^t*CF O* ^ tpirt ^GoodWiir^ Towards MEN VOLUME 60?NUMBER 23 MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY,-DECEMBER 21,1950 SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY VAN RA ALTE CO. OPENS DISTRIBUTION PLANT CHRISTMAS "Now when Jesus teas bom in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came raise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, vihere is he that is born King of the Jens? lor we have seen his star in the east, and are come to tcorship Him .... and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was."?ST. MATTHEW 2:1-2, 9 The Wise Men were the first to find and recognize The Christ. Today, twenty cen turies later, He will be worshipped the world over, come this Christmas Morn. And dur ing this Yuletide, let us meditate soundly upon His teachings of tolerance and under standing, that the days ahead may bear the fruit of happiness and good fortune for each and every one of us. A Very Joyous Christ mas to all! Frcm all those who help to produce your Cherokee Scout CHRISTMAS STORY FEATURED BY CIVITANS Dr. W. A. Hoover lias Operation rv w. A. Hoover underwent an Kon at Emory Hoepltti, *. Ga? Monday end te re > to be getting along nicely. ! *l>ec*3 to be aU? to return ?e wtiMn a week. Mra. Hoover ' *>e ehOdren, and die Rev. and I. Alton Morrie and aon, i aere vMtora there Monday. ck Overturns M**nel truck driven by Jack L** Owe Log bridge in 0 at ? The Rev. James R. Crook gave ' 'the Christmas Story reading before the Civdtsn Club at its meeting Monday night in the Methodist j Church. Aside from giving the , reading he asked the members to! offer prayers for world peace dur ing the Christmas season. Dinner was served by candle light, and was followed by the singly ot Christmas carols, i Christmas decorations were used on the table and about the room. Glenn EHis entertained St the' pjaoo during the evening ?11!ty-iwo Ctvttsns, Lady Civi tans and friends were in sttend I The nest morithlg wM be on m. 8. since the reguls tm.as on New Year's day. Baptists To Hold Meeting Dec, 28 There will be an important Quarterly meeting of the Wert Liberty Baptist Association at Ranger Baptist Church, Sunday. December 3i, at 2 p. m. There are 28 Churches in the association, and work of interest to all the churches will be discussed, in cluding: The Baptist simultaneous Evan gelistic Crusade, March 25-April 8 1961, cooperating with all Bap tist Churches, Associations and State Conventions east of the Mississippi River, with theme of "With Christ in the Churches After the Lort". State Goals are: 100,000 redefUoations. 80,000 bap tisms. 5,000 young people called out for special Christian service. Wbrk will he in sod through 72 AagxMtous. 2?83 Churches and 636,700 members in this State. Planning and working "Search Continues" | Is Sermon Topic I The Rev. R. Delbert Byrum, pas tor at First Methodist Church, bas announced that his sermon topic for Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, will be, "The Search Continues". Sunday School will be held at 9:45 a m. and Evening Youth meeting at 6 p. m. I : Truett To Preach The Rev. W. T. Truett will preach at Hopewell Baptist Church on Christmas day at 11 a. m, on the fifth Sunday at Moore Mem orial Church M Peaohtree, at 11 a. m? and at Upper Peaohtree at 2 p. m. Holidays To Be Observed Here Retail storeg here will be closed Monday for Christmas, and many of the offices and other places of business will be closed from Friday through Tues day. Citizens Bank and Trust Co. will be closed Monday and Tues day, in observance of the state wide holiday for banks, states W. F. Forsyth, vice-president. Murphy Library will be. closed Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, according to Miss Josephine Heighway, librarian. The draft board will be closed Friday and Monday, states Mrs. Martha Dreher, clerk.' The of fice also will be closed on Mon day, January 1. The offices in the courthouse will be closed Saturday and Monday, and the city offices Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT of fice will be closed Friday. Satur-, day, Monday and Tuesday. It will reopen Wednesday morning and the paper will be published on the regular schedule. White Christmas To Be Observed At Baptist Church The Rev. J. Alibon Morris, pas tor of First Baptist Church, has announced that Ms sermon topic for Sunday morning will be "Christianity's Message for the Present-Day World". The Christ mas story in music and Scripture reading will be features of the morning services at the church Sunday School will be held alt 9:46 a. m. "and Training Union at 6:30 p. m. "White Christmas" will be ob served Sunday morning, and a special love offering will be made. On Sunday evening at 7:15 o' clock, a Christmas Candlelight Ser vice will be held at the church. The program is as follows: Organ Pre lude, dhoirs and congregation. '.O. Come, All Ye Faithful"; opening prayer; choirs and congregation "The