POPULATION C HEROKEE COUNTY 18.813 COUNTY SEAT 2.50U (Hfernlter Cherokee County CLOTHED IN NATURE'S SCENIC WONDERS IS AN IDEAL VACATION SPOT \0I , >1K ,8 _ NUMBER 50. MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. JULY 1, 1948. EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK Lions Win Trophy For Blind Work .Murphy Lions club was the win rer of the Blind Trophy for Med jiim sized clubbs in District 31 -A ,? the state convention in Greens Doro la- 1 week. This trophy has been won by the Alurphy club , i .1 : years for outstanding work jor the blind. It was presented at the convention to President H. C, Elkins. president Elkins reported that the Greensboro convention was one ol the best ever held in the state, with an excellent program and much attention to the blind pro jects throughout the state. King, Queen Of Rhododendron Crowned July 10 On July 10. at 9:30 o'clock in ine Asheville city auditorium, the Kinu and Queen of the Mythical Kingdom of Rhododendron will be downed. This impressive cere mony is the highlight of the annual coronation ball, traditionally held lu open the summer social season ! 1 1 Western North Carolina. There will bo six ladies-in-waiting to the eueen. selected from Buncombe count v The men of the court will bt- the Knight of Laurel and offi u-rs and Man of the Royal Brigade <?' Guards. Immediately following :(.p (pronation. 18 young ladies representing the 18 counties of Western North Carolina will be i .-t'M nted at court. Each of the ?jKMiMir* will be escourted by two xnars>halls. Th< Royal Brigade of Guards !! entertain at a reception anil i':nne; in honor of the King and ?Jut-en i nd the Western Carolina ?ponNu:< proceeding the corona W'n. The wives of the Brigade q( !;ters will entertain the sponsors > :'.d their mothers at a tea at i !tm??re country club at 4 p. m. flu eornation exercises will be > v:\ to the public. Tickets for fptvt.it ors and dancers are avail -t and may be purchased in at the Village librarv. Park place or at the audi torium before the ball. A large <: \ul from Western North Caro }.na is expected to witness the teromon\ and to dance to the music t! (.' irol Henry and the Buccaneers Events Planned For Federation Picnic Saturday With their instruments under heir .u rns and a song upon their ip> hundreds of persons from thi?. md surrounding counties will head " Farmers Federation picnic > b< held in the Murphy high chool building. Saturday. July 10. There will be all kinds of music, ?nginu and contests for the many Jhts< ii. who attend the annual ent of the Farmers Federation, ^rize- will be given for the child who win the athletic contests ^ games to be held on the school j ?ounds during lunch time, and j rt'e watermelon and lemonade will served to all. , All choirs and quartets are invit- | d to attend the all-day picnic and I ompete for prizes given for the st singing. Performers such as Red Raper. j *11 known ballad singer, Alex 'oust on. young ventriloquist of Henderson ville, Ed Bowers, rope "tist from Andrews, Panhandle the one man band, and many 'hers are expected to be on hand '0 perform at this year's picnic, hich is expected to be the best V(>1' held in this county. The Farmers Federation string Eand. led by Johnny Rhymer, with *rs Rhymer to present her many allads and the well-known banjo r,i>i Gait her Robinson, will be in ln? form for this year's perfor mance. All persons, young and old. have ?en extended an invitation to at Ind. SINGING l?ihLflrS' SaturdaV ni^ht singing >e held in the Murphy school | 1 oriu m Saturday night as usu " starts at 8 o'clock. Business Firms To ( lose July 5 \I<>Mt of Murphy's business hous es and public offices will be closed on Monday. July 5. in celebration i Independence Day. Citizens Bank and Trust Com pany will be closed all day. Public olfices also will be closed. The local post office will be closed except for 30 minutes sometime during the day to distribute gener al delivery mail. Among the retail stores that plan to close are: Cherokee Furniture Co., Bower's Weiss'. Green's, Man Fhop, Murphy Market. V. If. Johnson, Coward's. Morris' Market. Howell's, Carringer's. Murphy Sup ply. Davis' Jewelers, Candler's. Ivie Furniture Co., Townson Bros. Firestone Co.. Murphy Hardware Co., Western Auto, Walter Coleman A & P. Fowler Electric Shop. Murphy Electrical shop. Acme Hardware, Ethel's Shop. Roy V. Lovingood. Five Point Grocery., Cherokee Farmers' Corp.. Gar rett's. and others. Martin Winner In Judging Contest Devcro Martin, a member of the (Irape Creek 4-H Club, was declar ed winner of the 4-II Club and FFA Lioup in a judging contest at Circle M Ranch at Salisbury last week. Young Martin attended a Field Day and Shorthorn Type Demonstration along with Yenson West, a Shorthorn breeder of Marble, and M. S. Patton. Assistant county Agent. A breeder of Sh^-M: -?