Hfytrulter #rmrt ?' i ? _ .... j ..i.i j-l i, -'u ' ' ffi ? MURPHY. NOKfH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1H1 ' Ll",,. TWB.W mi? ? ?, - * *fy .7 m WAKE FORGOT STUDENTS?Three Students from Cherokee Count? are enrolled it Wake Forest College. They are, left to right Mini Barbara Arnold, daughter at Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Arnold, Murphy; Jerry A Hall, son at Mr. and Mrs. J. L Hall, Muiphy, and Bill W. Lovlngood, son at Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Lovingood. Murpby. Hah la planning a career in the ministry, and Miss Arnold and Lovtagood in teaching Miss Arnold la a student assistant in Johnston dormitory. Hall is affiliated with die Fhskmatheaian Literary Society and the Religious Education Club, at which he is extension director Lovingood was a member at the freshman footbsH and basketball teams during the fall and winter seasons, and also the Sunday School. Sfhooi Trustee Bl,fe Passed The bill to appoint M truetees of Andrew* School District Frank WiUhide. V. C. McKoidrey, Harold Jeofcina, James R. Bryson, Mrs. G. W. Cower and Dr. C. W. Van Gend er for two year terms was enacted into law by the Senate Monday. R had been passed by the House previously. At the expiration of their term* in 19S2, under a second bill, An drews School trustees will be elect ed by the people of the district This bill was also enacted into law. Beth bills were introduced by Rep. J. H. Duncan. Bill To Permit Spending TVAFund Is Introduced Legation to give the Cherokee County Commissioners latitude In .-pending funds received from the Tennessee Valley Authority In lieu of taxes was Introduced in the House Monday by Rep. J. H. Dun The bill would authorize the county commissioners to spend rot more than $30,000 in TVA money to promote the general health and welfare of the county end for certain specified objects. these objects include parks, recreation and related facilities, fire protection, cemeteries, indig ent care, surreys and grants in connection with location of indus tries, upkeep and maintenance of the county Jail and courthouse, rabies control, law engorgement and radio equipment for the sher rUTs office and expenaes In ex tnadietion proceedings. Duncan's Laws Are Passed Bills to define a taxicab and to make it a misdemeanor for a pas senger to refine to pay cab fare ?vere recently passed by the House. Both bills' were introduc ed by Rep. J. H. Duncan. A bill providing for rotation of the position of Democratic candi date tor office at State senator among the counties of the 33rd district?Grftmm, Clay, Swain, Cherokee and Macon was passed by the House, having been intro duced by Rep. H. M. Moore. (Che biH requiring the N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission to spend 75 per cent at the funds cat iectod from sale of fishing and hunting licenses in Clay, Cherokee rrtd Graham counties, with each d the counties, is Stfll with the OoartmMtee on WBdflfe Resources. Western North Carolina repre Tueaday in favor of the Stream sanitation bill deapMa a warning frolii Rsp. Ralph R Fisher of Transyhasnts that k would nerw industry aaaj fiom the n tain aedttan. The Ml passed the House by the lopsided margin of 96 to 14. Bep. Duncan at Chore okaa joined Fhher an the opposi tion. Correcting an error in the rec ent edition of the Soot*, the Lew hp the the clerk tn the OManfy Audkor's ibtat does not call dor an addl : to be i IN JAPAN?Pfe, Johnnie Raan ze., Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J Ramsey of Murphy, is shown here as he entered the theatre at Camp Hakaia's 141 St Station Hos pital. Japan, recently to see (he /Tokyo Ftoor Show presented -tor them by the 6160th Air Base Wing's /office of Special Services. He was wounded in Korea a few weeks ago and is now recuperat ing in Japan. Presbyterian Services Listed "I Believe in Jesus Christ. Our Lord", the second in a series oI five sermons on the Apostles' Greed, will be preached by the padtor at Murphy Presbyterian Church Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock worship service. TUs ser es has been requested by the com mittee on Spiritual Life and Worship. The Easier sermon on March 2S will be entitled "I Be lieve in the Life Everlasting." A class for the preparation of prospective church membera will be conducted for the children and young people each afternoon nest week at 3j16 p. m. The pastor, the Rev. James R. Crook, will lead the Instruction on the general topic, ''What It Means to be a Christian." The Church Night service next Wednesday will be devoted to a discussion of the Sacrament of Baptism. The service will be at the usual hour of 7:30 p. m. The Presbyterian Ybutto Fellow ship will continue Ms Study of evttngeHan at its meeting Sunday nvetdng at 6:30. The program will be in charge of Susie Miller on the topic "Why is It our Dp* and privilege to Share the Gospel."; I Ail-Night Service To Be Held 17th An all-night jserflce will be held at Liberty Baptist Cbuidr Satur day, March 17. Hew. W. T. True*. wtH preach at 13 o'clock, uatag the subject "The Midnight Boor", Acts. MAS. dir. True** wW preach at Bug Sunday morning at 11 oXfadtoa the subject "The Paseower" SINGING lag cstH be haM in the near bouse W TaWerWfchtrt# Red Cross Has $1,130 Toward Its Quota Of W. N. BoHxm. chairmen at the 1991 fund csmpadgn foe