POPULATION CHEROKEE COUNTY 18,813 COINTV SEAT 2.500 ?tje (Hfrnrifc* Cherokee County CLOTHED IS NATURE'S SCENIC WONDERS IS AX IDEAL VACATION SPOT FIGIIT PAGES THIS WEEK LVfMKlUNrk H n an's paradise ' since hii: e the above are being caught in its water . ? Garry of Chattanoo .1 holds his eateh i f ^12 pound Imi! ounce hu-mouth bass which he i u ;h! oil Mi 23 .it Hi\\ avs?v Dam !?y \ J. Uudnu-l- M,;\ i Hayes Funeral To Be Saturday ?l rh? odore Hayes, it' !i. Imme r.t Tomolla this ::'.i Thursday* at 3:3') o'clock i c;.me 10 him in the same i ? i in wh.eh ho was bori on Ma i 10. 1801 the son of th 'u'e oncers George W and' Kl'/abt-th Stewart Haves who came here in 1840 from Caldwell I count George W. Hayes w is an jnttrj ? ter and aided in the re moval of the Cherokee Indians te Oklahoma. M. Hayes married Miss Aman da Beal on October 12. 1891. He served as postmaster at Tomotla to: 57 years and was the second | oldest postmaster in point of ser n the United States. A mem ber -?! the Cherokee Lodge No 14t. he became a Mason in 1882. riding horseback to Hayesville to attend meetings, before a lodge vas organized here. He had been a member of the Tomotla Metho dist church since childhood. He donated the property for the pro j'nt church and cemetery and also for the first school at Tomotla. funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock r?t Tomotla Methodist church, with the Rev. Alfred Smith and th?. ?ev Jack Palmer officiating. Interment will be in the church <*metery. Surviving are: One son. Hugh of Greensboro: two daughter?. 1(1 Late of Tomotla; i "fandson. Kenneth Farmer, and granddaughter. Miss Mary Farm total Farmers puv Carload Of Milk Cows Coble Dairy Products brought 1 oad of Guernsey and Hols ( ?' heifers to Murphy last week ' ' made them available to farm this am who wand to In , their milk production ^ J " r carload will arrive soon. n^se heifers were purchased 1 m ^innestoa. where they tc proved by the government are dipped in cars that have disinfected, and every care n 1,1 Prevent the cows from j 0,TI'ng diseased in shipment. Davis To Preach Twice On Sunday The Kev F. McConnell Dav's m in mer <>t !{\. Carolyn Alexander. Susie M'l Icv. Rosalind Stalcup. Jane Bren dl. Judy Nichols, Sara Pose;;. Glenda Ivie Peggy Savage, Mar' Lou Gordon, Barbara Reid. Martha and Mary Frances Axley. GRADUATES- \I> tilth.- ?< Wilhide of Andrews. who w.i graduated Monday from Wonnti College o'' the University of \ m'Ii Carolina Gov. H Gregg Cherr> Fr. sident Frank Graham. .?? Chancellor W. C Jaekson w principal speakers at the e\< iviv She \v. . among 450 candidates to receive iegrees. Miss Wilhide is the daughter of Mr. and Mr> Wank Willi hi* . Thad Kure, secretary of state, d. Mealed Armstrong, and Brandon P Hodges won over Frazelle and Vogler for state treasurer. Bridge-; w the successful candidate for J siat;> auditor, and Tompkins was ? the winner in the race for lieuten ant governor. Mrs K. L. McKee of Sylva won the nomination for state senator lrom the 32nd district, by one vote over her opponent, W. H. Crawford of Sylva. Crawford has announced that he will protest the election Official returns from Cherokee county's 24 precincts gave the fol lowing vote: t S senator: Broughton. loir, term. 1.377: U instead: long term. 44*.. Governor: Johnson 1.288: Bark ! ? 13: Boyd, b": Scott, (>8(?: V 1 bright, 37. Lieutenant governor: Taylor F26: Tompkins. 898. Secret. i r> of stale: Eure. 1.23" ! \rmstrong. 456. State auditor: Bridges. 1.032 ! Miller. 