RIL 23-29 DESIGNATED AS CLEAN-UP WEEK mat ' TOO* TOWN CLEAN? Tn aaa bar# ? real part It lees la faat mala a pablle aeaUaaeat for VOLUME?6? NUMBER M "UWHT. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. APRIL 1*. 1951 !Uir?hy Li'ir .!?" 3 TEN 'AGES THIS WEEK m Units Of Blood (Donated; Half Is s From Talc Firms At the Red Choss BJoodmobile1 visit to the Cherokee County Chap ter tor a halt-day 'Wednesday a total of 118 units were Riven, with 133 people ottering blood. This was a record for this chapter. The visit was sponsored by the' Civitan Club, with Bill Bolton as chairman and Ike Oleon and Dr. A. J. Head rick as team captains. Olson's team was the winner Eleven Civitans gave blood. Tlrf center was set up in the basement of (First Baptist Churoh. Outstanding among the donors were the employees of Hitchcock Corporation and Minerals and Metals Corporation. Supt. Joe Bailey led the (roup, being the second person to register when when the center opened, and 58 other employees of the two firms reported. Blood Program Chairman Jas. R. Crook announced that Clyde Glad son recruited a total of 17 donors and also gave blood him self. Among the volunteer workers for the day were: Canteen, Mrs W. A. Hoover chairman. Mrs. Ray Fuller. Mrs. Jack Roberts, Mrs. L. R. Harding, Miss Addle Mae Cooke, and the following Girl Scouts: Gertrude Cook, Sue Dick ey, Ida Brumby. Nancy Sales, Sue Beth Rowland, Ann Parker, Emily Mauniey, Prances Harding, Ann Elliott, Norma Jean Montgomery, and Judy Cook. Registration: Mrs. Cloe Moore, Mrs. Ben Palmer. Miss Alice Jane Dockery, Miss Mary Hemphill, Mrs. Boyd Davis, Mrs Hobart McKeever, Mrs. Edwina Hagasnar.. Mrs. R. H. Foard and Mrs. Buel Adams. H "t I Mrs. Paul Sims and Mrs. Bruce Gordon were volunteer nurses: Mrs. T. A. Case was hostess, and | Rill Bolton and Garnet Owenby assisted. Mrs. Marjie Witherspoon. Mrs. Clyde Gennett, and Mrs. H. G. ElkAns had charge of the bottles The Red Cross Staff from the Asheville Blood Center included Col. F. S. Wright, medical direc tor ind administrator; Homer Kidd. assistant administrator; Miss Alice Swanson, chief nurse; Mrs. Jean (Renfro, Mrs. Doris White house, Mrs. Bonnie Coman, Miss Helen Freeman, Miss Helen All bright, staff nurses; Buford Mardis and Gray BuTleson; custodians. Donors included the following: Civitans; Vincent Elster,- John Marshall. Myron Jenson, Olson Clair, William J. Martin, Wallace Flynt, Lilian] Walker, W. R. Gos sett, William N. Bolton, William H. Cornwall, Jr., and John T. Manthfy. Hitchcock Corporation and Min erals and Metals Corp. employees; Jos Bailey, C. W. Barrett, Efton 'Roberson. Hobert Self, Elbert Hughes, Melvin Hedden, J. T. An derson. Garnett Hughes. Arthur (Continued an pace 4) MISS RUTH BAGWELL Miss Ruth Bagwell Leaves For Rowan Baptist Association Miss Ruth Bagwell who served as missionary of the Western North Carolina Baptist Assoeia ation from August. 1948. to April 14 of this year, left Saturday for Salisbury where she has accepted a position as missionary of the Rowan Assocfatilon. Her suocessor here has not yet been secured. Mies Bagwell, a graduate of Mam Hill College and Furman University, Greenville. S. C.. Is a native of Laurens. S. C. Prior to coming to this association, she tsught school in China Grove. Under her leadership, the asso ciational work has made great pro- ? gress. Lloyd W. Hendrix, chairman of the Missions Committee, states that it is with deep regret that the association accepted her resig- j nation. Many expressions of apprecia tion of her work were made, and she was honored at several showers and other events. Members of First Baptist Church honored her at a covered dish supper and shower Thursday evening. The ohurch presented her with a Sam sonite bag, and members gave in dividual gifts. Following that a reception was given by Mrs. John Donley. Mrs. Joe Hamilton, and Miss Eloiae Davis. Punch, cup cakes and nuts were served, con tests were enjoyed, and the gifts were opened. i Speaks Sunday i Dr. H. G. Allen, superintendent of Lake Junaluska. will be the guest minister at Andrews Meth odist Church Sunday at 11 a. m. The Rev. James, A. Allen, regular, pastor, will preach at 7:30 p. m. Cancer Society Unit Formed For County The Cherokee County Unit- of the North Carolina Division of the ' American Cancer Society has been organized and is composed of pro fessional men and women and lay men of the county. The executive committee includes members from Murphy sad Andrews, and repre sentatives and volunteer workers to Feaefatree Tlta asset Dam. Mar ble. Tomotta. Nantahala and Top ton. The committees are an follows: Executive Chrtrman, Dr. J. H Ptiicfctey, Andrew*; Dr. Publicity: Miss Addle Mae Cooke, Murphy; Mrs. Joe S. Smith, Andrews. Education: Mrs. Bryan Whitfield, Murphy; Rev. Wm. E. Hall, An drews; Miss Edna Bishop, Murphy; Mrs Glenn Raper, Hiwaseee Dam; and H. Bueck, Murphy. Service: Mrs. J. R. Nunc, Mur phy. Treasurer: The Rev. J. C. Nev ille, Andrews Volunteers in other communities: Peaohtree, Clarence Hendrtx, Mis. raul Sudderth, ttwuu Dam, Mrs. Glenn Reper Martfe Mis. C. H. Townson; Topton and Itho tahala, Mrs. Fred BaMnCtan; To Mlssea Delia and KM# Any of the to accept contributions to the Can Reserve Corps Must Take Physical Exams Under new Army Regulation*, It j is mandatory for all members of The Organized Reserve Corps to | complete