T. V. A. News CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS: At Watauga Dam concrete placing in the first stage of the powerhouse substructure was completed in September and erection of struc tural steel for the powerhouse was practically completed. Develop ment of the main rock quarry made good progress during the month. Placing of rock averaged approxi mately 6.000 cubic yards per day. and only about 100.000 cubic yards lemained to complete the job.? Approximately 150.000 cubic yards of earth fill was placed at South Holston Dam. Placing of rock iill was accelerated with the use of more equipment in Quarn No 4. and daily production averaged "GILL" HANDY RANGE Farmers Federation between 3.000 and 4.000 cubic yards. ? Structural concreting for the Chemical Engineering Build 1:4 at Wilson Dam was practically completed during September. ? At Wheeler Dam concrete work for unit No. t> was practically finished during the month as well as tur bine work and the generator sta tor connections for unit No. 5. The fi>" 1 year recently ended , u as marked by progress in the 1 disposal of several TV A villages land plann u for disposal of re '?!.i - \ properties. \'orr:> j u . v .1 in June 1048. and 011 Sep' rabei 1 the buyer assumed .on 1 the town Hiwassee Dam Village wa> transferred by ?ea . to \ ' i Carolina in Febru ?iy. 1948 1> >e e as tile nucleus 1 of 1 - te irk development Ne * for transfer of G:!ber:<\. \ ?ue to the State > f Kentuek> .1- part of a state park \ i ? impleted b\ th j . : - . ear, and I he State 5f) Park Division has since taken ovei the operation. Operation of Grea rails Village was discontinued ii January. 1948 and removal of tin houses is nearly finished. Residents of TVA's Wilson Dan \ iilages and of TV A houses ir Lenoir Ci ty < Fort Loudoun Project Acre notified that definite plans .?re being formulated for disposal i)i these properties. Watts Bar V illage residents have been similar 1\ notified. Residents of Wheeler nil Pickwick Villages have been informed of the unavailability of i r- -Joyce housing at those locations ?.It tr December 31. 1940 * * * * Woodland demonstrations in three states attracted some 300 fa.niers and other interested per son in recent weeks In Colbert Count.. Mabama. 45 farmers in -pe 'ed the 1) B Blythe farm woodland demonstration In Madi >on County. 41 farmers attended the woedland management demon > t ra ' on nn .-ting held on the James Chri>'. ian farm. In the Wilson Dam . a. l(i members of the annual ValleyNvidi Lab .?:? - Management Conference were taken on a ; ore- try tour. In Henderson County. \i ' i Care 1 i n i 160 farmers, on two farm tour- c mdueted by the count,\ agen'. inspected -elective . ut ting on fir M.'im'ain Sanitarium v' oudland dem m-'iy.' mi In Graves County. Kentucky, the 26-aere Schmidt wo.>d!and demonstration had :* fifth ? n ; ? of visitors this. . .ir when the county agent show J a group of 23 owr the farm An tn.;. nee:* training program )i the TV A - r \ -ion of P ?wer j Operations was inaugurated in ? ? . i ! : 1047. and tne first group of trainees have now completed the t.r-t half of this two-year program Tm I QUALITY REXALL PRODUCTS Voted the people's choice at 2 for the price ot 1 + 1c REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA Antacid Laxative. IEG. 39c PINT 2 (Of YVC PETROFOL MINERAL OIL Lubricant Laxative. . REG. 59c PINT 2 fOt 60C ALCO-REX RUBBING ALCOHOL For invalids, athletes. . _ - REG. 49c PINT 2 [Of 30C LADIES' PLASTIC COMBS Dressing or rattai! styles. _ _ REG. I Oc 2 for 11c REXALL puretest MERCUROCHROME Antiseptic. REG. 25c HALF-OUNCE . . 2 fOt 20 C REXALL KLENZO TOOTH BRUSH Nylon. Choice of 3 styles. ^ reg. j*t 2 for 30c REXALL puretest AB DG CAPS. Multiple vitamins. . 165 size lao i 2 for 1.66 REXALL REX-SELTZER TABLETS Effervescent alkalizer. 54c SIZE 25't 2 for 55c ELKAY'S WICKSTYLE DEODORANT Sweetens household air. REG. 59c 6 OUNCES .... 2 fOt 6 OC REXALL KLENZO ANTISEPTIC Kills contacted germs. REG. 6?c PINT 2 for 70c LAVENDER SHAVING CREAM Mentholated or brushless. REG. ??< choice 2 for 50c REXALL REXILLANA COUGH SYRUP A sedative for ordinary coughs. REG. 57c 4 OUNCES . ... 2 fOt 58 C REXALL THEATRICAL COLD CREAM Removes make-up quickly. ? REG. t oo POUND 2 fOt 1,01 REXALL TOOTH PASTE Cleanses thoroughly. - . REG. 30c TUBE 2 fW 3lC HUNDREDS MORE TOO NUMEROUS TO ADVERTISE VL Rcxoll Pvrettsl 5 Groin Aspirin Reg. 49c 100- *.. 2 for SO c Rcxall Mi-31 Antiseptic Reg. 69c Fiat. . 2 for 70 c Victoria 2 Quart Hot Water Bottle Reg. 1.89 How. . . 2 for 190 Rexall Puretest Cod Liver Oil 1.50 size M or.. . 2 for J5t Stationery Stoop/ All Types of Box Pe-er! Wiffc - , ^ # fnv. . . 