I VOLUME?M NUMBER 38 MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. APRIL 12. 1951 mi ?ati? m? ww ? I?- " ?Py . hour. On Sunday eve ning at 8:00 be will preach oil, "Vo Escape if Ton Neglect this Salvation". Baptismal services will be held after the service. Sunday School will be held at 0:48, and Training Union at 7 p. m. Tueadav at 8:30 p. m the Brotherhood will meet, and mid week prayer eervioes will be haM Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mra. Floyd WllRmieon and daughter. Susie of Wartborg, Tens., spurt the week-end hem with Mm Williamson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Azley. evening e'ected Loren C. Davis as president for the next fiscal year. Glenn Patten was elected secre tary; Robt M., -White, treasurer; Alden Coward, first vice-president; Harry Bishop, second vice-presi dent; W. D. Townson, third vice president; R. S. Bault, tail twister; R. W. Easley, lion tamer; Hobart MoKeever, T. A. Case, and H. Bueck, director. Dale Lee is im mediate past president. It was reported to the club .hat day. Training Union Rally To Be Held Friday Evening The Western North Carolina Baptist Assoeiational Training Un ion Rally will be held Friday night rt 7:30 with Peachtree Baptist "hurch. Mrs. Carl West, assoeia tional Training Union director, will preside. The Rev. Robert Bar ker, pastor of Valley River Church will conduct the devotional. This will be the Assoeiational elimination Tournaments, consis ting of Junior Memory Work, In termediate Sword Drill, Young People's Better Speaking.. Adult Bible Reading, and Hyimn Fesival. First Methodist Services Listed 'Hearts That Hunger" will be the sermon topic of the Rev. R. Delbert Byrum at First Methodist Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. "Ali One Body We" will be his topic in the evening at 7:30 Sunday School starts in the morning at 9 45 and Youth Meeting in the evening at 6:00. Circle meetings of the Woman's Society of Christian Service next week will be as follows: Circle No 2, Tuesday, April 17, 7:30 p. m? with Mrs. W. ID. Town son; Circle (No. 3, Tuesday, April 17, 2:00 p. m? with Mrs. J. H. Hampton; Circle No. 4. Tuesday. April 17, 2:30 p. m? with Mrs. WiUard Axley. The d-Week Prayer Sendee will be held at- the church on Wednesday evening, April 18, at 7:30 o'clock Choir rehearsal will fallow the prayer sendee. The Tennessee Weil cyan Col lege Choir, under the direction of Jack Houte, will present ? con cert in the asnctuary of the church cn Friday evening, April 20. at 7 JO o'clock The public Is Invited. GUILD TO MEkT The Wsrteyan Sendee Guild of First Methodist, Church will meet Monday evening art 7 JO o'clock, with Mra. H. G. Elldns. Mrs. Duke Whitley Mrs. Howard and Mia HaMie Palmer win be co-hostessee. Mrs H. Bueck and Mias Addle Last lirt wood win Mrs. Pearce And James Morgan Speakers For Regional Meeting RE-ELECTED?H. Bueck was RE-ELECTED?Lloyd W. Hen- unanimously re-elected Superin drix, suoerintenrfent of Cherokee tendent cf Murphy Schools at the County Schools, who recently was Ust meetins of the local board , , Supt. Bueck has served in this unanimously re-elected for two cap(lctty flr p.* eighteen years years to that position. Mr. Hen- uaving come here from the High drix has been superintendent for School at Cullowhee where he was the past twelve years, first assum- principal and director of High tag the -vork July 1, 1939. School teacher training. Loren C. Davis Is Lion President Murphy Lions Club on Tuesday 52 pairs of glasses were received last week by the Health Depart ment for people examined in the last clinic. The club cooperates in payment for these glasses. SINGING There will be singing Saturday night at Little Glade Baptist church. This singing Is always held Cancer's Seven Danger Signals Pointed Out! What is the one thing everyone this year's Crusade, can do 'hat will definitely save , "We believe it Is just as impor lives from cancer? | tanl for people to learn the danger The anrver, according to MA. | "gnals as it is to contribute money M. P. Zuver, chairman of the,to ^ American Cancer Society," American Cancer Society's 1951 she said. "When a solicitor leaves Cancer Crusade here, is to learn rnd observe cancer's seven danger signals. "Knowing the danger signals whloh may mean cancer and see ing a Joctor when one appears would result in saving thousands of lives every year," the chairman said. "Early diagnosis and prompt treatment can double the figure of 70,000 cancer cures annually," she added. "Because of the im portance of this part of the ACS urogram, wo collider it the first objective in the 1951 Cancer Cru sade." 1 Mrs. M. P. Zuver explained that pamphlets Msting the danger sig nals would be distributed free a leaflet at your home, a few min utes spent in memorizing the seven danger signs might well be invaluable to pou. It could mean the difference between life and death." The seven danger signals, that ACS says may mean cancer and certainly should mean a visit to jour doctor, are: 1. Any sore that does not heal. 2. A tamp or thickening in the breast or elrewhere. 