i B. Stalcup's hlonroe Wilson's Herds Leading J>; nunth the 2?2 cows on , .k.v and Clay Dairy i.i^i A-- x ..I'jon aver . < (,:;n Ii.nm i Ml. Ik and 30.0 ,..nJ. i jl fa! T.> is Ihe second .... , :n-?:r ' 'Kit Hit* average tudurtiu' i has been over 600 Lu'J MMki 600 jHKlnds of . ? >,t :????' '2 months in . t'J by .i c '.t win bring the .... !, turi :i ?| and S3 00 over ?is'- - W .'lain P Walk. .>:< r ?. I I .1 averaging j ?)'") I >-' i : 1 <-' m :k plT hi will Wit in only around tlTS 00 .ilxn.' feed cosl. These retires were compiled irom ine average of a herd in this associa tion where feed costs and prices received for product were about average for the association." Hi .1 cow in pi eduction in caca herd w-s as follows: J. Frank in Smith's Dimple. registered Guern sey. 1.516 pounds of m !k and 5S 1 pounds of fat: Monroe W.lson -> Red. rtiade Jersey. 1.423 pounds of milk and 52.6 paunds of fit; C. ii. Town.on's Molly, glide Jer sey, 1.331 caunds of milk and 53..") pounds of fat: A. B. Stalcup ?? May regi .ered Jersey. 1.327 pcounds of ir. !k and 50 4 omn:: of fat; Randolph Shields' Moll ie. rtal :ered Guernsey. 1.105 pounds of milk and 38.7 pounJs of fat in 26 clays; E. A. Wood's Bones grade Jersey. 1.263 pounds of miik an ! 3*. 3 oounds cf fat; John C Cam;> ooll Folk S:hcol's Jewel, rt ;i :r: .-.1 Jersey, 1.110 pounds of milk ar.J 41.1 pounds of fat; W "c Ui '"s Sadie, "rade Hclsetin 1.100 pounds cf milk and 34 1 :nds of f:.t: A Q. Ki tier > M'.udc. r: istercd Guernsey. 1 060 . Kinds of milk and 42 4 pounds :i' f: t: Eugene Waldroup's Beauty. . cred Hol.>tien, 1.054 pounds n k and 33 9 rounds cf fat: V?v \V .'droup's M !>le. rcui ter c:i Jersey. 992 pounds of mi!k and *!.7^ >unds of fat: Charles Walk ers Rabbit ?rade Jersey. 936 ATTENTION WE HAVE RE-OPENED OUR BODY & PAINTING SHOP Under The Management Of D. C. SMART -All Work Guaranteed Complete Welding Service Be Sure to Get Our Prices ADAMS MACHINE & MOTOR CO. Phone 33-W Murphy, N. C. Boon to Busy Housewives . . . A Convenient Extension Telephone Saves Steps ? Saves Time -^n extension telephone within easy reach "lakes your household run more smoothly ? makes your telephone service more valuable y '"creating its usefulness. One or more extension telephones can now 1"" installed in your home at surprisingly low t0"' V ou don't need to write us or come to the office. Just call the Telephone Buainea* Office *nd order yours today. COMVINIINCI IN THI KITCHIN | JOUTHI*N BILL TILIPHONI ANO WlIOtAPH COMPANY Kotarv Club w Has Unusual Meeting June 9 B> I B HI DSON \N DREWS ? The Andrews Ro t ry club at its met tin? here at the Terrace hot. I on June 9 was ' it scene of unusual doings. Tak advantage of the "commence merit spirit" and in recognition of in^uished service on the part . ?) Frank Bristol, the club irou.h its pre -dent and board of directors conferred upon Frank :h ' ree of Doctor of Agronomy. Preceding ithe conferring of the degree, and after Zed Lee Whitak I) P. doctor of ni-iatology ? had elivered he bacc; nureate ad i. B. 1 1 u cl ? ?n read th. fol a ir. 1 c tati on: 1 Whereas the Andrews Rotary ') n the pa and now. has . :iy men of ou' landing stature, men go. And whereas many of its lumbers have caused the town of \ndrew- and its Rotary club to became not unknown to the notice ? i men. And whereas its members are exceedingly ver-ri'.e in both their . ^cations and their avocations as enjoined by title 11 t.f the "Objects oi Rotary*'. 4. And whereas the club boasts .r.any earned and honorary degrees :r.onj its membe:>. to-wi't: Bache lor? of Arts, Masters of Arts. ;:.K'viors of Laws. Medical Doc Iv.ichr'ors of Science. Doctors 1 Denial Surgery. Masters of T in ' ry. conferred by the learn wjnds of milk and 44.0 pounds ci fat. Two ol tiie smaller herds led the as ocia'tion in average produe ion both mlk and fat. A. B Staleup with four registered Jcir seys and Monroe Wilson with two rcJ Ho! -.liens one register-. k:l and one grade Jersey, had i !t!. .:! records of 1.024 pounds Li' milk per cow. Neither herd , .. ! a dry cow. This is the first limp tin. t any herd has averaged 1 000 pounds of milk per cow. I St .'cup's average fat production was 47.1 pounds, while Wilson was M'cand w -h 38.0 pounds per cow. Willie Ru.c>ell wltih seven grade Jerseys and Guernseys and three :;.rade HoMicns was third in milk . production and fourth in fat pro- 1 duction. A. Q. Kctncr with nine register ed and one grade Guernsey and one registered Jersey was third in f:?t production and fourth in milk production. Bach of these dairies had one dry cow. Russell's aver age w. s 813 pounds of rr. ik and 31.5 pounds of fat. while tin- Kee ner herd averaged 718 pnir.;!