Meaning Of Signs Important To Know In Getting Driver's License "Road signs," says Coleman W. Roberts, President of the Carolina Motor Club, "are far more import ant than many people realize. The shape and lettering of road signs has an individual meaning and of ten .especially at dusk and dawn, the shape of a sign can be recogniz ed before the driver is able to read tht message.' One of the tests which will prob- 1 ably be given to North Carolina drivers who art- being reexamined 1 during the next four years will bo a road sign test To help motorist? I refresh their knowledge of traffic j signs, the Carolina Motor Club. ' using the Driver Manual of the Highway Safety Division of the Department of Motor Vehicles as a guide, presents the following pertinent road-sign information. ( Road signs are divided into three general kinds and four individual sizes. The three types of signs are: Regulatory. Warning and Guide. Regulatory signs, which are ful ly enforced by law, regulate traf fic at certain points on the high- i way and serve at all times, as use ful information concerning traffic conditions in any locality. There are two divisions of regu- ; latory signs: The eight-side yellow 1 sign means STOP. This octagonal ' marker is placed at dangerous in tersections, at blind corners or any where on a highway where fast traffic prevails. The octagonal , sign does not mean slow down but | ? STOP. After obeying this mark- . ci, the driver should look both DICKEY THEATRE >11 K I'lIY. N. C. On Our Stage in Person Tuesday. Aug. 19 TWO SHOWS 8:30 and 10 P. M. Presents ROBERT LUNN find His Talking Blues Boys ON THE SCREEN The Gay Senorita With .JINX FA1.KEXBERG - JIM BANNON and STEVE COCHRAN ADMISSION. CHILDREN 25o ADULTS, 50c ways carefully and then proceed. slowly. The other regulatory signs give speed limits, local rules, right turns and are white, upright ob longs that usually have black let ters. Signs with red letters us ually tell you not to park at any time or at the times stated. Green lettered signs usually tell how long to park or how to park. The second important type of : igns are the Warning markers. Yv'arning signs are extremely useful miu call attention to dangers which may not be obvious. A warning sign >hould automatically put the driver on the alert, causing a re ( net ion of speed and more cautious (IrivinL' Warning signs on strange ! toads at dusk are particularly help- j fui. Those signs are primarily of 1 i three kinds the round railroad) dossing sign the slow sign and th? < .ution sign Hound signs arc | sun indication of railroad cross- j in A large cross is painted on i l*i round, yellow sign and the let - tor It. it can usually be found. Al <*<> at the crossing there may be a ' .inker I: Jit. a crossbar on a post. . flash, a wig-wag signal or cross _'at os Watch for these individ ual protection measures after you ?pot the round warning sign. Diamond shaped signs mean ro c'i speed for there is some ob !e ahead which requires care la! driving. Some of these have n rilten messages while others ; have drawings to indicate what is 1 ahead. For example, an "S" curve Simply has a black "S" painted on the sign When the road veers, sharply, a pointing arrow may be found on one of these diamond shaped yellow signs or the words "Winding Road" may be spelled ( out. A square yellow sign is a caution I sign and is also the signal for re- 1 d iced speed and careful driving. Such a sign may be placed to indi- 1 cate a road crossing, men working ! 01 a school zone. The third type, the Guide Si^ns. lave various shapes and these di i icction markers, in addition to raming present road, may indicate ( i -lance to nearby towns. After reading the above sign in formation. you should be able to nswer the following: 1 Name three types of signs 2 What significance does the .-hape of a sign have? 3. What i- the meaning of a square traffic control sign. 3. What is the meaning of a i square traffic control sign" 4 Name two places where square . sii.ns might be used. 5 What i-. the meaning of a! round control sign'.' ti \re round signs usually fol- j 1< \ ed by individual protection dc- 1 \ ices" 7 What is the meaning of the diamond shaped traffic control I sign'.' 8 Would a diamond shaped sign b< found on a twisting road? 9 Does an eight-sided sign mean slow down or STOP? 10. Do guide signs have any cefinite shape or may they vary? It must be remembered that sign sht; pes are vitally important to drivers. You should know in stantly the mean of octagonal signs, round signs, diamond-shaped signs and square signs. Noted Columnist Will Address N. C. Farm Women North Carolina farm women who attend Farm and Home Week, co sponsored by the State College Ex tension Service, and which will be SPECIALS MYERS WATER SYSTEMS Deep and Shallow Well PRESSURE GUAGES AND SWITCHES MYERS DEEP WELL HAND PUMPS BULK SEED Evergreen Dawn Grass ? Dwarf Essex Rape Seven Top Turnip ? Purple Top White Globe Turnip PRESSURE COOKERS ? PRESTO Wear-Ever, Mirro-Mat-Ic and Nesco Small shipment genuine FIESTA WARE dishes - open stock FOLEY FOOD MILLS Murphy Hardware Company ? I Quality Hardware Since 1 906 Phone 25 ________ Poor Management Is Blamed For Poultry Failure Poor management is probably one of