Mary Loju Hatchett Weds James Hoicomb Mr. aid Mr* J. W Hatghett an nounce the marriage it their daughter, Mary Lou, to James A. Holcomb of Chattanooga and Memphis. eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. Boss Holcomb, Sr., of Memphis, The marrlige was solemnized March 30 at the bride's home by the Rev. A1 Smith. She was given ia marriage by her father, and was attended by her aunt, Mrs. J. O. Rice of Chattanooga. Mr. Rice wajjfceet man. ftnie bride wore a teal blue garbanhne suit with navy and white accessories and carried a white orchid with streamers at tached to a white prayer book which was a gift of the groom Mrr. Holcomb graduated from Murphy high school in HMO and until her marriage was secretary to Dr. Jos. B. KiHebrew and Dr. Oscar B. Murray in Chattanooga. Mr. Ho'.comb attended Tulane University and received his B. A degree'from Mississippi College He was a Naval aviator during World War II and holds a perman ent commission of Lieutenant, Senior Grade. He is agency manager of Marchant Calculator Distributors in the Chattanooga area, and is engaged in the veneer and plywood industry, being part ner in Holcomb and Holcomb. The Southern Laminating Co., and Memphis Box and Egg Case Co. MARY LOU HATCHETT all of Memphis. Mr. Holcomb Is ail Episcopalian, 32nd degree Mason, Shriner, and an Elk. The couple are now residing at 536 South Crest Road in Chatta nooga. MRS. CASE TO SPEAK Parent-Teachens Association will meet Monday 7:30 p. m. at the Primary Building. Mrs. T. A. Case will give a talk on. 'Citizenship in the Home and School." Election of officers will be held at this time. One-three Rack table odds and ends shoes pric ed to go? 1 Back consisting of Casual's Sandals and dram shoes, formerly priced from >4.98 to 8.98 Now $3.98 iting of arch type ? roken sizes, former Now $1.98 1 Back consisting of arch type shoes, narrow widths and broken sizes, formerly >7.98 One rack consisting of sandals dress shoes, Casuals as long as they last for $1.00 per pair Be sure to see our new spring shoes in latest styles and colors Murphy,N.C. TRUDY'S Phone 142-J MAYTAGS Priced As Pictured $124.95 WALTER COLEMAN'S APPLIANCE STORE Murphy, N. C. Phone 124 Mrs. Ruby Hill Initiated In Delta Kappa Gamma Mri. Ruby Hill, member of the Murphy City eohool faculty was -among the new member* who were Initiated into the Delta Kappa; Gamma Sorority Saturday. This is | a national honor society far teach-. era. The meeting was held Saturday ! evening at Battery Park Hotel in' Athevil'.e. and was followed by a banquet. Mis Kate Parks Kitchen, who was speaker for the occasion, chose as her subject "The Heritage of Delta Kappa Gamma". Miss Kit chen is state president of Delta Kappa Gamma, and she was chosen Teacher of Year" for 1650. Those from here attending were: Miss Emily Sword, Mesdames Evelyn P&tion, Dair Shields and Emily Davidson. Mrs.LA.Frasch Speaks On Trip The Women of the Church of Murphy Presbyterian Church h?ld the first general meeting of the church year in the educational building Tuesday evening. Mrs. R. H. Foard, presided over the business session. The meeting was opened with the hymn "Take Time to be Holy", with Mrs. Har vey Wilson, Jr., at the piano, fol lowed by prayer by Mrs. Foard. The treasurer's report was given, reports from the four circles were heard. Plans for attending Presfoytei ial meeting to be held in West Asheville Presbyterian Church Fri day were discussed, after which the meeting was turned over to the r rogram committee, Mrs. C. W. Savage and Mrs. Harry Miller. Mrs. Savage called on Mrs. Miller to introduce the speaker of the evening, Mrs. iL. A. Frasch, who gave an account of her trip last year to Palestine. Her descriptions [ of the country were