Stop Fire! Save Lives! ( i , ul 59 wiiaa h Ml'RPIIY, NORTH CAROLINA. 1.1(1: OA V. Of TORI K I. I!(I8. I I S I'At.ES THIS WEEK Harvest Sale Nets Andrews PTA $545 I s Is II AM B. Ill DSON W'DKKWS The Andrews F. T \ ll.irve ' Sale which came off I- 1 1 . i y night of last week in ,?| auditorium was a re k.i I ? tribute to community ei . ; >? -ration, and achievement ?4 I l?!e amount of commodi w, re on hand for bidders, .ill the way from an angel . i jke to a live pig It is esti .... that more than 500 jars of n ked fruits, vegetables and uciv sold Three score cak , . i juttioned off. selling from to $4.50 Nothing sold owt the market price, and (i:. . other hand nothing was ? ,i , cil The total receipts . -ales amounted to approxi m. $545 Ij B. Nichols. tire Mi- two and one-half hours. w;i - -uperb as auctioneer. The stage arrangement for the is made by Mrs. Grant Phil p>\ .Mrs Jane C. Orr and Mrs. Tom Hay Also, acting as sales managers in determining the order of selling on the evening of the >air were Mrs. Luke Ellis and Mrs. Grant Phillips. Miss Gladys Christy Mrs Florence Huffman j" iid Mrs Arnold Dereberry. Book keepers were Mrs. Lenna Ford. Mi \ mie S MeGuire. Mrs. Ruth Forsyth and Miss Polly Hicks. Betty I lea ton and Betty Jean Cm '??>([ made deliveries to the -in .Hid returned them change Mi- II i /el Abernathy had on hand . ; .1 k -I cub Boy Scouts to help ii ii 4 the bulky produce. C.iudv sales were conducted by1 Mrs Kuth S Pullium and Miss .lean Christy. The candy sold 1 Miuht in $46.61 n ;>?; me largest auuicnce ?\i ? attend a Harvest Sale was on ii.ind for this, the tenth annual P T A event P- rzzie i Jt. r:o;?. homo sin for amount of produce brought in were as follows: I': mi. try department - first prize: M: \l Hiitwn's section of the ir.tde. 2nd prize. Mrs Hazel ?!m ? :i.r!i\ '> section of the fourth u! '.id prize. Mrs Ruth S Pu is section of the third .! '? Cirammar Grades ? 1st Mr- Florence Huffman's oi the sixth grade; 2nd Prs/f Mrs Jessie M Lime's sec ' on m the sixth grade: third , "i/? Mrs Annie Ruby Harnett's ?? ? of the eighth grade High >cho ? 1st prize. Miss Jean Chiv - twelfth grade: 2nd prize, v! Meredith W'hitakers section of iu* * . venth grade: 3rd prize. Mrs. Kuth Hamilton's section of the ninth ^rade. Funeral Held For Mrs. Will Laney ?/ Funeral services were held Mon (*a> Oober 4. at 2 00 p m. in | I - " Bra-stown church for Mrs ^crrtie Louise Laney age 51 ol Garble who died Saturday. Octobn 2. at 5:00 p. m. in Petrie "lospilal. The Kev Algia West officiated. jihI burial was in the church ceme >r\ with Ivie funeral home in chai v Mrs. Laney. who had been | ill for several months, had been | i' member of Toko Baptist church in Monroe county. Tenn . fori thirty-seven years. She was born in Monroe county and moved to this county in 1930 | She is survived by her husband. ^'11 Laney; five sons. Thad and j <?f Murphy: Fred. Roy and of Marble: four daughters. Mrs. Lester Newton and Misses ; A 1 ico and Myrtle Laney of Marble. ! Lionel McHan of Brasstown; I 1 'even grandchildren, four sisters, ^'s John Dale and Mrs Howard 11 an Moaren of Orlando. Fla.. Mrs Lou i s Leonard and Mrs. J. C i entim of Bristol. Va.: one broth- 1 ,r I* red Bivens of Bristol. Tenn ^ lower girls were her nieces and Misses Willa Mae Ledford and Esther Parker S) AssnIKS POSITION the \i" ^ Suit w*l? 11)00,1 ^h i for iavHower Hotel in' Charlotte ^ tim?" arrived in Murphy ! marv^ to assutne the assistant Suit ? rSh'P (>f Hotel Ro^al Mrs tharj0311 ' 3 'CW WOc*cs a8? to take the hotel dining room. !)r. 11. L Paisley To Preach Sunday I)i II L Paisley *?! Little Rock, j | \ rk former pa- tor of Murphy | Presbyterian church. will arrive in I Murphy Friday for a visit. He has been invited by the pastor, the Rev T. (J Tate, to preach at the I local church Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock The public is invited to hear Dr. Paisley. | Mrs. Cabe Pavs Official Visit I To Eastern Star The Murphy Chapter No 10 