Trade Here During Shop In Murphy Week May 1-8 . POPULATION CHEROKEE COUNTY 18,813 COUNTY SEAT 2.509 Cherokee County CLOTHED IN NATURE S SCENIC WONDERS IS AN IDEAL VACATION SPOT \ oi.I'ME 58 ? NUMBER 41. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 'JS. 1948. EIGHTEEN PAGES TODAY Shop In Murphy Week Is May 1-8 people in Murphy's trade terri ? v are given seores of invitations ? ; . week through this paper to d?:ne to Murphy to do their shop j?-n . during the period May 1-8. which has been designated as S xip in Mui*phy week. The loeal retail merehants are . senting outstanding values in j their various lines for the benefit those who visit the stores dur- : in.. this special event. If this observance of Shop in | ,M;nphy week is successful, as all : -e who are participating fee! I it it will be. the stores possibly ; . I have such special trade days . ' regular intervals throughout the year. The purpose of this special pro ni on is to help people in Mur j i and the trade area to become in r acquainted with what the : merchants have to offer, to 1 1 urage them to buy in their home area, and to reward them with good values for their patron age Episcopal Services Listed Sunday school will begin Sun ( at 9:45 a. m. at the Episcopal j ( Mi: ch of Messiah and morning I w 1 ' |? at 11 o'clock. An Evange- 1 >ong service will be held at | 7 ? m The Woman's Auxiliary ! v meet Tuesday at 3:15 p. m Mrs Ben Warner Regional BTll Convention Is in Sylva May 7-8 The annual Regional Baptist Training Union convention will be i eld at Sylva Baptist church, j Sylva. on Friday and Saturday.; May 7-8. The Western North Carolina as- 1 lion will be represented in j the tournaments as follows: Adult ! Bih e reading. S. I). Robinson. | Andrews; Better Speakers'. Jerry ; Ho ! Murphy First; Intermediate Snoi I Drill. Doris Raxter. An .lunior Memory Work. !>? .t- Ann McGuire and Wynona Andrews; and Music *< ' ? il Murphy Junior Choir ' Elections Officials Get Guide Books Members of the local county board of elections and political party chairmen have received copies of a guidebook issued by the Institute of Government under the heading. "Instructions for Use in Party Primaries and Gener ! a! Elections", prepared by Henry I W. Lewis, Assistant Director of the Institute of Government. Mi . Lewis' study was given high praise by Albert Coates, Director of the Institute of Government, and by Judge Hubert K. Olive. Chairman, and Raymond C. Max well. Executive Secretary of the State Board of Flections, who is sued the following statement: ; "We have reviewed the election law material presented in this is sue of POPULAR GOVERNMENT and find it to be an accurate study of the laws as interpreted by the State Board of Elections "We recommend that it be used not only by all election officials but by teachers, civic organizations and all citizens interested in ?earning about the election proce dure of North Carolina." The guidebook includes the fol lowing topics: the powers and > duties of the State, county and precinct election officials, the registration of voters, election provisions and procedures, count- i ing and recording votes, criminal liabilities arising from elections, absentee registration aid voting. m:'ps adopted by 'Uate Board of 'Elections, and of elec tion officials. Penny Lists Sermon Topics The Rev. W. B. Penny, pastor of the First Methodist church here will preach Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on "Who Is On the Lord's Side"? and Sunday evening at 8:o'cloek on "Sin s Disguise". Sunday school will begin at 9:45 and the Methodist Youth Fellow ship will meet at 7:00 p. m. Henn Takes Gold Cup At Miami 1 I Henn's Goo Goo. the Gold Cup winner in the 35th annual Biscayne Bay regatta at Miami Fla.. headed a fleet of eight 225 cubic inch class hydroplanes which were April 12 entered in the an nual Southland Sweepstakes regat ta ctf the recreation pier at St Petersburg the following Saturday and Sunday. Henn, who is from Murphy, is a nn>mber of St. Petersburg Yacht club and represented the St. Petersburg club as he drove his Goo Goo to Victory against the larger Gold Cup class boats at ?Miami He ran last in the first heat but won the second heat in rough weather to take the race on points. Other ,225" entries for the Southland regatta include Pop Cooper's Tops, the former national | sweepstakes champion, and One N. a brand new boat; The Warrior, wncd and driven by Ray Erick son. Columbus. Ind ; Hambone IV. Bill Cheshire. Jacksonville; How Ma, Howard Hibbert. St. Peters 1)1,1 - Sunshine Baby. Ray Gassner. St. Petersburg, and EleveivN. Paul Sawyer, Los Angeles. Sawyer is a former outboard tampion and has a new boa;. I*' Was second to Henn's Goo Goo in the Gold Cup race at Miami. Nvith Erickson third in his War rio,-. This information was furnished ? The Scout by Mrs. H. M. Har of St Petersburg. CANDIDATE? Henry L. Bridges of Raleigh, eandidate to succeed himself as state auditor in the Democratic primary May 29. He was appointed Feb. 15. 