the greatest reasons why many North Carolina poultrymen fail to realize any profit from rais ing summer-hatched chicks, says Prof. Hoy S. Dearstyfie, head of the Poultry Department at State College. Usually' the vitality of the late hatche'l < nicks ; much lower than early hatched i l icks, he, add ; .ng tha* ?.ygs used for hatching pur poses .it t .lis time of y?ar : re secui cd fror.i hens that have laid fo i early a lull year, and because oi this, arc not of high Vtlr.liiy. Con sequently. the rateheryman usua !.. stalls eggs that do not hatch v ell and produce chicks of reduced vitality compared to the spring hatched chicks. Chicks started in hot weather t.sually have a rather dormant ap petite and do not develop 011 a comparable basis with early hatch ed chicks, and as the vitality is down, the chances of disease in creases and death from causes oth ei than that of contagious disease germs increases. Producers starting chicks in the Mimmer should exercise every pos s.ble care in management, he said. Ventilation of houses must be care fully watched, especially if the con- 1 finement system of brooding is j used. Cool nights very often fol low warm days and direct drafts an birds during such nights may lead to summer colds, a condition very difficult to handle. Also, wet litter may be a factor aiding the in fection of coccidiosis, he added. REVIVAL MEETING A revival meeting is now in pro ess at the Vengeance Creek church, starting last Sunday. Aug ust 10. Ml visitors are cordially invited. held on the College campus the last week in August, will want to leave the activities taking place on Hit campus the morning of August 28 to hear a lecture by Miss Doro thy Thompson, noted columnist and orld traveler, whea she speaks Raleigh Municipal auditorium. Miss Thompson, who column "On ?he Record" appears in newspapers throughout the United States and in several foreign countries, start ed her career in 1913 before com pletion of work at Syracuse Uni versity when she became a leader i. the feminist movement on the campus. After her graduation in 1914. Miss Thompson did organization work for woman suffrage. In 1917 nd 1918 she served as a copywriter in a New York advertising agency, and in 1919 she did publicity for social service project in Cincinnati. She sailed for Europe in 1920. with no particular destination in mind, but with a strong desire to study foreign conditions. On the liner were Zionists bound for a con ference in London. She persuaded International News to let her cover the Zionist conference, and this was the beginning of her journal istic career. After the conference Miss Thompson went to Ireland, talked with the Revolutionists, and got several interviews ? including the last given by hunger striker Ter lance McSweeney. the Mayor of Cork. She then went to* Paris to do Red Cross publicity, and later, with a space-rate assignment, she went to Vienna. The next years were a succession of European journalistic explaits. The Polish revolt ,the first Karlist putsch in Vienna, during which, disguised as a Red Cross Nurse, she slipped through a double cor don and obtained an exclusive in terview with former Emperor Karl and his consort. She has written several books; including "Listen Hans." "I Saw Hitler," "Refugees." "The New Russia." "Political Guide." "Once On Christmas." and "Let The Record Speak." Classified Ads RATES: One cent per word per insertion, minimum of 35c. Cards of Thanks, One cent per word, 50c minimum. Resolutions of respect, memoriams. obituaries, one cent per word. ALL ABOVE ADVERTISING STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. FOR SALE: Bakery in Ellijay, Ga. ' New Equipment. Call or write Ellijay Bakery. 4- It PA'RTY and HOSTESS TOWELS, personalized. Paper towels, printed in floral rose ink, with floral and angel designs, with name imprinted. 50 for $1.25. Allow three weeks for delivery. The Cherokee Scout, Murphy. 41-tf The average price received by farmers for eggs in mid-June was 41.5 cents per dozen, 8 cents above the previous June 15. PROTECT YOUR LOVED ONES With A QUINN & HUMPHREY Mutual Rurial Certificate ONLY COSTS 25c TO JOIN QUINN & HUMPHREY Mutual Burial Association Copperhill. Tenn. SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS Nice 6 room house with bath in Country on main highway com pletely furnished with standing furniture, together with Store house and stock of goods, fish pond, nice lawn, orchard, chick en house and barn and other good features on l1 acre lot, all for only $5500. A good business and good home. 30 acre farm with good orchard, barn, crib, and other out build ings and fair farm house on main highway, with plenty of good timber land and 15 acres good crop land $2500. A Four unit apartment house, each unit having .1 nice rooms and bath renting for S35.00 per month each, centrally located. $15,000. 5 acre farm with nice 5 room house 1 mile from center of Murphy with barn, smoke house, wood hous" young orchard, good lur.:l in high stat" erf cu'tivation only ?4c/('U Six room house end 3 acre lot in side city limits o? Mi.rphy 81,000 New modern 3 bedroom brick bungalow completely furnished with (ias range, gas refrigerator and water heater and other gas equipment, close in, $6500. Terms can be arranged. i 10 acres farm in the edge of town with good house 9 rooms and I bath $5000. Also 5 room house and 3 acres $4,000. | 2 lots of over one acre each near highway just outside of City Limits of East Murphy, ?1500 each, also one tract of over 2 ] acres only $1500. 