Order of the Eastern Star held its regular meeting Thursday night in the Masonic Hall Mrs. Edna Palmer. Worthy Matron, presided The chapter room was decorated with fall flowers. Mrs ^Margaret A. Cabe. District Deputy Grand Matron for the 17th district Order of the Eastern Star, paid her official visit at this time. A number of members from Ncquassa Chapter No. 43 were present New instructions were given, after which a gift was pre sented Sister Cabe by Sister Ann Phillips for the Murphy chapter Refreshments were served by Sisters Mary Crawford \tma 1 oard. and Hattie Palmer to the members and visitor Standing Indian And Fires (reek Hunts Announced PIam Iixvc been cowpltttd 1 or | two inure organized hunts to bo hold in Nantahala National Forest, according to Clyde P 1'atton. Executive Director of the N C Wildlife Resources Commission. ;?nd K U Renshaw. Supervisor of j \antahala National Fore> The Bunding IncUan area hunt I will be 4 in on November IK and | extend through a series of three 3-day hunts to December 4 withl 50 hunters taking to the field on | each of the three scheduled hunts Legal prey for the hunt will bo one buck deer per hunter Fee | for sjH'cial permits to participate in the hunt will be $7.50 per per- 1 son. and 150 applications plus ; additional list ot .">() alternates will | be accepted In case more appli cations are received than can be! r.ccommodated. a public drawing J will be held by the Franklin | Chamber of Commerce at 2:00 p ni on November 3 to determine) successful applicants. The Fires Creek Hunt, also scheduled for Nantahala National forest, will consist of two 3-day periods extending from November lE to November 20 with 50 hunt i rs per period 100 applications plus 25 alternates will be consider ed for the Fires Creek Hunt, and | in case of a surplus of applicants, a drawing will be hold at Franklin | concurrent with the drawing for | the Standing Indian hunt Fees lor the Fires Crook hunt will be i $7.50 per person, and the bag limit j one buck door Application forms and complete I instructions for the two hunts may | be obtained by writing to the N C JVildliJV Resources Commission. Box 291 P. Raleigh Hiwassee Dam P. T. A. To Sponsor Carnival Oct. 28 The P T A of Hiwassee Dam I school will sponsor a Halloween i Carnival at Hiwassee Dam school evmnasium on Thursday. October 2<\ beginning at 7:00 p. in. ! Among the features of the eve- 1 I ning will be a cake walk, the sale | i <?f a turkey, and the sale of food i baskets. A Ce.!i for Women Mariner. .,TT '-smjtmai- ? -w* One of the highlights of the 173rd year of the Marine C orps was the authorization of the regular Women Marines. During World War II more than 28,000 women served in the active reserve. Highway Post Office To Be Inaugurated Here In Month Congressman Monroe Redden ? .-tales that it is expected that with in the next thirty days a highway po-t office will be established for the route between Asheville and Plue Ridge. (la \ (I Maxson. general supcrin 'endent, Kail way Mail Service wrote Congressman Kedden recent - 1\ as follows: 1 am pleased to advise you that the Department has authorized a Highway Post Office route between .vshcviMe '? Him- Ridge. (Georgia and also another route between Vsheville and Charlotte. North Carolina, due to be made effec tive upon receipt of vehicles from th* factory which is expected to be between October 25 and Novem ber 15 "Tin* additional route between Asheville and Charlotte will also improve the service to our patron* and your constituents and will be I of especial benefit to the patrons! ot llcndersonville. North Carolina where you reside. "Advertisements are now out for the sen icing and storing of these \ chicles in Asheville. and anything that you can do to get reasonable bids submitted by firms equipped to furnish this service will be very much appreciated In view of the fact that this service has been authorized it will probably not be necessary for me to come to Asheville until the time of the inauguratiou ot this service and it is hoped that you will be ;.ble to be with us on this occasion 1 will later advise you as to the date of he inauguration of this servicc " Local Baker Found Dead On Streets Tuesday John Slater Wright 5(>. was found dead on the street near the Sinclair service station T uesdav morning about 6 o'clock by Glenn Bates and Clifford Svvanson Dr. Harry Miller, coroner, stat ed that no inque*t would be held, .