POPULATION CHEROKEE COUNTY COUNTY SEAT ... \,h i ME H ? M MBEIt 44. 18.813 2.500 HUjfrmlkirf Cherokee Count} CLOTHED IX NATURE'S SCENIC WONDERS IS AN IDEAL VACATION SPOT Ml' It PHY, NORTH CAROLINA, TIH'RSDAY. MAY :!0, litis. TWELVE PAGES THIS WEEK GRADUATING CLASS OF Ml'RPHY HIGH SCHOOL Pictured above are 28 girls and 1!'* boys :u will be graduated from Murphy high school in t \, n ises May 21 Mrs. Karl Weiss, Jr.. is faculty sponsor Front row left to right are: Porter Griggs, I . i < i yd Arrowood, Basil Clark. Sam Taylor, Hubert Jenkins, Martin Dockery, J. B. Arms. Sherman ll unpton, Howard Shields. Bill Fair, Donald Stiles. \v J Taylor, and Herbert Sneed. Second raw: James Evans. Mildred Hendrix. li;irb.?ra Hall, Reba Beaver. Willie Owcnby, Jo Ma Sybil Hughes. Doris Crisp. Jane Sneed. Joyce Coleman. Elizabeth Elkin*. .lean Dell Dotson. Annie Henson. Mary McDonald and Eldridgc* Loudermilk. Third row: Doris Given*, (ieraldine Thomas. Alma Lovingood. Muriel Chasi.M:. Doris Abererom bie, Roena Chastain. Velma Graves. Mae Crisp. Jean Mills. Jean Reid. Dorothy Palmer. Mary Ax ley, and Madge Hargpton. Fourth row: Jack C*>lc. Carl Porter Meronej James Hughes, Janell Davidson. Tom Lovingood. Hob Fricks. Doyle Burch, Grace Taylor Keener. Fred Brendle, Jr.. and Charles Knglish. Associational W. M. U. To Meet Here On May 28 Softball League T? (let Underway Monday Night \ . it\ softball league was form :>\ re this week with six teams a\. to take part The opening p: ? is scheduled to get under v; Monday night at 8 o'clock :?t lh< athletic field when the Lions club a 1 1 1 tangle with the American U*- mi team. A complete schedule will be announced in the nev* futuir. but one or two games a week will 1h? played. Teams already in the league are: Lions Clubb. Murphy All Stars. V. V u American Legion, and ltackncy-Ragland. Other teams are Welcome to enter the league but should before the schedule is made ouv. 3 Recommended For Postal Jobs Congressman Monroe M. Redden Wednesday recommended to the post office department the appoint inen of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Nel *on iH>stmistress at Topton. Oth ers nominated were Mrs. Belle Q. Cable at Fontana Dam. and Cecil V Rice was recommended for a permanent appointment as rural Nail carrier at Robbinsville. MEMORIAL SERVICES Memorial services will be held *1 Hampton Memorial church Sun day morning. May 23. and Sun day afternoon at Maggie's Chapel. Memorial services will be held at romotla May 30. WDHKWS Mrs. C T Almon-1 uprrintendeni of \V M I of I hi ?1 N ( ' B 1 1 ?i i>: \ uocUt ion, . nnoum-i's lh;il the association will : ?? ?< i at First Baptist church in Murphy on Friday. Ma\ 28. Mr< Almond will preside ;it the all-dav '-?ijon which will begin at 10. \ ! A i. Guest speakers will be Mrs. | .John ? Wacaster. state representa tive of the W M U.: Miss Willie Kate Baldwin, a missionary ?f Nigeria, Africa: Miss Mildred Whitfield, associational worker: Mrs. K. II Corpening. divisional superintendent Reports for the year will be made by Mrs John Conley. You in j People's leader; Mrs L iv Smith. ? Stewardship chairman: Mrs. Bes sie Dewesse Community Mission chairman; Mrs Nora Ford. Mis , sion Study chairman. The ladies of the Murphy church will have charge of the entertain ment and serving lunch. Other officers of the association i arc: Mrs Alvin Buchanan, associ ate superintendent, and Mrs. R. I). Chandler, secretary. SIXDAY S FRY ICES Miss Mildred Whitfield, associi i tional worker, will speak at First | Baptist church Sunday morning at ! 