Vengeance Creek Church Buys Gifts w The Vengeance Creek Sunday School has bought presents for 58 children under 14 years of age. for Christmas. During the year a penny box had been kept to sup ply the money for these gifts Ruth ?:nd Clayton Thompson selected the gifts. The Sunday School is A REFLECTION OF CHRISTMAS CHEER ? ne jolly smile on Santa s the twinkle in hi eye, ? e goou iess in his mellow vo;ce reflect the good nes in our hearts or a oyous Yuletide for each and every one of our friends. PALMER'S GARAGE TOM, HAYES, and BOBO Dickey Theatre MURPHY. N. C. SATl'RDAV, l)EC EMBER 27 DOUBLE FEATURE "CHEYENNE TAKES OVERS" WITH ? I ASII I \KI I Fl ZZV ST JOHN ?ALSO? "LITTLE IODINE" WITH ? JO ANN MARLOWE ( HATTFR 6 Ol "Till'. I.OST .11 N( ,LE" WITH CLYDE BEATTV I \TE SHOW s \TI It DAY, 10:45 IV M "THE DEVIL BAT" Willi ? I'.l I > I I (. \ ^l SI ZWM KARRI'S SINDU MO\li\\ DECEMBER >8 - 29 WITH ? I.OI isl II \\ WOOD JOW LESLIE \I>0 SELECTED SIIOR'I si h.IECT ? LATEST NEWS TI'ESDW W l DNI SDW DECEMBER 30 - 31 "THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS" W ITH ? RANDOLPH SC OTT - BINME BARNES HENRY WILCOX ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECT THURSDAY - FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 - 2 "WILD BILL HICKOK" WITH ? BRITE CABOT ONSTANCE BENNETT ALSO SELECTED SHORT SI B.IECT ? LATEST NEWS Motor Vehicles fs New State Department Now that North Carolina's High way Safety Act has boon put into | effect, much of the public's at ' tention has been focused on the Department of Motor Vehicles. ; which has the sole responsibility i ior administering the Act. ! But along with all the interest ' in the details of the Safety pro , -ram. including re-examination of | all drivers and motor vehicle i mechanical inspection, there has ; been much confusion as to what | composed the Motor Vehicles Department Many of the States citizens -eem to be living under ! the erroneous belief that the !>.? j part men t is connected with the state Highway and Public Works i ommission others think it is a branch of the Department of Hevenur Not so Motor Vehicles is -"parale and distinct state (Vpartment. created by Legislative \ ft The Department was set up inly ! 1941. and its present com I rn i ssi oner is Col. I- (' Rosser .lot4 W (la i ret! is Vssistant Commis sioner. The Department now employs nearly 900 workers, and wlien the Motor Vehicle Mechanical Inspec I lion Program foes into effect in January. 212 more workers will be added, making a total of 1.087. The Department of Molor Vehicles s the second largest state depart ment i n point of personnel and is I -econd only to the State Highway I ?S. Public Works Commission. The Motor Vehicles Department has four main subdivisions: 1 State Highway Patrol. 2 Highway Safety Division. 3 Registration Division. 4 Mechanical Inspection Divi sion. 1 With Col Rosser as Commis I sioner of the whole Department, each division has its own Director Col H J. Hatcher commands bo* h the Highway Patrol and the High way Safety Division, assisted bv Sam L c.aynor. Jr., as Assistant Director of Highway Safety Miss Fov Ingram is Director of Regis tration; and Arthur T Moore is Head of the Mechanical Inspection r?i? Newest of tiie divisions is Me chanical Inspection, which was created by the last legislature to administer the Motor Vehicle Mechanical Inspection Program, v hich will get underway in Jan uary The Division will employ j over 200 persons, who will have the dut\ of cheeking all mot >r vehicles registered in this State tor mechanical defects, to see that 1 they are safe to drive The pro gram was designed to cut down < n needless highway accident*, many of which are caused by de li t live vehicles. The Highway Patrol is made up of 423 patrolmen.. 8 clerks. 30 mechanics, and 28 radio operators lor the Patrol's radio stations. TUe | Patrol is charged with the primary j responsibility of keeping peace ?n I North Carolina highways by ap prehending traffic violators Though the Patrol and the High way Safety Division are both di rected by Col Hatcher, their dut ies and functions operate separate ly. The Safety Division is made pp j of the State's 102 drivers' license examiners and 21 safety field representatives. The examiners are now in the process of administe - j ing North Carolina's License Il?' Kxamination Program, which re giving a Christmas program on Dec. 24 at seven o'clock Jliaij Of 11 3~tapp iness % 7/ ours As you enjoy the content lent ond merriment of the Yuletide, we wont you to know that we will be thinking of you ond of the omicoble associa tions that hove been ours during the time we hove been serving this community. It is these friendships that bind our ambitions, to be of the utmost service to all Hampton Hardware & Supply Co. I quires that every motorist in | .Vorth Carolina must obtain a new | driving permit within the next I four years Drivers are being taken in alphabetical order The safety field representatives have the primary duty of promot ing safety among school children :?nd civic organizations They an nually train around 7.500 school bus drivers and aid in organizing driver training courses and school boy patrols in the public schoo's. The Highway Safety Division, through its large clerical section also has charge of revocations