ANDREWS News and Advertisements Pauline Hicks, Editor Phone 35- W Sandlins Celebrate 60th Anniversary ANDREWS ? Mr. and Mrs. Will iam C. Sandlin observed their 60th wedding anniversary at their home on Thursday, October 10. Thev were married in Swain coun ty October 10. 1886, and have lived in Andrews practically all of their married life, having moved here in 1891. They have one daughter, I Mrs Willabell Posey of Asheville, who is a member of the staff of Ihe Buncombe county department of public welfare. Mrs. Posey and her daughter were present for the | occasion. Many neighbors and trier.ds called during the day Mr. Sandlin is able to be out again after a recent illness. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY MARBLE ? Mr. and Mrs. J B. Hall of Marble celebrated their fifty-seventh wedding anniversary on Sunday, October 13. Many friends and relatives called during the day. !ll!lf'!!!lll:!llllll ? Henn Theatre Andrews, North Carolina Saturday, October 19 Jchnny Mac Brown-Raymond Hatton, In ? "PARTNERS OF THE TRAIL" ? Also ? Serial "FOREST RANGERS" SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS Late Show Saturday, 10:45 P. M. Lon Chaney - Boris Karloff, In ? "HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN" ? Also ? FLICKER FLASHBACK Sunday - Monday, October 20-21 Paulette Goddard - Ray Milland, In ? "KITTY" Also LATEST NEWS 1 uesday - Wednesday, October 22-23 DOUBLE FEATURE Marjorie Reynolds - Fred Brady, In ? "MEET ME ON BROADWAY" ? Also ? Allan Lane - Jane Frazee, In ? ? "A GUY COULD CHANGE" ? Serial "SECRET AGENT" Thursday - Friday, October 24 - 25 Barbara Stanwyck-Robert Cummings, In ? f "BRIDE WORE BOOfS" , ? Also ? LATEST MGM NEWS . i:!nillllli!!li!lll!iW ? ? I Andrews Chamber Of Commerce Has 83 Members j ANDREWS ? The Andrews | Chamber of Commerce now has in I hand ?800. reports its secretary i treasurer, Sam W. Jones, thanks to i the energy of the membership com , mittee who have been making a drive for members This commit . tee is composed of the following: I Mrs. W. W. Ashe, chairman, Mrs. Claude Dorsey, Jack Herbert and Herman West. This campaign will continue. To date 83 members have been obtained of which number eleven members are women Members are: B. P. Grant. W. W. Ashe, Zeb Conley. W. D. Whitaker, Teas Ex tract Company. Gwyn Anderson, Howard Gregory. Luke Ellis. Mrs. Luke Ellis. John Ellis. W. T. Teas, Mrs. W. T. Teas. Galusha Pullium, Decatur Pullium. Mrs. Decatur 1 Pullium. John Pullium. C. W. Gib j son. Mrs. C. W. Gibson, L. B. I Nichols. Wayne Battle. John Chris ty. I. B. Hudson. E. A. Wood, Jack I.edford. Lee Watkins, J. A. Wat kins, Robert Heaton. Recce Motor i Company. A. B. Chandler. Jr., Jeff j Brooks, Arnold Derreberry, Char j les Higdon, Horace Higdon, Bob Allison, Clyde Jarrett. Clyde ! Fraley. Homer Creasman. W. A. Cathey, Mrs. W. A Cat hey. Vance Cathey, Bruce West. Clarence Hogan. Rhuell Parker. Clyde Rec tor. Boyd Robinson. A. L. Fancher. Lay & Company. Zed Whitaker, Junaluska Terrace Hotel. C. E. ! Holder. Andrews Cafe. Mrs. Frank I Wilhide, Caldwell Grocery, V. W. | Russell. Bill Holland. Rufus Recce. Grant Phillips, Charlie Crain. Alma Fisher, Buren Grant. Jack Stribl j ing. Franklin Grocery. Glen Coop er. Paul Rickett. Mildred Barker. W. T. Forsyth. Lillie Mae Rector. Carol Brown. Frank Swan. Mary Abernathy, Ralph West. W. B. Fisher. Dr. H. E. Davis. Hamilton Brothers. Mrs. Arnold Derreberry. Frank Carringer. N. C. Hay, Sr.. George Hicks. Frank Bristol. Los ter Love. Mrs. Glen Cooper. Sam Jones and Polly Hicks. A membership can be secured lor $5. However, business firms and individuals may give more if they care to do so. Memberships secured thus far range from $5 to $100. If the membership committee fails to contact anyone, the secre tary-treasurer will furnish mem j bcrship card on application to him. PHILLIPS IMPROVES ANDREWS ? The condition of | Lax C. Phillips is somewhat im I proved. Mr. Phillips sustained a broken rib and back injuries in an automobile accident Thursday of last week. He is a patient at Law son General Hospital. Atlanta. Ga. Mrs. John Stanley and children. ! Billy and Patricia, spent last week end with Mrs. Stanley's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Calhoun, of Benton. Tenn. "I'm your Mechanic" '"Keeping motors humming these days means overtime work with plenty of nervous strain in it. I know the relaxation that comes with a eup of coffee ... a cup of good coffee. That's why fine quality, delicious coffee is always the best part of my meal." ^ ' Men in all walks of life find a cup of JFG Speeial Coffee renews mental and physical fitness. Consistently delicious, flavorful and satisfying, JFG answers any mail's de sire for a cup of good coffee. r J/te&ett&bitcrf'tfte'fHeal 0. E. S. Presents Stanleys Gift ANDREWS ? The O E. S. held its regular meeting on Monday evening, October 14. Clyde H. Jar rett and Buren Grant were hosts and with the help of Mrs. Hay, manager of the school lunch room, and her helpers served dinner at the Youth building to the thirty one members present. Mr. and Mrs. John Stanley were presented with a gift as they are soon to leave for Mississippi. Mr. and Mrs. Zala Adams were present, and 'Happy Birthday" was sung to Mr. Adams as it was the occasion of his birthday. After the dinner the group as sembled at the Masonic Hall for the business meeting. Mrs. Stanley was presented with a corsage. Mrs. Nichols Is Hostess To Her Auxiliary ANDREWS ? The Auxiliary Circle of the Presbyterian Church met