?J|f (Dimikw Btaut Puolished every Thursday at Murphy. N. C. SUBSCRIPTION HATES I Cherokee and surrounding counties One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.25 Outside above territory: One Year $2.50 Six Months $1.50 ADDIE MAE COOKE Editor and Owner HOY A. COOK Production Manager MRS. C. W SAVAGE Associate Editor I , Entered in the Post Office at Murphy, >nh ( jr.. imo tv ? , , ?s as*oii*.i.in j North Carolina, as second class matter ^ '?? under the Act of March 3. 1879. __ I MEDITATION "There are two classes always of the broken-hearted. There are those who are crushed b> affliction. Both these classes came to Christ. Sinners came, and found in llini not a stern, censorious Judge. but a tender, compassionate Saviour. The afflicted came and found true comfort, lie loved all men and sympathized with them, and was able to help them. Then lie also brought deliverance to sin's captives, setting them, free breaking their chains. He opened blind eyes; not only the natural eye# to see the beautiful things of this world, but the spiritual eyes as well, to behold the things of heaven and ever lasting life. Then lie lifted the >oke of the crushed or oppress ed. inviting all the weary to Himself to find rest to their souls. Thus llis whole liffe was simply the filling up of this outline sketch. Christmas Is People Christmas is tiny people, lying awake in the night, hearing the hoofbeats of Santa s reindeer. Christmas is two people, kissing beneath the mistletoe. Christmas is old people, sitting by the fire ? re membering the warmth of youth. Christmas is solemn people, bending their heads in reverent prayer. Christmas is merry people, lustily singing car ols in the frosty night. Christmas is your people, family and friends, gathering in the parlor to exchange their Christmas greetings. Christmas is our people, doing their stardust best to serve you as a community insti tution. Christmas is all people? those in our town, our land, and throughout the world ? who believe in ? who live ? and who hold j sacred the Christmas Spirit. Kissing Under The Mistletoe Balder, the Apollo of Scandinavian mythology, was killed by a mis tletoe arrow given to the blind Hoder. by Loki. the god of mischief and potentate of our earth Raider was restored to life, but the mistletoe was placed in future under the care of Friga. and was never again to be an instrument of evil till it touched the earth., the empire of Loki It is always suspended from ceilings, and when persons of opposite sexes pass under it. they give each other the kiss of peace and love in the full assurance that the epiphyte is no longer an instrument of mischie*. A correspondent in \otes and Queries suggests that the Romans dedicated the holly to Saturn whose festival was in December, and that the early Christians decked their houses with the Saturnian em blem? to deceive the Romans and escape persecution. AN OPERATORS CONFESSION It's flash. Hash, flash from morn til night. Until I wonder if I'm right bright It's operator this and operator that Give me the time; do this, do that Operator why don't you get on the ball? I can't wait all day for one little call You don't have a circuit? Why don't you die? It would be better than to tell a lie Give me Mr. Smith; you know the one Oh. you don't? I m a son of a gun He's the one you know where; Oh. you don't? Well. I'll swear! Give mo the superv isor or Ihe manager one. I'll see if I can get some calling done Hello, supervisor or manager-you! I've got a call that's got to go thru Those operators, they are just no good. They can get it thru if they just would I'm sorry, sir. you feel this way. They will get your call thru some time today. They are working hard to do their part. To help you out. right from the start. If you don't know what operators go thru Come right up and get a head set. too After a flashing from morn til* nite. You'll wonder if you arc feeling right bright ? By Jo Bennett & Elsie Harris Bennettsville. S. C. In Echo OUR DEMOCRACY byM.t e sin^incj of carol*, a ficjfited bree.yule fogs turning... K tfi? symtofs of Christmas are rnarn^. % . ,ili,... .il- - rou3 (tout tfie worfd tfie spirit of efi ristmas is the same ? a spirit of peacc, op |vffou>siiip and of good loiff. GOD'S ETERNAL RULE HIGHLIGHTS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By NEWMAN CAMPBELL (The International Uniform Lesson on the above topic for De cember 28 is Matthew 2; Jude 24-25; Revelation 16-22. the Mem ory Verse being Psalm 96:8. "As cribe unto Jehovah the glory due unto His name Bring an offer ing. and come into His courts.") WE FINISH the book of Reve lation in this lesson ? and a glo