-ns from West Virginia donated $23 stipulat ing that it be given to the 4-11 Club member or FFA member whose judging score was highest Devcro Martin, high scorer anions these boys and girls, won the $25 Funeral Held At Marble For Mrs. Georgia Nix Funeral services were held Mon day afternoon June 28 at 2 o'clock ; t Marble Baptist church for Mrs. Georgia Joyce Nix. 71. who died June 26. The Rev. Algia West and the Rev. Clearence Adams officiat ed. Burial was in the Tomotla cemetery with Townson funeral home in charge. A native of Gordon county. Ga . she had lived in this county for 41 vears. She was a member of the Marble church and had been a de voted Christian since the age of 13 years. She is survived by the husband. Lon Nix: and the following child ren: Mrs. Lou Howard of Grand view. Mrs. Herschel Stiles and Miss Jewel Nix of Marble. Mrs. Howard West and Garnie Nix of Murphy, i One daughter. Mrs. Ina Hawkins has passed away. Also surviving ?re 20 grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren: one sister. Airs. Emma Isham of Gastonia, and a brother, John Joyce of Copper hill. Tenn. She has reared 11 step children Leon A. West Finishes Aircraft Welding Course CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE. ICantoul, Illinois ? Brig. Gen. Fay k. Upthegrove. commanding gener al of Chanute air base, announced today that Sgt. Leon A. West ha? successfully completed the sixteen week Aircraft Welding Specialist I Course. Son of Mrs. Harley West. RFD 1. Murphy, North Carolina. Sgt. West v ill depart from Chanute air base soon for an assignment at Grenier Air Force Base. New Hampshire. At this station, he will take his place among the skilled technicians who are essential in maintaining a firstline air force. CONDUCTS COURSE? Ellis D Fysal, field representative of Saf ety Services for Southeastern Area American Bed Cross, who will con duct a water safety instructor tiainintf course in Bryson City July 5-1 0 for people in this area. Water Safety Instructor Course Offered A thirty-hour water safety in structor training course for Swain. Macon, Graham and Cherokee i county chapters of the American Red Cross will be conducted the week of July 5-16 at the pool at Frymont Inn and Fonlana lake. Bryson City, by Ellis I). Fysal, of the Southeastern Area. No previous training is required, but candidates should be as much as 19 years old and be strong swimmers. Instructors may review their training by participating in the last half of the course. Those in the above chapter areas are invited to participate in the roursc. Mr. Fysal. field representative of Safety Services for Southeastern \rea of the American Red Cross, .?*?(! former North Carolina gridi ion star and football coach has served the Rod Cross since 1927. and in World War 11 spent eight months overseas in Hawaii and Okinawa training members of the armed forces in water safety and first aid. Mr Fy*al joined the organiza tion as a iife saving examiner. When in high school, however, he had already gained valuable ex l?erience as junior director at Camp Leach. M S A . near Wash ington. N C. Later, attending the University of North Carolina he was a member of the university life saving corps organized by the Oiange County Chapter of the Red Cross. He served as instructor at the Red Cross National Aquatic School at Brevard. N. C.. for three years, and taught Red Cross first aid at Elon College. N C Foi several summers he trained state personnel at Myrtle Beach S (' . in aquatics. After receiving his A B degree from the University of North Caro lina. he did graduate work and attended law school. He was stud ent football coach at the University ol North Carolina, assistant loot ball coach at Elon College and Wake Forest College, and head boxing and wrestling coach at Elon. SERMON SUBJECT The Rev. Thomas Truett has an nounced that his Sunday sermon subject at Hanger Baptist church will be Being Called Into Lib erty." RESIGNS Dick Yow has resigned as coach and principal of Murphy high school effective June 29 He and his family expect to be here sever al weeks before leaving for his home in Georgia. Mrs. R. D. Chandler is visiting relatives in Athens. Ga Scott Victorious Over Johnson In Primary Saturday Kerr Scott received the Demo cratic nomination for Governor of North Carolina in the second pri mary held in the state Saturday. He, piled up a big majority over hi>* opponent. State Treasurer Charles Johnson. Scott had more than 36,000 majority over Johnson. Votes were counted quickly throughout the state Saturday night, and about nine o'clock Johnson went to Scott's headquart ers conceding defeat and con gratulating Scott on his vvietory. George M. Pritehard of Ashe ville is the Republican candidate for Governor, but unless the half century tradition of having Demo cratic governors in North Carolina is broken. Scott will be the next chief executive of the state. In Cherokee county's second primary Saturday. Johnson was given a majority of more than 350 votes over Scott. He received 1, 408 to Scott's 1.055. $702 Contributed To School Band Murphy School Music associa