Check-Up Should He Made On Heat Equipment "With cold weather approaching, heating equipment should be checked and conditioned for safe winter service." A Q Ketner. county agent for the State College Extension Service, warned toda> Fire strikes without warning and it is not particular whose property it destroys, he said Farmers, especially, cannot af ford to fcive fire a chance, the county agent asserted, adding that 90 per cent of the annua! farm fire loss of 100 million dollars could be prevented The National Safety Council points out that defective chimneys rank high as a cause of farm fires during the heating season. For safety, repair cracks or other de fects and replace rusted or burned out stove pipes See that combustible materials are protected or kept a safe dis tance from hot surfaces I'se a | metal or asbestos floor under wood j or coal burning stoves. Use ; double metal ventilated thimbles 1 where stovepipes pass through; frame walls or partitions Another .4 roup of farm fires i> j started by sparks on roofs A >park arrester on the chimney will SPECIALS ICO Pair Mens all wool Dress Pants Now U 98 Mens All Wool Sweaters Now $4.98 RoyV.Lovingood Phone No. 234 eliminate this risk. This hazard i-an also be reduced by installing lire-retardant roofing. Other farm fires are due to the mi-use of petroleum and its pro duel ? Kver\ time you use gaso li.u. kerosene or tractor fuel to st ?rt or hasten a fire. you invite disaster Don't gamble with leaky connect ions, defective equipment, or poor adjustement on kerosene stoves or oil burning furnaces. Tank heaters, feed heaters, or any other type of heating equip ment around the farmstead should also be checked carefully. See !aal the; >;e in 4ood condition and ins!. i! led safetly Defective tank heater* ?r installations too v >t Mr and Mrs B Gen* ; < Murphy N C rcient!> a ved in the Mediter ranean v ? i boa I'd the heavy cruiser I ^s? Columbus En^' .< : 1 < mighty fortress at Ciibralt.i il the little British e!tlern< ??.'st led around it wen the : r>! many showplaces *>n the h ? ? ui Continent which; have bet* Mted during the cruise of th? v unbus in European and Fn iilish waters. Paries rnd dances were -jiven l>\ in Untish Gibraltar garrison the men of the Columbus and lours through the heart of the innermost fortifications were ar ranged Although launched before the I end of the war. the Columbus saw i no action During the post-war I months she assisted the Army <>t J Occupation in .Japan as a part of the Seventh Fleet of the Pacific Naval Forces Prospects are that support pric e>- for the 11)49 Irish potato crop will be lower than for the 1948 cop \s a result, prices to farm ers probably will be substantially lower than this year Before You Buv See our stock of Reo Trucks Siz' - trom I ton to 2' ] tons. We also have several good used trucks, different makes and models. Priced to sell John Deere Tractors an ! Implements Seme b.irgins in new and used sawmill motor? T ownson Bros. Co. Ranger Highway Phone 334 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! Young aggressive man with good person ality and minimum capital of $4,000.00 wanted to live in Murphy, N. C., and work surrounding territory. Right person can en joy income cf over $100.00 per week to start. If you meet above qualifications write, CLAUDE J. HANAN Box 271 Sylva, N. C. m | 'AMOS-'N' ANDY' RETl?"