Miss Current Gives Hints On Raisins By Rl'TH CURRENT Assistant State Agent To make raisins extra plump l i.nd juicy for use infruit cup or j salad, rinse them in hot water. In cakes and breads raisins | spread their sweetness and flavor farther and have less tendency to sink if they are chopped. For j chopping, use scissors dipped in | hot water. Dust the chopped rais- j ins with part of the sifted dry ! ingredients. This helps keep them \ buoyed up during the baking. Once a package of raisins is opened, transfer the contents to a tightly covered jar or tin. This keeps them from drying out and becoming hard on the shelf. And j in warm humid summer weather it keeps them from absorbing moisture and molding. Seedless raisins are preferred for fruit cups, salads and many 1 sauces, and are also widely used in baking. When placing curtain ties, pull the window shade down to the ' desired height and use it for a marker to get the tie-backs even. Snaps go on easily if you sew all the snaps on one side in their places. Then rub chalk on the snaps and press against the side where the other half must be sewed. The chalk will mark the place exactly. Yarn raveled from a knitted >r crocheted garment can be made perfectly smooth by winding it around a board, then dampening it well with water. Let it dry on ' the board, and it will be as j straight as new knitting yarn. To help the family detect quick- ' ly the torn or ragged handker- j chiefs they don't want to use in public, fold and iron the shabby ones in a triangle instead of the ? usual square. Word from the nutrition scient ists says than bacon broiled on a i lack about four inches below the flame retained two-thirds of its original thiamine while that cook ed in a frying pan held less than j half. Washing rice wastes not only time but also nutritive value. Mushrooms, once thought to add only flavor and variety to the meal, have been found to contain perceptible amounts of B vitamins p'.us iron, copper and all of the essential amino acids. Senator Capper Wants Christ In U.S. Constitution SENATOR CAPPER TOPEKA ? Sen. Arthur Capper comparable in size to number 70 or 80 cotton thread. Select the needly accordingly. St BSC RIBE TO THE SCOI T "Don't Let Death Take Your Holiday" Don't let death take your holi | day! With that slogan as a keynote. Motor Vehicles Commissioner L C. Rosser this week asked all North Carolina motorists to exer- , cise special care in their driving during the approaching holiday season. The Christmas-New Year hoi i !ay season has proved to be the nost hazardous single period of the year. Col. Rosser said. Heavi- 1 :* travel and the festive spirit of the season increase the normal winter driving hazards, such as bad weather, slippery roads and more hours of darkness. During lust December. 103 persons were ! killed on North Carolina streets i ?nd highways. Sixteen of these | lost their lives during the Christ mas holidays from the 23rd I hrou?h the 25th of December. 1 I \nd on Christmas Day alone. 11 I persons met their deaths on o*ir highways | Col. Rosser said that Christmas s the season to bo merry, but it is also the season to be wary. He warned that traffic would be un usually heavy during the entire Christmas season, and asked all motorists to cooperate fully in in effort to reduce highway accidents and fatalities. He especially urged that drivers refrain from drinking while they drive, for "liquor whon mixed with driving can be one of our most potent killers." Asucculent feed for a dairy cow is one with a hi^h water content. Good examples are: pasture, sil age. and soiling crops. Such feeds furnish a cheap source of feed nutrients and because of their suc culence tend to keep the digestive system in good order. It is import ant that one be included in the ration throughout the year. We sincerely hope your Christmas will be filled to overflowing with hoppiness and good cheer and may the New Year be one of Health, and Prosperity CHAPMAN and HUGHES Feu' 2 ,1. Murphy, N. C. It is not riches or elaborate gifts that make CHRISTMAS Merry, but the simple familiar wishes of neighbors end friends plus an unassailable faith in our LORD and Protector. With this thought we again come to this glorious Christmas season with thankful hearts, and faith In the One who was b:rn in the manger almost two thousand years ago, who has been and now is man's great est Friend. May we again repeat the angel's message to the Shepherds ? "A Christ is borned in the city of David. Peace on earth, good will to all men.'' Townson Funeral Home