a ? business visitor here Monday. Marvin Thompson is here from 1 California for a few days visit. Mrs. Ruth Carroll of Murphy spent Sunday here with her mother, I Mr* G E Dickej \\ 1. Redmond spent the week end at his homo in Cisco, Ga. Rev W T Truett filled his ap pointment here Sunday night. m Has Home Missions Program The V. W A > met Monday ni til at the h. nie of their presi dent. Miss J. . ? Hall, with Miss .'ayne Ricks as joint hostess. M > s Hall opined the meeting with the devotional, followed by the group singing 1 Gave My Life For Thee". Long Distance Lines Are H Busier Than Ever More people are making more long distance telephone calls than ever and you may experience delays on some of your calls. We are doing everything possible to ex pand facilities. This year thousands of miles of new long distance circuits are being added ? additional long distance switchboards are being installed in many places and hundreds of young women are being employed anil trained as op erators to help meet the increasing de mand for more long distance service. It's a big job and will take time. I'ntil the job is done we will continue to need your help when circuits are over-loaded l>y using the service only for necessary calls. Your continued cooperation is ap predated. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Incorporated Dickey Theatre Murphy, North Carolina SATURDAY. MARCH 9TII DOUBLE FEATURE "CYCLONE PRAIRIE RANGERS" HITII CHARLES STARRETT ? Also "SHE'S A SWEEHEART" WITH JANE DARWELL - JANE FRAZEF. CHAPTER 7 PURPLE MONSTER Sl'NDAY - MONDAY, MARCH I0TH - 11TH "THOUSANDS CHEER" STARRING ELEANOR POWF.I.L - PLl'S 30 TOP STARS (IN TECHNICOLOR) NEWS AND SHORT SUBJECTS TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12TII - 13TH "EADIE WAS A LADY" WITH ANN MILLER - JOE BESSER SHORT SUBJECT WEDNESDAY. MARCH 13TI! IN PERSON ON THE STAGE The Hill Billy Caravan ?FEATURING? SLIM MILLS AND HIS CUMBERLAND VALLEY BOYS W.A.G.A. ATLANTA MATINEE AND TWO NIGHT SHOWS THURSDAY - FRIDAY. MARCH 14TH - 15TH "SWING IN THE SADDLE" WITH JANE FRAZEF. - THE HOOSIER HOT SHOTS NEWS AND SHORT SUBJECT v Royal Portrait 9 HE.1I IS the late.-t photo taken < . Princess Elizabeth, heir to the throne of Great Britain. Her Koyal Highness is wearing a rose-colored lace and tulle picture dre. en'- ! broidered in rose and gold with 1 blue butterflies. This photcgraph is ; by Cecil Beaton. ( International New Hone 1 .loo Whitener and family have moved to Bla'rsx ille. (?a Miss Annie Ma> Whitener and Fred Doekery were married last week. Pfc Robert L Taylor has re turned to Fort Brag.: Wesley Whitener is hack home again with a discharge Miss Mary Ruth Taylor and Fred rhastain were married Feb. 11. She is staying with Mr Chastain's parents, while he is in the army. Farm machinery suffers from ' ab-use" rather than use and should be protected by grease and paint during periods of rest, ac cording to D S Weaver, engineer of the State College Extension Ser vice. Miss Lucy Winston was in charge i)i' an interesting program concern ing the needs of Baptist Home Missions. During the singing of the Y. W. A. Hymn. "() Zion Haste", the Annie W. Armstrong offering for Home Missions was taken A prayer by Mrs. Verlin .Jones concluded the program. Miss Hall and Miss Ricks served refreshments to the following mem bers: Misses Kathryn Howell. Sybil Iiembree. Lucy Winston, Betty Lou Amnions. Jean Reid. Mary Evelyn C arringer. Barbara Arnold. Grace Ramsey. Mary Louise McDonald. Hallie Wynsett. Mrs. Verlin Jones, nnd visitors: Misses Ella Jean Wells and Frances Ricks. ST. JOHN S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of Masses Murphy, 5th Saturday ? 8:00 M Bryson City. 1st Sunday ? 8:00 \ M. Canton. 5th Sunday ? 8.00 ? A.M. Cherokee. 3rd Sunday ? 8:00 A. U Cullowhee. 1st Wednesday ? 7:00 \ M. Franklin, 2nd Sunday ? 8:00 A. VI. Sylva, 4th Sunday ? 8:00 A. M. Waynesville, every Sunday ? 11:00 A. M. Welch Cove, 1st Saturday ? 8:00 A. M. Necessities For All Farm Families By RUTH CL'RDENT N. C. Slate College Every farm family neds to have: Hospitalization insurance. Good reading material for the entire family. Electricity, running water, and a telephone if at all possible. A washing machine, substantial clothes line, and good laundry equipment. Comfortable chairs and beds for all members of the family. Tables and reading lamps. Convenient "kitchen arrangements for more efficient work Adequate storage space for clothes and bedding. Patience and cooperative spirit :.mong family members B\ all means use a water soften- , ? r on wash day if the water is hard. The uceess or failure of launder- , i> is largely governed by the qual it\ of the water usr<| What effect has water hardness | ? r. clothes? Wash-dav grayness may result. More soap is required j . l>o. Soften hard water before soap is added, thereby preventing the formation of lime soap curds, v hieli are insoluble How may water be softened? There are many good, inexpensive p;.ikaged water softening com pounds on the market. Two types ; re generally available - those that cause cloudiness and precipitate in the water and those that leave the v .iter clear. Non-precipitating softeners will give the best wash in/ results. If you will use the right amount ef soap ? measuring and not just c'umping ? it will save soap and will make rinsing easier for you. Experience will help you to de termine the amount that suits your need. Upper Wolf Creek Next Saturday night and Sunday is -egular meeting day with the Rev. Will Hedden as pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Carter, who lived in the house of A J Simonds, have moved to his mother's house. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Helton, Mrs. Ethel Helton and Mrs. Bud Led ford went to Chattanooga, Tenn., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cook and children visited Mr. and Mrs. G. M Ledford Sunday. Mrs. Cecil Newman and chil dren are visiting her sister, Mrs. Clarence Simonds. Miss Helen Clore. who is taking a beauty course at Knoxville, is visit ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Clore. Boiling Springs Rev. Oscar Winkler filled his regular appointment Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R L. Abernathy, Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Garrett were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills. r Do YOU suffer from r CRAMPS NERVOUS TENSION on ' CERTAIN DAYS" of the month? U female functional monthly dis turbances make you suffer cramps, headache, backache, weak, tired, ner vous, cranky feellnirs ? at such times ? try Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. TiKen thruout the month ? Plnk lium's Compound helps build up re ? '?? ?.nice a :..i::st such symptom*. Also ijreut nuiuiarbtc tonlci Try itl WE ASKED WHERE Wa; A GOOD PLACE TO EAT.' A RESTAURANT.' WHAT'S THE IDEA WALKIN' US SIX BLOCKS TO THIS PLACE? ^ ' ///. ' ,! 1 }?}> ^ , '/ SEE That > SIGN, BUB? V 'CAN'T GAT ANVTMING BETTER than That, any PLACE/ , r?A mw ml 12* * ? // . Southern ntM ?"> m* 0 Bread J \ tflU fll TMJT ?* MINIMIS I A I W A /S ASK fOR SOUTHfRN WHIN YOU SSK !0R BRfAO 1* I Mi', and Mrs. L. L. Caddis and | children were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Abernathy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doekery visit ed her parents. Mr and Mrs. N. A. Kephart, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Arms visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. !?'. B. Arms. Sunday. Mi and Mrs. Claude Marcus spent the week-end with her moth- i ei. Mrs. A N. McDonald. Miss Virginia Clay spent one ; night last week with Miss Alice j Davis. Miss \ irginia Kephart spent one night last week with Miss Ethel O Dell. The nation's total cropland rose about one per cent from 1940 until 1044 DRINK Grade A PASTEURIZED MILK "WE GUARD YOUR HEALTH" DOUBLE CAPPED DAILY DELIVERY Mt. Valley Cooperative W. W. HOLLAND, Mgr. BRASSTOWN, N. C. Unusually large stocks of certi fied seed sweet potatoes are avail able for planting in 1946. Farmer purchases of baby chicks in 1946 are expected to be about 14 per cent lower than in 1945. North Carolina's 1946 egg pro_ duction goal is 80,935,000 dozen It is only in undeveloped terri tory that land is available at prices which potential new farmers with ' little capital could afford to pay WHEN YOU WANT TO GO ANYWHERE l)ONT WORRY ABOUT TRANSPORTATION LEAVE THAT TO US Just Call A SAFETY CAB TELEPHONE 207 Or see us at our booth on the corrner by the Bus Station for information and special rates for long distance trips. 0 24 Hour Service ALL CARS INSURED FOR YOUR PROTECTION. WE WILL TAKE YOU THERE AND BRING YOU BACK SAFELY. SAFETY CABS Inasmuch as any offering of these securities is restricted to bona fide residents of the State of North Carolina, such securities are believed to be exempt from the require - merits of registration under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1933, and they have not been registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission ; but such exemption, if available, does not indicate that the securities have been either approved or disapproved by the Commission. 20,000 Shares Coble Dairy Products, Inc. Lexington, North Carolina (A North Carolina Corporation) 5% Cumulative Preferred Stock Par Value $50.00 Per Share PRICE . . $50.00 Per Share Plus Accrued Dividend from February 15, 1946 to Date of Delivery Under no circumstances is this advertisement to be con - strued either as an offer to sell, or a solicitation oj an offer to buy any of these securities ; offerings may be made only to bona fide residents of the State of North Carolina and only by the Prospectus, copies of which may be obtained from either of our Nor-th Carolina offices noted below. KTRCHOFER MKNOLD SECURITIES FOR INVESTMENT INSURANCE BUILDING RALEIGH, N. C. 37 Will Street Johnston Building New York 5, N. V. Charlotte 2. N. C.