ANDREWS News and Advertisements Mrs. Joe S. Smith, Editor Phone 141-R Luther League Elects Officers ANDREWS? The Luther League 0f st Andrews Lutheran Church elected officers for the year at the regular weekly meeting Sun day evening. Those elected were as follows: Fannie Buckner, presi dent: .Martha Jane Rogers, vice president. Mary Nell Ledford, secretary and Eugene Barton? treasurer Mrs. Glenn Love has been appointed organist. Follow ing her election. Miss Buekner ap pointed the following committees: Pru-ram Committee. Patsy Holland . ::l Aileen Head; Hallowe'en part> Mrs. Glenn Love and Martha Jane Rogers. Twenty members were present. Miss Frances Cover is serving as Advisor to the Luth er U,.:uc. Mi? ituckncr spoke to the group concerning the high standards upon which the Luther League jnust work to meet the require ments set up by the United Luther an Church of America. The Sixteen Point program of the Luther League includes such items as daily Bible reading, reading the required study course books, a special program on Life Service, at least one public meeting a year, the use of the prepared Luther League program guides and each member some definite ser vice in the community. A Luther League which meets these and the remainder of the sixteen points bcomes an Honor League and re ceives a certificate at the State Convention. For a number of years in the past the Luther League of St. Andrews attracted state wide attention with its constant winning of the honor certificates, honor plaques and other awards for fine accomplishments. Billy K. West Weds In Valdese ANDREWS ? Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deal of Valdese announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Yeloa Ruth Deal to Pfc. Billy Keiln West, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. \ Matoy of Andrews, which wa< solemnized in Valdese Trinity Baptist Church at high noon Wednesday. September 28. The Rev. W. H. Flowers, pastor of the church, officiated, using the double ring ceremony. The bride wore a blue dress of slipper satin with black accessor ies and carried a bouquet of angel wing flowers Andrews Personals | Mrs. Gene Palmer and daughter, j Paula, have gone to Miami. Fla.. ' to join Mrs. Palmer s hu>band, a I student at Miami University. Mrs. ' 1 Palmer and daughter will remain j during the winter months. I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frye of j ' Augusta, Ga., spent a few days 1 recently with Mrs. F rye's parents. | Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brooks. 1 Miss Iris Porter of Porto Rico i is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. E. I Dav*. Airs. Florence Sherrill left Mon l day for a visit with her daughter, j Mm. James Glenn and family in I t'ineville. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Stratton I spent Saturday in Knoxville visit- j ing Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Dillahunt and also attended the Tenn -Duke j Football game. Mrs. W. A. Hyde has returned from Huntsville, Ala., where she ! spent several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Carrol Wood and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Palmer of j Marble were visitors in Andrews j last week. Mr. ana Mrs. James Blalock and daughter. Linda, of Canton arc spending the week with Mr. and Mr -. W. F. Blalock. Mr. and Mrs. Robert West and I son, Robert Jr., of Taccoa. Ga.. spent several days last week with ! Mr and Mrs. M. C Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Luther and children. Harry and Marilyn, of Asheville are spending the week with Mr. Luther's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Luther. Miss Vera Moore, Mrs. W. L. \ Moore and their guests. Mr and \ Mrs. Wm. Moore of Boise. Idaho, spent Monday in Canton with the ! Rev. and Mrs. George Culbreth. Roy Tatham of Monticello. Ky.. j spent the week-end with relatives, i Miss Alice Weaver of Dillsboro ' spent the week-nd in Dillsboro j j with her parents. Mrs. Aston Hicks and daughter, Brenda. are in Cincinnati. Ohio, spending several weeks with Mr. 1 licks who is employed there. Clyde Luther of Canton, Ohio. | i ;?> visiting his mother. Mrs. J. M. Luther. | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Long of I , Arlington. Va., are the guests of j I Mr. Long's parents. Mr. and Mrs. | Homer Long. Lynn Greenwood of Land rum. S. C.. is visiting his grand parents. J I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Battle and children. Wayne. Jr., Betsy, and Mary Jo. were guests of Mr. and i Mrs. M. Hall of Dillsboro Sunday. I Miss Sue Johnson of Atlanta. Ga.. spent the week-end with Mr. FHA TITLE I LOANS TO * IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY- ' ? f His bank is authorized to make I HA 1 itle a I loans, without a mortgage, to cover re pairs, remodelling and modernizing, or ^ other home improvements. FHA tern's provide a convenient plan of repayment. | Let one of our officers tell you about this plan. CITIZENS BANK and TRUST CO. C?ptt*l surplus and undtvidrnd profits in excess of S320.0H.M I | SERVING SOUTHWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA Murphy-Andrews-Robbinsville-Hayesville Member Federal deposit Insurance Corporation | and Mrs. Elton Bradley. Mrs. Willard Morrow and son. Mike, of Copperhill, Tenn., are guests of Mrs. Morrow's parents, M.'