NOTICE OF SI MMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Summons Docket No. 384'i CHEROKEE COUNTY, Plaintiff VI Iron Curtis Josephine Parker and husband John Parker; Ruth Curtis Hall and husband Hall, Winnie Crawford and hus band. Lloyd Crawford, Wayne Curtis and wife Edith Curtis. Vin son Curtis, single, and Homer W. Curtis and wife. Gene Curtis, Defendants The defendants. Josephine Park er John Parker Kuth Curtis Hall. Hall. Winnie Crawford, and Lloyd Craw-ford Gene Curtis Vinson Curtis, and Homer Curtis, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court oi Cherokee County. North Carolina to foreclose the lien of taxes due plaintiff by defendants for the years 1929 through 1940, against the lands of said defendants in Valley town Township, Cherokee County North Carolina, to-wit: Part of Tract No 4772. BEGIN .N1NG o^ a Hickory and running South 65 West lbO poles to a White oak on top of a mountain thence South 18 poles to a hickory in said line; thence East with that line about 120 poles to the top of a ridge, the dividing line between Math Lunsford and Curtis: thence with the meanders of said ridge to a Black Jack, corner on top of a ridge, thence North 40 West 22 poles to the beginning, containing 58 acres more or less. Being the same lands described in a deed dated April 10. 1919. from James Bryson and wife to Mark (Mart) Curtis recorded in tiie office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County in Book 75 at page 305. reference to which is hereby made for more full and complete description said lands being fully described in the com plaint now on file in this action, reference to which is hereby made for more full description And for the further purpose of condemning the said lands to sale to satisfy said tayes, tax liens, interest and costs of this action and to forever bar and foreclose all right, title, estate, interest claim ; nd lien of defendants in and to or upon said lands: and the said defendants will further take notice that t'ley are required to be and appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee Coun ty North Carolina, at his office in the Courthouse in Murph\ N C within Twenty 20 ? Days after the 1st day of April. 194!? to-wit on or before the 21st day oi \pril. 1949 and answer or demur to the complaint in this action, which is now on file with copies fur dt*fond ants, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief d? :nanded in the complaint This the 1st day of March | J L 1LALL Clerk of the Superior Court of [ 33-4tc Cherokee County \ C. > NOTICE OF SAM! OF REAL ESTATE WHEHEAS Rufus Voyles bj Purchase Money Deed of Trust daited May 11. 194G and registered in the Office of the Register of I Deeds for Cherokee County North Carolina in Deed Book 128 at page 361 conveyed to .1 D Mallonee ' Trustee, the property hereinafter described to secure an indebted- 1 ress of Eleven Hundred Dollars i Vernia Voyles; and. WHEREAS J I) Mallonee Trus- ! tee. has died and the undersigned H. L McKeever has been duly substituted as Trustee in said Deed : of Trust; and WHEREAS default has been j made in the payment i>t the said indebtedness secured by the said ! Deed of Trust: The undersigned Substituted j Trustee, under and b\ virtue of I the ixjwer in him vested by the j said Deed of Trust and Substitu- j tion of Trustee, will on Saturday the 12th day of March. 1949 at 12:00 o'clock Noon at the Court house door in Murphy N. C offer lor sale to the highest bidder for ToR&m ? C Mien, 9 {fij, 666 NMM mull-*" W """ cash the followiny described pro j pcrty, to wit: A certain tract of land lying in Shoal Creek Township, Cherokee ; County North Carolina. and ! bounded as follows: BEGINNING 011 a Maple corner between Ham Voyles and W M 1 Stiles, and runs a Southwest course . v :th the line of Ham Voyles an old Survey to a Hock corner on the Lee Sneed line, witnessed by a bi-i flat Rock; then runs West course to a bi.4 Branch; then runs Wot with a small Branch to a Kock corner on the North side of the Hill near the Branch; then runs West course with the W M Stiles line to a Black Oak a corner of Gar Clonts and D. V. Stiles: then runs a Northeast course a ' straight lino with the line of 1) V. Stiles to a Kock corner on the D. V Stiles line; then runs an East course a straight line with the of R C Stiles to the beginn ing containing 50 acres, more or less. 1 . \CEIyn N ( i i .2 foot roadway through th > land from the I) M Iiaper land to Sandy Gap Road. ] Being the lands conveyed to j Felix Yoyles and wife, Vernia \oyles b> W M Stiles, and wife. Josie Stiles by deed dated Febru un' 5. 