11 o'clock and Jerry Hall, minis j terial student who plans to enter . Wake Forest College next fall, will peak at the evening service at 8 o'clock. The Rev. J. Alton Morris, pastor, is in Memphis attending the Southern Baptist convention. Other ! regular serv ices will be held at ' the usual hours. Mrs. Ben Yaught and children. Carol Sue and Ben Jr.. left Wednesday for a two weeks vaca tion at St. Augustine. Fla. Camporee Is Held By Boy Scouts Hi!' Boy scouts of the Nantahal* 'strict held a scout eamporee ast week-end near Andrews. Mur ly' Andrews and Hiwassee Dam V e:,> represented. Contests Were held in the terms S'101^s anc* cleanliness of c individual patrols. All the pW"s lna<le a good showing, with inj.w"' I)ewese Murphy winn dov e prize the most physically boy the can?P Rich m inning this award won all the running contests and many other athletic contests. There was a camp fire service from 8:30 to 10:00. The officals of the camp wcrt Avery Means of Asheville and James T. Osborne of IIiwass?e Dam. John Jordan Murphy scout master, was there part of the time and Rev. W B. Penny, an offical of the seouts of Murphy, was there. Another camporee will be he'd in September. Mrs. Wilson Is With The Local Health Office Mrs Elizabeth Bailey Wilson has ioincd the staff of Cherokee-Clay Graham In alth department as pub lit health nurse in Cherokee coun ty She and her family moved here recently from Kennett Square. I\? i?nd are making their home in East Murph\ Mrs. Wilson, the daugh ter of Mr and Mrs .! W. Bailey has had publbic health nurses training al William and Mary Col lege and had experience with the Forsyth county health depart ment Mr. Wilson is a mechanic hr Adams Machine and Motor Com pany. The couple have two adopt mI children: Kathleen. ."> and Ken neth. 3. Sunday Services Are Announced The Rev. W B. Penny, pastor <>f the First Methodist church here, will preach Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school begins :it 9:45 A church fellowship supper will be held Sunday evening at (> 30 This is a pot luck supper for tlu entire church membership. It is given in honor of the new memb ers received into the church sin**e the last annual conference. The Youth Fellowship meets at 7:15 Fvening worship will begin at 8 o'clock. This service will be one hour of informal worship with spe cial music and devotional. MEMORI AL SER\ K i s Memorial services will be held at the White church at (Irandview May 30. The service is expected to last all day. People who have friends and relatives hen- are tsk ed to bring a lunch. Council Petitioned To Rescind Plan For Parking Meters New Officials Appointed At Monday Meeting j .Murphy's new town count' I meeting Monday evening for i'? first regular business session, and finding that the finances in the town's treasury are low, looked about to find a solution to the pro blem as to where more revenue | can be secured. With this in mind, they voted to install parking me1 ers in town. As soon as the news of this ac tion was made known, scores ol' business firms in town signed t petition requesting the council to rescind the plan, because they be lieved the meters would greatly decrease the amount of business secured from people in the trad ing area. Laws relative to park ing meters were pointed out in the petitions and used as an argu ment in requesting the council not to pursue the action. Several changes were made in the staff of city officials by the council. (' K. Hyde was appointed city attorney to succeed O. L. And-*r M>n and F O. Christopher John II Bayless of Knoxville. formerly J oi Murphy, was appointed eitv 1 clerk. K (?. Hughes was appoint ed manager of the Electric d< purt menl. W. \\ Rogers was rlected chief of police to succeed Sherl 1 (I: 11 Stiles. Others on the force j will l)? K\erette White, second! shift: James Dock cry, third shii':! and John !'