and suspensions of drivers' licenses of persons convicted of serious traf fic charges Ft is also charged wi'th administering the Financial Re sponsibility Act. and in addition keeps accurate statistical data on ..ccidents and fatalities ? th?ir cause* and trends. The Registration Division is comprised of 12 separate units, and has been collecting approxi mately $12,000,000 .) year from the ?ale of all types of license plates ; nd revenue derived from the Bus ?rid Franchise Unit. This Division also has charge of issuing titles ;.ihI registration certificates to all cai owner it i* hoped that the foregoing article will make clear to \or#h Carolinians the various divisions and functions of the Motor Vehi cles Department, so that in the future they will not confuse it with other State Departments Murphy Takes Old Rivals j By PORTER (.RIGGS The Murphy Bulldogs, playing before a half filled house, look both ends of a doubleheader from their old rivals, the Andrews Wild cats. here Friday night: The girls! von by a score of 32 to 22. the boys taking a 33 to 25 triumph. | The girls, playing the roughest game of the season, started slow but led by Taylor and Hall found i the range and won easily 32 to 22. ! The boys again led by Captain James Hughes took an early first quarter lead and never were head ed Hughes and Alexander were the leading scorers for the Bull dogs. getting 15 and 7 points lespectively. For the Wildcats But ler with 10 points were the best they could do. The games with Andrews moved the girls' record up to three wins against two losses, and the boys' record as four wins against one setback. Murphy '33' Pos Andrews <23) Hughes '15? F Webb Brendle (4? F Hawk <5) Hampton ? 5 > c Butler <10? Alexander (7i CI Christy >6) Davidson (I Bradley <2? Sub Murphy Hall '2 1 \ndrew> Rimers 2>. Womack. !<: ni?i: \ k (?ovcrnor Yi K. Thompson has been invited to speak at the an nual banquet of the Phi Chi and Phi Delta Literary Soeieties of Young Harris College, according to a joint announeement by Wil liam Paquin and Mary Gardner, elub presidents. The banquet will be held Jan uary 2.'$ All alumni members have been invited to attend. Cotton prices edged upward during the last several weeks. Sales of spot cotton in October totaled 2.043.000 bales, the largest lor any month on record Domestic mills used about 826.000 bales. 14 per cent more than in September but 12 peer cent less than in Oct ober 1946 FOR YOU, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS, OUR FRIENDS! A Merry Christmas To All Five Point Grocery Company Phone 101 Murphy. N. C. Postell Rev. Early King filled his regu I lar appointment at the Swanson ( hurch Saturday night and Sun | day M t\ Stiles returned home J Tuesday night from Gastonia where he attended the funeral of i Iiis brother. Clyde He was ac ? compained home by his son. Ray. 1 He returned to his job Thursday. Mrs Delia Suit of Hiwassee 1 Dam is visiting her brother. S S. ! Montgomery and family. Mr and Mrs M C Stiles visited .f YV Stiles at Letitia Sunday : evening. He is reeovering from pneumonia. S I) Hayt Col man announce the birth of a son Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Clate Stiles. Mrs. Sophie Jones were in Copperhi.l F riday. Bert Mason visnited his daugh ter and family. Mrs Iloyt Colc .nan. Saturday night Harry Mauney son of Mr. and Mr* W M Mauney. who is attend ing the Baylor School for Boys at Chattanooga. is spending the i Christmas Holidays with his , parent?.. *1 jf ! MAY THE JOYS OF THE CHRISTMAS SEASON ? REMAIN WITH YOU THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEAR MARGARET'S BEAUTY SHOP PHONE 361 RCA I. ESTATE ASSOCIATE WANTED ,..liv, mxn or woman to list, show and Mil Farm,. Homes and Country Business Propeties to people our National Advertising brings to you. Experience not essential, we train you for the Y^r I istincs are advertised in newspapers, magazines and in STROUTS famous catalogs that circulate over 400.000 copies yearly from Coast to Coast. \ profitable permanent connection with the World's Largest \dvertisers of Country Heal Estate. In business 47 years. \ great number of our associates earned commissions in excess of *10. I>00 during the past year. preference given to applicants located or who can locate in small town or on main highway. VAL MIEIILS. Vice President STROIT REALTY AGENCY . ... New York 19. N. Y. 255 fourth Ave. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ C(JAST w/f ^ M p yoasoiis llrcctiw ^ I r ? II Best wishes for a joyous | f Christmas, a bright and prosperous New Year. SHERRILL'S PURE OIL STATION HOLIDAY GREETINGS Above all other things in our memory at this glad Yuletide is the thought of the splendid relations with friends of this organization who have made it possible for us to enjoy a very satisfactory year. The warm spirit of the Holiday orcasion reminds us that in our friends, not in our ledgers, do we find our real assets. There are many things that make us thankful this is our home, and for that reason we de sire to extend Season's Greetings. I'lease accept the hind wishes and sincere thanks of all of us. Best wishes for a Joycus Christmas and a Mew Year of much happiness, (rood Health and Success for you and yours. Dickey Freight Line Agents for THE SILVER FLEET SYSTEM W. W. Palmer, Mgr.