5 room house and lot on highway $3500. | Five rooms and bath on Peaehtree Street, large lot, only $2500. Good 50 acre farm near Peaehtree School $4500. Modern 5 rooms and bath close to , heart of town $6500. Ovtr 30 acres timber land and 15 acres good farm and orchard land on a main highway 4 miles from town with modern 6 room dwell- 1 ing with bath and running water, store house, and Oris Mill, ideal location for tourist court and service station. A real bar gain $7500. Brand new 6 room brick bungalow close in, small lot only $5500. Brand new modern brick, 6 rooms, hardwood floors throughout, large comfortable, oil furnace heat, full size concrete basement, large lot, good section $9000. 8 rooms, stone veneered $9000. 18 acre farm 1 mile from center of town with 5 room house $3500. Brand new 4 rooms 1V& acre lot 1 mile out $3000. 4 room framed house, large lot $3500. 4 rooms close in, small lot $3000. D. M. REESE, Real Estate Phone 214 Murphy, N. C. FOR RENT ? Two-room apart ment, electric stove, refrigerator, hot, water heater. Adults only. Phone 250. 4-ltc FOR SALE ? Home and 38 acre farm, 20 in cultivation, rest in timber. Good stream through property, good outbuildings, V i mile from Peaehtree schoolhouse. See Lloyd Simonds. 3-3tp MARBLE DOUGH BOARDS in pink, white, or sterling gray, for sale at Cherokee Seout. tf ESTIMATING and BUILDING ? Need a Home or Business Build ing? Need Any Concrete Work Done? We have just received a new two-bag Jager mixer, and are at your service for business by contract by day or by the hour. J. M. Hughes & Son, Mur phy Tire Rebuilders, 111 Church St., Murphy, N. C. 50-tfc The Truth About Catholics ... Is ( the Catholic Church really Catholic? You should know the REAL FACTS. Write for free i information to Box 305, White- | villc. N. C. 2-10tc 1 LOST: Black billfold, containing j drivers license and discharge. Finder please notify A. D. Rus sell. 203 Hill Street. Murphy. j MULE FOR SALE ? 14 years old and weighs about 900 lbs. See G. H. Farmer. 2 miles east of Marble on Highway 19. 4-ltp FOR SALE ? Three good milk cows or will trade for fat cows or young cattle. See me in Murphy almost any day at Dickey-Crain ; Co., Ab Gentry. 4-ltc ! FOR AVON COSMETICS, see or call Mary Akin, Phone 91-J, Murphy. 3-2tp Fuller Brush Company is reopen ing territory in Western North Carolina and has opening for am bitious man 25 to 40 with light car to call on established cus- \ tomers. Dealers in adjoining territory averaging $40 to $60 weekly. Write Fuller Brush i Company, Charlotte. N. C. 3-2tc BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENTS ? J Double weight paper from your favorite negative. 5" x 7", 25c, 8" x 10", 50e. Five from same negative 20% discount. Hutch inson Photo Laboratory, 41 B Vz Haywood' Rd., Asheville, N. C. 2-3tp j BUYING OR SELLING? ? For quick, positive, confidential ac tion to buy or sell a business in Western North Carolina con sult the Fidelity Business Brok ers. suite 205-206 The Jackson Building, Asheville, N. C., Phone 3166. 2-10tc MONUMENTS of quality. Keener Monument Works, Tomotla, North Carolina, five miles east of Murphy, N. C , on Highway No. 19. 34-26tp FOR RENT ? Bates rooms, private bath, Phone 117-W or 169-XJ. ANKLETS ? 11 Pairs for SI. 00 by prepaid parcel post. Slight im perfects of regular 25c - 35c fine anklets for infants, children, or ladies. Cuff tops, assorted colors. Please state sizes. Southern Sales Company, P. (). Box 2029. Dept. BPB, Knoxville, Tenn. 4-ltc ( LAST ? One white and black spot ted female Walker dog ini4? in or around Payne Mountain Anyone knowing its whereabouts notify Elbert Hughes. Rt 2 Murphy. Reward $5, 4 ?>, ' "All Is Not Gold ! That Glitters" j I You can't judge entirely by I j appearances. All insurance j I service is not the same. |.et j ! us show you what we mean j by "Service Beyond the Con- j tract." You must have faith j in you latent, for when you ! buy insurance, you place your- ' self and your future in his I hands. You can feel entirely j safe in entrusting your insur- j ance problems to us. i GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 145 Murphy, N. C. ATTENTION MERCHANTS We have on hand several items which have been slightly damaged in shipment ? now offered for sale at prices below whole sale listings. - Rolled Oats - Macaroni - Flour - Enamel Pans VARIOUS OTHER ITEMS SOUTHERN RAILWAY DEPOT Phone 55 Murphy, N. C. 3ACK SCHOOL' School Opens September 1 ARE YOUR CHILDREN'S FALL CLOTHES READY? ARE YOURS? School Day? Mean Cool Days And cool days mean that those fall and winter clothes will have to be taken out of summer storage and moth balls for usage in the near future. Why not let us give your cool weather clothes a thorough cleaning today? Our efficient methods of cleaning, prompt delivery and service guarantees you complete satisfaction. MURPHY LAUNDRY B. B. Cornwell, Prop. Phone 159 Murphy, N. C.

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