Wednesday evening, October 9. at the home of Mrs. L. B. Nich ols. Mrs. Tom Hay. president, pre sided. and was in charge of the program. The topic for the month was "Heralding the Good News" taken from Isaiah 40. Mrs. Hay led in devotionals. Mrs. John Hay made an interesting report on the Survey article "Home Missions". Reports from the various officers were made. During the business session it was decided that the Circle pay for one free lunch this year at the Andrews school lunch room. At the conclusion of the pro gram. Mrs. Nichols, hostess, serv ed a salad course to the following: Mrs. Hay. Mrs. Molly Stanley, Miss Mildred Barker, Miss Frances Mc Pherson, Mrs. John Slagle, Mrs. Ruthie Bristol and Miss Polly Ilicks. Gifts were presented to Mrs. John Stanley who is planning to join her husband who has been transferred to Mississippi. "A" Honor Roll Is Announced ANDREWS ? The following pu pils made the A Honor Roll for I the first six weeks period in the Andrews Elementary School: Second grade Billy George. Kent Laughter. Janice Nichols. Ardith Hay. Virginia Garner. Bob by Nelson, and Margaret Ann Har din. Third grade: Willis Anderson, Judy Bristol, Frances Brooks, Rob ert Hay. Gene Hedrick, Junior Wiggins, and Ann Angel. Fourth grade: Ollie Mae Ander son, Wynona Dupree, Maxine Mason. Todd Reece. David Young, and Doris Holder. Sixth grade: Faith Pullium, and Lane Creasman. Andrews Personals Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stribling and a party of friends from Franklin and Highlands spent last Sunday in the Smoky Mountains and Gat linburg, Tcnn. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Jordan left Tuesday morning to meet their son. 2 C Ed Jordan, in Atlanta, Ga., who will spend a short leave here. Miss Nell Rogers visited relatives in Robbinsville on Monday. C. Willard Crawford, who was recently discharged from the Army, has moved into an apart Hearts.... beat the tempo of love when our lone florist's box arrives brimming with dew-fresh flowers. Flower-Craft Florist Phone 203-W Murphy, N. C. ment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hay, Sr. Auzmon Brady, W. C. T. C., spent last week-end with his moth er. Mrs. Nell Brady. Bill Hornsby, a former resident of Andrews, has been visiting friends here the past week. Loster Love spent a few days in Waynesville with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker. Mrs. Frank Clark spent last week in Gastonia with her daugh ter. Mrs. Dillard Patterson. John R. Clark, who is attending college in Asheville, spent last week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark. Miss Kathleen Painter and Miss | Doris Hill visited friends in Mur phy on Monday afternoon. Miss Elizabeth Phillips is unable to attend school this week due to an injury to her knee sustained when she fell over a wire at the football game in Sylva on last Fri day night. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Abernathy spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ziegler at Whittier. Mrs. W. A. Barber, Murphy, was guest of Mrs. Joe Smith on Wed nesday of last week. Billy Crain, U. S. Navy, is visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Crain. Misses Vera Moore, Gladys Christy and Blondine Luther spent last week-end visiting relatives in Greenville. Tenn., Bristol, Va., and Winston-Salem. Mrs. Luke Ellis has returned home after spending several days with her son. John Ellis, who is a patient in a hospital in Charlotte. BOX SUPPER ANDREWS ? The box supper given at the home of W. M. Murray last week was well attended. The Section Continues To Win Banner ANDREWS ? For the eighth 1 consecutive time the Grammar j Grade Sunday School Banner went to Miss Ruth Hamilton's section ! of the fifth grade. This section of j the fifth grade had 82 percent of I proceeds from the supper will go ! to the building of a Khodo church : their membership in attendance at some Sunday School the past Sun day. In the Primary Department, the Sunday School Banner went to Mrs. Addilee Brown's section of the fourth grade. This section had a Sunday School attendance per centage of 80. Canning meat in the home is a safe and profitable practice for spreading the meat supply through out the year, say specialists in food conservation at State College. ! SPECIALS j ? ? ^ Berkeley Electric Water System ^ ? complete with pressure tank $148.50 ^ B?'mont Battery Radio $39.65 ^ Bee-Vac Vacuum Clean $59.95 | Doimeyer Electric Mixer with Juice Extractor $22.50 ? ? i ? * Murphy Hardware Company g A ? Quality Hardware Since 1906 Phone 25 jj ves. T W?V? KBPTTHt HOM? Ft R?S BURNING! But too many of the wrong kind of home fires have been kept burning (or our men and women from war zones. In fact, last year these wrong fires ? 210,000 forest and woods fires ? blackened 31, 000,000 acres; killed billions of trees that would have meant jobs for returned servicemen; crippled vital watersheds; wiped out beautiful playgrounds. Whose fault? One thing is certain ? the major destruction can't be blamed (as we would like to think) on natural causes. Good, American citizens like you start the majority of these forest and woods fires. Nine out of ten, to be exact. And it's high time this fact was brought to light. So it's up to you? and every other American ? to be careful in forest areas. Please read the rules on this page. Read them again and again. Then do your part to prevent the wrong kind of home fires. ^/r/^ you cent PREVENT FOREST FIRES Teas Extract Company Andrews, North Carolina