POPULATION CHEROKEE COUNTY 18,813 COUNTY SEAT 2.500 Cherokee County CLOTHED IN NATURE S SCENIC WONDERS IS AN IDEAL VACATION SPOT V()l I 'ME i8 ? NUMBER 47. MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. JUNE ]?, 1918. TWELVE PAGES THIS WEEK Band Campaign Gets Under Way The Murphy School Music asso ciation which was recently organiz ed for the purpose of assisting in supporting a band for Murphy high M-hool, on Friday of this week will l.iunch a campaign for $3,500. A thermometer on a background of white has been painted on a large white board and erected in tlit" bull moose pen. will show the daily progress of the drive. Charles Shy tie, vice-president, did the painting, and he and David Sig iTHin president, will have charge of making the changes in the -mercury" as contributions are re ceived. Various committees, who already have contacted local people for pledges for the band, will make their solitication for funds beginn ing Friday. Contributors will be listed in this newspaper weekly, unless the donor prefers to remain anomym cus. Press Association To Meet June 17-19 At Fontana Village The North Carolina Press asso ciation will hold its annual sum mer convention at Fontana June 17-19 The program will open on Thursday evening, witli represen tatives of TVA. Aluminum Con. pan> ot Vmerica, and Government Servnv- Inc. taking part on the pro- ram On Friday morning business ses sions of the daily and weekly .roup* will be held At noon the deli., i will be guests of the Alum :.un' CoiU|V?y of A:r ric't - ? , T o'V ' " I Frid.i> aft. moon will In* given over I to :> tour < t the power house and ('.m a? ! t i na On Friday e\v r.n.. a dinner meeting with a speak !? of note will be held Saturday morning's program will nclude an address by the presi dent rl ret ion of officers, reports oi committees, and memorials. Th" convention will adjourn at noon. Boat trips on the lake are plann ed for those who stay over Satur day afternoon and night. A1 Rcm h of Siler City, president of the Press association. Mrs. Resch. Miss Beatrice Cobb of Morganton. secretary-treasurer of the associatioon, and Miss Addie Mae Cooke spent Saturday night ?? Fontana making preparations tor the convention Mr. and Mrs. Kesch and Miss Cobb were dinner quests of Miss Cooke in Murphy Sundav . - Navy Accepts Andrews Boys ?r F Bird. Navy recruiter, his announced that two boys from Andrews. Gilbert H. Patterson. 13 and Kenneth E. Nichols. 17 ?"re aerepted at the Naval station. Columbia. S. C., on May 19. for a Period of three years. Patterson ail(l Ni hols are now on their way '? 'he Training Center in San California. Davis Bodv Is I Returned Home For Funeral The body of Pvt. Joseph Wilburn I Davis who was killed in France I .'line 22. 1944, arrived in Murphy Thursday. | Funeral services were held at Unaka Baptist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock with the Rev Drew Lunsford and the Rev. J. B. Moss officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with military honors conducted by the Joe Mil ler Elkins Post, No 96. of the American Legion. The son of Mrs. J. M Davis, he was a member of the 116th in fantry and was 33 years of age at ? the time of his death. Surviving are a son. Buel. the mother. Mrs. Rosana Davis; seven brothers. Gerdie and Henry of - Hickory. Marion. Luther. Garland. Richard, and Oscar of Unaka: four sisters. Mrs. Ida Mae Bell of Turtlctown. Tenn. Mrs. Lillie - Chambers and Mrs. Cora Brown ci Unaka. and Mrs. Beulah Younq c f Lenoir City. Tenn. 1 Townson funeral home had 1 charge of arrangements. ! 101 Boys And i Girls Enroll In Reading flub Miss Josephine Heighway. 1i- , brarian of Murphy Carnegie 'i- ( brary. states that U? boys and s -n.i have eni'wfc.u t? F?e Vacation ( Reading club. July 1 is the dead- x line for en roll in? for the current , season. j; When a member has read as many as five books, he receives a cowboy for the bulletin board. When he has read six books, he a sombrco: seven, a necker '?hief: 10, a lasso, to complete the up '.form. diplomas will be awarded at the end of the season to the boys ^ and ['iris in school grades one Jo ^ foil i who have read a*; many as 20 ^ approved books, and those in grades above the fourth, who have ^ read 10 approved books. Tate Announces Sunday Services , The Rev. T G. Tate will preach , Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at j the Presbyterian church on the subject. "Christ First". t Sunday school will meet at 10 ^ o'clock and Youth Fellowship at . 