1938. which said deed is recorded in the Office of the Register ot Deeds for Cherokee County ;n Deed lk>ok No. 125 at page -7 reference to which said 1 deed and record is hereby made for a more complete description of said land, and being the lands this day conveyed to Rufus Yoyles by Felix Yoyles. and wife. Yernia Yoyles. This Deed of Trust ! above referred to was given to .secure the purchase money for i said lands Also the HayraKe. mowing machine and other personal propert> described in said Deed j of Trust. Th > the 8th day of February, j 1941) HOB ART L McKEEVKR ?J0-5tc Trustee t NORTH CAROLINA C'HKIIOKEE IOLNTV IN THK SUPERIOR COURT Summons I>i*cket No 3886 ( h fk< >kki: C< >UHTY P aintitf Fannie B Huinphre> Del end ant B> virtue of authority vested ... lie b\ a judgment of the Superior Court ?f Cherokt e County North , rolina. in the above entitled | i t;on I Ail! >n Tuesday, the 20th ?: m insb 1M0 .< door in Mur phy Cherokee Count} North Caro j ! na offer for o the highest ; ! udder ? ?r cash "he following described lands in \ allevtown , Township c heroke? County North I Carolina That certain tract or panel of and ? i'. m! i?> \ Wll-I I "on, ?f Hernando County. Florida, j ? ' Fann .?d on the East, and front ing on the Graham County ixvad ] . nd beitu ><) \ 150 feet in size. This the 25th day of February 1940 IIOBART L McKEEVER. 33-+tc Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE . M < VROUN \ CHEROKEE COUNTY IN* THE SUPERIOR COURT | Summons Docket No. 3775 CHEROKEE COUNTY Plaintiff ? VS ? Cleve Miller and wife. Nora Miller. Defendants By virtue of authority vested in me by a judgment of the Superior Court of Cherokee County North Carolina in the above entitled action I will on Wednesday March 16. 1949 at 12:00 Noon, at the Court HcuM door in Murphy. Cherokee bounty. ?*orth Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder tor cash the following described lands in Valleytown Township. Cherokee County. North Carolina: A certain tract or parcel of land C. E. HYDE GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 145 Murphy, N. C. in Cherokee County North Caro lina. bounded as follows: A part of Tract No 31 in District No 7. and beiru; txrts No. 48 and ?IP in said District located on the j Olmstead addition, adjoining the | corporation line of the Town of Vndrews and on the South side of j said town. Being the same land described n a deed dated September 27 "l?l!.v from W. 1? Fisher and wife, i Leila Fisher to Clcve Miller and I recorded in the office of the j Register of Deeds for Cherokee I l ounty. in Deed Hook 71 at page ">94. reference to which is hereby made for a more complete descrip tion. This the 11th day of February. 194i< HOB ART L McKEEYER 31-4tc Commissioner NOTICE OK SI MMON'S | STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. , CHEROKEE COt NTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Summons Docket No. 3857 CHEROKEE COUNTY Plaintiff VS. Fred Johnson and wife. Maggie ?Johnson; Walter S Calhoun and wife. Ix'ila Calhoun. G. 1 Calhoun; W R Everett. Sr Mrs Mary M. Everett; Nelson Gosselin and wife. Emma Gosselin. Defendants. The defendants. W R. Everett. Sr Mary McKen/ie Everett. Nel son Gosselin and wife. Emma Gosselin; Walter S Calhoun and wife Leila Calhoun, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee Coun ty. North Carolina, to foreclose the lien of taxes due plaintiff by defendants for the years 1935. 193G. 1937 and 1938. against the lands of said defendants in Valley town Township Cherokee County, North Carolina, to-wit Two lots of land in the Town of Andrews. Cherokee County. North Carolina, lying and being in Oak-! wood Heights Subdivision of said 1 Town of Andrew > and being Lots 12 and 13 Block HH . fronting on Connaheta Avenue and each being 95 x '226 feet in size, said lands being fully described in the complaint now on file in this action, .vference to which is hereby made for more full description. And for the further purpose of condemning the said lands to sale to satisfy said taxes, tax liens, interest and costs of this action, and to forever bar and foreclose ;ill right, title, estate interest claim and lien of defendants in and to or upon said lands; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to be and appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County North Carolina, at his > office in the Courthouse in Mur phy, N C . within Twenty (20 ? Days alter the 17th day of March '949 to-wjt on or before the 7th day of April 1949. and answer or demur to the complaint in this action, winch is now on file with copies for defendants, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for t ie relief demanded in the com plaint This the 12th day of February 1949 J L HALL Clerk ol the Superior Court of -4tc Cherokee County. N C NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Summons Docket No. 3856 CHEROKEE COUNTY, Plaintiff ? vs? Carrie L Hughes and husband. If A Hughes: .T. B Gray: and R VV Chapman Defendants. By virtue of authority vested in me by :\ judgment of the Superior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina, in the above entitled action I will on Wednesday, the 16th day of March. 