TO GIVE PROGRAM?Truett-McCorinell CM- C. Baptist Youth Rally Saturday evening at Tniett lege Chair wHhich will give a program at the W. N Memorial Baptist Church, Hayesville. WNC Youth Evangelistic Rally Is Saturday, Hayesville Scout Workshop To Be March 17 The Training Committee of the XantShala Area Girl Scout Council is planning a workshop for troop leaden, troop committee members, cod others interested in Girl Scout ing St Western Carolina Teach en College Saturday, March 17. The session wHl begin a. 11 o'clock in xloey Auditorium with Miss Helen Hartshorn presiding, and wlH last i.atil about 3:30. lunch will be served in the col lege dining room at 12:30. Those planning to attend should notify -Yarrtahala Area Girl Scout Coun cil, Cultawhee, whether they plan to eat in the college dining room. Tentative subjects for workshop, depending on need Mid interest ere: 1. A demonstration Troop meeting. 2. Haw to organise a Girl Scout Troop. 3. Planning of programs for troop meetings. 4 More and better camping. 6. Folk Dancing. 6. Homemafclng, 7. Alts and crafts. 8. Music, and 9. Puppetry. School Men Have Dinner Meeting Principals and coaches from Jackson, Swain, Macon, Graham. Clay and Cherokee Counties held a dinner meeting at Murphy High School Wednesday evening. Miss Shirley Steele and members of the Home Economics classes served the dinner. C. K. Olson was in charge and adted as host for the meeting. Members of the local school hoard were Invited as special giiedts. 1 The Youth Evangelistic rally of -he Western North Carolina Bap tist Association will be held wilth TnieSt Memorial Baptist Church, HayesvlHe, Saturday at 7:80 p. m. Students of the TruStt McDonnell College will have charge of the program, which will consist of hymns and words of testimony. Mrs Cart West, associations! director, will preside The theme will be "Youth's Part in the Simultaneous Evange listic Crusade", and the program will be as follows: Introductory statements, song by the congrega tion, special music, "Because He Loved Me" and "Holy Spirit, Breathe on Me", by the college chorus; scripture by Mack Lipsey, prayer by Beverly Farmer, song by the congregation: "Why Should Youth Help in Simultaneous Cru sade?" by Joe Franklin; special music by the college chorus, "How Can Youth Help Prepare for the Crusade?" by Mallissie Titshaiw; music by the college trio, "How Can Youth Help In Simultaneous Crusade?" by Willis Foster; period of silent prayer and dedication; song, "Wherever he leads", and the benediction. Oars will meet at First Baptist ?muroh at 6:30 to take those inter ested in going. Needs For Mission Sunday Schools Are Pointed Out Needs for at lea* our mission Sunday Schools in Murphy, proven by Use census taken - recently by Hi St Baptist Church, were point ed out Monday evening by Mies Addie Mae Cooke alt a meeting of lisptidt B. W. C. in the home of Mrs. R. D. Chandler. The pro gram on, "Go Quickly and Tell" was given by Miss Cooke, who cowed a map qf Murphy and indicated the areas where Sunday Schools could be established in order to reach scores of people who are not now attending ser vices anywhere. Mrs. J. J. Hamilton, chairman, presided, and Mrs. J. W. Donley conducted the devotional. Mrs Harding was program chair man. Community mission activi ties were reported by Mrs. Vivian Gentry. Mrs. Chandler served refresh ments, to the following guests being present: Mesdames B. S. Eault, P. G. Ivie, W. A. Hoover. J. iL. Savage Sam Harding, Vivian Gentry, 1. W. Donley, A. (L. Buc hanan. J. Alton Morris, J. J. Hamilton. Arden Davis, and Mies Addle Mite Cooke. Miss Reynolds Is Taken By Death Vooen) services iter Miss Brirfit Reynolds. 70. died Sundey at 3 at She hone of ? tautos. Bfnoey Reynolds St Monganton, Gs., were H Monday is Toceoa CSmrch TOR HMM-Ji. m amp arc weM IIC. Gains in Cherokee In the laat fifteen yean rural electrification In Mutt Carolina has Crown (ram 1,804 mile* of dis tribution to 6d.960.38 miles The 11 666 rural customers at 1935 have bcoone the 417,518 customers u at My 1, 1360. As at Julv "J, 1050, Cherokee county had 35268 mHfcs of distri bution lines which were serving 2, 084 consumers. Oty county had 131 miles of distribution lines serv ing 1,147 "consumers. In these two adjoining counties a total of nearly 500 miles of dis tribution lines carries