rAGI EIGHT GOSPEL MESSAGE By Freed Towiwend. Pastor of Ball Ground Baptist Church where everybody is welcome. TEXT JAMES 5:16. "PRAYER." A CREATIVE POWER. 1. Prayer brings a Pentecost On the day of Pentecost there wer< people who had really prayed and had things in common Oh God help ua to be people as they were; of watchfulness and prayer, eager t< hear the Gospel of Christ, and do something about it Christian friends ? when will we get to where we can pray in the Spirit of Christ for i Spiritual awakening? Our world is blighted with hatred, envy, maiice i and every conceivable sin under high Heaven; drunkenness, whordom adultery, fornication. God said. "If my words abide in you and you ir me. ask what you will and shall be granted." We need men, women boys and girls who will believe the truths of God. It seems we hav< so many church folk today who take the Story of Christ as a fairy storj and are saying after attending some of the services. "My what a preach er," when there should be some deepened convictions that we might say "My, what a God " 2. Prayer releases power in us. The power within the human breast that has been saved by the grace of God will never be released until we contact God through prayer. We may be like a broken wire on the power line, ever so close, but to none effect until the contact has been made Some of you right now in your own hearts remember when you could get a prayer through to God How happy you were then, but how miserable now. You need to pray again and you say you have tried it, but remember the poet said, "pray until you pray." Oh how we need to release that power within us by praying as the Lord would have us. How can we afford to go on in the haphazard way of living as many of us have, trying to live the Christian life without prayer Let's pray and be happy again. 3. Prayer brings us in line with God and His purpose We can not understand the will and purpose of God in our lives except we pray. Things always look different to us when we are fully devoted to God and His cause through prayer I believe it is just as possible for me to retain my 210 pounds without eating as it is to have spiritual strength without prayer. What was it that brought deliverance to Daniel, while he was in the den of lions? Prayer, not money or posses sions. but the will of God was wrought in the life and sufferings of Daniel through prayer We are always considerate, and can undergo any hardship when we are in touch with God by prayer. We aren't so easy to see the faults of others if we are living a daily prayer life. We can always detect God s providential care over us and His bidding us go and do and give and live when we are living a prayerful life I verily believe William Carey, the pioneer missionary, was able to stand against the wiles of the devil, and the hardships of life because of his prayer life. 4. Through prayer we are filled with the Holy Spirit We talk about being filled with the spirt or seeking the Holy Ghost after we arc saved by the Grace of God, The only way we arc filled by the spirit after we are saved is only by a life of obedience, doing the things the Lord tells us to do to be a Christian Nowhere in the word of God can you find where God granted the gift of the Holy Ghost as a special gift to any one individual to do this or the other. It was His gift only to the church as a special gift Repentance, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is still Biblical. If we want the witness of the spirit of God we don't have to pray for Him to come He is already here and will always be until Jesus returns We just need to align ourselves with God's plan and program. Paul and Silas had the power in jail because they prayed. To try to live a Christian life without prayer is to sin against God and his people One of the Old Testament characters said. "God forbid that I should sin. in forgetting to pray for you." 5. Through prayer we have power Many people today have power, as far as politics or their money is concerned, but I declare unto you the man who lives down on poverty