P.-l A. Hears Lecture By Supt H. Bueck ANDREWS ? More than a hundred persons heard Supt H. Bueck of the Murphy school dis cuss the North Carolina School Quality Milk means Better Health For Pasturized Grade A Milk Call HALL'S DAIRY Phone 185-W Among The Sick i ANDREWS ? Johnny Raxter who was injured recently in a football | game 4ias sufficiently recovered to return to his Jiome from Itodda Board's School Plant Construct ion. J Improvement and Repair Fund before the monthly P.-T A. meet ing here Tuesday afternoon in the -sahool auditorium. Mrs. C. S. Freel. P.-T. A. presi dent. presided. Mr. Bueek gently chastised his hearers for not always being wil ling or able to think things through. From him aid was forth coming. He tracid the recent nis tory of so called "stafc aid" in North Carolina. He said that North Carolina had gone further than any other 'ate in supplying Capital Outlay . unds ;'or school building 1* v. is Mi. Bueck's opinion th::t t i ? ? .State Board of education will hold .1 tifjht rein on any moneys it controls for builu:ng I . i;rj> cv\ and t i;;' no money will I bt .:va whi/h fails to Qualify i according to "Suite standards". Two members >>f the Andrews school lvurd \w 1 present H. M - Wii t ake.1 hoar J chairman and 1 John H. Const Following th i.ldress Cap; F. \V. Swan mad;.- a brier talk 011 public education r~" Throat Specialists report on 30-0ay Test of CAMEL smokers... New York housewife gives her report: NOTONE SINGLE CASE OF THROW IRRITATION DUE TO SMOKING CAMELS! M At CM?, 1 he* were the findings i of noted throat special ists in a test of hundreds of men and women who smoked Camels for 30 consecutive days. The throats of all smokers in the test were examined every week - a total of 2,470 examinations. i TWO COMPLETE 0!/ENS ... IN THIS NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC "PUSH BUTTON" RANGE! Looking for complete cooking convenience? Stop right here. Because this wonderful, new G-E Automatic Range has it! Clips cooking time. Now you can prepare several oven dishes at once ... a roast in one spacious oven, baked biscuits in the other. Each oven warms, bakes, broils or roasts on its oun. Automatic timer-controlled, or you can operate each oven separately ? by hand. Just think ? every thing's ready for eating at one time. Wonderful "push-button" panel, too. ..with "Tel-A-Cook" lights that show what heat is on each cooking unit. Until you've actually tried this sensational, new way to "cook with your finger tips" you can't really imagine how perfectly easy and simple cooking can be! GENERAL W ELECTRIC SEC IT TODAY AT? MURPHY ELECTRICAL SHOP "Next Door to the Post Office" Phone 134-R Murphy, N. C. Washams Honored At Church Supper ANDREWS ? The Ladies of the | Methodist church entertained recently at the Youth building with a church-wide Fellowship meeting and pot luck supper honoring the Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washam am' family. The meeting was opened with prayer followed by songs and | several short talks. Following the I bountiful meal the Washam family ! were presented with many gilts. Approximately eighty people at tended this meeting. Andrews Personals Mrs. Rutih Forsyth and Mrs. Hazel Abernathy spent last week end in Atlanta. Mr Henry Trotter and Miss Polly Hicks were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A Case of Murphy on Saturday of last week Mrs. L. B. Womaek. Mrs J. V MeGuire, Miss Elizabeth K !patrirk and Mrs. Jam.?s Stewart v. sited in j Mars Hill Saturday. Mr- W. A. Hyatt of Wayne* ville spent Monday ; i: with Mr. and Mrs. Luke El'.:.-. Mis.". Ma -y Cornwell of Wayncs ville spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. .Joe Smith Miss Meredith Whiuker and Mrj. Harve Whitaker spent the, week-end in Asheville. * Miss Betty Jean Wakefield Mrs Carl Cochran. Mr.-. N'uel Bradley. Ed Wlakdidd and Dee Most elder left Thursday for North Fork. California. Mr. Wakefield and Mr. Mostcller will return this week and rest of the group will make their homes there. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Garland of Robbinsville visited relatives here F /ill ay. Mrs. George Ford and Wayne Ford of Warren visited Mr. and Mr.'. Harve Hamilton Sunday. Bobbie Christy, student at Duke University. Durham, sp-nt the week-end with his parent ?, Mr. j and Mrs. John Christy. He was j accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Paul ? Jordan and Mr. and Mrs. John Christy as far as Asheville Sunday j where they visite i Mrs. Hattie ! Kni^h;. Mr. and Mrs St il Matheson Miss Emogene Matheson and Mrs. | J. P. Mathcson visited *?lj'.Jves' Van Gorder Hospital Miss Mar" ?ret Fisli?r hij born i confined to her home with flu for | several days C! a bourne Everette who under- ' went an operation at Rodda-Yan^ Gorder hospital last week is r ?- J rupt rating nicrly it ncm? Mr- Tillery Lav who under went rn operation at a Charlotte hospital la ?t week i3 able to be L'U'" ?Mi Hob VIeCleilaad is i patient at Rodia-Van Gorder Hospital. I I in Chattanooga Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Joe Higdon, and I Mrs. Florence Huffman and daughter. Virginia, spent Sunday with Mr. Higdon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Higdon at Sylva. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Battle and Miss Jerry Osdol of Cincinnati. Ohio, spent the week-end with relatives. Miss Jean Christy spent the week-end in Asheville with her aunt. Mrs. Hattie Knight Lt. A1 Swan who has been a student at the University of Nirth Carolina. Chapel Hill, has been transferred to Randolph Field. Texas. His wife and daughter. Mary Elizabeth, will reside there during the school year. Dr. and Mrs. H Oran of Hackensack. N. J., are the guests ! of Dr. and Mrs. C O Van Gorder. ! Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Van Gorder ] and Mr. and Mrs. H V Van Gord- j er spent the week-en I in Knoxville. j Tenn., as quests of Dr. and Mrs. | (> K. Williams. M?\ and Mrs. B??yd Robinson ' were week-end guests of Mr. and ' Miv. Jack Stewart of Brevard. Mr. j and Mrs. Stewart are attending | Brevard College and have an } apartment on the college campus. J Mrs. Laura Constant visited her daughter. Mrs. En iiett Phillips and son. Hugh Constant in Waynesviile Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Ot O. Sherril! of Asheville spent several days ot 'est week as guest of her mother. Mr;. Iva Jones. Airs. Vincent I. vi1 and son. Eddie, and Mrs. B ie Salongo arc the guests of Mrs. Love's parents. M.\ and Mrs. Goldman Lail. Mrs. James Cabe and son Jimmy 01' Mt. Hope. VV \ a . are visiting relatives here. Mr J. N. O. I lam :>?>?:'. nf Robbins ville is the ><*urst <'i Mr and Mrs. J Luke Ellis and !i<' brother. John Tatham. this week. Mrj. J. O. Lyons of Hayesville is spending the w.k with her sister. Mrs. J. L Rowland. Floyd Brooks and Billie MeFalls students at Teachers College. Cul lowhee. visited relatives here la \ week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wilson and Sammie Adams of Dallas are visit ing Mr. and Mr< Avery I?ullium and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Best. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ledford spent Sunday with Mrs. Ledford's parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Smith, j Mr. and Mrs. Claud Dorsey spent ! Wednesday in Atlanta. DlfET SMITH CHIROPRACTOR Electric (Organic) Massage MURPHY. N. C. For Ilcad-aches. Gall-Bladder, lilood-prcssure, and other ailments. 800 People Attend Sunday Singing ANDREWS ? An estimated crowd of 800 people attended Che all-day singing session of the Cher okee County Singing Convention which was held in the Andrews school auditorii m on Sunday Numerous classes were here from various sections of the county, and singers were present from neigh boring counties, and from as far Mr. and Mrs. Jack Long have returned to their home in Arling- j ton. Va.. after a visit with rela- j tives here. Mk\ and Mrs. L. B. Nichols are visiting their son and daughter-in law Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nichols in Hohenwald. Tenn . this wo ?k. M.\ and \lrs B. B. Robinson | were dinner guests of Mr. and j Mr .. Frank Swan Sunday. M.\ and Mrs. R P. Siierrill. .Jr. are spending the week with her | parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Buchanan. Porter Rogers of Robbinsville was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. M; Koldry Sunday. Frank Cooper Has Chest Injuries ANDREWS? Frank Cooper of Charlotte, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper of Andrews, receiv ed chest injuries as a result of an automobile accident in Charlotte Saturday night. He was taken to Garrison Hospi tal. Charlotte, and members of his family notified. Mrs. L. E. Laugh away as Ashevilie Various types of singing were j heard. There were youth quar- ' tettes, adult quartettes, duets, and I class singing. ter. sister of Mr Cooper, hu turned home and reports that has been released from the hoapi. tal but will be confined to his home for some time. The average U. S corn yield thii year will be about 41 1 bushels pet acre, exceeded only by last year's record yiel* of 42.7 bushels. ln Illinois, the yield may average as high as 62 bushels per acre. Head Cold Stuffiness R?L/?V?D ///SECONDS'. For almost instant relief, put a few Vieks Va-tro-nol Nose Drcm. in eacn nostril Va-tro-nol works ' Tight wher stuffy trouble is! I It opens up cold- ?; clogged nose . . . relieves stuffi ness . . . and lets you breathe again. Try it. 6 HERE IS THE ANSWER TO "SEW WHAT" Fabrics To Spark, Ic'eas For Your New Fall Wardrobe. Or e look at those gay, vivacious, wonder ful fabrics and your fingers will itch to needle these patterns into enchanting fashions for yourself and the rest of the family toe. COME TO OUR FALL FABRIC FAIR, IT'S "SEW WONDERFUL" Upholstery Remnants Blanket Ends Printed and Plain Crepes Taffetas and Satin's Drapery Fabrics Gabardines All by the pound Fayola Mill-End Store H1AWASSEE AVE. MURPHY, N. C. OLOSMOBILES ramie has Everybody Talking "mm" 'mm' "rocket Everybody's talking it ? everybody'* trying it! The Old*mohile ''Rocket" is the most enthusi astically received engine in motoring history! More than a million people have driven a "Rocket" Oldsmobile in the past year ? and each of them w ti lling his friends all al>oiit it! "Rocket" power! " Rocket " smoothness! " Rocket " quietness! " Rocket " economy! " Rocket " teamwork with Oldsmobile'i Hydra-Malic Drive! There's" a Futuramic combi nation of everything you've always wanted in your car's power plant ? a driver's dreaiu come true! But don't take our word ? take the wheel and find out for yourself! Make a demonstration date with the Oldsinobile "88" ? lowest-priced "Rocket" Engine car. Soon you'll be talking that way, loo? "ROCKET!" "ROCKETT " ROCKET P PHONI YOUK NIARIST OLDSMOBILI DIALER "" Phone 60 DICKEY CHEVROLET CO. Murphy.NX