rnuc> oia BULL DOZER AND SHOVEL WORK "We Move The Earth" new mcnmT ? nmt ENCED OPERATORS Reasonable Charge. %LSO BUILDING CONTRACTORS See us when in need of a new building or repair work. WEESE & WEEKS CONTRACTORS Phone 117 ? Copperhill, Tenn. Night Phones: 291 -VI and 17-IJ I HONEYSUCKLE baskets, vases and table mats, hand made local ly. For sale at Cherokee Scout. Murphy, Phone 20. 5-tfnc SUFFERERS! ELECTRIC PUMPS I DEEP and SHALLOW WELL j With S MATERIAL FOR INSTALLATION Soil Pipe and Fittings | PLUMBING FIXTURES And SUPPLIES NOW AVAILABLE see or call Ralph W. DeWeese Phone 188-M Murphy, N. C. ^ Construction, t Industrial, Logging AND ? MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT i Internationa! Crawler Tractors - Industrial | Wheel Tractors - Power Units ? Towmotor Lift Trucks FOR HANDLING 4 Bags Bales | Blocks Boxes Brick I Bulk w Chemicals Lumber i Machinery T obacco A * " 1 J y Call on us for Equipment and Supplies. We s f have Representatives located at strategic f points throughout the Stae and one will see f you promptly upon request. ? o ; NORTH CAROLINA EQUIPMENT CO. * Raleigh 3101 Hillsboro St. PHONE 8836 Wilmington 5 Miles West - Rts. 74 & 76 PHONE 2-2173 Charlotte 1 Miles South - Rt. 21 raoifl 1-4441 A s h e v i 1 1 e Sweeten Creek Road PHONE 789 ' NORTH CAROLINA 1 CHEROKEE COUNTY In The Superior Court J. B. ROGERS. Plaintiff, Vl. EARLINE W. ROGERS, Defendant NOTICE OF SERVICE BY Pl'BLICATION The above named plaintiff, J. B I Ro its, v. ill take notice that the defendant will, on Tucsda> \; ;:1 I 1. 1 947. at 1 > o'clock. A M or a? ? oon thereafter as will .-uit thi I convenience < i the Court and j t'uun--'!. o.e before the Judge 1 holdir the March-April Term ! 1947. f:> r Court of Cherokee ! c ountN to m I aside the judgment in thi' above < ntitU 1 cause render ' ed the June Term, 1940. of the Superior Court of Cherokee Coun ty, North Carolina, upon the around that aid judgment was procured by fraud and is an im position upon the Court and the defendant in this cause, in that the plaintiff falsely, knowingly and fraudulently alleged in his com plaint in said cause that the plain tiff and defendant had been sep arated for two years, the ground upon which he based his cause of action, and further that the plain tiff knowingly and falsely and fraudulently accompanied his said complaint in said cause by an af fidavit stating that the allegations i f the complaint in respect to the separation of plaintiff and defend ant for two years prior to the bringing of the said action were true when, as a matter of fact, plaintiff wel knew that said allega tions were false and untrue, and plaintiff well knew that said allega not been separated for the two year statutory period. This the 10th day of February. 1947. J L HALL 30-4tc Clerk Superior Court NOTICE OF SI MMONS NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY In The Superior Court LOLA BRYSON STOVALL. Plaintiff. I vs. FRANK STOVALL. Defendant The defendant above named. Frank Stovall will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court cf Cherokee County. North Caro lina by the plaintiff to obtain an absolute divorce from defendant on the ground of two years separation: and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee Coun FOR SALE We Carry A Full Line JOHNS M \V\ I! I E ROOFING Asphalt and Asbestos Shingles Roll Roofing Asbestos and Rriek Siding WESTERN Al'TO ASSO. STORF Be QuickTo Treat Bronchitis Chronic bronchi tli may develop If your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi cine less potent than Creomulslon which Roes right to the seat of tho trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulslon blends beechwood creosote bv special process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains r.o narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your drungist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the understanding you must like tho way it quickly allays the cough, per mitting rest and sleep, or you are to have your money back. (Adv.) ty at his office in the courthouse in Murphy, North Carolina, on or before the 26th day of March. 