3. Unusual bleeding or discharge. 4. Any change in a wart or mole. 5. Persistent Indigestion or dif ficulty in swallowing. 6. Persistent hoarseness or cough. Mrs. J Winston Pearce of Dur-t ham. the former Winnie Rickett of Andrews, and the Rev. Jas. P. Morgan, state Training Union di lector, will be guest speakers at the Regional Baptist Training Union convention Friday evening 1 April 20, in Andrews Baptist Church. The convention will start at 2:55 Friday afternoon and continue | through r.oon Saturday. The theme of the program in, "Choose You This Day" Mrs. Carl West, region al director, announces the pro gram as follows: Worship, scripture and prayer will be led by the Rev. J. G. Miller, Eryson City, at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. The welcome will be given by the host pastor, the Rev. J A. Richardson. Methods Con ferences will be held, following whloh Mrs. Clay Rogers will have charge of the Adult Scripture Reading Tournament. Business will be transacted, and after adjourn ment at 5 o'clock, Mr. Richardson 'tall make assignments to homes for over-night entertainment. The convention social hour will be held from 5:30 to 7 o'clock at the church. Ray Wright, associate director, will preside over the Friday even ing session, which starts at 7 o clock. The worship will be con ducted bv Mr. Richardson. The Better Sneakers' Tournament will be In charge of the Rev. J. Alton Morris. Special music will be given by the Sylva Duet. The Rev. Jas. P Morula will speak on State Assemblies, following which the Rev. C. M Warren of Sylva will have charge of the hymn festival The DMst*ge by Mrs. Pearce will be on. "Youth Makes a Choice." The Rev. Paul Nix of Highlands will pronounce the benediction. Everett White of Franklin will have charge of the worship Sat urday morning, the program open ing at 9:25. Mrs. James Harris will have charge of the Junior Memory Work Tournament, the Rev. Jas. P. Morgan will -bring a message. Murphy Youth Choir will give special music, following which Miss Dorothy Edwards of Bryson City will have charge of the Inter mediate Sword Drill. Following a business session and election of officers, the Rev. J. Alton Morris will conduct the installation ser vice. Special music will be given by the Andrews Sextet, and the Rev. M. W. Chapman of Franklin will speak on, "Choose You This Eay". The Rev L. P. Smith will pronounce the benediction. ESSAY WINNERS?These three Murphy School pupils, in the English classes of Miss Juliett Pagues, were announced last week as winners in the Wildlife Essay Contest. Left to right they are: Glenn Swain, winner of second place in county end school, $16 and $10. respectively; Christine Elliott, winner of first place in county and school, $25 and $15, respectively; and W. A Sherrill, Jr., winner of third place In the school, $5. Prizes were presented by Miss Lunetta Barbour of the State Wildlife Commission, at chapel services last week. ?Photo by Crisp Studio. Churches, Merchants Cooperate In Service In Air Corps Felix H. Jchnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnson, is now ta king basic training at Shepherd Air Field, Wichita Falls, Texas. He volunteered for the Army Air 7. An/ change in normal bowel Corps trvo weeks ago. reporting throughout the community during habits. f:rst to San Antonio Air Base. Andrews-Murphy Airport Is Aid In Search For Plane This was the week of the tragic search for the lost National Guard P-51. Of tanse excitement, crack ling radios, bustling airplanes riding choppy air. Of curious crowds, caught up in the drama, thronging the airport to hear a fragment of news or to watch the constant process of fly, land, re I>ort, refuel, and fly again. Until the missing Mustang was found, there must be hope that Lieut Robert Hart man. of Medina. Ohio bad successfully parachuted after radioing bis wtng mate that his ship was icing up In the rein swept darkness. His last position was reported at 50 miles South of Knoxville, which would be very close to the local airport area. North and South Carolina wings of the Civil Air Patrol were al erted and began converging on Andrews early Wedassday morn ing The day before a radio crew from the Charlotte area bad set up a transmitter and receiver in the been sighted on Hannah Mountain, hangar office. By mid-morning of near Calderwood in Tennessee. Wednesday a dozen light ships and The pilot had gone in with his an operations crew aboard twin- ship. First ground party to reach the wreck from the Andrews side was