Letitia The Bev Leonard McClure fill f(i hli appointment at Oak Grove church last Sunday. Thf Kev jess Rich will preach ai Oak Grove church the fourth SuniiJ} m March at 11 o'clock. Harvey and Misses Mat; and YauJ Stiles visited Mr. and Mrs ?;0m Floyd Sunday Mr.- Lcthia Taylor visited Mr anil Mrs Clyde Haney Sunday eve marvene W\ SUDS... makes soap a "back - number " No soap II im to dull and hcavv -up "flimsies" and nylons. l*** 1 kV Little Brasstown Mr and Mrs. Floyd Stalcup made i business trip to Copperhill Sat urday. Charles Stalcup of the Marines has been discharged and has reen listed for two years. Pvt. Burl Stalcup is spending a [ leave at home. Frances Elliott of Canton is visit ! ing home folks here. | Earnest Morris and family are ' visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs I Albert Morris. Juanita Almond spent Sunday night with Doris Crisp. Fish Moore and family have moved to Brasstown. G. W Almond spent the week ! end with his daughter. Mrs. J. L Stalcup Charlie Carringer of Martins Creek spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs Amos Moss. Mrs. Orvel Cr?sp left Sunday for Wilmington. S. C. to visit her sis ter. Mrs. Ross Bi-binson. John Hogan and son of Ranger . spent Sunday with his parenis, Mr. | i ? i ... trip to Brasstu Jack Hu h very with whooping iu i Misses Lt lia. T.irlma T , ,s and Kandal Tw i n.l M , \V Ima and Kathaline Kaykindall of Blairs ville. Ga., were Sunday dinner quests of Mrs w o \ mind. Prayer services will be ;i Id al the home of (he Rev Cart Cunning ham the fifth Saturday night in March. River Hill Mr and Mrs. Edd Payne and Ever Adams and small daughter were guests ol Mr Payne's sister Mrs. Mamie Baine Sunday. Misses Lorine and Irene William son spent Saturday night with their aunt. Mrs G C5 Williamson of jp Makes !.onor Roll . The tol uw i >apils V Honor Ko 1 n the .t.nentary School for the . Weeks Per to First "hey were tl nn : uests ... ? ' Mrs Bcecher am . . i Liberty Sunday llarlen Williamson spent Sunday . ? i ! . i Williamson Mr. anil Mrs. Isum P e pent the week-end in Tennesse M. ..!ui Mrs. WillarJ A. lams li ^e moved to Clover. S C. from IV.trfck. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ba n ? and family spent Saturday ni lit with Mrs Bain- parents. Mr -m ! Mrs - JT p;rrM. Postell Miss Winona Brown returned home Saturday after visiting her Lrother. Eugene and family at Gas tonia. for the past two weeks. Mrs ilerstiell Stiles and son Gene of MarbK and Mrs Willie West and children, \" orris, and V. unda Sue of Murphy, visited Mrs rade: Shelby Ilolloway. Grace Stiles. Freddie Williams, Jimmie : ruett. \ ir u ia Garner, and Betty Sue West. Second grade: Anne An^el. Judy Bristol. Phoebe Weiss i jut Willis Anderson. Third grade: Doris Holder. Bobbie Conley, Dor en McGuire, David Young, Joe Collet, and I'atsy Derreberry. Four th tirade Lane C'reasman. and Faith Pullium. Seventh grade: Jackye M. C. Stiles Saturday evening. Miss Birdie Stiles of Gastonia visited her brother and family, M C. Stiles. Saturday. The Swanson singing choir at-] tended the singing at Friendship church Sunday evening. M M. Ledford and M C. Stiles made a business trip to Copperhill , Friday. Mr. and Mrs Void Mason of Gas tonia visited friends at Postell Sun day. Pleasant Hill The Rev Frisco Hankins preach eo here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Eshelman. Wyoming, are spending sometime with Mrs Kshelman's parents, Mr and Mrs Bert V Hukill and famil\ M. and Mrs Posey Garrett and family and Mrs Bertha Baine and I children were the Sunday afternoon quests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dea \er and family. Johnnie Ledford of Gastonia is spending sometime with his uncle, Lester Ledford. Mrs. Clara Morrow of Unaka spent the week-end with her daugh ter. Mrs. Vella Deaver. Emphasis will be piaced upon food production by the state's 92, 000 4- II boys and girls in projects this year, says State 4-H Leader 1 R Harrill. PROTECT YOUE LOVED ONES With A Qt'I.NN & HUMPHREY Mutual Burial Certificate ONLY COSTS 25c TO JOIV QU1NN a. !II>1 PHI I Y Mutual liurial Association Copperhill, Tenn. Mr. Jones ? Mr. Edwin L. Jones ? is receiving congratulations on the birth of twins. Mrs. Jones, <[it might be added, is also deserving of con gratulations. ' Jones has recovered from the initial shock of his experience. He now appears to be master of the situation, but is not yet fully; aware of its implications. He has not revised his budget. Nor has he guessed the part safety-pins are going to play in his life. And, at the moment, he cannot realize how many months will pass before he again gets a good night's sleep. Mr. Jones is at the threshold of responsibility ... in his case, a double responsibility. When, at length, safety-pins and sleepless nights become ch'erisKeH memories, Mr. and Mrs. Jones will face a new kind of double responsi bility. They will want to provide their children with the moral and spir itual training that builds Christian character. And they will want their own lives to show their children the meaning of Christian character. The church offers religious training to all children. Regular worship in the church will strengthen the character of their parents. Fathers and mothers, through the church of your own choice, you will receive wisdom and guidance for your double responsibility. _ ^tiURCH FOR ALL . . . ALL FOR THE CHURCH Church is the greatest facfr^ ildina r>f int CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why | every person should attend and support the Church of his choice. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to Church on Sunday. Copyright 1945 by E. E. Kelstrr. Strasl-iirg. Virginia Script kOj sug?r*lW>N for ihl< vrirs of adiertUcfnciUf 6i all fully rec?HV?U The following Murphy firms and individuals extend you a cordial invitation to attend the church cf your choice next Sunday and every Sunday: TOWNSON BROS. Neil Sneed, Manager WOCO-PEP SERVICE STATION J. L. Hall, Jr., Prop. CHRISTOPHER'S STORE E. A. Browning, Manager WEST'S GULF SERVICE STATION STANDARD SERVICE STATION Sam L. Davidson, Manager BOWER'S BARGAIN BILT STORE J. C .English, Manager CHEROKEE FURNITURE CO. W. P. Odom, Prop. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT