Infantile Paralysis Campaign Is On In County Beer And Wine Election To Be Held In August Petition Signed By Many Voters Presented Board A Cherokee eounty election on I he sale of beer and wine will be held sometime in August, it is announced by Abe Hembrec. chairman of the Cherokee board of elections. The board, composed of Hem bree. Edwin Hyde and James Bry son. met Tuesday night to consider a petition signed by far more than the required number of voters (15 percent of the voters in the last general election), to lay plans for calling the election. The law passed in the last legis lature states that when :i valid petition incorporating the neces sary elements set out aoove is presented to a coun*v board of elections it has no discretion 1 Within 30 days after receipt of the petition it must call the type | of election requested. Several important things must be taken into consideration in sett ing the date for the election It ( innot be held 'within 60 days of he holding of any general elec tion, special election, or primary i lection" in the county or any municipality in that county Tiu a requres that notice of the - 1 1 lion be given 30 days prior to '! ?? date on which t lie registration are opened for the election Since the registration books must be opened on the fourth Saturday I t fore the date of the election, 'he da:.' foi uie election v\ill have to be at least 53 days from the date I he board is able to *ive the first notice Since there will be a town elec tion in Murphy in the early part of May. there will not be sufficient I me for holding the election be lore then. Therefore, the boar-l has tentatively set August 4 as th date for the election T. B. Clinic To Be Held Here Soon i A Tuberculosis clinic for the , | examination of both adults and j children will be held at the Chero | kee county health department early in February, announces the office manager, Mrs. J. J. Hamil ton II L Satterwhite. X-ray and laboratory technician of the North Carolina Sanitorium, will hold the | clinic. Those interested in an ex amination should get in touch with the health department prior to tha clinic, as examinations will be made only by appointment. Bids Are Being Received For Hangingdog School Plans, for building a part of the i proposed school building at While church. Hanging I>og. have been announced by Lloyd W. Hendrix superintendent of Cherokee coun j ty schools At the present time. bids are being called for. for the i construction of four class room of standard size, to be of brick It to the plan to build later two id i ditional class rooms, an auditorium |and a cafeteria. Mr. Hendrix stat ed. Singing To Be Sunday Afternoon The Third Sunday afternoon j ringing will be held ;it Little Glade j Baptist church, on the Martins, Creek road three miles from, Murphy. Sunday afternoon beginn ing at 2 o'clock p. m John Donley | chairman, will preside. The sing- 1 ing is open to all singers and the I public. Use Of Electricity Hits New High Here Consumers of the Eleetricity Department of the Town of Mur phy. already among the nations leaders in the consumption of electricity broke all records here i'or the use of electricity during the year 1947. K C Hughes. City Manager, announced this week. The power distribution system reached a new peak for total sales by pouring 4.796.777 kilowatt hours into the farms, homes and businesses it serves here. This was 20 per cent above the 3.803. 229 kilowatt hours sold last year H continues an upward trend in power distribution system was acquired by the City in 1939 Consumption of electricity ii? the home topped all previous marks for the year, with the aver age residential customer using 3. 051 kilowatt hours during the twelve-month period. This was 20 per cent ahead of 1940, which wa? a record-breaking year itself. It was also 52 per cent more than residential consumers used in tht nation as a whole during the year just ended. National consumption for 1947 was in the neighborhood of 1435 kilowatt hours, although final tabulations have not been made. Several factors account for the upreedented consumption of elec tricity here. Mr. Hughes said. F.lectric appliance manufacturers are slowly catching up with thu pent-up demand, and thousands of appliances have been added in homes during the past year. Another factor is that the low rates