7 o'clock in the evening. Report.? from delegates to Camp Hope. g pioneer camp near Canton, will be ^ given. There will be a nursery tc ( take care of children for mothers ( who want to attend church. VAN HORNS MOVE Mr. and Mrs. E C Van Horn moved Monday to Asheville where thej will make their home. Lions To Sponsor Carnival 18-19th Murphy Lions club will sponsor . a street carnival on the Square, I ,p*xt to Regal hotel, on Friday and Saturday, June 18-19. President H G Elkins states that Murphy town council has granted permis sion for the use of the street. | Wen Davis is chairman of the carnival, and H. A. Mattox co chairman. ' following committees have j appointed: Bingo. R. S. Bault. Airman: .loo Ray. Bob Whito " W. Has Icy. Merle Davis, and h. c Elkins 1'enny board: E. H. Brumby, ^airman; A. Q. Ketncr. Dr. J. R r" Dr. Harry Diekey. Hayride: Harry Bishop, chair man; Buel Adams, Dr. Geo. W. Plonk, Duke Whitley. s Milk bottles: Joe Hami'ton. i chairman; Alden Coward. John ] Davidson. C. E. Hyde, and P. G Ivie. i Cigarette maehine: W. A. Sher- I rill, ehoirman: Glenn Patton. Frank Forsyth. Frank Crawford. Cloe ? Moore, and J. B. Gray. Lunch stand: Doyle Bureh. chair- i man: Howard Adair, and VV. D. King. Fortune telling: W. M. Fain, chairman: R V. Weaver. T. A Case. Clock: Mack Patton. chairman. Popcorn and peanut stand: P J. Henn, chairman; H: Bueck, C R. Freed. Dale Lee, W. M. Maun ey. TRAVEL DELUXE ON 'THE ROCK' ( Official Navy Photograph ) From Ship to Shay ? American sailors from the giant aircraft carriei USS Midway on shore leave in Gibraltar see the local sights in the famed British bastion from a native horse-drawn carriage. Great Britian's formidable stronghold was one of many ports of call the Midway crew members visited in a tour of the Mediterranean. Lions' Activities Helps Community, Many Individuals The work that has been aecom >lishcd by Murphy Lions club hiring the past year was reviewed '? ? the meeting held Tuesday eve iin4 in the Methodist church, 'rogram Chairman VV. M. Davis id asked the chairmen of the < mmittces to summarize the work : tie and present to this meeting, he last one to be held before the nnual state convention. Dr. W. A Hoover Chairman >f ht committee on sight conserva . ?n. reported the following blind iclivities: The club appropriated "00 toward having a fu'l time "isc worker. Miss M'TJ.ed Alticc ?as caseworker for July and i uigu: ! of 1947. but the position 1 1. not been filled since he** j e-ignaiion. The club spent $814.45 for blind ! linics. One hundred eighty-two i.'ople were examined, and glass 's were fitted for a total of 14; >eoplc. Surgery was advised tin even, aid to blind was granted n four, and repair of frames on hree people. These clinics were ?eld on August 25-26. and Noven. ser 4-5. 1947. through the co operation of the State Commissi i or the Blind and the local Health ind Welfare Departments. A total of SI 38 was raised and >aid by the members of the club n the White Cane drive. In the annual dime board drive >etween December 13 and 23. a otal of $373.76 was raised for >lind work by the club. In order that he might attend he Blind School in Raleigh, a S-^0 >urchase of clothing was made for . man. On March 22. the club voted to end $10 cach month to the \>he rille Eye Clinic until a per capita tuota is set up for the various ?lubs of Western North Carolina. The State Commission for Blind vas paid $5 to purchase glas-es or a local patient in an Ashev'llc hospital, on March 26. The blind people of this section were provid ed free medical examinations whenever needed. All blind stands in the county ire supervised by the Blind Com mittee and help given to blind merchants in the way of financial aid. book-keepjng and advice whenever needed. All school teachers were con tacted, being asked to check all r-chool children who where hav ing difficulty reading, as far as possible. A total of $1,057.45 was spent for blind work from July 1. 1947. through March 2fi. 1948. Reports from other committees rhowed that the club has assisted in securing two new factories, organized and supported sports, been active in trying to keep important highways coming through the business district of Murphy, cooperated in getting a truant officer for the county, re quested Forest Service to establish picnic areas in this vicinity: spon sored Boy Scout work, 4-H call projects, had tonsil operations per formed for three persons, bougM clothing and food for indigent piovided hot lunches for several children at Murphy school, secur ed considerable publicity throu Ji various mediums. ! President H. G. Elkins announc ed that the directors had voted tc ! have a street carnival on Friday muI Saturday, June 18-19. Dr. G W. Plonk reported that the Lions club has an outstanding soft ha!! ' 'iam and that four more game: I will be played during the fir! hill of the season. It was announced th'it