571. Labor commissioner: Shufon I 1 20; sin rrill, TOt State treasurer: Hodges, 1 .32; ? Frtxelle, lit Vtgler, SI9 Scout Council Has 16 Members The Nantahala Girl Scout art i council met in Highlands Satui dav. when the charter of the new crg'.oi tation was rece ed from the national organization. It a is reported that there are now 16 legistered active troops in the council. The month's project ac'opt- ^ cd was to complete registration of ttoops in process of formation Among those from this county attending were Mrs. Harry Miller. Mrs Harold Wells. Mrs B W Whitfield, Mrs G W Cover. Mrs. I). K Folger. Mrs Sarah Lloyd. \ Mrs John Posey. Jr Sister Vir ginia Hetherington. Miss Edna Ritchie, and Miss Marion Jones. RIBI.E SCHOOI. A Bible school will be held a1 Bates Creek Baptist church beginning June 7 and lasting through June 11. School will begin it 7 o'clock and end at J) each evening. IN RUN'-OFK ? Charles M. Johnson. It'll and W K ? it Scott, right, who will face each other in a run-oft election for nomination as gover nor on June 26. Johnson led the six-man race Saturd;.; with Scott a i lose second. Sh.VVrOIt .1 Mel villi- Broujjh ton of Raleigh, who scored n \;i n\ over incumbent Wni B L' instead last Saturday for \ S Scn.ito, Revival Starts Monday At The Fields Of Wood Revival services will bo hold a', lields of tin* Wood beginning Monday evening. June 7. at o'clock. The Staggs family will l> featured with evangelistic atvi gospel singing. The evangelists will be Jame Stag# and I^oyal Washington .V sitting with the music will lv? Mrs. Loyal Washington. Mrs .lame* Staggs. Miss Christine Stagg? . writer and musician, and Mis Clara Staggs soloist. Piano accordion and other musi cal instruments will be us??d Quartet and trio singing will be featu res. May 29 Primary Returns In Uierokee lounty For Senator For Governoi For Li. Gov. For For Sec. Audi State tor For Treasurer PRECINCTS v ? Andrews. N. W. Andrews, S. W. Boiling Springs Brasstown Burnt Mot ting House Culberson Ebeneezer Grape Crook Hanging Dog Hot House Liberty I>ong Ridge Marble Murphy. \. \V Murphy, S. W. Ogroeta Poach tree Shoal Creek Tomotla Topton Unaka Upper Boaverdam Vest Walker School House TOTALS 152 16 166 43 1 3 40 35 42 42 30 16 0 4 11 72 14 85 7 133 54 136 69 13 2 128 55 37 13 ?22 IS 98 0 103 8 9 o 12 2 69 32 1377 440 117 138 2 26 40 35 0 0 1 72 11 4 93 116 152 6 124 39 26 98 103 3 12 70 1288 0 55 0 82 0 48 0 5 0 7 0 26 0 13 0 32 0 59 0 64 0 15 0 8 0 24 1 0 0 12 0 80 0 65 0 11 1 74 0 15 120 32 160 42 1 3 49 21 56 38 13 7 13 37 6 686 0 14 0 69 0 13 0 2 0 43 0 72 0 62 0 11 0 74 0 45 0 16 0 93 0 103 0 0 0 12 0 25 0 826 0 3 ?I 1 1 7 2 41 102 55 134 55 81 89 3 17 32 17 63 24 P?9 456 129 162 3 36 46 36 0 3 5 63 12 3 71 115 148 15 68 27 27 96 103 3 4 60 1235 87 6 7 32 8 4 4 7 8 11 3 21 50 44 11 62 11 10 0 103 3 5 39 571 118 95 0 49 43 35 0 l n'venuc can be raised in priv lege tax. and the money from park j ing meters can be used only fin . traffic regulations. Hours for the sale of beer were >et from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. to take i effect on the 10th. V. 11. Brumby and l>r .1 N f f i 1 1 ; resigned from the council. T'k vacancies caused by these resigna tions will be filled at it regular meeting. Swimming To Be Taught Youths Water safety instruction will be : i ven young people two days ? Wednesdays and Fridays ? weekly this summer from June 9 to \ugivst 20. at Persimmon lake, states Sister Virginia Hetherington. The Red Cross will cooperate with Girl Scouts and other individuals who .rv