?.' *"Amos 'n' Andy," whose inimitable humor and fantasy have i r. roved to millions of Americans the enduring value of their art, j are back on CBS with a new Sunday half-hour series. Embraced by each new generation as its own discovery, their rare comedy is augmented in the new series by all their celebrated friends and I neighbors, every one a "character" in his or her own right. Easiest Bulbs to Grow in House, Flower in Water Easiest flowers for the amateur to grew in the house this winter are bulbs which need only water to enable them to flower. Botanists say a bub is a storehouse contain ing a new plant, plus food and energy sufficient to carry it to maturity. Warmth water and light start up grovth. but this must not be too rapid. Paper white narcissi, its yellow cousin narcissus s >liel d'or, and top size hyacinths are the varieties most comr. nly grown in water without sol. but crocuses, and grape hyacinths can be grown in bowls containing bulb fibre, and lily of the valley pips will flower in bowls with wet sphagnum moss packed ab ut their roots. Failure is usually duo to fast growth stin: ;lated by high temper atures. \\h;ch rc. .It in scanty roots, spindly t p growth, and no flowers at all. or very poor ones. Whether grown in gravel and water, bulb fibre, or soil, contain ers several inches deep should be used, so there is plenty of room for ro"ts. Set the bulbs close together, but do r. t let them touch. There should >f . ravel, soil or fibre beli v. them, and water should be kept only high enough to touch the base of the bulbs. R >ot f rmation precedes top gr vth and should take four weeks. A tempera '.are bcl v CO degrees is, and it may be kept be 1 w 50 Roots develop best in the dark, but with these bulbs a sub dued light is permissible. When the roots are fully developed, top growth will begin, and at this stage the bulbs can be given more light though it is well to keep them out of direct sun until flower stalks be gin to develop. Then give them all the light possible. Best II nvers will result if a tem perature of 6r> degrees is never ex ceeded. ? Be careful to keep the plants away from steam pipes and radiators, or living rooms heated above 70 degrees. They should be near windows where there is light Paper White Narcissi. and temperatures are lower. An enclosed porch or sunparlor where ventilation can be given, and tem peratures kept down, is the best place for the winter garden. ? Large bulbs of Dutch hyacinths can be grown in water in special glasses, which support the bulb just above the water, in which their roots develop. It takes 10 to 12 weeks for the roots to develop, in a dark place, in cool temper;. ture. When roots fill the glass, and top I growth begins, accustom the plant I gradually to light, and grow them ) slowly in a temperature under 65 j degrees. 1 Station Revises Flower Bulletin I A revised edition of the popular I bulletin "Perennila Flowers" was ! issued by the North Carolina j Agricultural Kxperiment Station this week. Copies of the publica- i tion are available free to citizens j | of North Carolina on request, j G. O. Randall professor of I horticulture at State College and ! author of the bulletin, describes ; the ideal flower garden as one | consisting of plants that will re- j main alive for several years and continue to flower each year j Since the number of >uch peronni- ! als adapted to North Carolina con ditions is limited, it i.> the author's J purpose to list the adapted types I Mr. Randall describes four ways HOME FREEZERS 5-10-30 Cu. Ft. Farmers Federation Can Black-Draught Help That Headachy Feeling? Yes, Black-Draught may holp you when you feel logy 1 f the only reason you feel that way la because of constipation. Black Dri :ng the soils and fertilizers ! use. he includes a plant list for informal border planting as well .?s for formal perennial gardens. The main section of the publica tion is devoted to describing and picturing the perennials that do well in North Carolina. Among the | spring flowering perennials listed , such favorites as dwarf goldentuft. 