rious ending it is to this series of lessons. We can only touch on it briefly, more s the pity, mention ing the terrible things that hap pen before the world is cleansed of sin and the "new earth" estab lished. The fearful spectacle of the an gels pouring out vials of different kinds on the earth and sea and the terrible effects The "woman" who is identified as the city of Babylon fa wicked city) is de stroyed by fire; Satan is chained in the bottomless pit where he was to remain a thousand years, then loosed (not released) and at last cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, after the great Battle of Armageddon, where Christ's forces were absolute victors against the wicked. And then. "I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea. "And 1 John saw the holy, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying. "Behold the tabernacle of God is with men. and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God. "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." John's description of the new Jerusalem to which he was trans ported. is marvelous, and should be read aloud if there is time in class. "And I saw no temple therein; for the Lord God Al mighty and the Lamb were the temple of it. "And the cuy had no need of the sun. neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it. and the Lamb is the light thereof. . . . "And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there." All the saved shall walk in the light of this new earth, and no evil will enter into it. The Wise Men Now we go back to the story of the beginning of the earthly life of the King who reigneth over this New Jerusalem, Jesus. In Matthew 2 we find the story, about the coming of the wise men The three came from the east to Jerusalem, asking every one they met, "Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen His star in the east and are come to worship Him." Herod heard of them and was troubled, as was the whole city. He gathered his chief priests and scribes and asked them where Christ was to be born. They said, according to prophecy, in Bethle hem. Then Herod called the wise men to him and asked when the star appeared; and he sent them on to Bethlehem, telling them to search diligently and when they had found the child to bring him word that he. too. might worship Him Still following the star, the wise men went to Bethlehem, and when the star stopped over the man ger. they went in and saw the Holy Babe with His mother They fell down and worshipped Him. then presented Him with rich gifts, gold (for His kingly state); frankincense, choicest of odors, and myrrh, used in burial, and still prophesying not only His death, but His resurrection Warned in a dream, they never returned to Jerusalem, but went home. After they had gone. Joseph was warned in a dream to take the young child and His mother and flee into Egypt, so he did as the angel told him. When Herod saw he was not going to get any information from the wise men. he was very angry, and in his rage he had all the children which were in Beth' lehem. "from two years and un der." killed, filling the land with mourning. Herod died shortly, and Joseph, in Egypt, was again instructed by an angel who appeared in a dream, telling him to go back to the land of Israel, as those who had sought the Child's life were dead. This was the fulfillment of prophecy by the prophet, who said. "Out of Egypt have I called my Son." So the three Journeyed back to the homeland, but when Joseph heard that the son of Herod was reigning, in his father's stead, he was afraid to go farther and. "being warned of God in a dream," he went into Galilee, to a city called Nazareth, "that it might be fulfilled which was spo ken by the prophets. He shall be called a Nazarene " A SOLITARY CARPENTER Here is a man who was born n an obscure village, the child of i peasant woman. He grew ud in mother obscure village. He work ed in a carpenter shop until be v.- a > thirty, and then for three sears was an itinerant preacher. I He never owned a house He . ; never had a family. He never went 1 lo college. He never put his foot ? in*;, e a bi'i city. He never traveled 1 two hundred miles from the place I he was born. He never did one of | the things that usually accompany j ? roi'tm ss. He had no credentials li t h mself. 