-'lice Mr. Wright had died of a heart attack. He had not been well tor some time. Mr. Wright, whose home was in Hobbinsville, was employed as a baker at the local bakery, and had been in Murphy about three weeks, living in the home of Mr and Mrs. J. B CJra\ Funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 p. m in Hobbins ville. with I vie funeral home in charge Surviving arc the widow. Mrs Marie Calhoun Wright: one son Slater, and a daughter. \nne, of Hobbinsville. CIIOIK PRACTICE The Children's choir of the Episcopal Church of the Messiah will practice at the church at 10:00 a. m. Saturday. Rev, Rufus Morgan Preaches Sunday * Sunday School at the Kpiscopal j Church of the Messiah will be held | at 10-00 a m Sunday morning. Lficr which, the Rev \ Kufus Moruan will celebrate Holy Com- , i.iunion Mr \I" ? an ill bring a| sermon after t li?" ' u. .uy.on sc vice. Speaking Contest Sponsored For | School Students Several thousand dollars in I | S savings bond will be awarded! to school. count> district, and I State winners in 1 e 1H49 agricul tural speakinu contest for white hiph school students. .1 Frank Doggctt. Extension soil conserva tionist at State College said this I week. j First prUee (oi the s?utte vs Inner i will be $400 in bonds Of this I mount, the \'or!li Carolina Bank ers Association. wh:ch is sponsor ' the contest \\i!l provide $2(M) The sum of SI no each is being provided by John I? Stedman, president of the Scottish Bank. Lumberton. and chairman of the agricultural committee ol the Tankers Association, and John F McXair. Jr.. e\< ? ut ? v e vice presi dent of the St. i v Bank. Ixiurin burg. and president of the Bankers .\ssociation Second and th <i >i;iu' prizes 01 $100 and $50 in ? ?g> bonds will ; also be given l>\ the Bankers \s ! sociation. District bankers a -sociation.s will provide firsi and second di> , t ric-t prizes of S50 and S25 in bonds. In main cases local bank , irs will sponsor . hool and county contests and award appropriate | prizes. I The general subject for the con j test is "Proper Land Use and i Treatment ? Its ! : fleets upon the [ Economy of North Carolina Contestants mn> emphasize any one or any combination of several land use practices to show how farm production ?nd income may ( be increased to l"in.: about better ( living conditions for all the people j of the State .Maximum time ilMttcd for each -peeeh is 12 minute- F.ach con testant must attend a supervised : tour of a farm on which :ood hnd use and treatment are being prac ticed All agricultural agencies are | cooperating in conducting the con test. Details may be obtained : from the local county agent, soil conservationist, or other agricul tural worker. Dr. Hoover Is New President District Medical Society Jury Is Drawn For November Term Of Court The following people have been drawn to serve on the jury of the mixed term of Cherokee County Superior court which wifl convene on Monday. November 8. with Judge Iloylc Sink presiding: First week Jack Herbert. An drews; Mi R Rice. Vest .1 I. , Brown. Andrews; Grant Griggs. Marble; lien Reece. Suit: R J. Jones. Patrick; Edgar Raper, Cul- j berson: Walter Ensley. Andrews; i Harold E Hatchett. Murphy; B L. j Coffey. Marble; J S. Keener, To- J motla: B. B. Palmer, Marble; A | J Simond. Ht. 1, Copperhill; VVhitt Barton. Murphy; L. L. Hunsucker. Murphy; W. B Dockery. Hiwassee ' Dam: Ralph Farmer. Grandview; | Ben E Warner, Murphy; Mrs. T. A \ j Case. Murphy; J M Robinson. Suit: Jewel Thompson. Murphy. (V C. Forrister. Rt 2. Culberson; Veil