I SOCIETY youth Fellowship Holds District I Rally At Andrews j The Methodist Youth Fellowship J C>T Play. Cherokee, and Graham ' ^unties in Western N'orth Caro- 1 hna held a rally at the Methodist I Church in Andrews on Sunday 1 evAfetf. at 7:30 o'clock Rev J P. Porter, of Brevard ColltW. brought the message on 1 the t opx "Traveling ". He has dad a \wde experience with young people and is an inspirational i speaker. A mixed quartet from Brevard College sang several numbers The Department of Music, one of the strongest in N'orth Carolina, is giving special interest to the train ing in religious music, Mr. Porter states A number of students in this department of Brevard Col lege plan to be directors of churcli music. Mi and Mrs. J, W. Franklin -pea* the week-end in Sylva with ' thar children and their families. ) B. W. C. Is Guest In Gentry Home Mrs. Bill Gentry and Miss Mary j Lee Huberts were joint hostesses j to the Business Women's circle of ihe BaptUt W. M. S. Monday eve ning. in the former's home, and tMrs. W A. Hoover was program leader. The subject of the pro gram was: "Christ the Answer in j the Rural Community". Mrs. I Hoover read. "The House by the | Side of the Road", and the follow- j ing discussed topics: Mrs. J J tffamilton. Mrs. J. W. Donley. Mrs. J. L Savage Mrs. Alvin Buchanan. Miss Addiie Mae Cooke and Mrs. R. S Bault Mrs. Alvin Buchanan, circle leader, presided. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Those present were: Mesdames I'. G. Ivie. Don Gentry. Robt. Reid, Bill Gentry. J W. Donley, Lloyd Hendrix, Robt. Cheney Alvin Buchanan, R. D. Chandler. J. J. Hamilton. J L. Savage. R S. Bault. and W. A. Hoover, and Misses Addie Mae Cooke. Mary Lee and Kathleen Roberts. I SPECIAL I Y X y Y PERMANENTS | $3.00 up We will close at noon each Wednesday i t until September I . ? ! ? EDWINA'S BEAUTY SHOP DUCHESS BEAUTY SHOP PHOEBE'S BEAUTY SHOP CANDLER'S BEAUTY SHOP f[:..--:-[:DOOO:no]]onjHOOOOO?oooonnnnooonn?onof This is YOU Afa when you own a General Electric Home Freezer 1. Ju?t before dinner time, yon pick your food from 280 ponnda of frrth, nutritions food . ? . 2. Yon boy most of roor food at low coat, because 70a buy in quan tity ? ?t the peak of the teaion, or when there are tales. caaght fiih or game go to waatc. General Electric Home keeps most food delicious "P to a rear. 4. Yoo don't hare to ihop when the weather** bad, or when the children are lick ... or when un expected company calls. ?? Yon rest secure in the knowl n * tJ?at your General El?ctric Home Freeter is a dependable home "WEor? one that giref yon low cost operating efficiency. 6. The sealed-in refrigerating sys tem in your home freezer is the same type as that whioh has been giving satisfactory service in more than 1,700,000 refrigerators for more than ten years. will b. mighty proud to own ? G.n?r.l Elwtrt. YOU Hon* Fw??? "i*'! $219.00 up MURPriY ELECTRICAL SHOP "Next Door to the Post Office Phone 134-R Murphy, N. C. Foods, Nutrition Program Subject The Peachtree Home Demonstra- j tion club met Thursday afternoon | at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. Homer Ferguson. Mrs. Brown Caldwell, president, presided and the meeting was opened with the singing of "Hail, Club Women Crowned Through Service", followed by the collect. Reports were made by officers and talks were made by Mrs. Paul Sudderth and Mrs. Guy Sudderth on. "Foods and Nutritions". The meeting was then turned over to Miss Mary Cornwell. who spoke to the group on "Using Kitchen Tools for Greater Efficiency". During the social hour the hos tess served refreshments to the following: Mrs O'Neil Crisp, Mrs. Vada Witt. Mrs Franklin Smith Mr.: Brown Caldwell, Mrs. Noah Hembree, Mrs Meb Hendrix, Mrs. Paul Sudderth. Miss Elsie Sud derth. Mrs Guy Sudderth, Mrs. Julia Hendrix, JVlrs. Carl Stiles Mr-?. Dock Sudderth. Mrs. Julia Wells, Mrs. A J Barton. Mrs. Nellie Vee McDonald and Mrs. W. A. Boyd Mrs. Caldwell Is Hostess At Party Hrs. Brown Caldwell entertained with a party at her home on Mon day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Several games were played, and refreshments were served to the following guests Mrs. Burton Sales, Mrs. Wayne Holland, Mrs. Verlin Reece, Mrs. W. G. Holland Mrs. Tom Watson. Mrs. Hill Brendle. Mrs T O. Slayton. Mrs Julia Wells. Mrs. Eloise Crisp. Mrs. Vada Witt, Mrs. Guy Sud derth. Mrs Bruce Mauney. Mrs Grover Mauney. Mrs. Lillian Cald well and Mrs George Mauney. Mrs. Dickey Is Hostess To Circle The Elizabeth Hale Circle of the Baptist W. M S.. met Monday night with Mrs. Harry Dickey. Miss Janice Hall was co-