> of milk and 32.8 rounds of IV ed institutions of our land, and ion . gn countries. 5. And whereas more recently one of our charter members had Co.. : erred upon him by this club thv- Honorary Decree of Doctor of P j'../.i>gy, for his piscatorial , operations and discoveries o!' | marine life in southern and tropi- j ca' waters. ti. \nd whereas our illustrious president Gerald Almond, has had many degrees conferred upon him in or about the earth's equator. i?nd elsewhere. 7. And whereas another of our char r members has gained re nown by laising more corn per acre in an incorporated town or mu pa tj ihan any i her man | f:;m the Paaraohs of t ie River N.lc ' ) 'h* Bristcls of 'hr Valley.; to-w m average of 101.7 bushels! per acre on eight acre 8 \nd whereas this achieve ment is duly recognized by the \or.h i rolina College of Agri cultu and Engineering of the L'n . :y : Nortih Carolina as is -vide: l by duly authenticated docum.: > delivered to the said "100-bu id per acre" corn-master. I Am .1 whereas the said corn ma t the Andrews Rotary club cli I in the year 1948. plant, cult i vat. . fertilize, raise, grow, and cause ? > be gathered from a cer tain pa: >1 of ground being situate ( in the >wn of Andrews, more than 100 bushels of corn per acre j and the ?>ame having been measured and weighed, as in I such cases is provided 1(; Now therefore be it Resolv ed. and it is herewith Resolved, that Gerald Almond, president of the Andrews Rotary club, be em powered. and commanded, by the f-UK SALE W'e Carry A Full Line JOHNS -MANVILLE ROOF ING j Asphalt and Asbestos Shingies Roll Roofing Asbestos and Brick Siding WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORI Women now find 2-way help for c'i problem What to do for woman's oldest problem, functional monthly pain? Many a sirl and t.-o.Tiaa ha3 found the answer In CAli DUI'S 2-way help. You see, CARDUI may make thincs lots easier for you In either of two ways: (1) started 3 days belora "your tlma" trnd ta'.:cn as directed on the la'jrl. It should help relieve i .::ct.or,al , periodic pain; (2) taken throu~aout tho month lilic a. tonic, it should Improve your appetite, t i digestion, and t :? help tvf.d up re ; tance for the tryir.j days to c^ne. CAIIDUI 13 scientifically prepared and scientlfica''y tinted. If you suffer "..t thoie certain times", get CARDUI today. said Rotary club, its board of | directors concurring, to confer im mediately. or as soon as proper arrangements can be made upon J. FRANK BRISTOL the degrei <>1 Doctor of Agronomy. The resolution was seconded by W. D Whitaker. and the same ? passed unanimously. Thereafter a reception was given ir. honc/r of Dr Bristol. Special ; music from Junaluska had been fetched for the occasion, and when Gar. A. V . and Carrol Mos- 1 teller had finished with thedr stringed instruments and other instruments of music, the club members sang with more gusto and unction than was ever heard before appropiately "Bringing in the sheaves", and dispersed OR NOT Notice To Delinquent Tax Payer Cherokee Countv is in debt $797,000.00 according to the audit made by l>owen Henderson of Asheville as of June 30, If) IS. The commissioners have called for redemption of S1fH),000.00 worth of bonds as of June 39, 1949. This has been made possible by those who have voluntarily paid their taxes. According to the records we have now $100,000.00 of uncol lected taxes because some people have neglected to pay their taxes You have received or will receive a notice from this office in regard to your delinquent taxes. Please come in and see us and take care of these taxes. !t is our duty to collect them, and we are going to do it. Pay Now?Save More Cost CHEROKEE COUNTY, E. L. SHIELDS, Tax Collector