tion announces that total con tributions for the band fund through Wednesday morning amounted to $702, of which $326 was contributed since last week's published report. The following donations were reported this week: Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoove i $200.00 Mrs. Hade Maury 25.00 \\ \ sherrill SI M A Friend 15.00 John Davidson 15.00 Tracy Oelkers 10.00 | Mrs. and Mrs. C'has. Wort lien 10.00 | W illiam T. Wells 10.00 j Mr. and Mrs. Neil Davidson 5.00 I . M. Shields & Co. 5.00 O. V Sneed 5.00 l\ W. I'orrester 1.00 DEDICATION MOVIF Mrs. Nora Jones ol Cleveland. T? nil . will show the picture of the Shady Grove dedic * ion service .:t Shady Grove chun-h Saturday night at 8 p. ni . a series ot pictur taken at the Anderson reunion ill also be shown Misses Elizabeth Klkins Joyce Coleman, and Mary Frances Axley attended a conference at Lake Junaluska last week ? DANGEROUS MAKING Ltrr TURN BY Ouwk.wioc 9wtr?o ntom RIOMT-HAND LANE G I VI NO NO NAMO SM?AL V SAFE GRADUALLY MOVN# TO LfrT UJINQ HAND 5ICHALS-MAWMO Turn At CrriTfp of intw SCCTIOM V^HCN CLEAR W. KERR SCOTT Republicans Name Dewey And Warren As Running Mates The Republican party in its convention in Philadelphia last week nominated New York's gover nor. Thomas E. Dewey, as the presidential standard bearer, with California's governor, Earl Warren as his running mate, for vice-presi dent. The convention adjourned at noon on Friday. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover of Murphy, who attend ed. returned home Sunday. In choosing a Dewey-Warren ticket the delegates picked two men who's careers show many parallels Both are governors of big and powerful states. Both have j treat vote-getting record. Dewey was elected to a second term in 1946 with a majority of more than 700.000, the greatest ever given a governor. In the last California guberna torial primaries Warren, first elect - ??(! in 1942. was nominated by both Democrats and Republicans Bible School Commencement Is Sunday Morning The Vacation Bible School of the Firstt Baptist Church of Murph> n Ml present its Commencement Kxcreises on Sunday. July 4. at 0:45 a. m. The program will be as j follows: Processional: Song "God of our Fathers": Quiet Music Greetings, Answer and Call to Worship: Song: "All Things Bright Mid Beautiful;" Motto. Prayer. Offering. Salutes and Pledges to Flags and Bible: Quiet Music. Song "The Whole Wide World for Jesus"; Anthem: "Lift up Your Heads"; Character story Depart mental demonstrations; and Reces sional to departments. The subjects for the pastor's messages are: "A Pilgrimage" on Sunday morning at 11 00 and "The Unchangeable Record" on Sunday night at 8:00. Training L'niori will meet at 7:00 p. m. and the Hour of Power at 7:30 p. m. on Wednes day. Football Games Are Scheduled Dick Yow has announced the fol ? lowing football schedule for the j Bulldogs for the fall: September 10. Franklin here: September 17. to be filled: Septem ! ber 24. Sylva here. October 1, Ducktown there: ' October 8. to be filled: October i 15. to be filled: October 22. Hayes ville there: October 29. Andrews there. November 5. Robbinsville here; ; November 12. Bryson City there; I November 19. Hayesville here: November 20. Andrews here. Baseball Games, Horse Show To Feature Andrews Celebration Andrews is making bi prepara tions for a celebration on Monday, July 5. when a horse show and two baseball games will be featur ed. The day's events, which will be held at the ball park, are being ; sponsored by tin* Andrews Athle tic club. More than 30 horses, three and five-?aitod. and ponic* from all over the western section of the state, will be in Andrews for the horse show, which starts at 4 o - dock p. m. Two baseball games, both with Tellico Plains and Andrews, will be played, one at 10 a. 111 and one , it 1:30 p. m. Liberal prizes will be awarded i the winners in the horse show. Election On Wine And Beer To Be Held August 31 Church Conducts Religious Survey Here Next Week The First Baptist Church will conduct its annual religious survey in Murphy next week, beginning Wednesday afternoon at 6 o'clock j and ending with complete reports on Sunday, announces Rev. J. Alton Morris, Pastor The people of the community are asked to help by giving complete information asked for on the cards. When the work is fully completed and the results tabulated, each church in this com munity will be given the names of members and prospects for that church. Moffett Speaks On Presbyterian Hour Sunday The 1948 summer -t ries of the PRESBYTERIAN HOI K will be on the air during the months of July and August The programs j will be directed particularly to ; young people Some of the out handing leader- of youth groups; will speak. The mu*ic will be large- j 'y furnished by college choirs and ihorusci. The first speaker in the s>eries j come* from the campus of one of 1 our great universities Rev. Ilarr> j M Moffett i> the pastor of the I'ni.ersity Presbyterian Church which