in effect here encouraged home-owners to use more electri city. And there is what he called the "electrical consciousness" of people in this area. They use electricity in preference to other sources of power whenever pos I siblr. he declared. I All told. I lie B78 residential cus ! tomers used 2.029.163 kilowatt ! hours during the year 1947. i Commercial users of electricity I aLso hung up new records during j the year, Mr Hughes said The average consumer used 6.587 kilo watt hours during 1947 as compir I ed to 5.742 in 1946. the highest previous year T<\il sales to ihe 238 commercial users amounted U? 1.534.709 kilowatt hours Industrial power sales for the year totalled 1.112.905 kilowatt hours, an increase over 1946 when } 084.500 kilowatt hours were consumed by industries here The power distribution system added 9> customers during tin* year to bring the total to 9?;i according to Mr. Hughes. Of th?* additions. 77 were residential cus tomers. 15 were commercial, and * were industrial. "It is interesting to note." said Mr. Hughes, that earnings din ing the year 1947 represent 26 per cent of the earnings since tin system was acquired in 1938. and that these earnings were re-invest ed in plant to provide facilities for rendering further service to all of the consumers. Net plant ad ditions for the fiscal year 1947 represent 33 per cent of the total plant owned by the people of our community, and 48 per cent of these additions were financed from funds earned during the ye; r I 1947." "I feel that this increasing use of electricity is an indication of better community". Mr. Hughes >aid. "Our homes are becoming healthier and more comfortable, and our businesses are becoming more profitable as we turn more and more to electricity." First Blanketing Snow Of Season Falls This Week Old man winter struck Mur phy and Cherokee county with full force for the first time this winter on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Murphy seeing the first snowfall this season to stick on the ground, was pleas ed but a bit shivery. The most snow reported was in the South western part of the county. It ' was three inches there and re ported to be coming faster. An drews reported a small snowfall, and here in Murphy there uas approximately one and a half inches. With the wind blowing the snow it was bitter as it struck the many school children and people on the streets in the city. The school children were happy, along with most of the people to see the first of old man winter even though it was at below freezing temperatures. Commemoration Program Presented By Baptist W M. S. The Woman's Missionary Socie ty of the First Baptist church hold lis first meeting of the year at tin* church Tuesday afternoon with 30 nu mbcrs present. The topic was Sixty Years i?i I'oya! Service", this b.'ing the \\ \l 1 commemoration year : oa:j 1948 Mr*. Bessie Deweese and V?*s l.loyd W llcndrix presented the im aasisted i>\ Mi - tfonry Hyatt. Mrs. W C. Kinne\ Mr I <> yd Brendle. Mrs K I) (/hand les Mr- Clm Moof# Mrs K .1. Darnell. Mrs Ben Palmer. Miss Mildred Whitfield, and Mrs Bol> White who sang at the open in. 4 of the program. "Forward Through the Ages." The program was illustrated by a big three-tier cake topped with two small candles which stood on :? table in the front of the room On the top tier of the cake ww. til th Anniversary", on the second tier. "Golden Jubilee", and on the bottom tier. "Jubilate." On one candle was the date. "1888 and (?n the other. "1948 " A social hour followed the pro gram when Mrs. Dewecse and Mrs. Ilendrix served cake and cof fee to the members present Lions Club Host To Football Team Murphy Lions club will sponsor ; tht' Cherokee county polio drive January 15-31. it was voted at the meeting held Tuesday evening in the dining room of the Methodist church. The club was host at this dinner meeting to the members of the Murphy high school football team and Coach Richard Yow. The 23 guests were welcomed by Dale Lee. Other guests were: Charles Worthen. guest of Dr. Geo Plonk; and H. E. Cannon, guest of Dr u. R. Bell. President H. G Elkins present ed two new members: Glenn Pat ton and Cecil Penland. who were J initiated by t\ R. Freed Guard Exonerated In Prisoner's Death David Warren. 