F.H.A. Is Helping To Fight Farm Land Inflation The farm ownership program of the Farmers Home Administration is helping fight farm land inflation, , says S. S. Williams, FHA County County Supervisor of Murphy, pointing out that the ten-year-old tenant-purchase plan provides loans only for buying sound-value farms. Following a long-time policy, the agency appraises farms considered for purchase by its applicants and estimates their worth on the basis of normal or long time earning ca more than your money's worth PENNSYLVANIA TIRES You pay no more for this "tail ored" tire than for any other top v quality tire on che market. But you get more in careful, pains Caking construction; more real value in this tire that has two treads; more ^ real reasons for J F more safe miles. ? i PENNSYLVANIA RX TUBES j Your best buf for safer going with old tires; r more mileage with/ new tires. Allison & Duncan MURPHY, N. C. GARRETT'S FEED AND GROCERY STORE CARRYING A COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES and FEEDS AT REASONABLE PRICES 0 WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE FREE DELIVERY SERVICE DEWEY GARRETT. Prop. Willow Street Phone 217-J Dickey Theatre MURPHY, N. C. SATURDAY, AUGUST .JO DOUBLE FEATURE "RIDERS OF DESTINY" WITH ? JOHN' WAYNE - GEO. (GABBY) HAYES AL (FI ZZY) ST. JOHN ?ALSO? "THE MAN WHO DARED" W ITH ? LESLIE BROOKS - GEORGE MAC READY SERIAL: THE MONSTER AND THE APE No. 13 LATE SHOW SATl'RDAY, 10:45 P. M. "TALK ABOUT A LADY" WITH ? JINX FALKENBURG - FORREST TI CKER M NDA1 MONDAY, AUGUST 1 SEPTEMBER 1 "THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES" WITH ? BIT) ABBOTT - LOU COSTELLO ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECT ? LATEST NEWS TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2 - 3 "RENDEZVOUS WITH ANNIC" WITH ? EDDIE ALBERT - FAYE MARLOWE ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECT TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 ? ON STAGE IN PERSON Big Double Header Show CARL STORY And His RAMBLING MOUNTAINEERS "l'LCS" OLD GRAND PAPPY And His Fun THURSDAY - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 - 5 "FRONTIER GAL" WITH ? YVONNE SALOME DECARLO - ROD CAMERON ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECT ? LATEST NEWS Classified Ads RATES: One cent per word per insertion, minimum of 35c. Cards of Thanks. One cent per word. 50c minimum. Resolutions of respect, memoriams. obituaries, one cent per word ALL ABOVE ADVERTISING STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. FOR SALE ? Thoroughbred cock er spaniel. 1 year old. solid black, fine pet. Frank Ellis. Blue Kidge, Georgia. Phone 3226. 6-2tp. Look for cool nights and mornings in September. Lot me fill your wood house with Heater Blocks or Stove Wood. Either large or small load. A saving to you to buy in large truck loads. See Alvin Clayton. 6-ltc pacity, instead ol using present larm prices as a guage officials fig ure. for example, cotton at 12c a pound, wh at at 75c a bushel, and corn at 63c a bushel. At the same time, costs for farm and home op eration are estimated over a similar long period, to insure that the family's income will exceed their expenses and enable them to repay their dt bt in 'In- allotted time. This is done to assure protection for I both borro\ t r and Government | agains' an unwise investment. Where "rices are not in line with this estimate, the a ency refuse?! to make loa.i This turn-down | uiten result . ?; the seller's reduc tion to meet the p. i.. ci uo reason able by the FHA County Super visor County Committee, and a qualified appraiser. Besides scal ing down prices in many specific instances. the program exerts a de flating influence on farm real es tate in general. FHA appraisal standards are frequently used as a yardstick in communities to set [>rices on farms for sale and to judge prices already established. "Congress and officials of the Farmers Home administration have placed safe-guards around our pro gram". Air. Williams explained, "so it can operate safely in good times nd bad. and be particularly useful in a time of inflation. It's a per manent source of sound credit and ood counsel he said, "for veter