Drunken Driving Convictions Reach An All-Time High Raleigh ? Drunken driving con victions in North Carolina reached i an all-time high in 1947. with 9,- j 059 persons losing their right to drive because of drunken driving as compared with 5,928 convictions : lor the same offense in 1946, the Motor Vehicles Department an nounced this week. During the month of December 913 persons lost their driving privileges on account of drunken driving. This was more than dou bie the 436 who were convicted of the same offense in December of 1946. Total revocations for 1947 were 11.665, as compared with only 7, | 280 in 1946. Motor Vehicle of ficials attributed the increase to better enforcement on the part of the State Highway Patrol, which was doubled from 213 to 423 men by the last legislature. Revocations and suspensions processed during December to taled 1.324 That figure included 33 persons caught driving drunk outside the State; 81 driving drunk and miscellaneous; and 46 trans porting liquor Thirty-two persons GIRNEY P. HOOD, COMMISSIONER OF BANKS B \! KfGH. N. C. REPORT OF CONDITION OF CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY OF ANDREWS HAVE8V1LLE. NVKniY. KOBUINSVII I I IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AT THE CLOSE oi B( 8 IN I 8S ON DEI EMBI B il INT. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances and cash items in process of collection United States Government obligations direct and guaranteed Obligations of States and political subdivisions Corporate stocks Loans and discounts including S None ?>verdafts> Bank premises owned $ furniture and fixtures $7,871 19 Other assets TOTAL ASSETS S 9 18.042 . >3 2. .162.348 72 12 ?i4:< 72 500. SO 640 571.54 29.325 n7 37.848 62 4.201.281 42 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships. and corporations 2.657.937 38 J Time deposits of individuals, partnerships. and corporations 965.575 30 | Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings* 14.470.52 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 298.271 85 Other deposits certified and officers' checks, etc 1 13.771.41 TOTAL DEPOSITS MMMM.M Other liabilities 46.681 73 TOTAL LIBILITIES not including subordinated obligations shown below) 3.996.708.39 j CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital * 100.000 00] Surplus 100.000 00 Undivided profits 4.573.03 I TOTAL CAPITAL \CCOUNTS 204.573 01 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 4.201 .281 42 | * This bank s capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $100,000 00 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 340.100 00] I. W D Whitakcr. Cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly represents trfe t?ue state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief Correct? Attest: W D WHITAKER Percy B Ferebee Z. L Whitakcr Directors. \V F. Forsyth State of North Carolina. County of Cherokee. - Sworn to and sbuseribed before me this 10th day of January. 194}; and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. tLWAYNE ? 8TBATTON. Notary P?Wi< My commission expires November 19. 1949. Automatic Sleeping Comfort for luo! NEW G-E "TWO-CONTROL" AUTOMATIC BLANKET For couples who like separate degrees of sleep-wooing warmth! r warmth he likes. Wife sets hers for warmth she desires. Each control adjusts automatic ally to weather changes within the bedroom. 72x86 inches. Blue, rose, preen, cedar. Operating cost, only a few A pennies a night. " Easy to wash. Launders beauti fully. Carefully made to rigid ^ General Electric safety standards, and approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. y Only General Electric Offers You the . Two-control Automatic Blanket General Electric \ FIRST TO STOP RISING PRICES 3 to 10 Percent Reductions on I Electrical Appliances i WHEN YOU BUY ? BUY THE BEST j MURPHY ELECTRICAL SHOP i "Next Door to the Post Office" PHONE 134-R MURPHY, N. C. j lost their licenses during th< month for speeding in excess ol 7$ miles per hour; and 18 foi reckless driving and miscellaneous Fourteen lost their right to drive for larceny of automobiles, and five for being habitual violators I of traffic laws. During December, 288 persons | were convicted of reckless driving* as compared with only 264 during the same month in 1946. However, a reckless driving conviction does not require revocation or suspen sion of license on first offense. During all of 1947. 