Club Delegates Report On Trip The writer of the following let ter is Mrs. Alma Hike of Rt. No. 1. Hendersonville, the delegate rep resenting the Home Demonstration Clubs of nineteen Western North Carolina counties at the Triennial Conference of the Associated Country Women of the World held in Amsterdam. Holland. September 8th to 13th There were four other delegates from this State. At the conference there were delegates from some seventy women's or Your Future Can be more secure ky insurance C. E. HYDE GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 145 Murphy, N. C. Representing THE TRAVELERS, H.rtfo.d Grand Relief FROM SNIFFIY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF 1 Head SoUs! A FEW DRCS WORK FAST RMNV WMUI IROUStl IS Instantly r f f: : . Y 1 rli" |na> ita rt I em when ] little VU ka Va-U -nol In ? ch rlL And if u ? ! in urn . Vi-tr : ii> > help prc tnt many . . : an c; .el- ; ojnn.: Follow dim" >ns m j ackagc. | va?KS sanitations from seventeen differ ent nations. The delegates from America ar rived in Holland Saturday after several days sightseeing in Eng I land. At the close of the meeting I the delegates spent several days visiting in rural Dutch farm homes before going on to Belgium and France. On Board Queen Mary September 1, 1947 'Delayed) "Dear Club Members: It is impossible for me to realize 1 have been sailing through the waters of the Atlantic for the past five days and that midnight will find us on the coast of England ? South Hampton Here am "I" ? far away from The E(JG" and I am wondering if I it. will not be difficult to be a farm woman again after life on this i 1 beautiful ship. Everything that has been said or w ritten about The Queen" is cer- , I tainly true. It is like a different j world. Of course. I shall tell you ' .ill about it when I return, but 1 thought you might be interested to have a word or so while I am gone. There are 2.400 passengers on this voyage and about 1,100 crew ?o you get a little idea as to to the vastness of the ship It is a very easy matter to get lost ? we all have, at one time or another, but there are plenty of stewards to set you right again. I thought I walked on the farm, but I did not know what walking was until now. Of course, there are lots of elevators, but the cor ridors are blocks long. Sunday I went to services and I walked as far from my home to Henderson ville ? so it seemed. The food is marvelous and is served practically day and nig' i. We will talk that over when I come home as. I know my Club fnends well enough to know they u 21 !>e interested in that part of the voy age. \aturally. all kinds of en* r\un ir.ent is provided and. anions such a group as this, there is plenty of ; talent. However all i* not play with the delegates. We hav ? j meeting every day tr\ in 4 to out line our work at the coming con ference in Holland. At one of our meetings we had the pleasure of ; hearing from the group of Con-i ures<men on 'lie \gricultun* Com mittee who are on their way to j study agricultural conditions a broad. Thi - is jus' a note to let you I MURPHY FREEZER LOCKER PLANT Located on the Street between the Henn Theatre and Bus Station. No Sub Zero Room To Enter WILL BE OPENED WEDNESDAY Oct. 8, At 10 A. M. Eirst Section of 60 Lockers Now Readv. LOCKER RENTAL WILL BE $30.00 PER YEAR All Kinds of Birds-Eye Erozen Foods Will Be Sold. Apply Now At The HENN THEATRE FOR LOCKER RESERVATIONS. P. J. HENN, Owner Classified Ads RATES: One cent per word per insertion, minimum of 35c. Cards of Thanks. One cent per word, 50c minimum Resolutions of respect, memoriams. obituaries, one cent per word. ALL ABOVE ADVERTISING STRICTLY CASH IN ADV ANCE. 1 1 ARTY MOUNTAIN CANARIES for sale ? Reasonable. Can be seen at my home any day exeept Sunday. Mrs. Florence Sum merour, Blairsville, C?a., Rt 1. ll-2tc | FOR SALE ? Warm morning, coal burning heater, call 165-J. 10-3tp Now the Hard of Hear ing Can Help Them selves to Hearing The many hard-of-hearing in this city will have an exceptional opportunity to find out how they may once again experience relaxed, noise-free hearing A FREE HEAR ING CLINIC will bo held <>11 Qc t( ber 7th < Tuesday > 10:00 to 4:00 at Hotel Cherokee. Ml RPHY. N. C. by Wallace J Harton at which time lie will test the hard-of-hearing for individual hearing deficiencies. This clinic will also serve to in troduce a neu A( oust icon develop ment in hearing aids. This new discovery by the world's first and oldest manufacturers of electrical hearing aids offers amazing clarity and brilliant tone without the harsh background