ans and other who want to farm but ivho do need our help to do it " PERSONALS Mr- Arthur \kin and sons. Ben nd Herman spent the week-end in Montana with Mr and Mrs. Robert Akin. Their son. Bobby returned with his grandmother for a visit. | Miss Elizabeth Gray returned Thursda> from an extended visit in Lo> Angeles. Calif. Mrs. H. CI MeBrayer of Ander soi S C . came Friday to be with tier mother. Mrs. (i w Candler, on !ier 77th birthday anniversary. Mr and Mrs William E. Mat hews and sons. Neely and "Sonny", uid niece. Paula Sanders of Wash ington. D. t\. spent Monday night with Mr and Mrs. C. W. Savage, and visited other friends in Mur phy. William F. Wholt who has just completed a two weeks' course in naval reserve training laboratory in Washington. D. C? and Mrs. Wohlt arrived Thursday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gray before returning to their home in Houston. Texas. Tom Wright of Morristown. Tenn.. who was associated with Mr. Wohlt at Hiwassee Dam. visited him here on the week-end. Karl Weiss. Jr., left Monday by plane from Atlanta for Salt Lake City. Utah, to spend three or four weeks with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weiss. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any indebtedness incurred by anyone except Mrs Jessie P. Robinson or myself. 6-6tc A. R. Robinson. ARS SACK A greeting cards and note paper. Birth announce ments. note paper with a color ful variety of flowers and butter flies. hustle-bustle cards, every day cards. Sell for 5c each, or boxed from 50c to $1.00. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. 35-tf FOR SALE ? 42 Dodge two-ton j dump truck SI 100. Good con dition and good tires. See Wayne , Luther, Marble, N. C. 6-3t|> j ! roit SALE Four new Hollywood beds with innerspring mattress es. Cheap. Mrs. George Lovin good. 6-ltp | Have two litter QIC pigs ready for sale on or after September 1st Registered if you care for it. 1. I not selling at $12. 5') each or $25.00 a pair. Henry Elliott oi W. S. Dickey. 6-ltc WANTED ? Anyone driving to Akron. Ohio, or near interested in taking several boxes of canned uoods within the next week, please contact Hill Gulley at the Gulf Station. Murphy. 6-ltp WANTED ? Dogwood logs. Will pay cash for logs along road. Write Gwyn Carver. Robbinsville. N C. 6-8tp I Oli SALE ? An up-to-date Ladies' Drcv shop. See Mrs. W. A. Barbc.. Witherspoon Bldg., Mur phy. N. C. 6-ltc PARTY and HOSTESS TOWELS, personalized. Paper towels, printed in floral rose ink, with floral and angel designs, with name imprinted. 50 for $1.25. Allow three weeks for delivery. The Cherokee Scout, Murpny. 4 1-tf SOME SPECIAL BARGAIN'S Nice 6 room house with bath in i Country on main highway com- 1 pletely furnished with standing ? furniture, together with Store ' house and stoc k of goods, fish I pond, nice lawn, orchard, chick- j en house and barn and other | good features on 1' - acre lot, all | for only $5500. A good business and good home. .'50 acre farm with good orchard, barn. crib, and other out build- j ings and lair farm house on main highway, with plenty of good limber land and 15 acres good crop land $2500. A Four unit apartment house, each unit having 3 nice rooms and bath renting for $35.00 per mouth each, centrally located, $15,000. 5 acre farm with nice 5 room house 1 mile from center of Murphy with barn, >nioke house, wood hous" young orchard, Rood lari ? in high stat" of cultivation onlv ?4./?'0 ' Six room house and 3 acre lot in side city limits of Mi rphy $2,000. ; ?10 acres farm in the edge of town with good house 9 rooms and bath $5000. Also 5 room house and 3 acres $4,000. 2 lots of over one acre each near highway just outside of City Limits of East Murphy, $1500 each, also one tract of over 2 acres only $1500. 5 room house and lot on highway $3500. Five rooms and bath on Peachtree Street, large lot, only $2500. Modern 5 rooms and bath close to heart of town $6500. Over 30 acres timber land and 15 acres good farm and orchard land I on a main highway 4 miles from j town w ith modern 6 room dwell- , ing with bath and running water, store house, and Oris Mill, ideal location for tourist court and service station. A real bar gain $7500. ' Brand new modern brick, 6 rooms, hardwood floors throughout, large comfortable, oil furnace heat, full size concrete basement, large lot, good section $9000. 