vivid and an- j lightening. r The meeting was closed with the Lord's Prayer by the group I PERSONALS Mrs. D. Town son Tuesday at 7:30. | The meeting was opened with \ prayer by Miss Lula Fain, and j Mrs. H. Bueck gave a talk on "With I Healing in His Wing." Refreshments were served by the hostess to the following 16 members: Mrs. Dixie Palmer, Mrs. ! C. R. Freed. Miss Lula Fain, Mrs. P H. Loatherwood, Mrs. Bessie ! Dixie, Mrs. A. W. Mclver, Mrs ? Mattie Taylor, Mrs. W. E. Howell Mrs, G. M. Fleming. Mrs. Harve Elkins, the Rev and Mrs. Delbert j Byrum, Mrs. R. C. Mattox, Mrs. ( John Axley, Mrs. H. Bueck, Mrs. Margie Henson, Mrs. J. H. McCall and Emeline Sneed. Mrs. Deweese Gives Music Recital , Mrs. Bessie Deweeee presented her mule pupils in a recital Thurs day evening at Peechtree school. Those taking part la the recital were: Mary Ruth Donley, Martha Ann Leatherwsod. Dorris Palmer, Eva Nell Morrow, Phyllis Hemhree. Ann Sudderth, Jerry Thomasson. Bennie Jo Palmer, Hardy Morris, Jr., Carolyn Moore. June Wilson, Dorris Morris, Mexican Arrowosd. Carolyn Hendrix, Mary Hatgler, Margaret Hendrix, Judy Nichols, Deraldine Smith and Maxlne Kil patrick. SEEDS FEEDS CHICKS FERTILIZERS Mountain Valley Co-Op. * Tel. 217-J Murphy, N. C. Among all standard classilication cars entered in 1951 Mobilgas Economy Run... STHBERARER'S THRIFTY THREE" CHAMPION...COMMANDER VS...LAND CRUISER V-8 finished 1st, 2^, 3^ in actual miles per gallon W+'y actual liiuf m SAUO# 28 ACTUAl'"LtS^SAUOt, The land Cruiser VS 27.6 ACIUM MtlES Pt* GAIlOM Jl rtfH Stvdobakors had ovordriro, optional at oxtro cost Trim, sleek and beautifully flight-streamed, all the new 1951 Studebakers have the right build for real thrift. Come in. See why Studebaker designing saves gasoline: EVANS AUTO CO., Phone 48 Mmphy, N. C. AUCTION SALE Saturday, April 21, 10 A. M. of the Paxton K. Patterson Farm (Known as the Payne Farm) 50 ACRES?60 HEAD DAIRY CATTLE-MACHINERY and DAIRY EQUIPMENT Also the 95 Acre Mrs Thomas L. Patterson Farm (Known as John Neal Farm) These Farms Are Located 7 Miles West of Blairsville, Georgia SALE WILL BEGIN On PAXTON PATTERSON FARM. THEN MRS. PATTERSON'S FARM WILL BE SOLD. The Paxton Patterson Farm is located on the Blairsville Bine Ridge Highway, S miles west of Blairsville. Ga. and IS miles east of Bine Ridge. Georgia in Upper Young Cane District, Union County. This highly developed dairy farm contains SS acres with 45 acres under good fence; 42 acres permanent pasture, exec Dent sod. Located on the land are the following buildings; Modern frame dwelling constructed in 1941, rock wool ins ulated and new John Manville asphalt shingle roof, 7 rooms, bath and basement, electric water system in basement. Two tiled wells. Dairy Plant building 2# x 20 ft constructed mostly of blocks, buHt in 1947. General purpose grain and hay barn If z 72'. constructed in 1942. With loafing shed 12' z 72' and Grade A m liking shed 24' z SO' containing 14 stanehloua Complete hay track and hay forkTn hay loft The bottom section of main barn has concrete mangers and hay racks extending on each side of the entire 72'. Hay left cepacity 150 tons, 5 small stock ponds fed by spring and main pasture Is watered by separate spring branoh. 6 room tensm house in good repair, good well, hand pump and kitchen rink. Sf z 4f General Purpo Silo in good condition (14' x S3'). 5 acres timber tract contain tag many trees of market size. Mrs. Patterson Farm is located on Blairsville - Bine Ridge Highway IVi mllea went of Blairsville and 17 Ridge, Ga. in Upper Young Cane District Union Comriy. This Improved farm has a highway frontage of Vi mile and exoellent possibilities far growing Hunts th and FREE $50.00 IN CASH PRIZES BOWERS BROS., Auctionee