composed of -Edwin Bristol, Paul Rogers, E. J. Watry, and Heyward Crawford. Tbey reported the plane ^ , blown to bits. The body of Lieut The Southwestern North Oaro- HHtman hjd ak^dy ^ ^ lina are. was marked off in sec- M brought ^ , ^chtae tors, each pilot and his observer J >nd a,TOrt(d blu of engine C 45 and C-47 transports bad arrived. Shortly after, the number of light planes had grown to 25 ani the search was on In earnest. being given one sector fcmmtcro- ; menU lloes, & rcoplc inspection at low altitude. fmubeA UM. ^ larJe* Each minion was recorded; name found w , propeller blade of pilot, identity of ptono aector. Howevor dubloua role. out Each pilot was briefed before proTCd *,0.1 to its task departure, questioned closely | lu ^ ^ than sufficient to retum- handle the StNadd ships that used By noon Thursday the sprawling mountainous region bad bean cov ered, with some sectors re-visited But Shortly afterward the Tenn esse rescue team it constantly during the two-day search, and the big ships went In rnd out wtb ease. Major McfCee, pact of the C-47, termed ft "the od field we've ever Knoxville that the wreckage bad landed on" The churches and merchants of & Murphy are cooperating to present a series of Union Preaching Ser vices at the old Post Office build ing Monday through Friday April 23-27. The Rev Jones Earl Corwin. outstandng evangelist of Black Mountain will deliver the mes sages at the meetings which will begin promptly at 12:55 noon each day and close at 12:35. Many of the local merchants will close their stores from 12 noon to 12:40 !n order to permit their employees to attend the services. The meeting will feature special local and instrumental music and the messages by Mr. Corwin. Peo ple of every faith will be invited to come in their working clothes for this brief period of spiritual enrichment each day. Cancer Program Is Discussed A meeting was held Monday eve ning at *ne home of Mrs. Gerald Almond, to plan the Cancer So ciety Campaign for the county Present were Mrs. F. V. Taylor ujd Mrs. Bryan Whitfield of Mur phy, Mrs. M. P. Zuver, 'Dr. J. H. Ptickley, Wade Reece, Rev. J. C Neville. Mrs Joe Smith and Mrs. Almond. Further plans were made for Oherokei County to sponsor a Lights-On night April 16 from 6 to 7 o'clock. A study was made at this meet ing of the best methods to get before the people ways to detect cancer in its early stages and thereby save lives. Civitans Recruiting Blood Donors 18th Rev.C.P. Buss Preaches Sunday "Revival in Your Midst" will be the topic of the sermon by the Rev. C. P. Buss at Murphy Pres byterian Church Sunday morning at ll o'clock. Mr. Buss is a stu dent at Columbia Theological Semi nary, Decatur, Ga. He has been serving as assistant pastor at Hayesvilie Presbyterian Church during toe past winter. The Church Night service on Wednesday. April 18 will be de voted to prayer for the Revival Services which begin the follow ing Sunday. The pastor, the Rev. James R. Crook, will be in charge. Sundav School will open at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. The Presbyterian Youth Fellowship, and the Pioneers will meet st the church at their usual hour of 6:30 o. m. Sunday. Ranger School Delay Clearing The new School building near Ranger has been delayed a little because materials, principally steel, have beeo arriving slowly. Lloyd W. Hendnx. Superintendent of the County Schools, says that be is advised that steel win be here at once. Mid lie anticipates no diffi culty in getting the building ready tor fall occupancy. The estimated coat of this build ing la $107,000. It wffl bars 11 through 8. l i Murphy Civitan Club is getting good response to the recruitment campaign for the visit of the Red Cross B'ood mobile Wednesday, April 18. "Be Prepared for Atomic Attack" Is the timely slogan for this cam paign. Dr. A. J. Headrick and Coach Ike Olson, team captains in the Civitan Club, report that their men arc hard at work canvassing all business houses and manufac turing plants in the area. The Bloodmobile will be set up at the usu.-l place, the basement of the Firs' Baptist Church, from 12 noon to 6 p. m. Mrs. W. A. Hoov er will be in charge of the canteen where coffee, fruit juices and cookies will be served all donors. Mrs. H. Bueck will organize the workers at the registration table. 'TWith the increasing -interest in the Blood Program and the extra facilities and personnel now being carried by the Bloodmobiie. the goal of 200 units of blood art by The Civitan Club should be aohiev ed at this collection, says the Rev. Jas. R. Crook, blood program chair Ward To Attend Meeting April 20 A MY. Ward toon the Mce Stabilization office of Charlotte will attend the meeting of merch anta of Cherokee and Clay Counties at the courthouse April $0 at 8 P. m j -*-?* J;-^TiTiititnam n -