? Smith, extra poll. j Four-H Council Plans For Rally ! I)av In Julv 4 The Cherokee Count, \ Council oi 4-1! Clubs nu't Saturday. May 1? i and made plans for 4-11 Club acti vities for ti?e summer. The group , made plans for serving lunch to | ; 'hose attending the Murphy Guern- 1 j ey cattle sale on June and ap- 1 I proved a plan, suggested by Dev * j re Martin, to hold a county-wide 1 J 4-H Club Rally Day in July. Dcve ro Martin. Jerry Hall. Carolyn Smith and Mary Farmer were ap pointed t*> serve on >i committee ^ to make further plans and arrange ments for Rally da\ Carolyn Smith, council seer ?- i tary. was elected as delegate to I report on the year's 4-H Club work to the Federation ol Home Demon stration clubs in Hayesville on May 2(5 Mildred Hendrix and M iry Farmer were elected to serve ??s : pages at this meeting. Plans for 4-H Club camp and I for Short Course M State College were discussed. MEMORIAL SERVICES i The people of Peachtree com j munity will meet at the Baptist church Friday. Ma\ 21. to clean ' off the cemetarv Memorial Dav will be observed Sutulay. M ty !>(). Reading Club Starts May 27 Miss Josephine lleighway, librarian of Murphy Carnegie library, announces (hat the an nual Vacation Reading sponsor ed hy the library, will be organi zed on Thursday. May 27, at 10 o'eloek for the coming sum | mer. "Reading for Fun" is the theme of the club for this year. All school pupils from grades two through seven are entitled t< join, if they enroll on the opening day. Those in grades twe through four are required to read 20 books during the vaca tion. and those in urades five through seven must read 10 hooks. The books that are counted toward diplomas for the club members are ones approved by the librarian. W. M. Davis H-'ads Murphy C Of C Murphy's Chambebr of Com ? merce held a business meeting j Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the [ courthouse W. Merle Davis v. a - ' clected president; Dr. B. W Whit- 1 l'ield. vice-president: and II (i j Klkin treasurer. The matter of electing a secretary and directo*'- I was deferred until the next meet ing which was set for Friday Mas 28. at 8 o'clock at the court hous" > The meeting was presided o\ er by (' H. Freed, who has served s president of the past two year* lie showed the members copies High Tops, a magazine on the at tractions of Western North Car * , i na. in which two page- tell th" vtory of Murphy, that was publis!) ? (! recently President Davis state.- that he 1 hopes all business and profession- , al people in Murphy will plan to attend the meeting on the 28H> i to assist in completing the organi zation and making plans for pre j mot ing Murphy '> various interev Typhoid Clinics To Be Held In County In June Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson and Mrs j Mary Crawford of the local healt'? department will conduct typhoid | and general clinics in the count v | during June. Typhoid clinics are to be heel ?t Shoal Creek Mondays. June 14 and 21 at Allen Brendle's store1 at 9:00 a. m. Tuesdays June 1. 8. , and 15. at Hiwassee Dam school I at 9:00 a m. and Culberson at. 1:00 p. m Wednesdays. June V P. 16. 28 and 30: at the office :,i ! Murphy at 9:00 a. m ; Thursda;. June 3. Hi and 17; Martins' Creek j School at 9:00 a. m. and Andrew s I at 1:00 p. m : Fridays. June 4. 11. j and 19; Wolf Creek at Simond s ' store at 9:00 a. m. and Range* J school at 1:00 p. m. General clinics are held in An drews Thursday afternoon and j Murphy each Saturday morning VALEDICTORIAN? Miss Jessie Joe Quinn of Hiwassee Dam hi<?h school who is valedictorian of her class. CO-SALUTATORIAN ? Miss Marie Williamson of Hiwassee Dam high school who is co-saluUtorian of her class. CO-SALUTATORIAN ? Miss Jean Kilpatrick of Hiwassee Dam high school who is co-salutatorian of her class. 19 To Graduate At Hiwassee Dam The annual commencement pro gram of Hiwassee Dam high school will be held on Frid'y night, May 21, when 19 seniors will rece ve diplomas. Professor VV. E Rosensten-'.el ;>f the Education Department, I :i versity ol North C arolina, will b.