ANDREWS News and Advertisements Mrs. Joe S. Smith, Editor D. , ? "none 141-R District President Is P. T. A. Speaker i ANDREWS ? The Andrews 1' T. i A met in the sehool auditorium : Feb 9 at 3 o'clock with Mrs. Zeb I Conley presiding. Mrs. Conley asked for a report j ot the committees. Mrs. Tom Hay, | membership chairman asked those | v h.> wished to become members I : loin before March 1. Mrs. ("has. | f ?el. Legislative chairman, stated J that the committee which was composed of Mrs. Freel I. B. Hud >op and Mrs. Zeb Conely had written a letter to L B Nichols, :itc senator, in regard to the educational program. Miss Doris Standridge. serving as hospitality chairman, invited ' everyone lo have tea in the library jmt after the meeting Boyd li Robinson stated that the t lementary school is on the accre dited list and could be found in print on page 44 of the state direc tory for 1948. Mrs \l Brown's room won the ' ,r .ird for having the most parents present at the meeting in the ele mentary school, and Miss Jean ( nristy's room had the most par ents present in the high school. Mrs Zeb Conley presented Mrs. (' l\ Washam who gave a brief Ik on the "Objects of P. T. A." i s:ie then led the P. T. A. prayer. [ ;if'ter which she conducted a roll ' , .'II of past presidents, asking' them to mention their outstanding! achievements. Short talks were ' m:>de by Mrs. Zeb Conley. Mrs. ' John Christy. Mrs. Ohas. Huffman! and Mrs. Tom Hay, past presidents, , and Mrs. C. S. Freel. past district j director and past state vice presi- j dent. Mrs. Freel also served 10 years on the board of managers, j Mrs. C. S. Freel introduced Mrs. j Melvin H. Taylor, district presi- 1 8ent of the P. T. A., who gave an interesting talk on "Founder's Day". She paid special tribute to j Mrs. Alice Burney and Mrs Phoebe I Hearst who founded the organiza- ! tion ' which was first called Moth-! er*s congress) on Feb. 17. 1897. Mrs. Taylor urged that a repre sentative be sent to the state con ference which is to be held in Greensboro and to the institute which is to be in July. She stated that a school of instruction would be held if the president requested it. She announced that the next district meeting would be held at Cherokee. Supt. 1 B Hudson made a few remarks concerning the work of the P. T. A. here. After the meeting adjourned the group went to the library for tea The library was attractively deco rated with jonquils and flowering quince. The table was laid with a lace cloth. Miss Betty Luther MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE ? Smoke Camels and test them in your "T-Zone" (T for taste. T for throat)! If, at any time, you are not con\inced that Camels arc the mild est cigarette you've ever smoked, re turn the package with the unused Camels and we will re fund its full purchase price, plus postage. (Signed) R. J. Reynolds TobaccoC <>. . Winston S.ili'm. North * ftwinr CAMELS ArM/iD/VESS! Masons Confer Degrees Feb. 19 ANDREWS ? A special communi cation of the Andrews Mason 'c lodge No. 529 will be held Satur day Feb If), for the purpose of conferring the Master Mason degree All Master Masons are urged to attend. Women Study Uses Of Money ANDREWS ? The Presbyterian Women of the Andrews Presby terian church met at the home of Mrs. Zala Adams on Tuesday night. Feb. 8. at 7 \'M) o'clock. Mrs. Bert Wheeler .nd Mrs Ben Ray were ? The home was attractively decorated with carnations and ros es. Mrs. J ( Lime president, led in prayer, atu-r which Mrs. .John Slagle made an interesting talk on Bible readings from the four gjspels. Matthew. Mark. Luke and John. Mrs Tom Hay had charge of the program using the topic "Learning the Uses of Money". Mrs Joseph Sursavage was in charge of the study course. "China Twilight or Dawn" Others on the program were: Mrs. Edwin Bristol. Mrs. Ben Ray. and Mrs. J. C. Lime. The hostesses served refresh ments to the following members: Mis. .1 t\ Lime. Mrs. John Slagle. Mrs. Yerna Tarkington. Miss Frances McPherson Mrs. Chas. Delaney. Mrs. Joseph Sursavage. Mix. Edwin Bristol Mrs. Tom Hay. Miss Polly Hicks and Mrs. Zala Adams with Mrs. Galusha Pullium. Mrs. H E Davis Mrs. Ruth S. Pullium and Mrs. H. If Enloe as visitors. Officers elected for the coming year were: president. Mi's. John Slagle: vice-president. Mrs. Joseph Sursavage: and secretary and