several members will attend the state con vention to be held in ifft ? June 20-22. Secretary R. VV. Easley. Jr. presented perfect attendance b'lt K ns to the following: Buel Adams R S Bault. Dr. J R Bell. I! , Rueck. T. A. Case. Alden Coward Loren Davis. Merle Davis. John Davidson. R. W. Easley, 11 G Elkins. W. M. Fain. Dr. W. A | Hoover. A. Q Ketner. H A. Ma' tox. Mack Patton. Dr. (I W. Plonk and Dr. B. W. Whitfield. Directors Are Elected Bv Murphy Chamber At a recent meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of Murphy the following mem! < rs of the board of directors were elected For three year terms: W. D. Town son. Frank Forsyth. ( R. Freed and Edward Brumb> . for twc years: Arthur Heinrich. Dr. W. A Hoover. Noah . Hembree. and Sheridan Dickey: and for one yea": >1. A. Mattox. Dr. J R Bell. R S. Bault. and C. L. Alverson. The latter three already were mem bers of the board from the old organization. W. M. Davis is president of the Chamber; Dr. B. W Whitfield, vice-president; and H. G. Elkins. j treasurer. A secretary has not i | been elected. Mountaineers To Face Oak Ridge The Murphy Mountaineers will | play host to the Oak Ridge All Stars here in a two game series I Saturday night and Sunday. Mana ger David King will probably call on big Jim Cunningham to face the visitors Saturday night with Hemphill or Beavers getting the nod Sunday. The Murphy nine play host to Jasper. (la., here tonight with Hunt on the mound. Jl'NK 1J* IS DEADLINE June 19 is the deadline for applications for enrollment in the i Veteran Farmer Training pro gram. announces Glenn Patton. j si\pervisor. ! E. B. King of Andrews was in Murphy Monday on business. Motor Vehicle Inspection Lane To Open Here Monday State Workers To Conduct BTU Enlargement Program M i > > Mildred Whitfield, assotia tional missionary, announces that a Training Union Enlargement Campaign in the churches of the Western North Carolina Baptist Association will begin Sunday night and will close Friday night with a mass meeting at the First Baptist Church of Murphy at ft o'clock. On Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock each church will make j report of the campaign. The Rev. L. J. Newton, state Training Union Young People's leader, will head the campaign assisted by 15 state workers. He and Mrs. Newton will work in the Andrews Baptist church; other churches will have the following workers: Hayesville, Misses Martha Jane Jfitchell and Elaine Saund ers: Little Brasstown, Misses Mary Bargeron and Kate Baucom: Yalleytown. Fred Johnson and Miss Evelyn West; Marble Springs, i Albert Ambrose and Billy Simpson. I Pleasant Valley. Miss Jane Nance; j Murphy First. Misses Ruth Miller J nd Betty Brooks; Liberty, Miss Btity Jean Hefner: Unaka. Miss Stella Austin. Classes will be held Monday j h rough Thursday night begin- j ning at 7:30. SPEAKS 16th ? Mrs Virginia S Swain, family life specialist with State College Extension service, who will give a lecture at the Episcopal Church of the Messiah cn Wednesday. Juno 1(J. at 8 p. m Swan Candidate For Commander Funeral Held For J. I Hayes On Saturday Funeral services for Jefferson T Hayes. 87. who died at his home ut To mot la Thursday, were held Saturday afternoon at TomotU Methodist ehureh with the Rev. " A. Smith and the Rev. Jack Palmer officiating. The following great nephews served as active pallbearers: R H. Leatherwood. Bill Leatherwood. Hugh Brittain, Guy Britta?n. Herschel Keener. Hugh Keener, j Fred Keener. Frank Hayes. Frank , Hall, John Swan. Joe Wiggins. Pearl Swaim. Guy Barton and Earl Padgett. Honorary pallbearers were: B?n Harbin. Sheridan Dickey. M. M Rogers, John Rogers. J. B. Shields j Collie Wells. N. F. Harper, H. G. , Harper. B. C. Deweese. Will Sneed. Henry Hyatt. Paul Hyatt. Neil Davidson. Winslow Mclver. Dr. 1? S Parker, and Dr. B. W. Whitfield. Ivie Funeral home was in charge ! oi arrangements. Surviving are one son. Hugh W. Hayes of Greensboro; two daugh ters, Kate and Leila, and two grandchildren. Kenneth and Mav> Farmer of Tomotla. It was said that the church would not hold one fourth of the people who attended the funeral. Among out-of-town relatives and friends who attended were: Miss Helen Hayes of Columbia. Tenn.. John Leatherwood of Washington. ] D. C. Mr. and Mrs. George Leather- ! wood, and Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton ' Leatherwood of Arlington, Va.. | Miss Edna Hayes of Waynesville. i Mrs. Felix Alley, Waynesville Mrs. Mary Williams, and Mrs. Nora Pirrish <>f WhiUier, Will Wiggins of Bryson City. W. B. Wiggins and family of Robbinsville. Mrs. A. L. Duckett of Asheville, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Keener. Mr. and Mr; Hugh Keener of Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall of Sylva. Mr. and Mrs J C. Hayes of WhiUier. Frank Hayes of Asheville, Mr. and Mrs J. B. Storey of Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Padgett of Sylva. and a large number from Murphv ar.d Andrews. A.MJKKWS (apt I W Swan of Andrews has announced that he . a candidal .1 for department com mander of the American Legior Department of North Carol in;:. The Andrews service man has the i rctivc endorsement of the \meri- 1 tin Legion posts of the 35th disi nci. Capt. Swan is well known throughout Legion circles in North Carolina He has been active ly associated with the organization 'rince 1923 when he becam ? a me'nbcr of the Kiffin Rockwell Po?-t in Asheville. He has been an adjutant and service officer for lie past 20 years, also district ser vice officer for the 35th district 1 His- home post is the Leslie Still- . man Post No. 97 of which he has j reived as post commander. The ormer army officer has several j terms been district commander oi j the old 20th district, and one term ' as department vice-commander. 1 In announcing his candidacy | Capt. Swan says that he has served 1 in all ranks in the army from a "buck' private to Captain with the exception of missing the rank of 2nd lieutentant. Capt. Swan has long interestei himself in the American Legioi . and with the problems of veterans of both wars. He has personally aided hundreds in filing claim? I for compensation, or their widows and orphans .Capt. Swan is a disabled veteran himself. For the oast several years he has ' been home service chairman of the Red Cross, which during the war I period brought him in contact I with many veterans. NO COl'RT IX JUXE The June term of Superior | Court will not be held because of j the small number of cases on the I | docket. i> A safety inspection lane will open in Murphy, Monday. June 14, on one side of Peachtree street near the Courthouse, according to an announcement by C. P Sawyer, supervisor. Monday will be set aside for the inspection of state, county, and town vehicles, and school busses The lane will be open June 15-21, for general inspections. All ve hicle operators must present their pocket cards and drivers' license. There will be a fee of SI for each vehicle inspected. All trailers weighing less than 2.500 pounds will be inspected free. All motor vehicles will be in spected for licenses, horn, mirror, windshield wiper, windshield, rear side glass, steering alignment, rteering assembly, rear wheel alignment, exhaust system, tires, turn signals, tail lights, stop lights, parking lights, passing lights, auxiliary lights, headlights, cleat - ance lights, reflex-reflectors, switches and wiring, braking effort, brake equalization, brake pedal and hand brake. Highway 64 Open To Public The stretch of U. S. highway \o. 64 from the Tennessee stats 1 le near Ducktoun Tenn.. to Ranger is now open to the public i.fter having been under construc tion for about two years. This ia conceded to be one of the best roads the state has built in West ern North Carolina. It opens a truck line road from the East to the Southwest, and should bo a great benefit to the people >f Murphy. Truett To Preach On His 36 Years In The Ministry W. T. Truett will preach a' Ranger Baptist church Sunday morning using the subject. "Who Knoweth." A baptizing service will be observed Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the Little Lake. Sunday evening at 8 p. m., Mr. Truett will preach at Shady Grove, on the topic "Thirty-six Years in the Ministry." Truant Officer Is Approved At the meeting of the county board of Commissioners on Mon day the county board of education aws given authority to employ a truant officer for the county for the 1948-49 term of school. Miss Hattie Palmer was appoint ed assistant tax collector of Chero kee county. Paul Padgett, who acted as clerk to the board, and E. A. Wood, chairman of the county board of comissioncrs. state that the above actions will not be official until the next first Monday, however, as the minutes must be corrected and approved by the board before the actions of the board become official. Gives Family Life Lecture On 16th Mrs. Virginia S Swain, family' life specialist of the State College extension service, will give a lec ture on "Family Life" on Wednes day evening, June 16. at 8 o'clock in the Episcopal Church of the | Messiah. The Methodist choir will furnisri music for the occasion. Sister Virginia Hetherington an I nounces that all the churches in ? town have been invited to attend | this lecture. Ministers of the other churches will have a part on the I program.

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