2 for 61 C Box of 25 Medford Christmas Cards Reg. SOc Ass?rttd2 for 51 C Silqoe Cream Shampoo, 4 oz. Reg. 1.00 Wt 2 for 101 DAILY SPECIALS Not 1< Sal* Merchandise. Thin Iteas art S*p*r Valves F*r This !???? Whit* Stocks Last. S*rry, wt mist limit fit ti ? tistimir ink day. special. . starting WEDNESDAY Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Past*. ??. 1 .50 valu* 3 large tubes for W L special. . starting THURSDAY Homemaid Assorted Chocolates .... qq 2 pound box for only //' special. . starting FRIDAY | Helen Cornell Bubble Bath. Reg. ^ ? 1.00 ... 20 packers in beautiful box special. , starting SA TURD AY | 2 Adrienne Face Powder and 1 "t**. Adrienne Talc. Reg. 2.00 ... All for (Oc All prices listed in this advertisement that refer to size or value represent Manufacturer's suggested Full Retail Price. Cosmetics subject to Federal Tax. OCTOBER 20, 21, 22, 23 Parker's Drug Store Murphy, N.C. Bulldogs Trample Copperhill 20 to 12 By TOMMY ALEXANDER The Murphy Bulldogs travelled to Copperhill Monday night to trample the Copper boys by a *ccre of 20 to 12 To say "trample" would be a over-estimate if one had only seen 'he first two or three minutes of ihe game, for Murphy received the 1 Ift'ek and returned to about the i hii ty-five yard lint- The Bulldogs j then started off with a big long pa.NS which was incomplete. On 'he next play there was a fumble, and the Copper boys recovered. Then McGil! broke loose off his ?wn left tackle twisting and side h -pping the bulldogs for the first tally. They did not convert and the score was six to nothing. This tally sort of opened the 'hrottle for the Bullda .> The Copper boys then k :'kcd to \rro v rod and he returned the kick to about the thirty-five yard stripe Then the Bulldogs ? > 'k Mexander loose over his own right tackle. I'y doing some >; I. epping and ome stiff arming together with ?onu' brilliant open field running he went sixty-five yards for the first touchdown for Murpity l.?\ . ngood then m:>>: .1 th. kick and he "ame was tied t> t ? (> Murphy kicked to (' ?pperhill and -topped them around the forty 1 vi The Build ) ? then came l ack with a series i ? t plays, brought the ball to the thirty-live and \iexander again w. it off tackle :or six points. 1. Arrowood then \ eat over center for the extra l oint to give Murphy a lead of i ?' to 6. But the Copper boys lidn't give up and MeGill again -alloped about twenty yards for a 'ally but they missed the extra point and the Bulldogs led by a ~iore of 13 to 12 With only a few nvnutes until the half the Murphy boys drove deep into the Copper ill territory and threw a pass to lack Thompson for a score which was called back because of off -idc> The half then ended with The plan was developed for the purpose of providing a source of well-qualified engineering person nel to fill existing and future vacan cies in the four branches of the division responsible for technical and engineer!:;'^ functions Partici pant were selected from c.illege radii;. t ing classes by interviewing interested candidate* at thf.r insti ll;' on*- By th.s me'hort n . .i* explained to the prospective candidates. This selection process : believed to account in part for t; fact that not a single trainee has left the program. , * *? ? ? Summary of Season's Boating New !',( at races at Paris Land in.. State Park on Kentucky lit servoir drew an attendance esti mated a* 20.000 persons on August 1" Labor Day races at Decatur. Mabaina drew an estimated 10.000. Five thousand spectators saw the regatta at \ orris Lake on August 2L \ marathon race for stock motorboats. as far as is known the : *t event of its kind on the TV A lakes, was staged at Chickemauga Lake on August 8 when 23 boats made the run from Watts Bar Dam to Ch:ekamau_;a Dam. The win ner's time was 1 hour 57' 2 minutes, an average of 29.(5 miles rn 1k)u.\ Patrick Mr. and Mrs. J. P Croft, who j ! avc been living at Patrick, have moved to Farner, Tenn. The Rev. and Mrs G. W. Kil patrick were visitors in this sec ton Sunday. Luther Heid. who has been seri ously ill. is slowly improving. Paul Roberts and small son were guests of Lee Horton Sun d.iy Mrs. Estell Hamby and family were visitors in this section Sun aay. Clifford Pierce is employed by his brother. Carl Pierce, in this section. Mrs. Effie Ledford and son were guests of Mrs. Ledford's sister. Mrs. Myrtle Picklesimer. recently Miss Helen Taylor was the Sun aay guest of Mrs. Opal Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Horton and children recently visited Mr. Hor ton's brother and his wife, Mr and Mrs. Willard Horton of Oak Park. Carl Pierce and Virgil Allen made a business trip to Copper