street can have power with God by prayer. O how I thank God for my mother Among all the train ing and advice mother gave me I cherish the memory of a prayer I heard mother pray once when she cried out, "Oh God have mercy on my boy." Through prayer homes have been changed from hell to peace and joy Prayer has changed towns and cities John Wesley because of a strong prayer life, did wonders in saving a country from ruin and destruction And another great character, bowed with a broken heart once said, "give me Scotland or die " Such praying was real, always brings results. I was in a meeting once with Bro Wallace Millsaps. He was praying: some had already been saved that night He said. "Lord we thank You for these that you have already saved and for those you are going to save " James 5:16 says the effectful. fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. II Chron. 7-14 "If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, seek my face, turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land Let s do as we are admonished to do in Genesis. "Go back to Bethel and erect an altar and pray " My brethren it is pray or we perish Will we perish or will we pray? If the Lord leads you to contribute to the expense of printing this message address all communications to FREED TOWNSENI). Ball Ground. Ga., Phone 8 TIRED of WINTER? * X I Get a lift now by planning your farm or X / ... i business operations this spring and summer. ;|; Or if your plans are made why not review ?? them? Can we give you a lift financially in making your plans come true? We have the cash to loan. Have you a ! sound business, farming or personal venture in mind that requires funds? We invite you to consult us now if you have. And We'll be glad to cooperate. CITIZENS BANK and TRUST CO. Complete Banking Services SERVING SOUTHWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA Murphy-Andrews-Robbinsville-Hayesville it Midway Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sosebee and family, and Johnny Sosebee ol Eton, Ga.Awere guests of Howard Rich Sunday. ? Mrs. Kitty Warren and daugh ' ters. Lena, and Winona of Dooly } I were guests of Mrs. Annie Lee j Rogers last week-end. 1 I Those visiting at the home of ? I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rieh Sunday ' were: Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Toth I trow, Mrs. Ed Garren and chil ? dren. Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Brown, and daughters. Leona Dorothy, and Helen, and Tompie Chastain. Walter Rich of Ahe Harshaw Farms and Mrs. Amanda Crisp of I Rogers Chapel were married in I I Blairsvillc . Ga., Saturday. They ' | spent Saturday night and Sunday ! with Walter's father. Harry Rich. 1 j on Harshaw farms. Mrs. Louisa Rogers accompan I ied Harry Rich and Talmage Rog I ers to Sweet Gum. Ga., last Satur j day. Charlie and Wendle Rich are on the sick list. Mr and Mrs. P J. Henn and I daughter. Betsy, have returned j from a two weeks' stay in Florida. Misses Geneva and Delona Brown were guests in the home of Mr and Mrs. Isaac Elliott last Sun day Mr and Mrs L. A. McClure and daughter. Kathleen, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Brown Sun day Mr and Mrs J W Franklin spent Wednesday night of last week in Sylva. and went to Ashe \ille Thursday on business. CHILDREN'S BOOKS ? New Shipment ? The Cloud Kitchen. The Pet s Doctor. Hail Mary. The Birds Book. Meow!, The Flower Book. Our Father. The Gnome's Almanack. The Bruin Family. The Busy Bees. The Good and Bad Berries, and Mr. Mrs. Mouse, all illustrated by Ida Bohatta-Morpurgo. with Eng lish version prepared by June Head Fifty cents each THE CHEROKEE SCOUT 35-tf FOR SALE ? One thoroughbred Jersey cow. second calf, fresh ened the first of March. E. L Simonds 35-ltp LODGF NOTIC E A. F. & A. M. Cherokee Lodge No 164 will hold regular communi cation the first Monday night in each month, at 7.30 p m . in the Masonic hall. All members are urged to be present, and visitors are welcome. i J. II. ni'NCAN, Master. J. C. IIF..MBRFE. Secretary. ys r - ? ? ^ , CO*-? DISCOMFORT! Jug uid, ? 