1947. to succeed the late Geo. Ross Pou in that position, prior to which he was a practicing attorney in Greensboro. He served four years in the Coast Artillery during the war. Mr. Bridges was in Murphy Wednesday, being introduced to local people by Judge Felix Alley oi Waynesville. Miss Juliet Pegues was called to her home in Oxford. Miss., last week due to the death of her father RAMP EATER ? Steve Nelson, nine months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nelson of Topton. who was the youngest ramp eater at the 16th annual Haywood county ramp convention held Sunday. April 18. in the Black Camp uap area near Waynesville. Mrs, Hoover Again P.-T.A. President Mrs. W. A. Hoover who has serv ed the past year as president of 'he Murphy Parent-Teachers as sociation that was organized *his > ear for the first time fn several years, was re-elected to that of fice at the meeting of the associa tion Monday evening in the school j auditorium. W M. Davis was elect- 1 id vice-president; Mrs Robert Weaver, secretary: and II (1 Hik ing. re-elected treasurer. The slate of officers was pre sented by Mrs. R W. Kasley. Jr.. chairman of the nominating com mitter. Announcement was made that through efforts of the P. T. A and others in the community a school band for the next season will be assured. I). E. Sigmon. chairman of the finance committee, an nounced that more than SI 800 had : been pledged and that several members of the committee had not vet made their reports Supt. H. Bueck explained t In state and county plan of financ- 1 ing schools and requested that the P.-T. A. use its influence to create j sentiment for a bond election for a special tax levy to benefit the schools of this county He told of several items that have been secur ed for the school at practically! no cost, through government agen cies. He announced that the inun dation is now being laid for a temporary primary build in., that | will have ten rooms, to be erected^ on the south side of the school campus, from materials purchased ai Camp Butncr. Monroe at a cost of $63. The county appropriat ed $4,000 toward the erection Carpentry and cabinet making classes at the school will do tin work on the building as pa. of their laboratory work In the buildings bought were included heating and plumbing equipment. W M Davis spoke on How Good Are Our Schools", statiiiu that people can have any k ' id of j schools they want, because i arc financially able to do it ''We ' have no right to expect our child it n to rise above the level of the i average child in the community." J lie stated If we provide for all ! alike we can lift them up. giving them the abundant life " A musical number. 'Home Sweet Home" by the Penny trio ? pened the program. The devotion al was conducted by the Rev. J. Alton Morris A program on the history of this county was present ed by the fifth grade. Reports were made by the fol lowing: H. G. Elkins. treasurer; Mrs. R. V Weaver, room repre sentative: Mrs Ray Paul Jones, ways and means: Mrs II G. Elk ins. membership. The association voted to ask for a full-time truant officer for this | county. Mrs. Hoover, at the request o!" j the association, appointed the fol- 1 lowing legislative eommittee: Mrs. I . D. P. Folgcr. chairman Mrs. J. W. Davidson, and Mrs. II G Elkins. Refreshments were served by j the high school foods classes from a table decorated with a ministur I maypole. MAITNEY RFTl'KXS W. M. Mauney who has been in I Atlanta for several days for a physical check-up returned Wed- . nesday. Mrs. Mauney went to \ Atlanta Tuesday to accompany him home. His condition is reported to 1 I be good. | M/. and Mrs. "Dutch Kindley I of Bryson City were guests ol ' Mrs. George Phillips here Sunday Guernsey Sale To Be Held June 2 The seventh annual Guernsey Sale will be held in Murphy on Thursday. June 2. announces A Q. Ketner. who is working with the Guernsey Breeders association in putting on the sale The sale, which will be held at the Cherokee County Fair Grounds, will start at 12:30 o'clock Between 32 and 35 head of select ed animals will be offered at this sale. Mr. Ketner states that even though there are not as many cat tle offered as were last year, the quality is superior \mong those to be offered are: 10 bred heifers, four cows, two bulls, and the oth ers will be open heifers. Among the breeders who will offer animals for sale are: Najesco farm. Canton. Ga . Shoal Falls farm. Hcndersonville: Milton Lodge, Arden: Not la farms, Cul berson; Belmont View farms. Franklin; Smithmont farm. Mur phy; and Riegeldale farms. Trion. Ga. Several others will offer at least one animal. Murphy City Election To Be Held On Tuesday May 4 Southern Trains Back In Service Southern Railway passenger trains which were taken off the Murphv branch on Sunday. March 21, because of the coal ? 