serves the students of the J 1' ?iiver>. ly of Texas in \u*tin Mr 1 Moffett waN born in the manse in] Fredericksburg. Va . and was edu- j cnted in Davidson College and I'nion Theological Seminary in | Richmond. Va lie was ordained in ! llolston Presbytcr> and served pas t orates in Jefferson City. Tenn . Lilx rty and Columbus. Mo. lie i* in great demand as a speaker to young people. His topic will be Christ, the Only Answer for | '? outh". The guest choir on this program will he the student acapella choir from Austin College in Sherman, j Texas, under the direction of Mr ( Robert W. Bedford This program may be heard in J this section over Radio Station ? WSB and WNOX Saturday. July 4 j at 8:30 A M. Return From Trip To Washington R. L. Padgett. Paul Padgett and Larry Posey returned last Wednes day from a two weeks' trip to Washington. I). C . and Upper Marlboro. Md.. where they visited with Mr. Padgett's son. B L. Pad gett, Jr., and family and his daughter. Mrs. I) A. Wakefield and family. Paul also visited with friends in Williamsburg, Y o r k t o w n. Rich mond and Gloucester. Ya . and was guest of E. F. Carpenter. Ill of Lansdowne, Pa. for two days. Ho also spent three days in Jersey City. X. J . and Xew York City. En route, he visited the naval bases at Yorktown. Ya.. St. Albans. X. Y . Indian Head. Md . and Rothesda. Md. They were accompanied home by Mr. Padgett's grandson. Gerald Padgett, who plans to visit in Murphy for a month. Eastern Star Hostess To Masons The Eastern Star ladies will be hostesses at a chicken supper at the Masonic hall Monday. July 5 r.t <5:30 to 7 p. m. for Masons and Eastern Star members and theii families. ?> Jn the 1944 general election for ' governor 5,157 people voted in Cherokee county. In order for this election be called. 15 per cent of that number, or 774 people had to sign a petition. The petition was signed by 849 qualified voters and was filed according to the statute. A. J. Hembree, chairman of | Cherokee County Board of Elec tions, announces that an election to determine whether or not beer and wine shall be legally sold in Cherokee county will be held in the several voting precincts of the county on August 31, for the pur pose of submitting to the qualified voters the question of the legal sale of both wine and beer. The registration books for this election will be open at the sever al precincts at the usual polling places on Saturday, August 7. 14, and 21, from 9 a. m. until sunset, during the registration period, and all other week days the regis tration books will be available for registering persons during the same hours at the homes or places of business of the registrars. Challenges will be received at the polling place on Saturday, August 28. from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If a majority of the votes in the election are against the sale of wine and beer, then after the ex piration of sixty days from the day on which the election is held it will be unlawful to sell or possess for the purpose of sale in the county wine and beer. If the majority of votes cast in the elec tion uill be for the legal sale of wine and beer, then the sale of same will he legal f The election will be held and the votes cast, canvassed, certified and declared under the same rules and regulations governing the holding of general election as now provided by law, except that no absentee votes will be received and counted in said election. A new county-wide registration will be called when the registra tion books are open for the beer and wine election. 47 Enrolled In Presbyterian Bible School A total of 47 had been enrolled Tuesday in the Daily Vacation Bible school at the Presbyterian church, according to announcement by the Rev. T. G. Tate, pastor. Beginners are being taught by Mrs R 11 Foard. Miss Mary Lou Gordon, and Miss Eloise Sneed. Miss Martha Smith of Jellico, Tenn . superintendent of the school, and Mrs. Jim Gibbs are in charge of the primary department. Juniors are being taught by Miss Jane Hill and Mrs. Anderson. Mrs Harry Miller has charge of the intermediates. The school will continue through next week. There will be no church service Sunday at the Presbyterian church, 'his being Mr. Tate's regular ap pointment at the Hayes ville Prcs hytcrian church where he will preach Sunday morning. At 3 o' clock in the afternoon he will preach at Union Hill. J. E. Reynolds Dies, Havesville Funeral services for Joseph Es | coo Reynolds, 65, who died at his home near Havesville Friday morn ing at 2:30 o'clock, were held Saturday at 2:30 p. m. at Ledford's chapel with the Rev. F. R Davis officiating. Burial was in the church ceme tery with Ivie funeral home in chargt. He is survived by the widow. , Mrs. Mat Me Nelson Reynolds: three daughters. Mrs Hill ey Swain, and Misses Mae and Georgia Reynolds: I one son. Kenneth, all of Hayes . villc. Route 3; and a brother Sam Reynolds of Shooting Creek.

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