Davis. Murphy; W. P. Mar row. Hiwassee Dam; Lester Fann er. Grandview. Frank Kilpatrick. Marble; W E Conly. Andrews: Cecil Jones. Unaka: Roy V. Lovin good. Murphy: Noah Stiles. Suit, 'i 11 Post ell. Andrews; Herman Jones. Unaka Herman K Braucr. Andrews R H Helton. Rt 2. Culberson: C A Hunsucker. Mur phy; Carl Bryson. Marble; (J. \V Lunsford. Andrews; J B Brendle. Suit: Clifton Raper. Oak Park Mr"- Clyde McNabb. Rt 2 Mur phy P B Abercrombie. Rt 1. Coppeihill: J E. Nishon. Marble Second week Dewey S Owen by ; II" 1 Culberson: Lenard Decker Murphy: Fess Dav:s. Murpli W I Crawford. Rt 1 Andres c c Barton. Marble; Frank Wilson. Marble: Walter W Radford. Mur phy; M If. Fox. Ranger: Gin Mider-on Rt 2 Murphx . D I. Buchanan, \ndreu?. Clyde Mc Nabb. Rt 2. Murphv \rthur Pal ner Marble V M We-t. Marble \ M Marrow I nak i / ila \damv 'ndrews; B I. Fox. Murphy. J \ Martin. Rt 1 Culberson. C A Swaim. Murphs; .1 P Matherson \ndrew> Henry Kephart. Murphy Cray Hawkins. Suit Luther Car linger. Murphy. W \ Purtt. Marble; J S Tim>pon. Murphy. Mrs Hamilton Is President Of B.W.C. Federation Mr .1 .1 Hamilton of Murphy was elected president of the West ern North Carolina Federation of Business Women's circles at the meeting held Friday evening in Andrews Baptist church Mrs .John Olson of \ndrew> was elect ed swrctory. ind Miss VdtM? Mu Cooke of Murphy publicity chair ma i.. The devotional was conducted by J Mr* A L Buchanan Doris Bax ter and Lucille Lcming sang a duet. Miss Helen Gibson of Bry son City, second vice-president, presided. The principal address was given by Mrs. K. 11 Corpening of Tapoco, divisional \\ M I superintendent. Dr. J. L Sullivan Is Sunday Speaker Dr. James I- Sullivan, pastor of Belmont Height* Baptist Church. Nashville. Tcnn . will speiak on ?he subject. Victory Through Surrender", on the Baptist Hour Sunday morning at 8:30 o'clock over radio station WSB. Townson Attends National Meeting W. 1) Townson has just return- 1 (d heme from the National Funer- 1 a! Directors' convention in Detroit. j ' Mich He came back through | Canada to Niagra Falls, and i through New York. Pennsylvania and Virginia. He was accompanied by Mrs. Townson and their daugh ter. Mrs. D L. Weill. DISTRICT PKKSIDENT ? Dr W A. Hoover of Murphy, who has been clected president of the Tenth District Medical Society. "Health" To Be Subject (?f PTA Program Monday ? Health" will be the subject of the program of the Parent-Teach ers association Monday evening at 7 30 at the home economics build in., Mr> Frank Crawford will be in ehargc of the program and has arranged for five-minute talks by the following on the subjects list ed Dr Harry Dickey. "Care of the First Teeth Mrs W W Wil son, "Health Program in the School I) II \1(mmI> senior sanitarian. "Sanitary Conditions in the School and Dr Helen Wells. "The Necessity of a Perio dic Health Kxamination for Chil dren" The Rev \V B Penny will conduct the devotional. Mr - Harry Bishop will be chair man of the hostess committee for this meeting. Rev. L A. Carroll Is Taken By l>eath Thursday Funeral services wore hold at Glade Baptist church on Martin > ( reck Sunday afternoon at 2 o - clock for tin* Rev L A Carroll v ho died Thursday afternoon at the home of his daughter. Mrs Thad Stiles of Martin s Creek The 1 Rev .Jim Truett. the Rev. Carl Cunningham, and the Rev Will Hedden officiated. Burial was in drape Creek Baptist church ceme tery with Town son funeral home in charge. Mr. Carroll was 79 years of age. lie had been a church member around GO years, and a minister "mi \ ears At the time of his death he was a member of Glade Bap tist church He was well known ;.nd had many friends He was twice married, first to Martha Coleman who died in 1918 He is survived by his last wife.1 Mrs Laura Carroll: three sons and three daughters by his first mar riage. (iilbert. Mrs Thad Stiles. Mrs Clifton Kephart of Murphy. \ndrew of Canton. Frank of De troit. Mich and Mrs Harry Duns key ??! Upland. Calif: also three