. and Mis. J. P. Matheson. Mrs. C. S. Johnson of Asheville spent Sunday with her sister. Mrs. J. W. Brown. Mrs. Lloyd Gregory and Howard McMahan spent Sunday in Mary ville, Tenn., visiting their sister. Mrs. J. L. McMahan. Gerald McGudre returned Tues day from Barberton, Ohio, where he has spent several months. Mrs. Edwin Bristol opened Happy Hill Top Kindergarten Monday with an enrollment of 17 boys and girls. The Rev. and Mrs. T. Earl Ogg left last week for Mooresville where they will engage in special religious work. Enroute. they stopped in Knoxville and left their daughter. Peggy, with rela tives until they return. Boyd B Robinson, principal of the Andrews Elementary school j and Frank Walsh, principal of the Marble school, attended the meet ing of the Cherokee county NCEA Unit at Hiawassee Dam school Tuesday night. Paul Lominac. John Swan and Luke Carver spent Tuesday in Chattanooga Oakley Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Jan Eller and daughter, Wanda Lou. of Robbinsville, and Garland McGuire of Robbinsville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce King Sunday. Wildcats Bow To Hayesville ANDREWS? The Andrews Wild cats met the Hayesville Yellow jackets at Andrews Friday. The kick-off at 3 P. M. gave Hayes j ville the ball. After the ball had changed hands several times, with neither team making a serious scoring threat. Andrews kicked and the kick was blocked. How ever, Andrews recovered on the 11-yard line. Hayesville received the second kick on the 35-yard line After a fourth down pass fell incomplete the Wildcats took >ver on the 35 and drove quickly i'o r four successive first downs. The half time whistle stopped the n on the 18-yard line. | Early in the third quarter. Capt. Bob Mulkey of the Andrews team, intercepted a Hayesville pass carrying the ball to the nine-yard lino. This set up the initial touch down of the game which was made by Marks Hudson, fullback. The Wildcats were unable to tally the extra point. Tho Yellowjackets received and drove for four first downs when the quarter ended. The fourth quarter found a determined Hayes ville team plowing through the ; Dr. J. R. Bell Dentist ? t Murphy General flospftaf l ? I Phones: Business 215 Residence 46 | Murphy, N. C. Andrews wall with approximately two minutes playing time remain ing. Long made a nice end run for a Hayesville T. D. Hayesville's No. 26 scored the extra point. Final score was Hayesville 7, An- | drews 6. The Wildcats travel to Bryson City where they will meet the powerful Maroon Devils Friday. Among The Sick Mrs. Cleve Almond is a patient in Rodda-Van Gorder hospital. Mrs. Carol Day returned to her home Tuesday after undergoing an operation last week at Rodda-Van Gorder hospital. Mrs. Zala Adams is able to be out after being confined to her | home for two weeks suffering from ptomaine poisoning. Miss Maxell Lee Lominac has re- j turned to her home from Rodda Van Gorder hospital after a minor operation. Mrs. Herbert Collett is a patient -at Rodda-Van Gorder hospital. AT P. T. A. CONFERENCE ANDREWS? Mrs. Wade Reece Mrs. C. S Freel. Mrs. Gordon But ler and Mrs. Joe Smith attended the Annual District Conference of Parents and Teachers in Cherokee last Thursday. September 29. Crushed Rock, Gravel and Sand for sale at crusher or delivered MURPHY ROCK AND GRAVEL CO. Call Geo. Townson Phone 52 ttlf fcllfcf/ ? For Stuffiness, Coughs of Colds You know ? like millions of others ? l:ow wonderfully effective Vicks VapoRub is when you rub it on. Now ... here's amazinr?, spccial relief when there's much coughing cr stuffiness, that "choked-up" feeling. It's VapoRub in Steam . . . and it brings relief almost instantly! Put 1 or 2 spoonfuls of VapoRub in a vaporizer or bowl of boiling water. Then ? breathe in the soothing, medicated vapors. Every breath eases coughing spasms, makes breathing easier. And to prolong relief ? rub VapoRub on throat, chest and back. Use it in steam . . . Rub it on, too! A A Sk - O- ^ VICKS r w "VapoRub V The average yield of late sum Tier cabbage in North Carolina is estimated at 6.3 tons per acre. \bout 4 100 acres are being grown. HENNi Theatre ANDREWS, N. C. Saturday. October 8 Wild Bill Elliot, In? "Law Comes To Texas" Serial: "King of Rocketmen" No. 6 ? ? ? i Sunday-Monday. Oct. 9-10 Easther Williams - Red Skelton, In ? "Neptunes Daughter" in Terhnicolor Also selected short subjects Tues. - Wed.. Oct. 11-12 A Full Native Cast in this ij Jungle Picture R "Urubu" ? Also selected short subjects Thursday-Friday. Oct. 13-14 r Betty Grable - Cesar Romero "The Beautiful \ Blonde From Bashful Bend" * in Technicolor m j Also selected short subjects H ^ ? ? ? ? No other low-oricerl car offers you all these EXTRA VALUES Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes more outstanding than ever be fore with new Dubl-Life Rivet less brake linings that last up to twice as long. World's Champion Volve-in-Head Engine the extra efficient power plant with the valve-in-head design that's setting the trend for the automotive industry. Center-Po 1 Steering with control centered between the front wheels for maximum driving-ease with minimum driver fatigue. Fisher Body Styling and Luxury with smooth, graceful curves, new interior richness and such extra luxuries as Push-Button Door Handles. , Chevrolet and Chevrolet alone offers you all these EXTRA Values at lowest cost ! Extra Economical to Own and Operate and traditionally worth more when you trade; for Chev rolet is America's most wanted car ? new or used I Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility supplying all that extra vision which means extra safety in driving with a fuller, freer view of the road. Fisher Unisteel Body Construction with steel welded to steel above, below and all around you for the highest degree of solidity and safety. S-lnch Wide-Base Rims, plus Low-Pressure Tires the widest rims in the low price field? plus extra low pressure tires? for greater stability apd riding-comfort Longer, Heavier, with Wider Tread * the big car in the !ow-pric% field, with all the advantages of more riding-comfort, road-steadiness and safety. Dickey Chevrolet Company PHONE 60 MURPHY, N. C. ? We're featuring Chevrolet Super-Service Specials all this month ? so "ALL ABOARD FOR VALUES UNLIMITED!"