interested in providing this instruction. Sister Hetherington has been appointed water safe', chairman of the local Red Cross ( haptiv. In addition to the swimming classes, instruction in crafts will be given in the recreation room in Murphy. SINGING The singing convention which is held on the first Saturday night in each month will convene in the Murphy school building as usual Saturday night. June ft Ml singes are invited to attend Bill Leather v ood is in charge of this month's meeting. Mrs, Radford Is Superintendent Of WNC W. M. U. Mrs. Clifton Radford of Murphy was elected superintendent of the \\c-!< r:< North Carolina ASSO ia tional W. M. lT. for next year :it the annual meeting held here last Friday. Other officers elects were: Mrs. C. T. Almond, Andrews, associate superintendent; Mrs. El mer Cbilders. Nantahala. secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Amos Harris, Nantahala. young people's leade": Mrs. Mae Moss Moore, Tusquittee. mission study chairman; Mrs. J W. Stanley. Hayesville, stewardship chairman; and Mrs. Bessie De v/eese. Murphy, community mis sions chairman. Speakers during the day in eluded Miss Willie Kate Baldwin of Nigeria. Africa; Mrs. John Wacaster of Cherryville; and the Hew T. Earl Ogg of Andrews. The meeting will be held at Peachtree Baptist church next year. Officers were installed by tne divisional associate superinten dent, Mrs. Charles Parker ot Franklin. Masons To Have District Meeting m There will be a meeting of the 43 Masonic district on Tuesday. June 8. at Robbinsville Lodge hall. Robbinsvilip. starting at 3 P. M. tor an after noon and night meet ing. Maxwell E. Hoffman Grand Master of Masons and W. L. Mc Iver, Grand Secretary', will be present. All masons are invited to be present. GRADUATES AT BAYLOR? Harry Maunev, son of Mr. and Mr*. I W. M. Mauncy, received his di ploma last week at the Baylor Sehool for Boys, Chattanoog.r Tenn . after completing his year s work there. He was active in all' sports. Hiwassee Host To Scout Court Of Honor Tuesday The Nantahala District of Boy j Scouts held their monthly court of honor Tuesday night at Hiwass^e | Dam. This was an outdoor affai; | Hilly Penny and Tommy Alexan der received their Star scorn r wards These boys were the only ! ones who have won the distinction in the history of the district. Towns represented at the court j were: Murphy, Hayesville. Hiwas- ; see Dam. Warne and Andrews. j The following received awards. \ Tenderfoot: Elmer Oscar Nix. Earl Clinton Ramsey, and John David Wells. Brasstown: second class: Bud Scro Brasstown: Wayne Led ford. Jimmie M. West. Oscar J. West. Albert Green. Boyd Hamby. Hiwassee Dam; first class: Steve Crawford. Murphy; merit badge ; Bud Scroggs. Brasstown, home re pairs and reading: Steve Crawford, Murphy, personal health and safety: and Billy Penny, Murphy, pathfinding. Scout Jerry Recce of Andrews presented a welcome flag to Robert Wood of the Warne troop, which was received into the dis trict. Harold Ashe and Eddie Reed of Murphy were oficially recuftniz < d as staff members of Camp Dan iel Boone, the Scout camp near Waynesville. This is the first time two outstanding Scouts fron Nantahala district have ever been selected for the council camp staff Scouts from 14 counties in West ern North Carolina were in compo titiin for the staff member prosi lions. | Those assisting with the court i were: L. B. Nichols. Andrews; the ; Rev. W. B. Penny, Murphy: Avery Means, Asheville; Bill McCoy, Hiwasaee Dam and the Rev. J. C' ! Lime, Andrews.