current to over 3,000 consumers. In the en tire state approximately nine out of ten rami families, farm and uon-fanm, now have electricity. In 1935 3.2% of the farms were elec trified. As of July 1, 1850 88.6% of the farms are electrified. Com pared with North Carolina, the per centage of farms in the entire Unit ed States that are electrified is 863%. The N. C. R. E. A. estimate tbst 254,698 farms in the state are supplied with electricity. R. E. A.. Rural Electrification Authority, had, in 1850, 32382.86 miles of distribution lines. Private ly owned utilities had 28,065.46 miles, and municipalities and Pub l.t institutions had the balance. With these power lines, R. E. A. serves 137,302 consumers while privately owned utilities serve 244,-1 743. Ditches Dug With Dynamite Six men made a ditch 62$ feet long near here in two bourn recent 'y. They used dynamite and "shot" the ditch on Button Cornwell's 'arm on Martins' Creek across a piece oI land that has been use leu tor years. It required 260 pounds of dynamite which was v.orth $76. County Extension Agents with the Extension Engineering Spe cialist, Howard Ellis, demonstrat ed to two groups of farmers last week. They state that blasting ditches with dynamite can le the cheapest, easiest and certainly the quickest method of draining wet laua This method is especially suit able for open ditches as it leaves a "V" Shaped ditch which can be mowed to control growth of weeds and^ shrubs. There is no ridge of soil* along the bank. Dairymen Liked Talks And Movie According to County Agent A. Q Ketner, 128 farmers on March 7 listened to talks and witnessed 1 film in technicolor >11 arranged to teach them modern progressive methods of meeting dairy prob lems. Especially successful was the discussion of Mastitis by Or. C. D Grinnells Professor of Veterinary Science. Mr. Ketner says that ?a ppreciation has been expressed to him by several of those who beard the talk. The Dim depicted pasture treatments and results. Jas. W.Ferguson Goes To Texas BIGGS AIR FORGE lBASE, TEXAS?JYc. James William Fer guson, son at Mr. and Mrs Hayden T. Ferguson, Route 1, Murphy, North Carolina, has been assign ed to the Motor Vehicle Division at the 97th Air Base Group at Biggs Air Force Base. Texas. ?He is nonr a member of the 97th Bombardment Wing, Medium, part of the Strategic Air Command's 9th Air Ponce. He. Ferguson is a graduate of Murphy High School. Murphy, N. C? Class of 1945. James F.Haney In Medical Center (Private James F. Hum?, brother jf His Htfpnt Evelyn Bumk Rode 1, Murphy, wee teMOy ?? -lined to toe Medical neat TVtontoe Center, a adt at Broefee Army Medtnl Center, Fort toe. At Training fcy Ootonei ' S. MiOtoMi, toe Array* the I paUenta ?* !? ^ J9** F ALL CLA&BIPISD.AJM PAYABLE IN ADYANCR LOCAL BARB: Un tt U wttk a* Mr* tku M wwAk three tawitlon. $L RATES: m Um Ic Ur TO*. AU rata* aoL CUMtfted ade monM bp oattl 12 nil We "KEYED" CLAflQfflBD ADS ARE k PEE WOBD AND A MINIMUM OP Tk. CARD OP RANKS Me. MEMORIAMS. RESOLUTIONS OP RESPECT, AND OBITUARIES Se PER WORD. Association k-" To Meet 25th CM U The West Libert* ifpUtfi Asso ciation Qmrterty jyeetinig^will con tene *t Culberson ttjpt&i <hmxt> Sunday, Maroh Ml *!&90 p. m. The program wil be snnounred 'aiter. All bhurchee of the Asso ciation are expected to send > dele gation to the meeting. __ Crafters Finish u Carving Projects The Cherokee CotuAy Crafters met Saturday end flnMsed their -rarving project^. Their next roeet ?ig will be on April 14 with Miss Rose Ell-wood Bryan, extension specialist in crafts. Raleigh, to show them further projects. A standard marker has been ad opted by the Craft em. Designs I tad been prepared, and these were studied. A selection was made of die one considered nest. The com mittee in charge of the marker program were Mm. Willaitt Axley, Mrs. Frances Puett and Mm. B. E. Warner. . Specialists at N. C. State Col lege say dairymen can get flar bet ter production?and greater profit ?from their herds by feeding them full rations during winter months FOR SALE the only BfiA/UTY SHOP in Andrews. Extra good business and equipment. Reason: ill health. The Eloise Beauty Shop, Andrews. Phone 187. 