1 1 ikes, were restored on Wednesday of this week. They i are now running on regular schedule, one leaving here at 6:15 a. m. and one arriving from Asheville in the afternoon at 3:30. Mail and express ser vices were restored at the same time. Elderly And Shut-Ins To Be Honored Sunday The elderly people and shut-ins | of Murphy and vicnity will be honored Sunday at the morning service at 11 o'clock at First Bap tist church, announces the pastor, the Rev. J Alton Morris. The Lord's Supper will be observed. I On Sunday evening, at 8:00 a bap tismal service will be held. Sundi.v School starts at 9:45 Sunday morning and Training Lnlon at T : : f ) Sunday evening. On May 9. Family Day will be observed in connection with Moth- J er's Day: May 16. with Bain Day! in the Sunday School. On Mat 23. Youth Day will be cbs( ."ed. and May 30. Wedding rnniversary in the church. Persimmon Creek ! Site Leased For Girl Scout Camp The recreation center at Per simmon Creek which was begun a few years ago by the Forest Ser vice, has been leased to the Girl Scouts of Murphy to be used as a Scout Camp for both Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Two doors and some shutters which were donated by different people, have been taken away The Scouts will appreciate the co operation of the public in helping to prote?t this property, as it is perhaps not generally known that it has been leased to the Scouts. I since no signs have been posted. It is the purpose of the Scouts to repair the building and beautify the grounds and make it a desir able recreation center. AUXILIARY TO MEET Mrs. R. H. Foard will have charge of the program at the meet ing of the Woman's auxiliary of the Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon. The auxiliary annual Birthday party will be observed at this time Wilford Stanley states that he will leave next week for Charlotte to work VALEDICTORIAN ? Whitaker Davis, son of Dr and Mrs. H. E. Davis of Andrews, who is valedic torian of his class at Andrews high school. He has an average ol 95.62. SALLTATORI AN? Miss Marie Watts, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ta! 'image Watts of Andrews, who ?s salutatorian of her elass in An drew -? High school SINGING Tho monthly Tri-State Singing Convention will be held Saturday night. May 1. in the Murphy school auditorium All singers from Cherokee and surrounding counties are invited to attend Hajden Tarpley of Blue Ridge is in charge of this month's meeting. f Murphy citizens will elect a mayor and six council men to serve for the next two years on Tues | day . May 4. ! Neil Sneed. 'D> incumbent, who I seeks re-election for mayor, an j nounced this week that the fol I lowing men had been filed as j candidates for councilmen on his 1 ticket: Edward Brumby . David Kin? , Roy Lovingood R>, Ben Palmer . One change was made on the other ticket before the filing dead line Saturday. Joe Hamilton will take the place of Joe Ray. This ticket is headed by Arden Davis for councilmen: Dr. J. N. Hill < D ? Joe Hamilton D>. J. W. Franklin R>. Richard Howell , Tom Palmer 1 D). and E. L. Townson R' Seniors Present "Star Crazy" On Thursday, May 6 The Senior play of Murphy high school "Star Crazy" by Don Elser will be presented in the school auditorium May 6 at 8 p. in John Jordan, dramatics teacher in Murphy hi'jh school and Mrs. Karl Weiss. Jr. senior sponsor, are in charge of direction. Seniors taking part in this three r.ct comedy are: Jane Sneed, Joyce C oleman. Mildred Hendrix, Murial Chastain. Elizabeth El kins. James Hughes. Porter Griggs. Jerry Hall and Jack Cole Pre School Clinic To Be Held Mav3 V A pre-school clinic will be held in Murphy in Miss Clara McCombs' lirst grade room on Monday. May from 9 A M. to 11 30 A. M. All parents are requested to bring their children who will enter .'chool next fall. A recent state-wide law passed by legislature requires all pre school children to be vaccinated a gainst Diphtheria. Whooping Cough, and Smallpox. It is request ed that parents bring these child ren in order that they may receive a physical examination and the vaccinations required by law. State Leaders To Hold Workshop Vacation Church School work- 1 ] shops for the Methodist Churches 1 of the Murphy area will be held ? ;it First Methodist Church, Mur- ! phy. Friday evening. April 30. at 7:30 p. m. Specific instruction^ \ will be provided for the persons ! who will teach in Vacation Schools i this summer Mrs. W. P. Moore. Director of | Children's Work for the Salisbury 1 district, will lead the class l'or WORKSHOP LEADERS? M r s. . W. P Moore, left, of Salisbury, and Mrs. W. R, Reed, right, of Luray, I Va. who will lead d.iscussions at | the Vacation church school work shop at First Methodist church Friday evening. Kindcrgarton workers The text suggested for this group is Let's Go Out of Doors by Jennie Lou Milton. Mrs. W. K Reed. Luray. Vir ginia. will lead the discussion for Primary and Junior workers using the texts "Learning from Jesus" by Reiser for Primaries and Discovering the Lands of the Bible"' by Hazel wood for Juniors. The Methodist ministers of the area are invited to bring their workers to these meetings in preparation for Vacation Schools that will be held throughout the county this summer. These meet ings are sponsored by the Con ference Board of Education, Carl H King. Executive Secretary. Salisbury, and by the Methodist ministers of this area. This institute is for all workers with children in the Methodist church schools in the area west of Bryson City. Representative and workers of First Church. Murphy, will meet at 6:30 p. m. in the main assembly room of the Church school for a pot luck supper, which will be followed by a round table discus sion with the visiting workers. Mr. King will lead the devotion al at the opening of the evening program. The adult choir will furnish music, following which de partmental work will be done.