treasure!' Miss Fannie Barker. Mrs Louise Rogers Mr ana Mrs. Ben Grant and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Grant Jr.. spent Sunday in Knoxville with Mr. and Mrs. B. E Dillahunt. poured tea and Miss Marie Lominac poured coffee. Delicious sandwiches and cakes, suggestive of Valentine, were served. ANDREWS. N. C. H A YESVILLE. N C MURPHY N. C ROBBI NSVILLE. N C Citizens Bank & Trust Company SERVING SOUTHWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA Murphy, North Carolina FEBRIARY 15, 1949 Dear Folks: The Citizens Bank urges you to be thrifty for saving is everybody's business. . . , . every member of the family should have a savings account We hope you will teach your children to be thrifty by letting them have an account in which they can deposit the money they earn or save. Learn ing the value of money is part of their education and will be a vital factor in their lives. Little Bobby or Billy or Rosy or Elizabeth will get a big thrill out of coming to the Citizens Bank and making a deposit to their account. You too will get a thrill from seeing your children make these deposits. We accept deposits from one dollar and up and will welcome an opportunity to serve you. When you open an account here this bank becomes your bank. Please let us serve you in any way that will add to your convenience. Sincerely yours, W. FRANK FORSYTH Vice President Bride Is Honored Friday At Shower ANDREWS? Mrs. Jack Stewar recent bride, was honored at . miscellaneous shower given by Mi L. B Womack. Mrs. Johnny Olsen Mi-. J. W. Stewart, and Mi Valeria Robinson at the home <>i ( Mi- Johnny Olson on Frid;. flight, Feb. 12. The house was attractively deem ited with spring flowers. Individual eakes and ice cream in wedding designs with nuts and j c.jfl'ee were served and a shower ! nakes to make their apperance in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Evitt and son. Charles, of Gastonia spent the week-end with Miss Helen Jone>. Grady Garner and Boyd Hamil ton were in Shelby last week attending a training school of the i state highway motor department Dr. Van Gorder Added To Andrews School Trustees A N DREWS ? The Leslie Stillman pi. ! of the American Legion held .emi-monthly meeting Tuesday ni'jiit at the Legion hut. Approxi mately 40 members were present. The Legionnaires heard a report from Capt. F. W. Swan as to the t.umber of veteran cases handled during the past month, and other business operations of the post. I. B. Hudson reported that satisfactory progress was being made with plans now under way for procuring for the Andrews high school for next year a department of vocational agriculture. Burke Wood, speaking for a p e c i a 1 committee previously selected, presented to the Legion the name of Dr. C O. Van Gorder for appointment as a member of the board of trustees for the An-1 drews City schools. He was ! unanimously accepted. Dr. Van Gorder explained the importance of having established in the county a ' blood bank He promised to have more details on this at a later meeting. Eastern Star Holds Meeting ANDREWS ? Andrews Chapter | No. 15 order of the Eastern Star j held its regular meeting Monday night. Feb. 14. After the regular order of busi- ! ness a short program on "Service" j w;i given. Thirty-one members and several j visitors were present. Forty-nine countries of the ! world are now carrying on soil | conservation plans largely pattern ed after those being followed by J United States farmers. Quick, Long-Lasting HEADACHE l-r.CT Relief Ml BIRTHS ANDItEWS ? Lt Col. and Mrs M'iii.s Bu-h of Lang ley Field, Va . announce the birth of a son Frederick Mor. . Feb fj \Ir bu.'h is the 1 i-mer Doroth. ?.I in Win - ton-Salem visiting Mr and Mr Garland West. Mis. H E Davis spent Wednes day in Aslieville shopping Miss Vera Moore, Mrs W. 1. Moore of Andrews and Mr. and Mr II L Long of Hayesville were ' guests of Rev. and Mrs. George Culbreth in Canton Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Parker and son. Billie of Greensboro are visiting Mrs. Cora Barton and Mrs. Frank Parker. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Beans of Waterford. Va. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cover and daughter. Frances. Mr. Beans is Mrs. Cover's brother. Mrs. Bert Love of Philadelphia Pa is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Homer Long and other relatives. Floyd Teas who is attending the Baylor School for Boys at Chatta nooga. spent the week-end with his parents, Mr and Mrs. W T. lea Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Battle and j children visited Mr. Battle's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Battle J of Whittier, Sunday. Jeff Brooks. Wade Reece. Lee Watkins, Lush Ledford and Clyd: Jarret attended the Lincoln Day dinner in Asheville last Friday night. Miss Emogene and Carlyle Matheson spent Sunday in Copper hill visiting Mr. and Mrs. Willard Morrow and son. Mike. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Phillips and daughter. Judy and Kress Moss, of Tusquittee were guests of Mr. and Mrs Bill Cathey and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Griggs and Mis*. Nu gene Adams visited in Murphy Sunday. Mrs. Charlotte Bishop and Miss Hut li Gruber of Waynesville visit ed Ik- re Saturday. Gives Party For Boys And Girls ANDREWS? Mrs. W. A Cat hey entertained at her home Tuesday w ith a Valentine party for thirteen year old Sunday School boy and girls Contests and games were enjoyed bv the boys and girls, and hot chocolate, sandwiches, cookies and eandy were served to: June Cruse. Barbara Battle, Betty Jean Stiles. Frankie Lee Wyke, Janet Long Jill Thornton. Maurice Hardin, Johnny Ilaxter Dean Truett Jim. and Dan Cathey. HENN Theatre ANDREWS. N. C. Saturday. February 19 "Mauraders" With ? William Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy Added Serial "Frank-Jessie James" No. 13 Also Color Cartoon. "Mouse Cleaning" Sunday-Monday, Feb. 20-21 "Good Sam" Starring Gary Cooper and Ann Sheridan Also Latest News Tues. - Wed., Feb. 22 - 23 "Angels Alley" With John Carroll and Adele Mara Added Serial "Federal Agents Vs Underworld" No. 6 Also Color Cartoon, "Wolf's Pardon" Thursday-Friday, Feb. 24-25 "Dude Goes West" With Eddie Albert and Gale Storm Also Latest News The modern design for '49 mv no* all this inXOBE new cot? Owners of low-built Hudsons have it! f Owners of New Hudsons are see ing for themselves that the lower a car can be built, the more grace ful its lines can be made, the better it will ride, the more surely it will handle, and the safer It will be! Because people who drive Hudsons "step down" into an exciting, now kind of automobile, they enjoy more head room and roomier seats- in an automobile only five feet from ground to top ?than in any mass-produced car built today! Yet Hudson has ample road clearance! But roominess is only one of the won derful advantages that go with the automobile that is so far ahead it's a protected investment in motor car value. Here are more: Authentic beauty ? the "step down" principle is so basically right it frees designers of the need for makeshift styling, enables Hudson to achieve pleasing proportions, symmetric, free flowing lines. A hug-the -road ride, and a smooth, steady way of going, because Hudson has the lowest center of gravity in any American stock car! Performance? You bet! Hudson's all new, high-compression Super-Six en gine ? or the masterful Super-Eight, get every chance to perform at their brilliant best, because this car is so low-built, so streamlined! A new meature of safety, because you ride completely encircled by the sturdy, box-section steel girders of Hudson's Monobilt body and -frame.* We invite you to visit your nearby Hudson showroom, to see all the ad vantages you are entitled to in your new car!** Hudson MEW I The only car you step down into *Trade-mark and patenta pending. *+AU the advantage* in Hudson's "Stcp Doum" design are fully explained and lUustrafi;/ in a book let available at all Hudson dealers'. Come in, See Hudson's Great PLUS FEATURES Automatic gear shifting in forward speeds with Hudson Drive-Master Transmission! ? shifts only when you want . . . your choice, Super-Six or Super-Bight engine . . . Triple Safe Brakes finest hydraulic system with re serve mechanical system on same pedal . . . Weather-Control Hudson's hea*er-condi tioned-air system . . Super-Cushion Tire* . . . Center-Point Steering . . . and more than 20 other important features on display at your neighborhood Hudson dealer's. + Optional at slight extra cost I this new ? Hudson ' ?"*. l2w3;0c ? Good ollow?? , *-'n FRANKLIN MOTOR CO. Murphy, North Carolina " *.