35 t Par Bottle 1 [ v A call to 69 will send a 1 cab to wherever you are I from 6 a. vn. to 12 mid night. Competent driv ers . . at low rates. | Roberts Cabs j I | MURPHY, N. C. } Classified Ads RATES: One cent per word per insertion, minimum of 35c. Cards of Thanks, One cent per word, 50c minimum. Resolutions of respect, memoriams. obituaries, one cent per word ALL ABOVE ADVERTISING STRICTLY CASH IN ADV ANCE USED FURNITURE ? Drop in and see our line of Bedroom suits, dressers, wardrobes, rockers, straight and dining room chairs, coffee tables, library tables, liv ing room suits, tdio tables. I wash stands, heaters, radios, iron j bedsprings, coil and flat; ice boxes, oil heaters, children's rockers, rollaway beds and other items Decker Bros. Used Furni ture Company, Back of King's Grocery. 35-ltp WANTED to buy Dogwood timber on highway 64 just out of town. J Luther Beavers. Murphy. 85-2tp will RENT Ml garden on Mty terms Been freshly plowed Call 96-YV or see Mrs. Nettie Axley. 432 lliwassee i^t. 35-ltc FOR SALE Or Trade one bay geld ing three years old. Partially broke. Good condition. Weighs about 1150 pounds. Tom Palmer P!?OI!? 1<>K-J. Murphy. N C. 35-2tp NEW THORNLESS BOYSENBER RY has made a yield of 6 tons per acre of the most delicious berries known. 25 plants $4.85 Postpaid: 100 plants $14.35. Write for Free Copy New 44 Page Planting Guide listing more than 800 varieties of Fruits and Ornamentals. Waynesboro Nur series. Waynesboro. Va 35-ltc Murphy Shop Shop for rent or lease, as old lease expires May 1. See R M. Ramsey. Murphy. N C 35-ltp FOR SALE ? Eight Sheep, priced reasonable Two Cows with young calves, and a Willys 1941 pickup truck. J. L. Hall. Court house. 34-2tc WITS END if you've cone to your WITS END in selecting sta tionery. you'll surely want some of our new shipment of WITS END stationery, designed to suit ones mood, all occasions and the weather, and to say all you don't want to explain ? Note paper, animal cracks, love notes, thank you notes, misery notes, gadabout paper Seventy five cents a box This is the most original assortment we've seen Won't you take a look at ? it The Cherokee Scout. 35-tf 1 VRS SACRA gnetfiig ctn ds and ! note paper. Birth announce ments. note paper with a color ful variety of flowers and butter flies. hustle-bustle cards, every day cards Sell for 5c each, or boxed from 50c to $1 00. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT 35-tf HEROES AREN'T BORN It took a war to prove the abili ties of American manhood. Today, the same sterling qualities are be ing shown by men who are serving their country by defending the peace. The skills and aptitudes will develop you physically and mentally, and the service you will do your country is immeasurable. Consider this: The peacetime U. S. Army offers you a good profess ion. gives you free food and living quarters, high wages, the finest medical and dental care, travel, re creation, sports, and retirement pay. No payroll deductions, and a chance to save your money. If you have what it takes, and have the necessary physical and mental qualifications, get full details from the Army Recruiting Station. Draft Office. Murphy. N C. notice" The Cherokee County Board of Education will meet Monday, April 7. 1947 (or the purpose of making the biennial appointment of school Committeemen for the various Dis tricts of the Cherokee County Unit; and for the purpose of elect ing a County Superintendent of Schools. I NOAH HEMBREE, i 35-ltc Chairman. SCRAP LUMBER for sale. See C. W. Savage, Phone 142-W. Murphy. 35-2tc FOR 'SALE ? Mare weighing 900 ' lbs. Gentle and well-mannered | Works well under saddle and harness. See at Evans Auto 1 Company or phone 48, Mur- : phy. 35-2tp 1 WE HAVE just received a car load of nails of all kinds. We also have brick, plaster, finishing lime, gauging plaster, brick sid ing cement, oak flooring and pine lumber of all grades. Moore , Supply Co 34-2tp j STOVE WOOD for sale. Dry oak and hickory stove wood and blocks. Any length. J. B. Mul- j key, Murphy, Phone 126-W. i FOR SALE ? Five-room house, 36 j acres of land, close to church and schoolhouse at Peachtree, | has good water, also young or chard. Will sell cheap. See Mrs. Lloyd Simmons, or Mrs. Mattie Dalton, Peachtree. 