1 While still a youivi man. the ti le , i I nubile opinion turned against liim His friends ran away. One of j them denied him. He was turned >vcr t'> his enemies. He weit I 'hrous the mockery of a tv al. He s mile. I up >n a cross betw -i n I 'wo thieves. His executioner's ? nmbled for the only niece of property he had on earth while he was dying, and th: t was his coat. When he was dead he was tak^n down and laid in a borrowed grave through the nity of a friend. Nineteen wide centuries have t ome and ' >ne. and today he is the centerpiece of the human race nnd the leader of the column of progress. We are far within the mark when we say that all the armi ?s that ever marched, and all the | navies that were built, and all the I parliaments that ever sat. and all the kings that ever reigned, put together have not affected the life of man upon this earth as power fully as has the one Solitary Life! ? Selected ADORATION A CAROL The carol of the angels Is heard no more today. The chorus of the heavenly hosts Long since has died away. Their anthem swells no longer, Their hallelujah-hymn No more shall rend the midnight skies O'er sleeping Bethlehem! Long years have passed since Judah Resounded to the song Poured forth upon the silent night By the angelic throng; And yet the joyous anthem That flooded Judah's air If swelling in this heart of mine. And rings and echoes there! They sang the Saviour's praises. And glorious was the song Poured forth by countless heaven ly hosts Who knew no sin or wrong: ' Hut e'en that holy anthem With my song cannot vie. l or never angles knew such joy In Jesus Christ as II I'ltfSES ALL TO CilVE TIIWKS The 45.000 employees of the Southern Railway System that Serves The South were urg.'d today by President Ernest E. Mor ris to " Give thanks for the pre i Miiis gift of our Ameriean Way of Life and the many blessings we enjoy . In his annual Christmas message to officers and employees of the j system, pubished in the December I ! issue of the Southern Railway I I Magazine "Ties," Mr. Norris said that during the "troubled year now coming to a close. .1 have I found a never-failing source of inspiration and strength in your i unswerving loyalty and devotion to J duty." j "Once again. "Mr. Norris said. . . we hear His gentle voice teaching us ... to 'love one anoth er* Let us reaffirm our faith in those ideals of universal brother hood that were given birth with Him whose birth we are com memorating; "And let us pray that our grati tude may find expression in a ! compelling belief in the spirit of 'good will toward men.' so that the reality of our peace on earth' may be our laing heritage." God's Eternal Rule When Jesus was born in Bethlehem. ? here came three wise men from the rast to Jerusalem asking. "Where is He ?hat is born king of the Jews' for we hav* seen His star in the east and are. come to worship Him." ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture ? Matthew 2; Jude 24-25; Revelation 16-22. ? nmr\ I wTnaHK-^BHnnniiiviin i When Herod the king heard of this he was troubled, and he called the wise men and questioned them, asking what time the star appeared He told them to search for the child and inform him that he too might worship Him. The wise men followed the star until It stopped where the Child was. and they found the Babe and His mother and worshipped Him. and. opening their treasures they "presented unto Him gifts; gold, frankincense and myrrh." By Alfred J. Bucscher The wise men left, but did not return to Jerusalem, and an angel appeared to Jo seph in a dream and told him to take the Babe and mother and flee to Egypt or Herod would kill the child. MEMORY VERSE? Psalm 96:8. World Harmony Tht thin* mankind is seeking blindly for After the devastation of mad war Is harmony of nations, the white peaee: That miracle whose actions should increase Goodwill among the peoples of the earth. We have forgotten how the angels sang Their clear hosannas, the triumphant words that raag Above the fields that first far Christmas night. Too long we have forgotten how the white Stars echoed to the peace that was proclaimed. To the goodwill chorus, .and that Christ was named The Ambassador from heaven to all men. Oh, that the angels' song might ring again. Oh. that mankind might see the dark clouds rift. And accept with childlike faith God's perfect gift. If the troubled earth would turn and Kneel as one In sincere reverence before God's Son, Borders would fade, and dark suspicions cease ? There would be harmony, there would be peace. ? Grace Noll Crowell " Jf or unto tig a Cfjifo is; born, 33nto us! a g>oit is giben f 2f?ninlt 9:6 May the Light oj Happiness Shine for You on Chriitmai Day And Throughout the Ne 10 Year IVIE FURNITURE COMPANY and IVIE FUNERAL HOME Murphy, N. C. c5eci icn\ jxcxztiwiCjA DAVIS' JEWELERS Phone 305 Corner Regal Hotel . . . and the happiest New Year is our wish to all our many friends. CHEROKEE FURNITURE CO.

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