(Hfje (Efyrrokr? i>rnut Puolished every Thursday at Murphy, N. C. ADDIE MAE COOKE Editor and Owner ROY A. COOK Production Manager MRS C. W SAVAGE Associate Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cherokee and surrounding counties One Year $2 00 Six Months $1.00 Four Months 75c Outside above territory: One Year $2.50 Six months . $1.25 i i 'J Entered in the Post Office at Murphy, ^Nonh Caruhnj ? \ , , ^mss association'^ North Carolina, as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. K I AT ION ' \ MEDITATION "Pra>er should be the key of the day and the lock of the night. Prayer is the door of heaven's treasure-house, and faith the key which will unlock it. Prayer is the ladder between heaven and earth. Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance: it is laying hold of llis highest willingness." Permanent Pastures Farmers of Cherokee county what is your pasture worth? ? Pastures have a dollar and cents value like any cash crcp such as cotton, corn or tobacco ? and especially so at the pres ent time with the high feed prices. Good pas tures provide large amounts of feed for live stock. Assistance in establishing permanent pastures or reseeding worn-out pastures may be obtained through the Cherokee county AAA program. Farmers who have been unable to carry out practices listed cn their farm plans last spring and would like to switch to pasture seeding should get in touch with the Cherokee county AAA office immediately. Statement New Amsterdam Casualty Company NEW YORK 7. N. Y CONDITION DECEMBER 31, 1915. AS SHOWN BY STATEMENT FILED. Amount of Capital paid up in cash Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year, $41,235,803.66: Increase of Capital during year. S None; Total. Income ? From Policyholders. $17,614,625.48; Miscellaneous. $2,625,133.59; Total. Disbursements ? To Policyholders. $6,072,040.10: .Miscellaneous. $10,018,826.76: Total. ASSETS Value of Real Estato Mortgage Loans on Real Estate Value of Bonds and Stocks Cash in Company's Office Deposits in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest Deposits in Trust Companies and Banks on interest Premiums in course of Collection Interest and Rents due and accrued All other Assets, as detailed in statement Total Less Assets not admitted Total admitted Assets LIABILITIES Unpaid Claims Expense. Investigation, and Adjustment of Claims Unearned Premiums Commission. Brokerage, and other charges due Salaries. Rents. Expenses, Bills. Accounts. Fees, etc . due or accrued Estimated amount of Federal. State, county, and municipal taxes Reinsurance All other Liabilities, as detailed in statement Total amount of all Liabilities except Capital Reserve $ 7,723,700.13 Capital paid up 1.000,000.00 Surplus over all Liabilities 10,000.000.00 Surplus as regards Policyholders 18/ Total Liabilities 45.159,345.33 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1945 Premiums Losses Rec'd. Paid Accidcnt $ 2.969. $ 296. Health 339. 398. Auto Liability 59.058. 17,001. Liability other than auto 21.097. 6.801. Workmen's compensation 58.528. 27.869. Fidelity 30.484. 9,456. Surety 12.297. 19. Plate glass 2.311. 1.048. Burglary and theft 9.600. 2.226. Auto property damage 21.425. 7,518. Auto collision 629. 115. Property damage and collision other than auto 1,376. 2.472. TOTALS 220.114. 75.319 President J. ARTHUR NELSON Secretary-Treasurer SIFFORD PEARRE Home Office 60 John St., New York. N. Y. Attorney for service: WM. P. HODGES, Commissioner of Insur ance, Raleigh, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, February 21st, 1946 I. WM. P. HODGES, Commissioner of Insurance, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the New Amsterdam Casualty Company, of New York, N. Y? filed with this Department, showing the condition of said