1947. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or plain tiff will apply to the Court for he relief demanded in the com plaint. This the 4 day of February, 1847. J L. HALL, _9-4tc Clerk Superior Court \o:? r?f CAROLIX \. , v !!K!;oK!-:K dirxTi In The Supcrio. Court KIT A M HEATON. I'l intiff. VJ. . rv FISHER. MAHI.L FISHER, I . i IAKC ARET FISHER. Defendants. voTir i: >rKVi\(? -i mmons PIBI.KATION' i1. clifmclant Mai aret Fisher i I ! ike notice that an action en ?itlc:l?as above has been commenc ed in the superior court of Chero kee County, North Carolina, to permanently restrain the defend ants from tearing out or cutting off a stairway, or the j p port thereof, leading from Main Street to the second floor of what is known as the New Bradley Hotel, in An ( a w . North Carorlina, or othcr 'vvi.-c interfering with or obstruct ing t!u- ."-aid stairway; and the said defendant will further take notice that she isv required to appear at the oft ice of the clerk of the su peiior ( u: t > f said county in the ?. ourtl.oi: . i . Murphy. C . with ? l tvvent d after the 6th day .lit March, 1947, and answer or demur to the complaint in said I -ition. of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demand ???<' in said complaint. This 2nd i'n v of February, 1947. J. L. HALL. -M-4t CI. rk Superior Court. NOTICE or SALE OF LAND WHEREAS. CHARLES ALLI SON and uif." NETTIE ALLISON. by Deed of Trust dated December 30, 1937, registered in Cherokee County Registry in Book 109 at1 p;i,c 24 li::1 indebtedness j i i.ircd by ' '?> 1 :id Deed of Trust; J .in- i' .fiM-'ned. .1 B. Gray,; i ri. i ( . v " i n Saturday, the 1st1 ' } of M i i. i.()47 ;:i 12 o'clock noon at '! Court House Door in j Murphy. .\ ? i Carol . 'ia offer for, vale to t!. i. hest bidder for cash th follow ;r do-cribed tract of I nd in CI. ? ikee County, North ( aroiina: BEGINNING on a small post oak on top of :i rid a on the line of! No. 7 and the South line of No. 8! the S. E. Corner of the Estella \ ovles lot and runs up said ridge as it meanders along an old road with Estella Voyles line X 27 1 W. 150 feet, then N. 51 W. 97 feel; then N. 27 1 2 West 147 feet; then N. 12'. ? E. 174 feet, then X. 26' .. \\ 310 feet; then N. 22 '2 W. 153 feet, then N. 18' 2 W. 140 feet, then X. 30 \V. 3!>'i feet, then X. 26' ? w. 9o fivt, then X. 10 E. 259 fect, then 3(" j K. 117 feet, then X. 2 \V. 210 feel, then X. 10 E. 180 feet, then X. 9 W. 155 feet to a post oak on the back line, then with said line V !> E 100 feet to a black jack .siump with a black jack wiUic*.-. then with the line of Xo. 8 s hi; i: 1300 feci lo a black jack stump on a l-ulge X. E. Corner of V 1 8. then s 4 W 2590 feet, to a ( ln -t. nut stump 011 a rid v S. E. Corin of Xo. 8 and X. E. Corner of Xo 7. then with said Xos. X. 80 \V >o<) feet to the beginning, containing 62.2, acres. This the 28th day of January, 1947. 29-4t J. R OKAY, Trustee IKE LONE RANGER By Fran Striker IF I'D KNCWN WERE WAS JUST TWO OF 'EM, I'D NEVER HAVE DROPPED THIS SUM! WHEN SOU SURTCNTorj leave vour guns GROUND STARTING MONDAY -VMAN AT LARGE