18 acre farm 1 mile from center of town with 5 room house $3500. Brand new 4 rooms IVi acre lot 1 ; mile out $3000. j 4 room framed house, large lot $3500. 4 rooms close in, small lot $3000. D. M. REESE. Real Estate Phone 214 Murphy, N. C. LADIES' HOSE ? 3 pairs for $1 00 by prepaid parcel post. Choice i of semi-sheer, seamless rayon, or lull seam service weight cot- 1 ten. Newest .hades, sli'jht ir- j regulars. State size and kind. 1 Southern Sales Company. P. O. i Box 2029, Dept. BKB KnoxviUe, Tennesset. 6-1 tc J FOR KENT ? Two-room apart- 1 mi nt in East Murphy. Mrs. P. C. Gent ry, Phone 87. G-lol Bl* 1NG OH SELLING? ? For c.uicA, positive, confidential ac tion to buy or sell a business in Western North Carolina con si. .t ill Fidelity JuMness Brok- 1 e s. su e 205-2 ? The JJacksc: Luffd.n . A . evi..e. Is. C., Phone I 316*,. 2-lGtc MOT* L. .MUN'l S ui Keener Monument Works, Tomotla, North Carolina, five miles east of Murphy, N. C., on Highway No. 19. 34-26tp ONE BUILT-IN BATH TUB for sale. 4 Call 134-R. 5-2tc VOU CAN DRAW ANYTHING ? Parlor tricks for doting dads and mothers and sisters ? cousins and aunts. This book by William F. Mullin will be fun for all ages. With it and a pencil anyone can draw pictures. For sale at Cher okee Scout. Phone 20, Murphy. The Truth About Catholics ... Is the Catholic Church really Catholic? You should know the REAL FACTS. Write for free information to Box 305, White ville, N. C. 2-iotc YOUNGSTERS TRIENA is the pleasant-tasting senna laxative for children under 12. Flavor ed with pyre prune-juice. Acts mildly, thoroughly, to relieve sour stomach, gos due to constipation No upset stomach. TRY TPIENA Satis focti guaranteed. Cow 'i use only as directed 30c, large sije, 50c. Triena ALLIED DRUG PRODUCTS CO. Chj't.nooc' Tean. FOR SALE ? Fresh dressed hens and fryers. Phone 204. Jim Cornwell. 6-2tp LOST ? One white and black spot ted female Walker dog, small, in or around Payne Mountain. Anyone knowing its whereabouts notify Filbert Hughes, Rt. 2. Murphy Reward $5. 4-Stp FOR SAL" ? OIC sow and 5 pigs three week old. G. VV. Townson Cherokee Ice Company. 5-2tp .'OH SALE ? 1 complete saw miil with ;">wer u.iit and edger. Call E. A. Irjv. . ng. 254. Murphy. N. C. por. SALE BY OWNi-y? ? r a Ids in Pleasant Valley, 4 acres in cultivation, one 3 room house and large lot in Marble. This is a real good house. See H. A. Barton. Murphy. N. C. 5-2tp FOR SALE ? 6-room house, one half acre of land. 2 miles east of town facing 180 feet on main highway. A real bargain. See E. B. Roberts at Murphy Food Store. 5-2tc WANTED TO BUY ? Sourwood Honey. Murphy Food Store. 5-2tc rews, 5-2tp r URISTMAS CARDS - We a, ready are displaying an att live and ?'different line 0j tor m ire than a century Lord Cal. -OoT: Black billfold , ntainj I drivers licens. and ,,harge | tinder please notify A D Ru sell, 203 Hill Street. Murphy ESTIMATING and BUILDING ? Need a Home or Busine Build ing'^ Need Any Concrete Work Done? We have just received a new two-bag Jager mix r and are at your service for business by contract by day or by the hour. J. M. Hughes & Son, Mur phy Tire Kebuilders, 111 Church St., Murphy, N. C. 50.tfc ' er Cof'.ee has been good, stop by for a pom ! today. Five Point Grocc r \ - G: oc< r \ Lumber For Sale Oak - Pine Flooring Finished Lumber Roofers Drop Siding Mouldings Subflooring See Gay Barton MURPHY LUMBER & MFG. CO. Phone 237-W Murphy, N. C. NOTICE MOUNTAIN VALLEY ICE CREAM PARLOR Owned by Mrs, Inez Hughes Has moved into building formerly occupied bv Flower-Craft Florist. SPECIALS POLLY RICH FLOUR $1.98 AMERICAN BEAUTY FLOUR 1.98 10 lb, BAGS 89 24 PERCENT DAIRY FEED 4.6# All Army Goods Cut 50 Percent - Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Cheap - Mountain Valley Milk. We will have a complete line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated. WANTED-OAK TIE LOGS Apply for prices and specifications in our office Cherokee Lumber Corporation, Murphy, n c.

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