Alice Weaver Is Married To &R. Layman jjiss Alice DUli Weaver, daugh-. UT of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hale Weaver of DiUsboro, was married Saturday to Steven Robert lay-' son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Layman of Memphis, Term. I The wedding took place in^Blue Ridge, Ga. The Ray. B. H. Cot*- 1 ran performed the ceremony in He parsonage of the Baptist. Church. the couple will reside in Dilla boro. Miss Weaver has been Andrews . Murphy school Supervisor this 3 ear. TO HAVE LEAVE M/Sgt Ken Cbon will start a 20-day leave on Miay 5. The recruiting office here will be closed during that time. Men interested in joining the Army or Air Force are asked to contact him upon his return on May 26. The Rev. R. E. McChire, execu tive secretary of Aabevllle Presby tery. was in Murphy Tuesday and Wednesday. DICKEY THEATRE Murphy, N. C. Watch For Our First Baa Pictures! ADM. 12c - 30c DOUBLE FEATURE Saturday, May 6 "The Son of Dave Crockett" With?BUI Elliott - Dub Taylor "Texas Man Hunt" With?BILL BOYD Chapter 10 "THE LOST CITY Starring William Boyd and George Hayes LATE SHOW 10:45 ' "King of the Gamblers" With?WUUam Wright - Janet Martin Sunday - Monday, May 7-8 "Masked Raiders" With?Tim Holt - MaTJorie Lord News?Short Subjects Tuesday - Wednesday, May 9-10 Til Be Seeing You ' With?Ginger Rogers - Joseph Cotten - Shirley Temple Short Subjects Thursday - Friday, May 11-1 ?" 'noay. May 11-12 'Rustv's Birthdav trial. _ . * ? ? With?Ted Donaldson - John Lit News?Short Subjects Mrs. Calvin Stiles Elected President Of Esther Class Mri r Arden Davis, Mrs. Calvin ytil^s and Miss Addle Mae Cooke vere hostesses at a buffet dinner, in the letter's home, Sunday at Cr30 to the Esther Class of First Qaptlst Church. A birthday cake \- Mr. and Mrs. Bueil Thompson, Route 1, Culberson, announce the birth of a son, April 25. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Panther of Murphy Route 1, announce the birth of a son, April 27. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie C. Bowers of Titus, Ga.. announce the birth of twin daughters, Wilia Mae and Helen Faye, April 27. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hogsed of Murphy announce the birth of a daughter, April 28. Among The Sick Mrs. J. H. Wilson. Sr., is a pati ent at Murphy General Hospital. She is reported to be doing fairly I well. Mrs. Willard Axley is reported j to be somewhat improved. Ben E. Vaught is in Murphy j General Hospital again for treat ment. Mrs. P. J. Henn who was in Fannie Heck Cirde Holds Meeting The Fannie E. Heck Circle of first Baptist Church held its regular meeting in the home of Mr C. W. Arnold Tuesday "O, Zion Haste" the opening hymn, a as followed with prayer by Mrs. i. L Savage. Mrs. W. A. SheriU had charge of the devotional period with Mrs. Savage and Mrs. Arnold reading the scripture. The program. "Presses at Work for God" was given by Mrs. L. W. Hendrix, Mrs. Howard McDonald and Mrs. J. B. Hall. After a short tusiness session the hostess, as sisted by Mrs. Savage, served re freshments to the six members present. Fetrie Hospital for several days, has been dismissed. Reports from Mrs. John H. Dil Urd at Piedmont Hospital, Atlan ta. are good and she is expected Ivome soon. Mrs. John Donley is in Murphy General Hospital receiving treat ment. ANDREWS?Miss Dorothy Ed wards, Baptist assoclaftional Mis sionary. who was injured in a car wreck a few weeks ago and has 'been a patient at Rodda Van Gorder Hospital, was able to go to the home of her brother, Wayne Edwards, in Marble the first of the week and is recuperating nicely. ANDREWS ? Horace Higdon who has been a patient at Aston Park Hospital in Ashevilie for She past three weeks is much improv ed and is expected to return home this week-end. Hugh Rayburn is a patient at Rodda Van Gorder Hospital. Freida Jo Adams underwent a minor operation at Rodda Van Gorder Hospital this week. ANDREWS?The Rev. J. J. Wood tuf'fered a heart attack last Thurs day morning while attending Dis trict conference in Franklin. Dr. Ed Angel was summoned And Rev. Wood was taken to the Angel Hospital. Later in the afternoon be was brought to his home here and is resting well. Hiwassee Wildlife Club invites you to their PARTY at the REGAL HOTEL Friday at 8 P. M., May 12 Plenty of Prizes! To Pave Portion Of Duke Street A porttonof Duke Street the 28 feet in front of Bailey Meroney's Billard parlor, will be hard-sur faced soon by Mr. Meroney. Hie width of the paving will be 1W4 feet. Mr Meroney state* that be will pay the entire coat of the work and materials. REFORMED TRUANT AT 17; MILLIONAIRE AT 28 Movie producer reveals " race ?to riches" success story of his re lease from reform school at 17 and rise to wealth at 28. Read bow in his latest picture be champions boys who have been in reform schools. Don't miss inspiring ac count of "The Kid from Plain field" in May 14 issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation's favorite Maaaxtne with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order from Your Local Newsdealer PITTSBURGH WALLHIDE FLAT WALL PAINT A one-coat "Vitolized Oil" base paint that costs less, out covers, outlasts and gives far more beauty and satis faction than ordinary paints ?it's the only Wall Paint enriched with Pittsburgh's exclusive process "Vitolized Oils" to give controlled penetration. FREE ? "Color Dynamics for year Murphy Hardware PHONE 25 MURPHX, N. C. Pittsburgh Paints ARNOLD DERREBERRY Veteran of World War n / ARNOLD DERREBERRY, Andrews merchant, has an nounced his Candidacy for Clerk of Court, subject to the will of the people, in the democratic primary May 27. Mr. Derreberry is a native of Cherokee County, origi nally from Murphy where he attended1 high school. For eight yeears he was associated with the late V. M. John son at Murphy in the meat and grocery business. Following his discharge from the U. S. army in Decem ber 1945, he established a business in Andrews. He has been Mayor of Andrews for the past two terms and is active in the work of the democrat party. ? Mr. Derreberry is a member of the American Legion 40 and 8 and Andrews Lodge No. 529 A. F. and A. and Andrews Rotary Club. %' Jf: -: Jp it