noises usually encountered. This instrument, in spite of its power, is so small it barely covers the palm ? and that's with the batteries enclosed! Letters have been pouring in from those who have already tried this new Acousticon saying how thrilled they were with this hear ing aid. Many of them say that they have never experienced such clarity of tone against a velvet quiet background The manufac turers of this instrument say that no one can even imagine what it ? may do for them until they hear it with their own ears. Those hard of hearing who have been searching for the answer to their personal hearing problems are urged to attend this FREE CLIMC. Complete Free informa t on will be mailed if you canno* be there Write to ACOUSTICON ASHEVILl.i: C OMPANY. 1-B Jack son Building. A>hcville. North Carolina. DON'T I OIU.I T THE DATE Advt. know I am thinking of you who made this trip possible by select ing me as your delegate and wish ing eaeh of you coulU be along." Sincerely. ALMA PIKE ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHl'RCII Schedule of Masses Waynesville. every Sunday ? 1 1:00 a. m. Bryson City, every Sunday ? 8:00 a. m. Canton. 5th Sunday ? 8:00 a. m. Cherokee 2nd Sunday ? 8:00 a.m. Cullowhee. 2nd Sunday ? 8:00 a. m. Fontana Dam. every Sunday ? 11:00 a. m. Franklin, every Sunday ? 8:00 a. m. Highlands, every Sunday ? 11:00 a. m. Murphy. 1st Sunday ? 8:00 a. m. Sylva, 4th Sunday ? 8:00 a. m. j Dr. J. R. Bell ] I Dentist | Murphy General Ilospltai I Phones: Business 215 Residence 46 Murphy, N. C. I fn joy aPUD/Nf'S"i| quick relief from J L HEADACHE !J1 | You'll agree that Capudine ii wonderfully fast and effective. Relieves so quickly becausc it s liquid. Follow directions on label. ? FOR SALE ? Nice fall suit, all wool. Will sell cheap. See Mrs. Will Rogers at fair grounds. ll-2tp. FOR SALE ? 81 acres land, 2 houses. Will sell or trade. Ven geance Creek. Rt. 1. Harrison James. ll-4tp DROP IN AND SEE Our new line of bed room suits, iron beds, link and coil springs, dining room suits, breakfast room suits, china closets, buffets, radios, library tables, washstands. dressers, odd mirrows. radio battery sets, stoves and other items. Deeker Bros. Used Furniture. 11-ltp FOR SALE ? Winter coat. used, never worn in Murphy. Size 12 14 iiood condition. Fur trim med. black, bargain. Call 295- W. 11-ltc MARKWELL staplers in various sizes, with staples to fit all sizes. Presto staplers and staples. Cherokee Scout, Phone 20. 26 tf FOR SALE - it;, June Hatched Hampshire Rocks. Pullets weigh ing about 2 lbs., will lay in De cember. Do not have room for them, will sell at reasonable price. W. S. Dickey. 11-ltc FOR SALE ? Circulating coal heater and one 50 lb. capacity ice box. in good condition. Call 93 or see Mrs. J. B. Gray. Mur phy. ll-2tc WEDDING BELL napkins, with wedding bells and name printed in silver. 60 for $1.25. The Cherokee Scout, Murphy. 41-tf SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS Business Building, stock of Roods and grist mill in good business location, all for quick sale at $3500. Small boxed house on large lot in Marble Si 500. Brand New 5 room block house fronting on an alley close in to business section in heart of town S3, 000. .">0 acre farm lying on both sides of main highway 8 miles from Mur phy with good 8 room house and new modern barn, 10 acres of good productive land. For quick sale at only $4,500. Nice 5 room dwelling with large lot in East Murphv S6.500. V i acres with 5 room dwelling, store house and mill house on gravel road near Brasstown only $1500. A Four unit apartment house, each unit having 3 nice rooms and bath renting for $35.00 per month each, centrally located. S15.000. 5 acre farm with nice 5 room house 1 mile from center of Murphv with barn, smoke house, wood hous** young orchard, good lar.d in high stat" of cu'iivation only $ l./i'O 40 acres farm in the edge of town with good house 9 rooms and bath $5000. Also 5 room house and 3 acres $4,000 2 lots of over one acre each near highway just outside of City Limits of East Murphy, $1500 each, also one tract of over 2 acres only $1500. 5 room hous* and lot on highway $3500. Five rooms and bath on Peachtree Street, large lot, only $2500. Modern 5 rooms and bath close to heart of town $6000. Brand new modern brick, 6 rooms, hardwood floors throughout large comfortable, oil furnace heat, full size concrete basement, large lot, good section $9000. 18 acre farm 1 mile from center of town with 5 room house $3500. Brand new 4 rooms 1 V4 acre lot 1 mile out $3000. 4 room framed house, large lot $3500. 