1 mountain sandwort, snow-in-sum nu ?. '.;iais pink, pinkbells ever green candytuft, perennial flax, iccland poppy, and moss pinks. Summei - flowering perennials pictured in the nublication are Italian bullosa, columbine, blue wild-indigo, white ncachleaf bell flower. Pyrenees chrysanthemum, painted lady, blood red eranesbill. German iris, whitecup. Oriental popps and smooth phlox. Only '.wo fall-flowering perennials are pictured though some 12 are j described Folks currently engaged in landscaping new homes or merely interested in retting some new flowers around the yard will want ' t?> study this publication. For a lree copy, write to the Agricultur al Editor. State College Station. Kalcigh. and ask for Experiment Station Bulletin No. 333. ' Peren nial Flowers." This year's record corn crop has resulted in a decline in feed pric es. National chicken production in creased 88 per cent from 1938 to 1943. 0 'll ? j A'/ ,2$, ' *r. . , . ? ?? ) ?'/ W > *. <*. ? *ass ra_:* - m ^ ?:>/ .i. ALL C'LXSSII II O \|)s PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. LOC AL KATES: Minimum. 50. for of ad with Hot more than 5 KATI S: one time, Sc per word ?" one in lion of ad with not more than "!5 words; tin . insertions. SI. Additional words, ?e per w, i,? M'r" ruRK|(.\ . All rates net. C lassified ads aeeepted up until 11 noon MYdnesd ??KIVKD" CLASSIFIED Alls AKK 3c l-FK WORII \XI> A MINIM I'M OF 7Jr. CAltl) or i"? \\u !LL MFMOKIAMS. RFSOMTION, OF RESPECT. \M? OIUTI- \HIES 2c I'KK WORD. FOK SALE -Two houses one six- j room, one four-room, and 65 acres of land with plenty of timber and out buildings Good] bargain. See L W Arp, Culber son. Route 2. 1 _? mile off High- 1 way <>4 14-ltp ' fOK KEN T ? One three large-room apartment. Unfurnished. Hot water. Adults only. Phone 221 J 1 0.> Sah^s St . Murphy 14-ltp FOK KENT Furnished I' pst air apartment. Electric stove and Frigidaire. Phone 328-J. 201 Peachtrce Street. Murphy or Phone 20. 14-lte FOH SALE? One Roane beef cow Also one young Jersey milk cow. See Pat O'Dell. (I rand view. N C. 14-?tp Real Estate Houses i Five rooms and bath fronting on main highway fairly close in town, only $2,000.00. Four rooms and bath well locat ed close in town in good section near school $3000.00. FOUR MILES OUT ON HIGH WAY 04. a brand newly finished 5 room bungalow, concrete and stuccoed construction, large mod ern bath, water from deep well by electric pump with pressure tank large closets, large rooms, beauti fully plastered interior. A reil modern home nicely situated on a 22 acre tract of land fronting on highway. Only ST. 000. Half cash balance terms if desired. A nice comfortable well arrang ed home, large living room, three large bed rooms, three acre lot beautiful scenery with beautiful trees, only $4,650. Let Reese's Realty Service Serve you. D. M. REESE Real Estate Broker. Phone 214. Town son Rldg., Murphy. N. C. NOTICE Cherokee County Fair Association. Inc. Murphy. North Carolina October If*. 15I4K ASSETS Cash Received Concessions $500 00 Carnival 524 02 Booths 75.00 Commercial'Kxhibits 91 .00 (late Receipts 2401 09 LIABILITIES Premiums Paid Insurance Labor Permanent Improvements Town of Murphy Lights Taxes Cleaning grounds 1 2 charge Judges Supplies. Ribbons, Misc SI 941 50 183 50 434 50 280 07 I Net for the Assoc ( ash in Bank Oct 19 48 ( ash on Hand Oct. 19 "48 Net Cash in bank .July 30. 48 Deposits inot fair money* 826.42 Advt. 14-ltc! CARI) OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy, and the beautiful flowers which were sent ('uring the death of our father, the Rev. L. A. Carroll The Carroll Family 14- lip Enjoy CAPUDINE quick relief from HEADACHE f'S"! >m ILM I ^ ou'll agree that Capndine it wonderfully fait I I I >nd effective. Rol.evcs to qtmklf because it's I liquid, iollow directions on label. 