Mrs. R. D. Chandler and Mrs. A L Buchanan went to Sylva Sat urday to meet Mr Chandler and returned with him. Mrs. V. J. Brown and son, V. J., and her brother. T. M. Davis of Buckhead. Ga.. left Tuesday for Winter Haven. Fla . after spending Monday night here with Mr. and Cities above 10.000 in population in North Carolina with only one fifth of the state's population have: one-half of the state's doctors. LOST ? Black cocker with white spot on chest, small white spots on each hind foot, wearing har ness. Mrs. B G. Brumby. Jr.. Phone 139. Reward to finder. 13-ltp Mrs. L. E. Bayless. From Florida. Mrs. Brown and her son will return to their home in Walla Walla, Washington. TRUCK FOR SALE ? 1942 CMC 1 1 2 ton, 6 cyl. Inquire Box B. H. % Cherokee Scout, Murphy. N. C. 13-ltc 1 FRIGIDAIRE FOR SALE ? Small electric Frigidaire refrigerator in good condition. Addie Mae Cooke, Scout office. Murphy. ! 13-tf I _____ FOR SALE ? One oil cook stove, one heater large size. 2 small heaters all cheap for cash. Net tie Axley. 432 Hiwassee St. Phone 96- W. 13-ltc Statement National Security Insurance Company OMAHA, NEB. CONDITION DECEMBER 31. 194.>. AS SHOWN BY STATEMENT FILED. Amount of Capital paid in cash Amount Ledger Assets. Dec. 31st previous year. $3,594,892 Increase paid up Capital S None. Total. Income ? From Policyholders, $861.098 65; Miscellaneous. $129,561 72; Total, Disbursements ? To Policyholders. $390,365 11; Miscellaneous. $466,187.26: Total, Fire Premiums ? Written or renewed during year. $2,060,351 87 Tn Font, All Other Premiums ? Written or renewed during year. $1,301.500 64 fa Force. ASSETS Value of Bonds and Stocks Cash in Company's Office Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1, 1945 Agents' balances, representing business written prior to October 1. 1945 Deduct Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable Bills receivable Interest and Rents due and accrued All other Assets, as detailed in statement Total Less Assets not admitted $1,000,000.00 97: 3.594.892 97 990 660 37 856.552.37 3,205,061 14 950.932.10 3.063.304 90 107 82 470.360.91 159.003 38 8.715 96 i ?6.098.10 j 188.71 | 11.868.75 161.001 67 j | 3.868.454 00 j 53.293 18 Total admitted Assets LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims Unearned premiums Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, due or accrued Estimated amount payable for Federal. State, county and municipal taxes due or accrued Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued All other liabilities, as detailed in statement Total amount of all liabilities except Capital Capital actually paid up in cash $1,000,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities 1.658.707.26 Surplus as regards Policyholders 3.815.160.82 386.849.00 641.512.31 6.950.00 56.250.00 6.400.00 58.492.25 1 1.156.453.56 2.658.707.26 i Total Liabilities 3.815.160.82 ; BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1945 Fire Premiums received $20,497.: All Other Premiums received 5.167.; Losses incurred ? Fire 5.396 ; Paid $8,371. Losses incurred ? All other 1,867.; Paid 2,002 President EDGAR M. MORSMAN, 3rd Secretary-Treasurer J. KENTON EISENBREY Home Office 820 Omaha National Bank Bldg . Omaha. Neb. Attorney for service; WM. P. HODGES. Commissioner of Insur- I anco. Raleigh. N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Raleigh. February 18th, 1946 I, WM P. HODGES. Commissioner of Insurance, do hereby certify that the above is a true and corrcct abstract of the statement of the; National Security Insurance Company of Omaha, Neb . filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December. 1945. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. WM. P. HODGES. Commissioner of Insurance. LET US SHOW YOU THE HOME DEEPFREEZE IniMPHY ELECTRKRL SHOP "NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE" MURPHY, N.C. PHONE 134-R ' AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR GENERAL ELECTRIC & UNIVERSAL APPLIANCE WANTED: A good reliable man to supply customers with Rawleigh Products in west Cherokee and Clay counties. Write Rawleigh's. Dept NCJ-150-127. Richmond. Y .1 13-1 tp FOR SALE ? 42 Chevrolet pick up. four new tires, in good con dition. will sell at ceiling price. Bass Mundy, owner, 12 miles west of Murphy on U. S. high I way 64. 13-ltp i FOR SALE ? 21 acres land, new six-room house, bathroom, lo cated ln mile from Morganton. Ga.. on gravel road. Will sell for cash or on terms. O. P. Lance, Morganton, Ga. 31-2tp FOR SALE I good 4 room house and 20 acres near Marble $2500 1 new 5 room house and 22 acres on main highway Peachtree. $6,000 1. 6 room house large let East Murphy $4,200. The Maples Hotel, $15,000. 8 acres and neat 4 room house 4 miles out on high way. $3,750 ? 5 rooms and 4 acres 2 miles out on highway. 1 S2500. ? 7 rooms and 3 acres 2 miles out $2,000. 8 room house with 75 x 150 lot in East Mur- 1 phy $5500. ? 8 room house with 200 foot lot on Springdale St ' close in $3,700. 5 rooms and 5 | acres 1 mile from center cf ! town $5,300. 8 room duplex. Proctor St large lot $6,000. AIsj several good business property ! deals in Murphy now available. ; D. M Reese. Real Estate Broker, ! Murphy. N. C. 11-tf ?NOTICE I hereby offer a liberal reward for information given the Mayer or police leading to the arrest ot anyone trespassing on my proper ty. known as Imp's Nest'' in Mui phy, N .C. FRANK L MAUNEY ll-6tc Washington. Ga. SOCIAL STATIONERY ? Beauti ful cabinet of stationery contain ing fifty note sheets, fifty fold ed sheets and one hundred enve lopes. $1 50. Blue and white, pink and white, or all white. Cherokee Scout. Murphy. i ? j : I I he Perfect Truss j I At Last j ! I /\ i i I mr^Ql | SMITHSONIAN TtUSl | The Marvelous New j "Smithsonian" j | Astonishingly Comfortable (Easy on the Wearer { | No Shifting or Sliding i j Whatever position you are in. Fitted and Sold by I Mauney Drug Co. . Murphy, N. C. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID Free BookTells of HomeTreatment that Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing "]'7. ' hot 1 1"* of ( tu. \TI LI, AR n , ? v 1 have I won sold fornli. fof "i'Lf,)nlso .ls,r,ssari< n^fr""?Stcmach Pnnr n. r,a U,5crs TOTAL 340.100 00 On date of report the required legal reserve against deposits of this bank was 532.222 00 Assets reported above which were eligible as legal reserve amounted to 1,153.964 98 I, W. D. Whitaker, Cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly represents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Correct. ? Attest: W. D. WHITAKER. PERCY B FEREBEE Z. L. WHITAKER Directors. W. T. FORSYTH State of North Carolina. County of Cherokee, ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of October, 1946, and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. ALWAYNE STRATTON, Notary Public My commission expires Nov. 19. 1947. MtAMu.lVU* by WUjUJD [^HERE COMES MRS. WISE. she always looks SO NEAT AND TRIM ! u/ F lls d X \ g WSA ^UiPAAENT processed w,t%5rphv ... M. c* WELLS D A I BY HEALTH -GrIVINQr KiomS C A & M ADVtSTlSiHC Cti f \ ' WE TRUST YOU WON'T MIND ANSWERING A PERSONAL QUESTION, DOT, BUT HOW DO YOU KEEP YOUR &IRLISH THE ANSWER : A PROPER DIET AND THE CORRECT AMOUNT ne WE ARE BUYING HARDWOOD and PINE LOGS HARDWOOD LUMBER by the Grade and PINE LUMBER Information and prices at office. Cherokee Lumber Corporation, Murphy, N. C.