4 rooms close in. small lot $3000. D. M. REESE, Real Estate Phone 214 Murphy, N. C. | FOR SALE ? reconditioned '42 ! Ford radiator. $39.50. See Wil son Palmer at Silver Fleet office FOR SALE ? 18 foot Hudson house trailer, 47 model, sleeps four people. See H. A. Barton, FOR SALE ? Westinghouse Elec tric roaster-oven with cabinet. See Mrs. Edwin Hensley or call FOR SALE ? Poland China and OlCpigs, five weeks old. 2 Poland China and OIC sows. Priced for quick sale. Rev. J. R. Hamilton Farm. Postell, N. C. 1 2 mile off Shoal Creek. 10-4tp THE HOME FOR STRAY ANTS ? A story of an independent little ant who ran away from home, by Marie Seuel Hoist. His adventures, how he met the kind old beetle, and the plans they made for a home for stray ants will delight every young reader. Gay illustrations. 15c each. Cherokee Scout. Phone 20. 6-tf BUYING OR SELLING? ? Fori quick, positive, confidential ac tion to buy or sell a business in Western North Carolina con sult the Fidelity Business Brok ers, suite 205-206 The Jackson Building, Asheville, N. C., Phone 3106. 2-10tc FOR SALE ? Lot 65 b 150 feet, intersection of Springdale Ave. and Bayless Street, adjoining the property of Mrs. Walter C. Witt, across street from H. A. Mattox* residence. P. O. Box 451, Asheville, N. C. 10-4tp or call phone 31 10-2tc Murphy, N. C. 10-4tp 296-J. 10-ltp I ^ , WM* vi^wrarvn < : XufjAuL ? 35 1 Pan Bottle WILL BUY ? pogwood logs at Murphy on Highway 64. Just out of town. See J. Luther Beavers, Murphy, N. C. 9-3tp MONUMENTS of quality. Keener Monument Works. Tomotla. North Carolina, five miles east of Murphy, N. C., on Highway No. 19. 34-26tp FOR SALE ? Electric tamp con crete blocK machine, five hun dred pallets, two electric motors and mixer, Price $500. Reason for selling ? leaving town on other business. Julian Terry, Andrews. \ C. 9-2tp PARTY and HOSTESS TOWELS, personalized. Paper towels, printed in floral rose ink, with floral and angel designs, with name imprinted. 50 for $1.25. Allow three weeks for delivery The Cherokee Scout, Murpny. ; 4!-tf < \sr \dk r.u kh\ ( win i - ? 15 inches, large molded, will burn for many hours. Chero kee Scout, Phone 20. 6-ti WANTED ? Dogwood logs. Will pay cash for logs along road. Write Gwyn Carver. Robbinsville. .V (\ (i-Stp TAVERN CANDLES ? Hand dip ped, dripless, odorless, 15 inches. White, red, green. 15c each. Cherokee Scout, Phone 20. 6-tf The Truth About Catholics ... Is the Catholic Church really j Catholic? You should know the j REAL FACTS. Write for free information to Box 305, White ville. N. C. 2-10tc YOU CAN DRAW ANYTHING ? Parlor tricks for doting dads and mothers and sisters ? cousins and aunts. This book by William F. Mullin will be fun for all ages. With it and a pencil anyone can draw pictures. For sale at Cher okee Scout. Phone 20. Murphy. 1 COLDS LIQUID MEDICINE IS BETTM Get split second relwf of Cold,iet the largest selling L.qu.d Cold freporot,o? ? fht u < 666 Vou may put a "do not disturb" sign on the leftover roast: but be sure there's an extra quart of our milk to fill a round of the family's glasses! tirade A Pasteurized Milk ?WE GUARD YOUR HEALTH DOUBLE CAPPED DAILY DELIVERY Mt. Valley Cooperative w. W. HOLLAND. Mgr. BRASSTOWN, N. C How women and girls may get wanted relief from functional periodic pain j Cardul. many women say, has brought re lief from the cramp-like egony and nervous strain of functional periodic distress. Taken like ? tonic. It should stimulate appetite, ^ aid digestion.* thua hein huiM r?u* ?nee for the "time" to come. Suited i f before "your time", it should \ help relieve pain due to purely \\ functional periodic causes. Try It I CARDll ^ O'WtCTIQn BETTER HOT-FOOT IT OVER HERE F05a TODAY'S HOTTEST DEAL! del our BUT OWANCfi FOR YOUR PRESENT TIRES ON B.F.Goodrich Silvertowns We'll never get rich on a deal like this but it's a sure cinch plenty of cars in this town will soon he riding on safer rubber. Look how you save! You get (1) longer mileage than prewar (2) greater safety than prewar (3) lower price than prewar and TODAY we are offering a special "All-Out" allowance for your weary old casings on new B.F.Goodrich Silvertowns, best in the long run for mileage, safety and value. 1.50 DOWN -1.25 A WEEK Puts a New 6.00-16 Silvertown on Your Car EVERY B. F. GOODRICH TIRE CARRIES A Jlifetime Qitasiantee Dickey Chevrolet Company MURPHY, N. C. PHONE 60 B.F. Goodrich FIRST IN RUBBER WANTED ? OAK TIE LOGS Apply for prices and specifications in our office ' r Cherokee Lumber Corporation, MurPhy, n. cjw

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