sons and three daughters In his second marriage. Claude. Mrs Bertha Bruce. Mrs Hazel Mc Donald. and Lawson of Murphy Billy and Harvey serving with the I* S Army and one stepson. Clarence of Murpln , several grandchildren and great-grandchil dren ; two brothers and three sis ters. John. Fred. Mrs Klla Panther and Mrs. Maggie Woods of Mur- i phy. and Airs Hattie Roberson of South Carolina. VISIT BREVARD COLLEGE S L Davidson and family. Sue Johnson and Mrs. J 11 Hampton visited Kvon Davidson and Sher man Hampton at Brevard College on Sunday. Octiber 17 They also vent to Mt. Pisgah on a picnic. Other people from the college who went with them were: Betty Howcrton of Winston -Sal em, Betty Mellard of Ashcville. and Charles | Snyder of High Point. I)r \\\ A Hoover of Murpliy was 1 1( * ? I president of the Tenth JDis tric Medical Society Wednesday ni, n it fail meeting held here. !). Joseph Sullivan of Asheville v.a- named secretary. Clinic il program subjects and discussion leaders at the 3 o'clock -e on held in the school audi tniium included: "Perforated Pept.< rice:' Dr. Hoover and Dr. Ju an \ Moore of Asheville; "Comment* on the Present Day Trtaimvn! Osteomyelitis." Dr. Stanley ,S A'kins. and Dr. Jimes Cherrj of \sheville; "Diagnosis and Treatment of Karl. Uterine Cancer 1) Richard C. Vailing <:n:l Dr K I) I'easley of Asheville; Analysis and Treatment of Acute Policmyclit : During the Recent I.pidemic in Western North Caro lina I): Lillie C Walker and Dr. Bernard II Hart man of Asheville. The afternoon session closed with the report of councillor. Dr. D M Mcintosh of Old Fort The dinner session at Duke's Lodge at 7 o'clock featured a talk by Dr David F. James, assistant professor of medicine at Emory I niversity and physician-in-chief of Emory hospital. Atlanta. Ga. Approximately 20 of the doctors' wives attended the session. They were entertained at a tea in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Harry Mil ler. Dr. Miller is president of the Tri-county Medical society. Mrs .J II McCall of Murphy and Mrs. Giles W. Cover of Andrews poured. Hold Stewardship Conference Here Monday, October 25 V ' A stewardship conference of the Presbyterian churches of Robbins ville \ndrews. Haycsvillc and Mur ph\ promoted b> Ashcville Presby tery. will be hold at Murphy Presbyterian chureh Monday, Oct. 25. at 7 30 o'clock, with the Rev 15 E MeClure. executive secretary of Ashcville Presbytery, in charge Other member^ of the stewardship committee will attend. All elders, deacons, and officers ..nd committees of the Sunday schools. Women of the church and Youth Fellowship of the four churches, and members of the congregations are expected to at tend. Benevolent work of the church will be discussed and an interesting program presented Scout Council Plans For Year The N'antaliala arcM Girl Scout Council held its quarterly meeting c n October 10 at 2:00 p. m. at the Cherokee Indian school. There were representatives from Chero kee. Bryson City Andrews. Mur I h\ Highlands. Brasstown. and lliwassec Mrs Giles Cover of Andrews, president of the area council, presided at the meeting. Mrs Georg llidstrup of Brass town was elected program chair man. and Mrs Gertrude Jennings was elected secretary of the coun cil. Plans were made for observing Girl Scout week, which begins October 31 Also, plans were con summated for making a drive for the operation of the area council for the ensuing year. The next quarterly meeting of the council will be held in Bryson City in January. Jerry Hall Is Philomathesian Jerry Ilall. student at Wake For est college, has been elected to membership in the Philomathesian ] literary society one of the two old est campus organizations. The -ociely meets weekly in Wait hall i Members of this society are impor tant aids in the work of education, in cultivating and directing the | laste for reading and in the forma ; t.on of correct habits of public speaking.

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