a physical examination. This Is In keeping with the pro gram to determine fitness and availibility of all members. A medical team of tiwo Army ' doctors, one Army dentist, and one Army nurse will be in Murphy on April 26, from 11 a. m. to 9 p. | m? prepared to make these neces sary examinations. All reservists, male and female, are ordered to appear at the Library at some thne during these hours. In ease it is impossible for a reservist to appear at this time, he can accomplish bis examination on Sunday. April 29. in Asheville, 164 Coxe Avenue, between 10 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. It is urged that all concerned comply with these dates, as it \?;iU be their only chance to comply with regulations. In the event Reservists have not been notified through official channels, they are requested to contact their unit commanders, or the ORC Instructor. P. O. Box 567, 164 Coxe Avenue, Asheville. Civitan Club Initiates Members The Civitan Club held Its reg ular meeting April 16. Everett English had as his guest Ben Rags dale. Civitan R. M Deegan had charge of the initiation of the following members: W. J. Martin, Rev. How ard Kester, Walter Puett, John Manthey, C. H. Townson, Willie Wits an, Bill Cornwe'.l, Sgm Hard ing, Everttt Bngjish. W. G. Flynt, Ben Palmer, Ed Long, L. (L. Mason and George Portwood. Dr. George Dyer had Dr. Brown of Sylvg. Myron Jenson had Sam Harding and Roy Paul Jones. Vin cent Elster had Dr. B. W. Whit field and Jack Carringer. Bill Bol- , ton had Bishop George Henry and Bob E2sley. C. K. Olson had Bob ! White. Ed Long had his brother Charles Long. 1 Mary Hughes and Helen Dock ery of Murphy High School, win ners in the good citizenship con test, were guests of the club. Bill Laney and Ben Ragsdale were accepted into the club as new members. The next meeting will be the first Monday night of May, at which time new officers will be elected. Red Cross Lacks $1000 Of Quota Wm. N Bolton, chairman for the 1951 fund campaign of the Chero kee County Chapter of the Red Cross, states that only $1417 of the necessary $2412 quota has thus far been contributed. He urges anyone who has on hand any col 'ecled funds or those who have not yet made their donations to let him have the money at an early date. A follow-up committee will be trin work in a few days to contact those who were not seen during the month of March. CF v TO SPKAK HEME?C. P. PMTtah ???.. > t Pj, _ JUJfFTtJVe ment sponsored bf~the Regal Club, j to insure its success." ! The town will have trucks to . P'ck up all trash collected during the week. It is requested that during the clean-up that a general fix-up and planting program be under taken, to enhance the beauty of Ihe community. Mrs. J. H McCaJl. chairman, Miss Josephine Heighway and Miss Marvie Walker were appointed by Mrs. T. S Evens, club president, ?o the clean-up committee. Miss Phyllis Snyder, regional librarian, reviewed the book, A Cup of Sky by Peattie, as the principal feature of the program. The hostesses served refreshments. Those present were: Mesdames Evans, McCaJl. Hubbell. Hoffman tfattie Akin, Marjie Witherspoon Ruby Hill, Bessie Dickson. Lewis Xrs. T. S Evans, club president, Hodges, and Misses Snyder, Heigh Addie Mae Cooke Accepts Call The ReV e. V. May of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lou isville, Ky.. who led singing at the lecent First Baptist revival, has accepted a call as educational di rector of First Baptist Church for the summer. He and his family are May516*1 '? *TTiVe here earIy in Dr. H. G. ALLEN Dr. H.G. Allen Speaks Sunday At Methodist Church Dr. H. G. Allen. Superintendent of the Lake Junaluska Assembly of The Methodist Church, will preach at the evening service of worship at First Methodist Church Sunday at 7:30 p. m. "Dr. Allen preached for a week in Murphy last summer and many of our people here will look forward to hearing his mes j sage next Sunday J the pastor, the Rev. Delbert | Byrum. ! Sunday School will he at 9:45, morning worship at 11; the sermon j by the pastor being on "The Great j Debate"; evening Youth meeting I at 6. and evening worship at 7:30. Wesleyan Choir Sings Here On Friday Night The Tennessee Wesleyan College Choir of Athens, Tenn., will pre j sent a concert at First Methodist j Church, Murphy, on Friday eve ; ning, April 20, at 7:30 o'clock i There are approximately 40 voices t in the choir, and it will be under the direction of Jade Houts. j Earlier in the lay the choir will sing at Murphy Schools. The Wes leyan Service Guild of the church will serve a supper to the choir in , the Assembly Room at 6 o'clock. The group w!l] spend the night in ! Murphy in the homes of the people and will continue its tour toward Sylva and Cullowhee the follow ing day. The public is invited to hear this choir. Mrs. Jim Gibbs and daughter, Elizabeth, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason: Anderson in Moore, S. C. Nominees For Town Officials Selected Baptist Services Are Announced "What Church Membership Means" will he the sermon topic of the Rev. J. Alton Monti at First Baptist Church Sunday moro ns at llodock. The Adult choir will give special music 'Tut To Church Help You" ertU be the M man topic at 8:00 Sunday eveuli The Junior and Youth cboku mil! Sunday School starts at 9:40 a ntaod Training Union at 7 p. as. There wiH ha no i ct Wednes