19-year-old con vict of Canton, died in a Murphy hospital about 12:45 Sunday morn ins from gunshot wounds received when he attempted to escape irom a truck which was taking a r ?ad gang back to the Peachtree prison | camp Friday afternoon j Warren had served about half 1 of a 12-month sentence f >r la.c -uy. j On Friday afternoon around -J 30 I o'clock when approximately half | way between Mu phy and the pri ; -on camp. Warrci* jumped from j i he moving truck which was taking the road gang back 'o camp, and ran off the left side of the road into tin* wood- near WUt Scott Group Attends Divisional Meet The following from this county attended the Baptist Divisional \\ M I leadership conference at Bryson City Baptist church last (Saturday: Mesdames Henry Ilyat* I? I) Chandler. J L Hall. Sr ) c. T Umond Alvin Bunchanan. and .1 M Patterson. Misses Addii Mae Cooke and Mildred Whitfield, and Jerry Hall. Jr Miss Ruth Provence, executive ?ecretary of the Stale W M I'.. : was- principal speaker and lead ! open discussions SERMON TOPIC The Rev W T Truett will preach at Ranger Sunday morn ing nt 11 o'clock on. "Christian Assurance" The peoole of Shad\ Grove church will meet there Sunday rnornin? at 11 o'clock to call a pastor. Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmetic and Saving Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder Inspects in hi* office an exhibit ol some 80 school textbooks which contain material on United Slates Savings Bo-uis "As much as anything could, this convinces me that saving through bond? has become a part of our national economic lifo." the Secretary commented. I u first textbook I ever saw with Savings Bonds material in It came to my desk o*ii> last March? an arithmetic with three pages of examples and problems In figuring the Interest on Savings Bonds. That textbook publishers have since then Incluucd bond material In more than 80 editions of arithmetic, history and civics t~xt.' stands out In my mind as a proof of the way the Savings Bonds program is inter woven Into the everyday life of the American people." mountain. The guard was reported I to have followed him and fired, critically wounding him He re mained with him until the prison ers were taken to camp. Superin tendent Ilayden Ferguson went l<? k<?t the wounded man and brought him to the hospital where he diet! t arly Sunday morning. The body was taken by Town son funeral home to the Wells funeral home in Canton, and filar ial services were held there Mon day afternoon A coroner's jury that met Mop. ('ay exonerated the guard. K. \ Wells. Jr.. who shot Warren, hold-! ing that he was acting in the liin | i.f duty. I Co-Chairmen Make Report On T. B. Seal Sale Drive Mrs Louise Roger* and Mr* I Kovd Robinson, chairmen of the Tuberculosis Seal drive, immune* j ; that the amount collected th rear was $150 40 This exceed * l:i?t year's .imount which w;;s | SI l(i .00. The business firms and school ( | :s well as the public donated generously to the drive which, I was sponsored by the K<?nnahce!i i\u\. Phillips To Be | Guest At 4-H County Council Oscar Phillips i>1 \<heville dis i ict 411 agent, will be present to present awards for outstanding club during t!ie 4 II camps the pa-1 summer, to Cherokee county ilubsters at the 4-H eounty council ' iik i ! ? ii g on Saturday morning ??t 10 o'clock Tile meeting will be held in the home agent's office, i nd Jerry Hall Pres. will presid ? POLIO CHAILMAN ? W T Teas] of Andrews, who is chairman ol j the Cherokee county polio cam- j paign which is now under way. to | raise SI. 800 Plan To Organize Scout Council The Cherokee county Girl Seoul association will meet with Mrs Lucy St roup, community advisor of Kecion Six. in Murphy Carnegie library recreation room on Mon- j day .January 19 at 4 o'clock The ( purpose of the meeting is to work ; on the organization of a Girl Scout council District Council To Have Meeting Here On Friday The Home Demonslr1! on tiuWl (ounty council officer- t?i District one composed of Cherokee ( *la> and Graham count ie> .1! hold a ? 'eetiag in MKs Mar? CornwcH> office at t he court Hon > ? u*ric'a> afternoon at 2 o'clock with \l* - Pauline Hotchkiss distr < lit ;m? iigent. presiding. Tho*e from Cherokee count' council expected t <? attend are I Mrs. Clyde McXabb. Belvitv president. Mrs Noah Hcmbr.u I'eachtree. vice-president. M Ben Warner. Martins Creek seen tary. Mrs. Sheridan Johnson To- ^ mot la. treasurer: and Mrs Paul Smith rth. third vice-president of the district organization The purpose of the meeting is to plan for the spring district fed eration and to plan for the voir* work l? ASKKTBAI.I. III |)| |.i: The basket ImiII schedule fo Murph> and Andrews team., foi this week is Thursday .1 ?.? 