First Noel the Angel Did Say"; the prophecy, Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 "1:12; Micoh 5:2; junior choir, "O T,itltle Town of Bethlehem"; the Nativity, Luke 2:1-7; combined hoirs, "Silent Night Holy Night"; 'he Vision of Shepherds. Luke 2:8 7; youth Choir, "O Holy Night"; "'tiior choir, "Away in a Monger" outh choir, "Angels from the leelims of Glory"; choirs and con gregation. "H'ark! the Herald Angels Sing"; the Visit of the Wise Men, Matthew 2:1-2, 7-11; male Chorus; "We Three Kings of Orient Are"; the Adoration of the Faith ful, Isaiah 52:9-10; choirs and con gregation, "Joy to the World"; of feitcry prayer; ti;hes and offerings: Christmas Meditation, "Missing the Inn"; prayer, "For Peace on Earth"; Consecration hymn, "Have Thino Own Way"; benediction; organ postlude. On Sunday, December 31, at 7:30 o'clock, a Student Night Program will be presented. The theme will be. "Maximum Christianity Today amd Tomorrow". Allen Announces Sunday Services ANDREWS?The Rev. James A. Allen announces Che following program for Sunday morning alt Che Methodist Church: Sunday school, 9:45; Sunday school wor ship service, a "White Christmas", under the direction of Mrs. John Christy and Mrs. Zelb Oonley, 11 o'dock; each person in Sunday school is asked to bring a present wrapped in white, which will be laid on the alter to be used in Christmas baskets for the needy. The subject for the 11 o'clock service will be "The Light is Still Burning." SUNDAY SCHOOL The Episcopal Church will have Sunday School at 9:48 Sunday suing. The Rev Rutin Morgan of PMnkHn wflt have charge at 9 Oaigiawhm Service which will *n at U o'clock. IN JAPAN?M:ss Kathleen Hub erts of Murphy, dauglh/ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts, who has accepted an overseas assignment with the American Red Cross and reached the Far Eastern Theatre ol Operations, with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, in November. Miss Roberts served in a similar capacity during World War II. At Fort Benning Capt. Wood row Millsaps, who was wounded in Korea November 18, is now in a hospital in Fort Benning, Ga. A letter to his sister, Mrs. Itie Seabolt, says he is doing f.ne but will have to stay in the hospital at least two months. He would like to hear from his friends. Tain, Trailways Buildings Leased For Local Work A lease has been taken by the Van Riaalte Co . Inc., of Near York, on the Fain hosiery mill building and the Trailways Garage. This will serve as a warehouse and distribution point for part of the hosiery production manufactured hi the company's mills in this area. Shipments out of Murphy will be confined to a portion of one popular hosiery style as an experi ment! in providing better service f> stores in the southern States, as well as many points distant from the eastern markets. I Officials state that Murphy was [chosen as a site for this trial in \ baiter customer relations as it is situated approximately equal dis tance from each plant and because of its central location in respect to the southern cities. Its conveni ence also is enhanced by direct rail trucking and postal services. Employment will be limited bo the few people now employed, and it is not planned at present to install any manufacturing opera tions here. j The Murphy warehouse is under the jurisdiction of E. W. Maebert, ' Hosiery Plants Manager, who is located at Blue Ridge, Ga. It is supervised by J. M. Murphy, for merly of New York, who is at '.presenit living at Cherokee Hotel. Two Children Suffer Gun Shot Wounds TO PRESIDE The Rev. Rufus Morgan of Franklin will preside over the ser vice at the Episcopal Church in Andrews Sunday morning at 9 o' clock when Holy Communion will be observed. Carol Service To Be Given Sunday Afternoon ANDREWS?There will be a carol service at the Methodist Churoh Sunday afternoon. Dec 24 ait 4 o'clock. Participating in songs will be the Andrews High School Glee Club and members oi the Baptist, Presbyterian and Methodist Choirs, as follows: Misses Doris Hogsed. Jeari Taylor, Mabel Almond, Janet Long, Bar bara Nichols. Doris Raxler, Betty Kilpatrick, Lucille Leming, Grace Gray Betty Sue West, Doris Craw ford, Alethia Matheson, Rose Mary Greishamer, Betty Lou Taylor Kate Conley, Janice King, Betty Heaton, June Lunsfard, Virginia Huffman, Ann Barneit, Carolyr 'Duipree Sallie Buchanan, Sue Hall Betty Mulkey, Elizabeth Waldnoup Elizabeth Bell, Ann Bristol, Mar jorie Hicks, Blaine Thompson William Franklin, Jim Oathey Harry Dellinger, Zeb Oonley, Jr. Jake Buchanan. Dan Hawk, Jerrj Recce. Carrol Phillips, Mark: Hudson. George Pullium, Harp Hawk, Oarlyle Sharp, and Lyl< CoHett. This service will be under ttn direction of Mrs. I. B. Hudson. Hold Candlelight Service Sunday ANDREWS?The annual Chil dren's Christmas program am treat for St. Andrews Lutberai Church wtill be given next Sunda; afternoon alt 4 o'clock in Us church. The service will include i manger scene made up' of