> uest speaker. T!i< invocation will be given !>? S. r,\ "inson. Jessie j Jo Quii n .. il Jer< v**i uio valcdi. tory addr Mai e Williamson J .?nd .lean Kilpatrick are co-saln latorians. Principal Walter !'? Thomas wi. present the diplomas! ? ml awards to the students. Members ?i the senior class arc: I Gwendvl Urown, William T Brown. George Hamby, Jr. The!- j ma Brendle. Hertha Cole, Pauline c "*>I ? Nellie rowe. Montez Rap i \ \nn IJelle vcenun. .lean Payn". | Jessie Jo Quinn. Vesta StPcv! Eleanor West, Marie Williamson. Jean Kilpatr ck. Harold Patterson, nd Arvel Williamson. Jr. New Annex To Open On Sunday The Rev T. G Tate announces that the new Sunday school annex te the Presbyterian church will be cpen for use Sunday morning. A j special program will be presented ; the Sunday school hour. 10 ??>'- > clock, by the Sunday school. An effort is being made to have all adults in the church, as well as children, attend and enroll in the Sunday school. The Rev. R E. MeClure. execu tive secretary of Asheville Pres- . l.ytery. will praeh a 11 o'clock. Spcial music will be given at each I service. There will be a nursery to take 1 care of small children whose moth ers want to attend the church ser vice. STATE OFFICIAL ? W D. Townson of Murphy, who was elect ed vice-president of the North Carolina Funeral Directors and Burial Association at the state convention held recently in Ashe ville Mr. Townson with the presi dent. will attend the National con vention in Detroit in October, and during the summer months, with the president, secretary and trea surer. will visit all the district funeral directors over the state. Crafters Winners In Sb/>w The Cherokee County Crafters t ntered several exhibits of their handicrafts in the Southeastern Women's Exposition which w is held in the Municipal Auditorium, Atlanta. Ga.. recently. Entries were submitted from eight Southern States. The following awards were made to Cherokee county people: Mrs. Jeff Dalrymple. Bellview. first place on handwoven linen towel: Mary Farmer. Tomotla. second plaee on leather coin purse; Fran ces Bai r. second plaee on hand teniiled handkerchief: Mrs. B. E. Warner. Martin's Creek, second place on handwoven luncheon mat and a Special prize on pewter was awarded Mrs. Warner. Carnival Food Must Meet The Requirements The Sanitarians of the Western North Carolina Public Health as sociation at their semi -annual meeting in Asheville May 14, dis cussed the serving of food to the public by Carnivals. It was agreed that all Carnivals must meet t lie minimum requirements of Cafe regulations in order to serve food to the public in the future. District Clubs To Meet May 26 L_ i Home Demonstration club wo ; men from Cherokee. Clay and i (Ira ham counties will hold their spring Federation meeting at ! First Methodist Churcji in Hayes- j ville on Wednesday, May 26. thi~ . program starting promptly at 10 1 o'clock. Mrs. Paul Suddcrth of Peach- I tree, district president, will pre- , side One of the outstanding fea- 1 lures of the day will be the illus t rated report of the convention in ' Holland of the Rural Country | Women of The World by Mrs I Walter Pike of Hendersonvtlle who was the Western North Caro lina delegate. Reports of Home Demonstrati >n and 4-H club work in each county will be given. Other guests expected arc Mrs. Pauline Hotchkiss, Western Dis trict home agent: R. W. Shoffncr Western District Farm Agent; Miss Anna C. Howe, former West ern District Agent and dub women. 4-11 delegates and agents from the three counties At noon a covered dish lunch will be serv ed. Each county group will be responsible for one exhibit illus trating some phase of outstanding home demonstration work in the county.

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