28-8tp FOR SALE ? 36% buckeye cot- j tonseed meal, $3.25 per bag. Raper Trading Co., Notla River, Culberson. N. C. 34-tf FREE pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges tion. Heartburn, Belching, Bloat ing. Nausea. Gas Pains, get a 25c box of Ugda Tablets at Mauney Drug Co. 34-1 5tp ANY MINERALS, heavy, peculiar rocks, ores, sands on your lands? I'll make tests free and help in development if you wish. Mail samples. Paste this address In some book. You may find min erals later. George M. Bowman, Mineralogist. Elk Park. N. C. 33-3tp MONUMENTS of quality. Keener Monument Works, Tomotla, North Carolina, five miles east of Murphy, N. C., on Highway No. >9 34-26tp FOR SALE ? I have about 6 acres of land on the Murphy-Blalrs ville highway about 9 miles from Murphy near where the gold branch road enters. There is a good well and fine places for buildings. I will sell for $650. If interested write Van B. Hugh es or see D. M. Reese, Mur phy. 33-4t THE TRUTH About Catholics . . . Is the Catholic Church really Catholic? You should know the REAL FACTS Write for free information to ? Box 351, White ville. N. C 32- lOt FOR SALE ? One small General Electric Refrigerator Good condition. See W. Bright Raper at the Town store bldg , Mui phy. 34-2tp FOOT ITCH HOW TO STOP IT IN ONE HOl'K. If not COMPLETELY pleased j your 35c back. Ask any druggist for this STRONG fungicide, TE-OL. I Made with 90 percent alcohol, it | PENETRATES. Reaches and kills I MORE germs faster. Today at I Mauney Drug Co. 34-3t I>R. E. E. SMITH. Chiropractor Electric (Organic) Massage Murphy, N. C. For prostate and other gland trouble. 32-4t REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A Cottage on the Lake, the only available lake-shore property on lliwassee Lake, it is new, modern and on a three aere traet, a summer paradise $7,000 Four aeres good land near Ranger Junction, 2 houses, good barn, orchard and good well, near highway, all for only $1,500 Brand new, six rooms and bath, brick veneered, hard wood floors throughout, modern fuel oil furnace heat, full size basement, acre lot, good section $10,000 Four rooms and bath, brand new, well located $2,750 Brand new six room brick bungalow, close in $5,000 Four-room frame bungalow with bath, close in $3,000 Eight-room 2 story house with bath, close In $3,500 Eight-room 2 story with bath close In $3,200 Eight-room duplex. 2 separate apartments $6,000 Eight-room, 2 story 2 bath, acre lot $8,000 Nine-room stone veneered $9,000 Five-room bungalow close in, Modern $7,350 35 acre farm near Peachtree School, 6 room house $2,800 00 acre farm, good 5 room house, good land, good road, near Shady Grove Church $3,500 38 acre farm, 4 miles from Murphy, Good road $2,500 10 acres. Store and dwelling house combined, on Highway 5 miles from Murphy, $1200 grocery stock $5,000 General Merchandise Store and filling Station, with about $3,000 stock of merchandise, store BIdg. and Garage on \*i acre lot on Highway 5 miles out of Town $5,500 On< acre lot, near East Murphy with good timber $250 Several other good building lots in Murphy, farms and business property too numerous to mention here. D. M. REESE TOWNSON RLDG. TELEPHONE 214 MURPHY. N. C. Firestone Tires Y Marine White Gasoline f Batteries MOTOR BOAT OIL AND GREASE Washing and Cleaning, Inside and Out with the New AIR VACUUM ? GREASING If your Battery is Dead Let us Bring it to Life ? Battery Charging from 30 Minutes to 30 Hours 75c Let us Rebuild Your Old Battery ? Work Guaranteed. MOTOR TUNE-LIP BY EXPERT IGNITION MAN wmm Beginning April 1st. We Will Be Open 7 Days a Week. I T TEXACO SERVICE STATION Gas, Oil, Tires, Accessories | PHONE 231-W MURPHY, N. C. Z. D. Morrow, Owner WANTED-OAK TIE LOGS Apply for prices and specifications in our office Cherokee Lumber Corporation, Murphy, n c.

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