hill, Tenn., recently. Mrs. Emaline Kilpatrick, who has been very ill, is improving. j Murphy leading 13 to 12 The Bulldogs still weren't satis | t oil and in the second half they pushed Copperhill all over the !;eld but couldn't score for a while. ' Copperhill couldn't hold them ljng. however, and about the middle of the third quarter the Bulldogs again scored. This time j J;:ck Thompson took the honor by ovtr from the eight yard line. Again L Arrowood plunged across tenter for Murphy making the fin :il score 20 to 12 With about four minutes to go i;i the fourth quarter Hicklesimer for Murphy, in a series of plays, power drove the ball to the two ;ird line, there Copperhill stopped the Bulldogs for four straight downs The game ended with the ball on the inch line in Murphy's lavor 20 to 12. This wasn't a conference game In- Murphy but coach Dulin tried ( :?{ most of his reserves and they ;:11 came out with flying colors. This team led by Alexander, L \ n ow nod. Dockery. Thompson. B. bovingood. T Lovingood. Frieks. 1'cndley. Pickle^imer Meroney. and Swain will be a worthy opponent to any conference team. Arthritis Pain For quick, delightfully comforting help for aches and pains of Rheumatism, Arthritis. Neuritis, Lumbago. Sciatica, or Neuralgia try Rommd. Works through the blood. First dose usually starts alleviating pain to you can work, enjoy life and sleep more comfortably Oet Remind at druggist today. Quick, com plete satisfaction or money back guaranteed. This Mid-Morning Refreshment Makes Home Work Smooth Sailing OpkeWte* Clean Clothes With That Hand-Done Look! Portable! No holtinu (town! Ideal balance suppresses vibration! Here's the secret cf a wash with that hand-done look! General Electric "Activator" Action Over and over, the Activator flexes clothes through swirling suds ? in enough water to get them really clean. It's as thorough and gentle as hand washing ? yet your hands never touch wet clothes or water. General Electric Filter-Skim Action All through the soaking, washing, rins ing of your clothes, water recirculates through a filter. Dirt, scum, and lint are constantly skimmed off. flushed away. They can't remain in the washbasket to re-soil the clothes But washing's a hands-off affair . . . with this llou proud you'll be of the fresh and sparklinuly clean laundrv this new General Electric All-Automatic Washer does for you! Every piece cloud-clean! Every piece with that bright, hand-done look! And to turn out that kind of laundry, you np'y put in the clothes and ?et the dial. Your General Electric All-Automatic W i !u-r doc? everything else for you. all by itself: 1. \utomatieally soaks clothes if you set i! ' > iiulude soaking) with famous General Electric Activator letion. then automatically empties the'soak water 2. Mixes hot and cold wate r automatically to the tempera ture you selected for washing. 3. Dissolves soap completely by flowing wash water through soap dispenser. No soap streaks in G-K washed clothes. 4. Washes clothes with soil-removing Activator ;k' n and with self-cleaning filter screens that catch the dirt and lint 5. Rinse thoroughly with Activator action in i instantly filtered, constantly circulating water . . enough ?vaterto keep clothes immersed every second of the rinsins? period 6. Spins clothes in General Electric s high-speed spinner, until most pieces are dry enough to be ironed at once. 7. Automatically shuts off. saving rinse wa'e f??r next soak or wash; or turn control and it empties, cleans itself out. and shuts off. Before you invest in a washer . . . See this great, new General Electric All \ir >nutic Washer that gives you more extra features ? extra-fast spin drying ? extra manual operation for blankets and finerirs ? extra use of rinse water for soaking or washing ? extra-long Protection Plan that makes your purchase a sound investment. Yes. this truly superior washer gives you extra clean washing and worksaving features! And above all, you get General Electric dependability The "heart" of this washer ? the "sealcd-in-o:l drh* ing mechanism ? is so trustworthy, it's sealed up. NTo oil" ing needed, ever. Cieneral Electric Company, Bridgeport 2, Connecticut 5-year Protection Plan Guards Your Washer Investment. We are so sure this General Electric All-Automatic Washer is dependable that a written 5-year Protection Plan goes with each and every one. It includes a one-year warranty on the entire washer, and an additional 4-year protection on the "sealed-in-oil" driving mechanism. _ ?Trade-mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. GENERAL ELECTRIC Murphy Electrical Shop "Next Door to the Post Office" PHONE 134-R MURPHY, N. C.