35-Btc TOR RENT?House with or with out farm known aa the Rev A. Beaver farm. See or write J. A. Beaver, Andrews, N. C. S M-3<? FOR SALE?At Unaka. excellent small farm. 7 acres good gard en, 6-room frame house, store building and other out buildings. Good spring electric lights. If interested see Dr. J. H. Craw ford, Robblnsville, or George Crawford, Unaka, N. C. 34-dtp WE RAY HIGHEST PRICES? Tor burnt and wrecked ears Also, scrap Iron and metals Kaye's Auto Parte, Phones. 360 361, Murphy, N. C. 27-tfc I OR RENT: McCsll apartment un furnished with electric hot water heater. Oil or electric heat, four rooms with beautiful hardwood floors. New and clean. Down stairs. Ideal tor couple. Phone 106 Mrs. J. H. MoCall. 38-3tp FOR SALE?Cinder mods, any sire, any amount Delivered Palmer Bra., Phone 202. Mur phy, N. C. 16-tfC FOR RENT: 3-room upstairs furnished apartment, close In. Phone 163-W sfter 5 P. M. 33-3te TOR SALE?Store on Hlwwaeeee Ave., next to Cherokee Ice Co., across from TVA offices. Stock and fixtures. Good location. See Ed Town son Pbone 6C-W, Murphy. - 35-3tp Nyal Antacid Powder For relief of the dis comforts resulting from excessive gastric | acidity. MAUNEY DRUG CO. Murphy, N. C. PO? SALE?Keomore vacuum all Haiftmmti, food Call Phone 3. 35-3tc clasnsr. a JEWELRY SEP AIR ? Expert witch, cluck, and jewelry re pairs at iow prices. Near and used watches Nice line of leather and metal bands. Earl Beaver, Jeweler. Next door to Graves Tire Co. 36-3tp FOR RENT?Small farm tor rent to a sober' man 4 miles frofn Murphy on route 64. first road above the lake, see Mrs. W. H. Ledtotd. SS-ltc FOR SALE?1?49 44 too G. M. C. pickup, clean, tow mileage. Bail ey Coleman, Route 3, Murphy, N. C. 36-1 tp a4RLY-BEARING APPLE TREES ?Two 2-year 4 to 8 ft Size? one each Early Yellow TYaus parent, and Red DeEctoua? Special Offer NO. 15-0?33 50. Postpaid Write tor Free Copy 56-page Planting Guide in color, ottering complete assortment Fruit Treee, Nut Trees, Berfy Plants. Grape Vines, end Orna mental Plant Material. Sales people wanted. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES? WAYNESBORO, VIRGINIA. 35-ltc FOR SALE?One used baby bed. in excellent condition, one used out door play pen 9V4 x 9V4 ft. Call 553-H or see Mrs W. & Dockery, Merble, Route 2. 34-3tc FOR SALE cm LEASE?2 Vi miles east of Murphy. Blue and gray marble quarry. Has been core drilled. See H. A. Barton, Mur phy, N. C. 34-3tp NEW SPRING SHOES, sandals, pumps, oxfords tor the entire family; children's play clothing, men's overalls, work trousers. Car-ringer's Dept. Store, Mur phy. 34-3tp FOR RENT?House and small farm on highway. Will furnish stock. B. L. Beaver, SulfN. C. 34-3tp Collision-Damaged Cars Made New! Don't let crumpled fenders, broken head light and window glass remain on your atcident-damaged car. Let our expert re pair men replace bflKKy-damaged body parts, restore finish. See us today. BURCH-SHERR1LL MOTOR CO. Tel. 95 Murphy, N. C. REAL ESTATE LOANS IN MURPHY And ANDREWS OB ANY TOWN IN WESTEKN NORTH CAROLINA F. H. A, (4^% INTEREST) LOANS TO BaildlBc of Now Free of Debt G. I. LOANS YES, WE STTLIL MAKE THEM. To buy or to buEd. 4% In terest rate. (9000 and up. suhteot te V. A. i We Conventional Loans To bay, build or 1 Low interest Mica, <0000 up. bgetl appraiser*. Uber ?1 fain*. Inert Quick acrriue. We hart aypeered plus to yw. RE. GARRETT A COMPANY CUOO't SHED-FERTILIZERS HASTING'S Line Of GARDEN SEEDS Tender Beans of all kinds. Cabbage Plants, Onion Sets SEED POTATOES Prince Edward bland Certified Improved Irish Cobbler and Green Mountain. Certified Sequoia Potatoes. Mr. Fanner, now is the time to go to the A. A. A. office and get your fertilizer and grass seed tickets. We honor all tickets. Seed Corn No. 286 Hybrid Hawkins Pro lific, Tennessee Red Cob, N. C. Hybrid Corn, Sweet Corn, HaSting's loan a Hybrid Gold en Sweetccrn, Country Gentle men, Stowell's Evergreen, Truckers Favorite. Fertilizer All kirids of garden and field 'Fertilizer, Inoculation Clover arid Alfalfa, Sprays, Insecticid es, Dust, Wonder Fungicide for the control of blight on Toma toes and Potatoes, contains "Dithane". FARM MACHINERY International Trucks, Farmall Tractors, Farm Machinery. Make our store your / one Stop to get your farm needs. Refrigera-Jfcj tors, Freezers, Washing Machines. and DAVIS While, in Clay County Stop at our store, Rte. 64, Shooting Creek road. See Otti Kitchens. Phone 268 Murphy, N. C

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