4.462 persons were convicted of reckless driving offenses. During the year. 65.334 persons I were convicted of other traffic violations not requiring revocation or suspension on first offense. During December, 2.819 persons oere convicted of speeding, mor than double the 1.058 persons who v ere convicted of the same offense in December. 1 94(1. The December speeding convictions brought to 2 K237 total speeding convictions for 1917 During the month, 1 539 persons \v? re convicted for failing ti have driver's license; 994 for | driving with faulty equipment. >" ;9 for improper lights, and 405 for running through red light. I'pper Peachtrce Farmers in this vicinity have begun their plowing for spring planting during the pretty days of the past week Carolyn Moore has been con- j tined to her home from having tooth extracted. Dave Burrell and family expect to move to Gastonia next week Mr. and Mrs Gwynn McGuire and children of Maryville sper.r the week end with the C. VV Thomassons. Mrs Morrison Moore went to Hodda-Ynn Gorder hospital in An drews Saturday for treatment. Bill Leatherwood is moving back to this community. Mrs. J () Galloway and child ren of Copperhill are spending this week with ther parents. Mr and Mrs. Morrison Moore. B. A. Breedlove has been sick for several weeks. Vernon and Hill Thomasson visited their brother in Blairsvillc Monday afternoon. Mrs J. W and Vina Barker visited Mrs "Hill Thomasson Fri day afternoon The Rev. George Wilson preach ed here Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs Dewell Curtis and baby were dinner guests of tne C W Thomassons Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Leatherwood ?pent Sunday with their son-in law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brendle. Charles Griffith was a dinnei guests of Fred Breedlove Sunday. Misses Allie and V'allie Mooiv wei\ Saturday night guests ci Mis- Jean Curtis Mi and Mrs J. VV. Curtis visit I ed Mr and Mrs. Dewey Lloyd of ' Muipliv Saturday night. J. 1) Burrell was a dinner guest >f Bill Barker Sunday. The Rev. James Truett. pastor, preached here Sunday night JUDGE FELIX ALLEYS Book. Random Thoughts and the Mus ings of a Mountaineer, on sale at Scout office. $2.50 13-tf Beware Coughs from cciriTiOn ccids That Ha:. ; On i Creomu'.slon r^.'r v: promptl? bo | cau.-e it ?oes ri::ht to t'.e soac of the I trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature j to sootho and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem j branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the v. ay it I quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchi to Noah Numskull rt -A?> / DEAR /SOAH- WHEN A BOOTLECGER IS OUT BOOTLEG&/N6 BOOTS DOES HE WEAR SHOES AS A DISGUISE f IPAH^WOWTH <&A.Vl-OieC>, A^IMM? DEAR aioar= shoulC> a JOB HUN"Tfe? VJE AR HIS zHUj?reM<&"COAT r TEC LANV?oa> . LIMA ,0X10 seno Youe Aicmo^ts -ro " DeAie-^OAH* r Enotah Echoes | Joins Press Association The Enotah Echoes campus pub lication of Young Harris College. | recently became affiliated with the Georgia Collegiate Press Associa tion as announced by Winfield Fickle. Atlanta editor. In making the announcement Fickle pointed out that the paper lias undergone a "face-lifting" this term in as much as the genera! make-up has been improved along with the style and tone of the eori ?? n:. Star Miller and Miss Edna Her j ren are faculty advisors for this j >cmi-monthIv publication of the J college. The USDA estimates an annual I loss from grubs of about 100 mil | lion dollars, with an additional -00 million dollars' loss caused by I ce and ticks. The parasites can easily be controlled by spraying at the right time. Consult your county agent PERSONALS Mrs. T S Evans had as week- 1 end guests, her son-in-law and I daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry j Ferguson and son. Tommy, of j Sylva. Mrs. J. W Thompson and Mr und Mrs. Harry Bishop and son Harry, spent Sunday in Atlanta with Dr. and Mrs. J W. Thomp son and son. Bill III. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hardin and daughter. Laurie, and Rober* McCombs returned Saturday to Oak Ridge after a visit here with M.\ and Mrs. E. C. Winchester and family and Miss Ella Mc Combs. They were called here on account of the death of Mrs. W. F Davidson, sister of Mrs. Hardin ind Mi McCombs, who was killed in an automobile accident in Winter Haven. Fla , last Tuesday | Tom Evans and K. P. Farmer of Arlington. Va , left Sunday for ' i ten-days' visit in Miami, Fla. j John Bayless of Knoxville spent ! Tuesday night here with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bayless Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Griffith of | Cornelia, Ga.. spent Sunday night I with Mr. and Mrs. C W Savage j Mr. and Mrs. John W. Friebel SPECIALS Just received a large shipment OUTING Per Yd 35c Entire stock Ladies' and Men's OVERSHOES. ..Sale. ..$1.39 Roy V. Lovingood Phone 234 Murphy, N. C. Final Rites Held ; For Mrs. Daisy Braswell Tuesday i Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the funeral chapel at Marble cemetery for Mrs. Daisy Braswell. 1 65. of Marble who died in an An drews hospital Monday. The Rev. Algia West officiated and burial v\as in Marble cemetery, with I vie funeral home in charge. Pallbear ers were .Robert Revis, Marion Bruce. Lloyd Lunsford, John Betti*. Gordon Luther and Wayne Ladd. Surviving are the husband, i of Roan Mountain. Tenn., visited Mrs. Friebel's father. R. C. Stapled, over the week-end. M.\ Staples and Miss Ray has as guests during the holidays. Mr. Staples' son. John. Staples, Mem phis. Tenn . his daughters. Mrs. C. E. Gorman. Birmingham. Ala.. Mrs C R. Vance. Roan Mountain, Tenn.. and Mrs. Fred Carrier. Bluti City, Tenn. 1) Francis Coy has received word of the serious illness of his father. Sanford Coy, in Anderson, lnd . and is expecting to be called any time to his bedside. I ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of Masses Bryson City. 1st and 3rd Sunday ! 8:00 A M. Canton. 5th Sunday ? 8:00 A. M. Cullowhee. 1st Wednesday ? 7:0C A. M. Fontana Dam. 2nd Saturday ? 8:00 A M. Franklin. 2nd Sunday ? 8:00 A. M Highlands, 3rd Saturday ? 8:00 A. M. Murphy, 1st Saturday ? 8:00 A.M. Sylva, 4th Sunday ? 8:00 A. M. Waynesville, Every Sunday ? 11:00 A. M. BACKACHE For quick comforting help for Backache Rheumatic Pains. Getting Up Nlght?. strong cloudy urine. Irritating passages. Leg Pains, circles under eyes, and swollen ankles, due to non-organic and non-systemic Kidney and Bladder troubles, try Cystax. Quick, complete satisfaction or money back guaranteed. Ask your druggist for Cystex today. Floyd Braswell; two sons, Henry of Andrews and Robert o i Key West. FU., and one brother. Char les Parker of Oklahoma Mrs. Braswell was a member of Marble Baptist church. FOR SALE We Carry A Full Line JOHNS-MANVILLE ROOFING Asphalt and Asbestos Shinties Roll Roofing Asbestos and Brick sidinf ?ESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORf Start With QUALITY Finish With PROFITS See us for seeds, Feeds and Fertilizer, at our new location on op posite side of Church Street. Cherokee County Farmers Co-op. Phone 246 Murphy, N. C. DODGE ...NOW GIVES YOU SUPER-CUSHION TIRES now adds again to the super smoothness of its vehicle performance by adopting the new Goodyear Super Cushion Tire. This is another "main event" in the evolution of the Smoothest Car "Afloat." It is a further advance, for all Dodge buyers, into that new world of riding and driving experience already pioneered by Dodge Floating Power, All-Fluid-Drive, and Full Floating Ride. y The Lowest Priccd Car with Fluid-Drive E. C. MOORE 107 Valley River Ave. Murphy, N. C.