Aid tollable County Agent's office has received a supply of a now on Poultry. H la entitled Flock Management", and Is authored by a (roup of apeda tn N C. Agricultural Exten ' tlon Service. The pamphlet baa particular application to the problems of the laying flock. It abows the close ? margin between cost and egg aale artth the average hen and com pare* with the much greater profit margin when good or superior bens and management obtain. Mack Pat ton says that a copy Junaluska Mr. and Mn VJck Curtli and laughter, Jean, spent Sunday with dr. and Mrs. Holland Tatham of tndraw*. Tom Lambert remains ill at hla khm near Junaluska. iUaa Faye Matins spent Friday light with Miss Harriett Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hicks and family of Granite Falls, spent last seek end with Mr. Hick's parents, dr. and Mrs. L. L Hicks. >f this pamphlet is available to ?ach pouKryman who will ask (or t at the office. "The plain lnstruc ionj given make for efficient nanagement," be says. LESS THAN A SPOONFUL OF SECURITY PER DAY r-m. i FOR LIFE AND jA RAPID JR GROWTH BETTER THAN EVER ? SECURITY CHICK RADON contains ovary nutritional ala mort thosa ton dor "balls of duff" naad for their start in life . . . and aM in proper amounts and balanca to maka chicks grow rapidly and vigorously right from the start. Experiment station tests have proved that proper feeding during the first ilute dH >-ee on the ground of two years reparation, 19th day of April, 1991, to-wit, on or before the 10th day of May, 1991, and answer or demur to the complaint in this action, which is j now on Hie with copies for defend - I ants, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded i in the complaint. This the 21 day of March. 1951. s/J. L. HALL Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, N. C. 36-4tc By: P. C HYATT Deputy C. S. C. Court, to which reference is here i by made. ' The defendants, Sidney dribble ' and wife, Helen Gribble, will ! further take notice that they are required to be and appear at the ! Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Clay County. North Caro lina. in the Court House In Hayes ville, N. C., within twenty days after the 26th day of April, 1991, and answer or demur to the com plaint filed in this action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Oourt for the relief demanded In said complaint. This March 24th, 1951. GEORGE H. MARTIN, Clerk Superior Court 37^ttc C. E. HYDE GENERAL INSURANCE | Phone 145 Murphy, N. C Get behind the wheel of the easiest handling truck you ever drove! BIRTHS Mr. ud Mn. Dull Walls an-1 aouae-i the arrtral a< a danfhter, Friday. April It. The baby h been named Snirter Wanda. NOTARY PUBUC FANNtE McGUIRE SCOUT ornci mum. n. c. VALLEYTOWN INSURANCE AGENCY OPENING MAY I. 1^51 writing all linea of insurance. Ty W. Burnett, owner and manager. Hotel Man Tells About The Smartest Move He Ever Made It certainly gives you an awful sinking feeling to wake up and dis cover you're losing interest in your work and in life i in general. That's enough to make [anyone start worrying, and that's exactly what happened to Tommy Allen, Hotel Peabody, | Memphis, Tenn essee. But he t acted quickly, got himself back on the track in a hurry, when he heard how HADACOL was helping folks who were rundown due to a deficiency of Vitamins Bi, Bj, Iron and Niacin. The wonderful results prompted him to write lis a letter about his experience. Here's what he had to say: "I am a young man twenty nine years old and have been en gaged in hotel work for the past four years. I had no appetite and was losing weight I was constantly k at my stomach and nothing * agreed with me. After eating, ay stomach would become bloated nd feel uncomfortable. My condi Lon was so bad that I began to lose aterest in my work and life in eneral. I kept hearing about HAD iCOL and I decided to try it Be Ieve me that was the smartest oove I ever made. After taking wo or three bottles, I began to eel better and now after taking LADACOL for two months I feel ine. No more am I tortured with tomach distresses. Truly I can't >egin to tdll enough about HADA X>L. I intend to keep on taking it or a long time." Thousands have found real help, eel hope for tomorrow, by reliev ng the cause of their sickness when lue to a lack of Vitamins Bj, B-.?, Niacin and Iron, with today's great IADACOL. These precious elements are sup ped in a quantity greater than the ninimum daily requirements. And KADACOL provides helpful quan tities of Phosphorus and Calcium, too. They're all in a special, liquid form, already dissolved for quic' , &asy, absorption in the system MAUNEY DRUG CO. Phone 151 Murphy, N. C. Ne* SDD6E v TRUCKS Now Dodge brings you important new ease-of-handkng advantages? along with all the ease-of-handling features that have made Dodge "Job-Bated" trucks the choice of champion truck drivers from coast to coast! These new trucks are amazingly easy to maneuver. They bring you all the proved advantages of cross-steering, wide front tread and short wheel base. And you get the extra handling ease of Synchro-shift transmission? plus steering column gearshift on low-tonnage models. EXCLUSIVE! gyral Fluid Driva! Available on 2^ and 1-ton models. Makes driving easier with marvelously smooth performance. Cushions against shock and strain, saves on upkeep, and lengthens truck life. MEW! Worm-oad-roller steering gears I Now you get safer, easier steering. New steering gears on most models give you positive control. Driving is more com fortable, too, thanks to the new, im proved steering wheel position. NEW! Shorter turning diameters! A new Dodge "Job Rated" truck will make a sharper turn ? maneuver into tight places easier ? park with less trouble?save you time and driving effort on every trip. NEW! 4-speed Synchro-shift transmission! Four-speed now available on $i-? 1-ton models, as well as 1H- and 2-ton. 3-speed Synchro-shift transmission stand ard on 1-ton... 5-speed standard on 2H-ton, available on 1H- and 2-ton. What "Job-Jtofed" m? ? Dodge "Job-Rated" truck is engi neered at the factory to fit a specific job, save you money, last longer. Every unit from engine to rear axle is "Job-Rated"?factory-engineered to haul a specific load over the roads you travel and at the speeds you require. Evert unit that SUPPORTS the load ?frame, axles, springs, wheels, tires, and others?is engineered right to provide the strength and capacity needed. Every unit that MOVES the load? engine, clutch, transmission, propel ler shaft, rear axle, and others?is engineered right to meet a particular operating condition. yourself! Come mend drive antaaer handling Dodge ^Tnick E. C.MOORE 107 Valley River Ave. Phone 37 Murphy, N. C.