1949. at 12:00 J Noon at the Court House door in Murphy. Cherokee County. North Carolina offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash the following described lands in Notla Township. Cherokee County. North Carolina to-wit : A tract of land lying and being in Cherokee County. North Caro lina and adjoining the lands of A J. Martin. J. W. Martin on the North and Felix Chastain and J H. Stalcup on the West. BEGINNING on the Southeast corner of Tract No. 94. and runs West with the South Boundary line of said tract about 85 poles to a stake near a Large Chestnut: thence Sout.h with some variations to a small Chestnut passing a Small Pine at the edge of the cleared land crossing a small Branch and crossing a steep hill to the gap of what is known as Standing Ridge, about 70 poles to a Stake: thence Eastward with the meanders of the Ridge to a very steep place about 80 or 85 poles to two small Maples in the Wewt Boundary line of J. H. Stalcup h'rid: thence North with said line about 70 i>oles to the beginning, part of Tract No 104 contain ng ?5 acres, more or less. Being the same lands conveyed to II A. Hughes by C V Martin c.nd wife. D M Martin by deed dated March 25. 1919 and register ed in the office ol* the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, in Deed Book 97 at page 454. refer ence to which is hereby made. I?t"i n.j also the sime lands con veyed to I! \ and wife. Callie L. Huglies to Joe Ledford by deed i'atod 1934. to secure a debt, and registered in the Office of the Resistor of Deeds for Cherokee County, in Deed Book 107 at pa;:e 193 Being also the same lands re eonvey to to Callie L. Hughes by Joe Ledford by deed dated March 25. 1935. and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, in Deed Book 107 at page 418. reference to all of i ' which is hereby' made. This the 10th day of February. 1949. IIO BART L. MeKEEVER ? 1-4 Lc Commissioner NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA CIlEKOKilK COUNTY Under ami by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by Alfred Penland and wife, llattie Penland. dated the 7th day of July 1948. and recorded in Book No 167. Pa-ie 71. in the office of the Register of Deeds Cherokee County. North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secur ed and said Deed of Trust being by the term- thereof, subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trus tee will offer for sale at public ruction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Murphy Cherokee County. North Carolina at noon, on the 14th day of March 1949. tlio property con veyed iti j?aid Deed of Trust, the *ame lying and being in the Coun ty ?t Cherokt \ State of North Carolina in .Murphy Township, and mure particularly described as fol lows: Lyiti a .1 1 ng in the Texana >, tt:on .?! 1 1? ? Town of Murphy, in Murpliv Township. Cherokee County \ t tii Carolina, and being ell th ? ri .lit title, and interest of Alfred Penl..:.! and wife. Hattie Penland in and to all the lands of whi i-li CanJ . ? 'Kansas) Penland died seized and possessed, and be- j ins that tract or parcel of land on , which the sa;;l Alfred Penland and : wife Hattie Penland now reside | containing 13 1 -j acres, more or less. That this sale will be made sub ject to any and all outstanding unpaid taxes This the 11th day of February. 194H. <> L ANDERSON 3 1 -4tc Trustee NOTICE TO CREDITORS The under* Sntrl T W HOftJg. SON having been appointed Ad. ministrator of the estate uf J m Roberson, deceased, late of L'Imx,. kee County, North Carolina, tJi;. 1 1 to notify all persons having claims against said estate ij prw. nit them to the undersigned at Xlurphy. North Carolina on or before the* 19th day of Fobrutrv 1950 or this notice will be pleads in bar ol their recovery \ny person-, indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlememt This the Uth day of Febnury 19-49 T. W ROBERSON Administrator of the Estate of J. M. Roberson, 31-0te '^teased NOTARY ITBllf FANNIE McGUIRE SCOUT OFFICE THE LONE RANGER By Fran Striker NOU FRAMED AN INDIAN. HE'LL STAV IN JAIL UNLESS THE | TRUTH comes out. AND I CAN BRING OUT THE TRUTH/ HOLD IT! THE LONE RANGER I WANTED TO WEAR A DISGUISE] AN' TRV TO PROVE THAT |W4NK-AND NOT THE REDSKIN - 15 THE HORSE THIEF! I PROMISED HIM THE CHANCE! | RIDE DOWN TO HANKS HCL'fE NCW A\ S'OO'LL 6 POL EVERYTHING. WHAT'S W I YOU'LL HAVE TO (XTSHOCT A\E / TO DO IT/ MEN.VOU'RE JUSTIN TIME! HANK| HAS ADMITTED THAT HE'S THE HORSE THIEF/ HE THOUGHT I IMS A BUVErR OF THE STOLEN HORSES, AMD OFFERED A REFUND IF I. WOULDN'T EXPOSE i