SOCIETY Mrs. Chasott And Mr. Bearden Wed The First Baptist Ch'jrch of Cairo. Ga., was the setting for the beautiful wedding of Miss Merle Katherine Chason. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Chason .-ml James Hollis Bearden, son of Mr. and Mrs. C B. Bearden which took place at 5:30 o'clock Thurs day afternoon. July 22. The Rev Wilburn S. Smith, of Starkville, .Miss officiated at the double ring ceremony, assisted by Rev. R. C. Perry, Jr., in the presence of a large assembly of relatives and friends. Three baskets of white gladioli and five floor candelabra against a s,.i;d background of ferns and >imilax combined to from the altar before which the bridal party stood. HENN THEATRE Murphy, N. C. Saturday. August 14 DOUBLE FEATURE TIM McCOY, In? "West of Rainbow End" ALLAN LANE. In? ''Marshall of Amarillo" BRICK BRADFORD No. 12 Late Show Sat. Kent Taylor - Peggy Knudsen, In ? "Half Past Midnight" Puss 'N Boots ? Sunday. August 15 i <.lcn Ford - Evelyn Keyes. In ? , Mating of Millie" lu*t suppose Midnight Snack Monday - Tuesday. August 16-17 Mickey Roone.v - Gloria De j i Haven. In ? "Summer Holiday" V I in Color l atest UNIVERSAL News Bootle Beetle Wednesday. August 18 , i Barry Sullivan Belita. In ? "The Gangster" DANGERS OF CANADIAN* MOUNTED No. 4 I 1 Thursday - Friday. August 19-20 spencer Tracy - Katherine Hepburn - Van Johnson. In ? "State of The Union" Latest WARNER News , Mrs. Olen Dekle, of Thomasville. Ga.. organist, played the nuptial music. George Mitchell of Macon. Ga.. sang Because (D'Hardelot), The Sweetest Story Ever Told ?Stults) and The Lord's Prayer ? Mallotte). T h e usher-groomsmen were Hilly Carr. Billy J. Van Landing ham, Alto Cain. Jr., and Walter Sawyer. The grooms best man was his brother. Robert Bearden. Mrs. Billy J. Van Landingham, matron of honor, wore a gown of orchid taffeta made with a fitted bodice and net yoke; the hooped ikirt was caught in the hemline with bows of taffeta ribbons. Yel low mums adorned her hair. She carried a shower bouquet of purple asters. The maids. Miss Mary Ann Bearden. Miss Margaret Higdon, and Mrs. Dan Harris were dress ed in gowns of orchid taffeta fashioned like the matron's of honor with matching bandeaux in their hair. They carried bouquets oi asters. The bride, given in marriage by her only brother. Mercer Chason. wore a gown of white mouseline de soie styled with a fitted waist and full skirl which extended into a train. Her finger-tip veil of ' illusion was caught to her hair . with a coronet of lace and seed pearls. She carried an arm bouquet of white carnations and stephano tis centered with an orchid. The bride's mother, Mrs. Cha son, wore a model of Florida green crepe with pink flowered hat and black accessories. A pur ple orchid formed her corsage Mrs. Bearden, the groom's moth er, chose a dress of print shew A purple orchid formed her cor sage. The bride's parents entertained at a reception at the Woman's Club house following the cere mony. The pink and white motif was used in the decorations and re freshments. Bowls of pink asters :md white gladoli were placed on mantel, table and book cases. The bride's table, overlaid with an imported lace cloth, was centered with the three-tiered uedding cake with delicate embossings and topped with a minature bride and "room. The ice course consisting i)f brick cream, individual cakes md punch further emphasized the color-note. Mrs. Bearden is a graduate of Cairo high school and received her B. S. in Education from Georgia State College for Women in Milledgeville. Ga. During the past year she was employed as a teacher in Murphy. Mr. Bearden is a graduate of Cairo high school and has served three years in the navy. For the past year he has attended the School of Mortuary Science in Nashville. Tenn. In September he will resume his studies in Tennessee where the :ouple will make their new home. Mrs. Elsie McDonald Whiteheart is visiting relatives and friends n Murphy. ? back to school .... f ! In clean clothes that look like new after going through our laundry and cleaners Don't wait until the last minute to get ready for school. Call us now! MURPHY LAUNDRY Phone 159 Murphy, N. C. jj MRS. J\s. II. BEARDEN Hale Circle Has Meeting Mrs. Yerlin .Jones and Mrs. Virginia Patillo were hostesses to the Elizabeth Hale circle at the home of Mrs. Jones Monday eve ning. Mrs. Kenneth Davis, president, presided. Minutes of the last meet ing were read by the secretary. Mrs. J. B. Hall and the opening prayer was made by Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Davis gave the Bible study and the group sang "Bringing in the Sheaves", followed by prayer by Mrs. a. .! Hudridt. Mrs. Headrick led the program on "Missionary work in Latin America." Participating in the program were: Mrs. Hall. Mrs Everette English, and Mrs. Char les Shy-tie. The meeting was clos ed with prayer by Mrs. English. Lemonade, home made cake and ice cream were served by the hostesses to 12 members and one visitor. Mrs. J. D. Palmer of Ak ron. Ohio. Pr essley- J ackson Announcement has been made of the marriage of Mrs. Estelle Jackson of Ashevi-lle to D Patrick Pressley of Waynesville. The ceremony took place in Clayton. Ga.. on Monday. July 26. in the presence of a small group of relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Pressley are at home on Walnut Street in Ashe villc. Mr. Pressley has been a Nation al Biscuit salesman for ttie past thirty years, serving this county part of that time. Emerson Fleming of Hartwell. I Ga.. visited Wre Tuesday. He was accompanied home by his aunt. Mrs. J. Alton Morris and two children, Sally and John, who arc visiting in Hartwell and Greenville. The Rev. J. Alton Morris is preach ing near Greenville this week in ! a revival meeting. Spencers Host At Buffet Supper Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spencer were hosts at a buffet sapper Wednesday evening. honoring ' several out-of-town guests. Follow- I ing the supper which was served j on the porch, music, readings and | stories were enjoyed in the living room. Guests included: Mr. and Mrs J. Roy Robbins of Ridgewood. N. J.; the Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Talia ferro and George F. Granberry of Blue Ridge, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs Ernest B. Bidez, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Smith and Mr. and Mrs., Arlie Thomason of Copperhill. Tenn.; Mrs. Harry Miller. Mrs. Peyton G. Ivie, Misses Mary Cornwell, Addie Mae Cooke. Jose phine Heighway, Glenda Ivie, Susie Miller, and Pauline Hogsed. Veta Estes To Wed Olin Myers Mr. and Mrs. Herman B. Estes of the John C. Campbell Folk School at Brasstown. announce the engagement of their daughter. Veta Estes. to Olin Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Myers also of Brasstown. Miss Estes attended Murphy high school and Martha Berry school at Rome, Ga. She is now employed by Coble Dairy. Mr. Myers attended High Point college. He is now employed by Burlington Mills. After the marriage the couple will reside in Greensboro. Mrs. Lee Speaks On Argentina Latin America was discussed at the meeting of the Baptist B. W. C. Monday night of last week in the home of Mrs. Bill Gentry, with her sister. Mrs. Don Gentry as co-hostess. Mrs. Dale Lee was guest speak er and told of her recent trip to Argentina and showed several souvernirs that she brought back Mrs. J. W. Davidson and Mrs. Joe Hamilton discussed the outlined topic, and Mrs. Frank Crawford conducted the devotion al. Mrs Donley presided. Among The Sick Mrs. G. W. Candler is in Pied mont hospital, Atlanta, for treat ment for two weeks. C. F. Streuber who has been ill at Whitfield hospital for several days, was reported Wednesday to be improved. Miss Moselle Moore returned Tuesday night from Atlanta where she spent several days at Pied mont hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Clark of Weldon are guests of I) H. Moody | at Regal hotel a few days this week Miss Mary Ellen Payne spent ? he week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Payne at Viole:. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hale of Sunnyside Inn, Asheville. were j guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. | S. S. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Hale and Mr and Mrs. Willams spent j part of the week in Atlanta as ;uests of the Atlanta .is guests of the Atlanta Biltmore hotel, the j remainder of the week they were in Murphy. Mrs. Alexander Hostess Tuesday At Bridge Luncheon Mrs. R. G. Alexander entertain ed Tuesday with a bridge luncheon at her home on Valley River Avenue. The home was decorated with Red gladoli and red roses. Places were marked by corsages. Three tables were set for bridge ?nd luncheon and one for lunch eon alone. Luncheon guests were Mrs. O. K. Erhart. Mrs. R. G Barnes, Mrs. Dale Lee and Mrs. T. A. Case. High and low score prizes were given at each table. Those re ceiving high score prizes were. Mrs. B W Whitfield. Mrs R. S. Parker and Mrs Margaret Pruden Lester. Prizes for low score went to Mrs Henry Harshaw. Mrs. J. W. Davidson and Mrs. Jimmy Ward. Guest prizes were present ed Mrs. Lester and Mrs. Barnes. Those playing were, Mrs. Lester. Mrs. Davidson. Mrs. Henry Har shaw. Mrs. Edgar Harshaw. Mrs. Frank Mauney, Mrs. Ward. Mrs. Whitfield. Mrs. H. Bueck, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. W. A. Hoover. Mrs. Don Witherspoon. and Mrs. Joe K;., Mrs. Alexander was assisted in serving by Mrs Lee. Mrs. Hoover and Mrs. Ra\ . FHA Conference Held In Svlva V A District Conference was held by the Farmers Home Administra tion at Sylva Tuesday for the pur pose of giving the county commit teemen. supervisors, and county office clerks additional informa tion and instructions in connec tion with new procedure for mak ing loans to farmers for crop pro duction. livestock, equipment, and tenant purchase loans. Attending from Cherokee county were: S. S. Williams, county supervisor; Miss Estelle M. Bennett, county office clerk; and Jule W. Hatchett. chair man. and Burton H. McNabb. coun ty committeemen. Claude S. Day was unable to attend due to ill ness. This meeting was in charge of Paul Laughrun. state field repre sentative. assisted by J. B. Slack, state director; A. E. Rozar. chief Production Loan operation; H. B Riggle. Production Loan officer; Vance E. Swift, chief. TP opera tions; George W. Smith. FO Land appraiser and engineer; and Miss Carolyn N o 1 e n. administrative supervisor. Applications are now available at the FHA Offices for all types of farm loans. Applications maybe submitted for approval and ar rangements made for loan checks to be received at a later date which will assure farmers of a definite plan of financing. The local office of the Farmers Home Administra tion are cooperating with the Ex tension Service, the Veteran's Training Officers and other agri cultural agencies in assisting farm ers to enable them to carry out improved farm practices. Mrs. E. C. Winchester of Mon roe is spending some time as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edwfin Winchester. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrix .ind son. Bob. and Mrs. Henry Hyatt spent the week-end as guests of Mrs. Hendrix* parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McNeil at Champion. They were accompanied home by Jim Hendrix who has spent sever al weeks there. A CARTOONISTS IMPRESSION OF THE LOST COLONY" ? Manteo, ? A cartoonist views "THE LOST COLONY", Paul Green's famous sym phonic drama now in it* eighth season on Roanokt Island Performances are presented nightly at H O except Mondays and Tuesdays, through September 6. Against the background of the 180 foot stage of The Waterside Theatre appear, from left to right: Old Tom (Don Somers), Uppowoc (Harry Coble), Agone (Patricia Palmer), Eleanor Dare (Barbara Edwards), John Borden (Robert Armstrong!, Sir Walter Raleigh (Irving Smith), and Queen Elizabeth (Lillian Prince). PERSONALS Mrs. R. G. Barnes who has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. Edgar Harshaw at Harshaw Farms, returned Friday to her home in Newport News. Va. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Atkins and baby, Diane, visited Mrs. Atkins' grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bailey, here last week. Mrs. Atk ins is the former Miss Doris Bailey of Murphy. Mr. Atkins will be coach in the Franklin schools next term. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Benton of Cornelia, Ga.. spent Monday with their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. C\ E. Hyde. Mrs. A. B. Moss, Jr., and son, Billy of Buenos Aires, Argentina and Waynesville. spent the week- , end with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy . Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lee. Mrs. W. A. Phipps of Asheville 1 is the guest of her sister, Mrs j H. G. Smith at the Henry House ! this week. Mrs. R. H. Foard met her niece. I Priseilla Inscoe of Siler City, in j Asheville Saturday and brought her home with her for a visit. , Mrs .W. A. Banner of Asheville ; has returned home after spending several days with her father. P. R. Mauney. Miss Bertha Cunningham of 1 Sylva is the guest of her cousin. Mrs. W. P. Odom and Mr. Odom Mrs. C. E. Harris of St. Louis, i Mo., and Miss Amelia Streuber of Danville. Ill . were called here this week on account of the ill- , ness of their brother, C. F. Streu ber. McCain Speaks For Presbyterians The speaker on the Presbyterian i Hour next Sunday will be one oi America's most distinguished edu cators. Dr. James Ross McCain, J 'resident of Agnes Scott College, Decatur. Ga. He is a native of Tennessee. He received his A. B. and A M. degrees at Erskine Col | lege and his Ph. D. from Colum I bia University. Honorary degrees ' have been conferred upon him by Erskine College, Chicago Univers ity, Davidson College, Emory j University and Tulane University. He started out in the practice of Jaw. but soon became more inter ested in education. He was the founder and first headmaster of Darlington School in Rome, Ga. In 1915 he came to Agnes Scott College and became its president in 1923. He has served as Presi dent of the Association of Georgia Colleges. Southern University Con ference, and the American Associa tion of College. He has served as trustee of the General Education Board of N. Y. His topic will be, "Christ, the Only Answer for Education". The music on this program will be furnished by a mixed chorus from Agnes Scott College and Emory University under the joint direction of Mrs. Rebeckah McDuffie Clarke and Mr. William Landis. This program may be heard next Sunday in this territory over Radio Station WSB, and WNOX at 8:30 A. M. Use lor Cooking and Baking, Too cuts T^elCE COUD CLOVERLEAF DRIED SKIMMED MILK CRISP STUDIO NOW OPEN Greatly REDUCED Prices To serve you at all times, with PORTRAITS, all sizes. KODAK FINISHING ? COPYING ENLARGING - PAINTING - FRAMING. ANY size pictures to your order. What have you? Bring your difficult photo problems to: CRISP STUDIO Corner Wells and Depot Streets Telephone 61 Murphy, N. C. NOTICE OF REPUBLICAN MEETING All Republican Township and Precinct Committee Members and all other interest ed Republicans in every precinct in Chero kee County are urgently requested to at tend a meeting at the Court House in Murphy on Wednesday at 8:00 o'clock P. M., August 18th. This is an important organizational meeting and every precinct should be well represented There will be representatives here frcm State and Con grssional headquarters to talk with you re garding the plan of organization. Dn't fail to be here. D. M. REESE, Chairman CHEROKEE COUNTY REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.

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