1 Nanlahala High ..t Murph\ High; Krida> Jan 16 Murph H'gh at Haye<ville High: Cullow whee High at \ndrews Hu.i Fontana All-stars at Murph> ui t i'il-Stir. County's Quota This Year Is Set At $1,800 The campaign to raise Cherokee county's quota of $1,800 for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis begins today 'Thursday/, announces the county chairman, W T Teas. The chairman states that he will not appoint commit tees for the work in Andrews, but will do the soliciting in the busi ness section there himself. Miss Elizabeth Troxler will work with the school. In Murphy the Lions club will sponsor the drive. President H. G. Elkins has appointed the following committee to work here: Dr. Geo Plonk, chairman; Walt Mauney, Frank Forsyth, and H. A. Mattox. for the business district and com munity. and H Bueck for the schools. Civil Term Of Superior Court Convenes Monday Cherokee county superior court is scheduled to convene Monday for the trial of civil cases only. Judge F Donald Phillips will pre side. Caso to be tried are as follows: Palmer vs Palmer, Brown vis Brown Pearson vs Pearson; Con lev vs Conley, Roberson vs Rober ? ii ? ni? t'NOii. 'I; 1 vs Si5' * Ail! Marines* vs MarLiess. II'. at on \ ?; Fisher. Deweese vs Barnett. M 'lonee \? Southern Railway Co. et als Moore vs Cooke, Hubert Ramsey vs Whitherspoon et als. \\ I Ramst > vs Whitherspoon ct als. Lester Ramsey vs Whither [>oon et aU. Vnderson vs Whither spoon et als Mason vs Davis et als. Young Harris Musicians To Be On Club Program The January meeting of the Murphy Woman's club will be held Tuesdaj evening in the dining loom of the Methodist church, beginning at 6.30 o'clock with din ner served by members of the i hurch. The program will be on Public Welfare, with Mrs Francis Coy and Mr* c, w Plonk, as chaii men. \lu -.i- will be furnished by mem lu I *. ot the music department of Ynim_ Man-.- college. A short talk v ill be i \ eii by the Rex Dou K.ikpatruk <;f Young Harris and a film on Public Welfare will be Overseas Relief Drive Is To Be January 25-31 Vppointmcnt of the Rc\ W I* l onn.v Murphy, and the Rev C C Washam. Andrews, as co-chair men <>l the Cherokee county over seas relief drive has been an-, i. ounced by the North Carolina Council of Churches which is >ponsoring the state-wide 'Fill ?; i Ship with Friendship campaign.' January 25-31. The date for the local drive i will be announced later The Rev W T Medlin. Bobbins- 1 \ ille has been named chairman of j the Graham county drive These three ministers are among 100 county chairmen who wili organize community collections throughout the state to gather clothing, bedding, shoes and I I onychoid goods for shipment I 1 h rough Church World Seni >? 1 official Protestant relief agency To b r packed for shipment, tn^ materials will go to New Windsor Md.. where the Church World I Service Center for this area i - located Oldest and largest of nine CWS Centers scattered throughout t the United States, the New Win i sor Center has a capacity for pro cessing nearly a million j>ounds of relief goods a month During the year just ended. 3. 712.764 pounds of goods were pro cessed at this Center. Of that am ount. North Carolinians, who have been in the front ranks of Ameri can giving since the war ended, contributed 661,641 pounds. Other ilonation.N wiit l'rom Virginia, W **-"t Virginia, the District of Columbia. Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania, as well as from Mattered states outside the area Not content to rest on their laurels, the people of North Caro 1 h i are now out to build world friendship and save the lives of differing millions by collecting a whole shipload of relief supplies. Civic and service organizations . re uniting f ith the churches of tl\#? state to make the drive a suc cess. Gifts will be channeled through Church World Service to the destitute overseas. Distribution will be made on the basis of need without religious, racial Or politi i cal discrimination. *

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