0 ISTHMA ' t coughing. wheezing, recurring at * ronchlal Asthma ruin ?leep and Iro ' , ?.h. Kiylni .MENDAC0 which u>. , the blood to reach bronchial ?irk,*.'n 1 y he,p* natur' Qulckljr mu15u?- Thu? *HevlBtei J)U?, and aids freer breathing and better MENDACO from druggist 8atis ?ction cr money back guaranteed. APPl.K TKL t'KKHS! ? Famous Haywood County. North Caro lina. apples now ready for you. 250.000 bushels leading varic- . ties in so. son. Get list of orch- ? ards ami maps showing location from Service Stations in Hay wood County or write Chamber ( of Commerce, Waynesville, N. C Smoky Mountain Apple Grow ers Ass'n . Wayaesville, N C j H-8u CARNIVAL \ carnival lor beM*| fit of 4-H club will be held Satur- 1 day, Oct 30. at 7 30 p. m. at ! Peachtree School. Kverybody is ? invited Sponsored by Peach- j tree Home Demonstration club i 12-3tp J 1 OR SALK One five-room house! on a two-acre tract. Well locat ed Wonderful view. Known as the Dennis Williams property. Priced $3,500. Easy terms if wanted One completely mod ern seven-room house. Hard wood floors Large basement Bath and half. Three-room gar age apartment All for $4,500. Several nice building lots scatter ed throughout the town. See or Write Sam W Jones. Realty. An drews. N. C 14-2tc LOST ? One l'omale Collie, honey colored, answers to the name ' "Queen." Reward for informa- 1 tion leading to recovery- or ' whereabouts. 11. G. Elkins. ' I 'hone 1S4-R 14-2tc FOR SALK ? A real fine six-year | old horse, weighs about 1.400; pounds. In good condition ! Good for heavy farming or logs- ? ing. See Elbert W. Bates. ! Unaka. N. C. 14-3tp I FOR SALE ? Four-room house, j fifteen acres of land, complete line of body and fender equip- 1 ment. Will sell cheap. See L W Arp. 1 L* mile off Highway t>4. j Culberson. Route No. 2. 14-ltp j FOR RENT Three-room cottage On old Hospital hill Unfurnish- 1 ed. See S W Warthon. 14-ltp 1 RAWLKIGH Dealer waaU4 at I onci Good op|H>rt unity. Write j at once. Rawlcigh s. Dept j NCJ 1 750 - 105. Richmond. Va 1 14-ltp FOR SALE -Good 4,-ed , . MwmM tall 1 FOB RENT-On, !;Vt room^ Can'292-trmPU"' AtlU"S,: FOB RENT - On, unll , apartment consisting 0f ? rooms and a baih Call 283*v or 325-W and ask for l:" . Foster. 1 HEREBY offer a litx-ral reward for information given the mayor or police leading to the arres of anyone trespassing on try property known as Imp's Nest .n Murphy. N C Frank L Maunty. Washington. Oa. 9a-tt FOK SALF. -Two-door five passen ger 1940 Hudson, to be sold at public auction at the city hall in Murphy at 10 00 .i m. on Satur day, October 23. for cash, to highest bidder. Town of Mur phy. Murphy. X. C. ll-4tc FOR SALE? One 1939 Oldsmobile 2-door sedan in good condi tion at a bargain See G H Farmer, two miles East of Marble on U. S Highway 19 1 2-3tp Start Baby Chicks Now We will receive 10.000 Nichols New Hampshire baby chicks on November JMh or 10th to be used in producing Hatching Eggs for the Queen City Hatchery in Gaines ville. (la If interested in securing seme of these chicks, ge'. your brooder house ready and see us at ( nee. SMITHMONT FARM SERVICE Farm Machinery and Equipment? Poultry and Livestock Supplies (5'-j Miles from Murphy on I S Highway <>4 to Hayesville Ml K 1*11 V. NORTH CAROLINA COLD OISCOMFOR Fishermen! Wart to replenish ycur tackle box cheaply? Close Outs on Plu^s DIPSEY DOODLE \ellow Perch ? Black & White Shiner ? Smokey Joe DEEPER DOODLE Smokey Joe -Pearl ? Red Head These are small and Large - Reg. $1.25 Sale 89c True Temper Al-Foss, Reg. $1.00 Sale Price 79c Heddon River Runt aeries, Various Patterns, Reg. $1.25 Sale Price 79c Creek Chub, Darter, Injured Minnow, Jointed Pike, Reg.. $1.19, $1.25 & $1-50 Sale Price 79c Dalton Special, Flat Fish, Glo-Lite Pub and all others on sale at one third off Acme Hardware