TWIM-C1 r ? on i * > "*ANCT GOES TO BIO" hVmnU, Ana S?atHrm. Barry Saturday Only "CASTLE ON THE HUDSON" > Garfield, Ann Sheridan Na. t ? Cotar Cartoon "SLAVE GIRL" Yuvonne DaCarta, George Tuaaday - Wedneaday "THE OUTBID EES" Joel MoCrea. Technicolor Coorteoy PaaK John Dickey Mr. and Mr*. Hennu Waat (pant aevarai dan U* vliu, Tacn. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A GOOD FARM ema or a Dairy Farm. No Safer place to lav eat pear Moacy. Dm to Vferid coadKtoae pad a pntai food thortaco, tola farm often aeenrity aad a toad re torn < yew iBrectment. There le approxi mately lee Aerea with appro: matety M aerea of level land aad lice on Valley Hire-. Only a tea miaate walk to eenter of town af Murphy, N. C. Contact Mrm. O. W. Rldrel, 27? Lenland Ave., Lucy Page Is On "Carolinian" Staff ANDREWS?Miss Lucy Page, who is a Junior at Woman's Col lege. U N. C.. Greensboro, has recently been cfaoaen for Woman's College paper Staff "The Caro lina." She has also written a story, "Patricia's Mother", which will be reviewed and criticised at the Woman's College arts forum Miss Page, who la a Junior at Wosnan'a College, la a graduate of Andrew* High School. She has a sister, Miss Julia Page, who also attended Andrews High School and is a sopbmore at Woman's College. Two Andrews Girls In Show AMDRiEJWS ? Misses Catherine Hudson and Carolyn Smith had parts in the Woman's College, U. N. C? annual Junior show. Miss Hudson appeared throughout the entire program with the ukelele chorus. Miss Smith was a member of the woman's sufferage group who presented act five of the play. The theme of the play was "Women are here to Stay" which climaxed the traditions of the roaring twenties. Carolyn Smith On TV Program ANDREWS?The 4-H Club of Woman's College, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, will present a television program, Thursday, March 8th, over WMYF on the Piedmont news program. Approximately 20 club members will be viewed on the program representing various phases of 4-H Club work. A panel discussion will be held throughout the pro gram with the illustration. The discussion will be led by Miss Elizabeth Parker of Polk County, vice-president of the club; Miss Nina Singleton, Iredell County, radio chairman; and Miss Carolyn Durham Smith, Cherokee County, president of the club. Battles Honor Mrs. G. C. Plott ANDREWS ? Mr. and Mrs Wayne Battle entertained on Sunday with a family dinner honoring Mrs. Battle's mother, Mrs. G. C. Plott of Waynesville on her birthday. Those present were Mrs. Charles Rhinehart, Mrs. G. C. Plott and Club Is Guest . Of Mrs. Caldwell The Peadstree Hone Demonstra tion dub met at the home of Mia. Brown Caldwell on Thunday, March' 1, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Clarence Hendrlx. presi dent, presided. Mrs. Andrew Bar ton save the devotional. Following the business session the following ladles gave talks: Mrs. Andrew Barton, "Home Poul try"; and Mrs. Clarence Hendrlx, "Grafting Apple Trees". Miss Edna Bishop gave a demon stration and showed slides on ?Clothing". Refreshments were serveo to the following present: Mrs. Aude Sud deth, Miss Mae Suddeth, Mrs. Clarence Hendrix, Mrs. Guy Sud deth. Mrs. Noah Herribree, Miss Elsie Suddeth. Miss Nancy Luns ford, Mrs. Paul Suddeth, Mrs. Vada Witt, Mrs. Nellie Vee McDonald, Mrs. Andrew Barton Mrs. J. W. Smith Mrs. Opal Crisp, Mrs. Jim Herabree, Miss Edna Bishop and Mrs. Addle Bynes. VIOLET Wilma (Graham Is recovering from her recent operation. t (Miss Margie Murphy has been spending several days with her grandmother and has returned to her home. Mrs. Hampton, of Tellico Plains. Tenn., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lee Murphy. Beecher Marrow, who is employ ed at Oak Ridge, spent the week end with his parents. Mrs. Virginia Pat'.on and mother were guests of Mrs. Gay Murphy Sunday afternoon. Dule Beaver made a business trip to 'Murphy Monday. Earnest Rice spent Sunday after noon in the Violet section. Mrs. Mary Beaver had an ap pointment in Murphy Monday. Mrs. Fred Whitener of Bearpaw visited her daughter, Mrs. John Beaver, last week. Several houses have recently been wired and it is expected that electricity will be in Violet short ly. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haimmon tree, of Greenback Tenn., is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Lee Murphy, parents of Mrs. Hammontree. The Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Smith were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham Sunday. Tester Taylor lias returned from Marietta, Ga.. where he has been employed with the school. RANGER Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wingete were Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Sirs. Landis Shields. Mr. and Mrs. Art Latshaw and children of Murphy spent Sunday vrith Mr. and Mrs. George Fox. Willie Walker spent Tuesday afternoon with Claude Sneed. I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Evans, Mrs I Dow Evans. Mrs. L. A. Palmer and Mrs. Bessie Kilpatrick spent Satur day in Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Johnson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin and son. Mrs. R. F. Merritt and Mrs. Lowin Lovingood and daughter visited Mrs. C. M. Sneed and Mrs. Fred Sneed Saturday. Mrs. C B. Hedrick and son visit ed Mrs. Hoyt Kilpatrick recently. Mrs. Iduma Baitey of Marietta, Ga.. spent the week-end with rela t'ves. The Rev. and Mrs. Calvin Thomp son and son. James, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sneed Thursday evening. Mrs. N. O. Kilpatrick spent Sunday visiting Miss Elizabeth Kilpatrick and mother at Andrews. TAX COLLECTOR ANDREWS?Sam W. Jones, who attended a commissioner's meeting In Murphy Monday, states that there will be a tax collector in An drews at the City Ball each Wed nesday until further notice. Haywood Plott. Mrs. J. B Luckadod and daughter, Paula, of Waynesville; Mr. and Mrs. Roht 'plott and children. Orol Jean and Robt. Jr., of Marietta, Ga. , NOVELIST TELLS HOW TO HOLD HUSBAND Famous novelist. Fannie Hurst, sounds wgrnlftg to wives to be ware of physical and mental lazi ness. Read her story of the over weight wife who was left behind by a successful husband. Dont miss "Outgrown Wives" in March 11th Issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation's popular Maputne with ? BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order from Your Lea^ Newsdealer The CIRCLE of prosperity. benefits all of u>' most when we buy and bank in our home community. Preference in our dealings, wherever possible, should be given to local mer chants, farmers, and wage earners. ' Hen at this bank we believe every citizen's duty to aid in building up the wealth and financial stability of our own community. CITIZENS BANK and TRUST ?0. SERVING SOUTHWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA Murphy-Andrews-Robbinsville-Hayeiville Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation HENN Theatre MURPHY, N. C. DICKEY Theatre MURPHY, N. C. HENN Theatre ANDREWS, N. C. Saturday, March 10 Don (Red) Barry. In? "Red Desert" Added Cartoon and Serial No 5 Saturday, March 10 Gene Autry, In? "Beyond the Purple Hills" Added Cartoon and Serial No. 13 LATE SHOW Jack Carson, In? "The Good Humor Man" Extra added Attractions LATE SHOW Dorothy Lamour - Dan Duryea, In? "Manhandled" Extra added attractions Saturday, March 10 Robert Preston - Robert Sterling, In? "The Sundowners" Added Cartoon and Serial No. 2 In Technicolor Sun. - Mon., March 11-12 John Derek - Diana Lynn "The Ropes of Sherwood Forest" Added News and Cartoon In Technicolor Sun. - Mon., March 11-12 Gordon MarKae - Rory Calhoun In? "Return of the Frontiersman" Added news and cartoon In Technicolor Sun. - .Hon.. March 11-12 Maureen O'Hara - John Payne. In? "Tripoli" Added News and Cartoon In Technicolor Toe*. ? Wed., March 11-14 Humphrey Bofart, In? Knock on any Door" Extra added attractions Toes. - Wed., March 13-14 Lam and Abner, In? "The Bashful Bachelor" Extra added attractions Toes. - Wed., March 1J-14 Leo Goreey and the Bowery Boya, In? "Blues Busters" Extra added attractions Hum. - FrL, March 15-16 Ginjrer Rocen ? Ron* Reacan, to? "Storm Warning" Thar*. ? FrL, Much 18-1? William Holden ? Mooa "Streets of Laredo" Than. - Fit, Kfarak 15-18 Randolph Soott, In? "The Nevadanw In Clneoator Dr. J. R. Bell Dentist Murphy, N. C. Mnrpkr General I til 1M-J C. E. HYDE GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 145 Murphy, N. C. AN OPEN LETTER TO OUR CUSTOMERS THROUGHOUT OUR TRADING AREA: March 5, 1951 We have been advised by Ford Motor Company that our supply of new Ford cars and trucks will be curtailed to approximately 70% of what we received last year. There is always speculation on the part of the public that when new cars are scarce that dealers will sell them where-ever they can realize the most profit and with the least effort, even though that may mean taking most of the cars out of the dealer's trading area. We are taking this means of telling our customers that we expect to sell all our new Ford cars and trucks to the people in our trading area, at the legitimate (and or) ceil ing prices, trade for your used car at the legitimate (and or) ceiling prices. We invite you to come in and let us know what your needs are and you will be given every courtesy and consid eration. . We will make our new car and truck supply go as far toward taking care of our local customers' needs as pos sible. Give us an opportunity to prove to you that there is a "Fort! in your Future". REECE MOTOR COMPANY, INC. By W. A. REECE, Pres. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS We will be at City Hall, Andrews, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 and every Wednesday thereafter until further notice, so you may be able to pay your taxes E. L. SHIELDS, Tax Collector Cherokee County