HREF IOn TOW* CU1X? Taa cm bar# a iaal part <? M.J kri ?mala a pafeUc i VOLUME M-MUMBER M MUBPHT. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. MAT 11. 1M1 EIGHT PAGES Summer Recreation Program Under Way This Area Has Many Of Popular Travel Objectives The 10 moat popular travel ob jectives hi North Carolina, with official 18SO attendance figures, are: Pfagah National Foreet, 1,982, 773; Blue Ridge Bsrtaray. 1323. 491; Great Smoky Mountains Na tional Bark, 1,774406; Nantahala National Forest, 1430,480; All State Parks, 1,066,901; Fontama 11am. 988,010; Morefcead Planeta rium. Chapel Ifill. 122484; "Unto These Hills" at Cherokee, 107,140; Piiwaasee Dam. 82 896; "The Loot Colony", Roanoke Island, 62,496. AH of these are open the year 'round except the two outdoor dra mas. The dates tor "Unto These liilla" at Cherokee are June 23 *hrougi September 3, and for , 'The Lost Colony" at Roanoke Is land June 30 through September 2. Civitans Install Officers Mondav The Murphy Oivttan dub will meet Monday June 4 at 6:30 p. m. when the ladle* will be the>guests of the dub for the installation of officers for the coming year. The incoming officers are: Myron Jen sen, president: Rae Moore, vice president; S. S. WilBams, secreta ry-treasurer. * 8tg?y-olne boys uri girls [urned out for the lata opening of the Summer Hecreetion program Monday afternoon. The field ems u-ed by 34 young people from the church Bible School Mon day morning making a total of l'J3 who attended on opening day. "rvin Green has returned for lis second year as full-time di rector of the program, and be Is being assisted this year by Ray tins. Festivities on opening day in eluded a bubble gum contest wh'cb was won by Remona Hag rard and Don Peacock. A Sad Sack Race attracted the entire crowd to the gym, and the winners were John Morris and Carol Ann Ik'mptiill. Free refreshments were served to all those present. The facilities of the Summer Recreation Program are at the dis ?j of the local Bible Schools in the morning this week and next The afternoons will feature two trips to Andrews pool and the for mation of a baseball team for boys under 16 years of age. The base hall teams will travel to Dutk town and other nearby points for fames and will play many visit rig i earns at the athletic field here. Tne Committee In charge of the operation of the Recreation Pro gram includes Hobart McKeever, ?reasurer; Ben Palmer, program chairman; Joe Ray, finance chair Man; Mrs. Hugh Howard, publicity chairman; and the following advi sory committee; Bill Bolton, Mock Patton, Shorty Sherrill and Mrs. W. A. Hoover, Mrs. W. A. Hoover Heads Legion Auxiliary Cherokee Cafe Changes Hands HUbert Williams, who has been trailed to active duty in toe U. 6. Army, has sold Cherokee Cafe to Everett English and W. M. Lay. The transaction took place on May 21. Mr. English will manage the cafe, and the same walfti eases and rooks will continue their work. Eight Leave For Camp, Conference Eight young people at the Mur phy Fredbyterian Church will leave Monday to attend the Pion eer Camp nd Youth'Conference of Asheville Pretbytery. Pioneer Camp wii! be held at Camp Hope, the Canton YMK3A camp near Waynesville, from Mon day through Saturday of next week. Those attending from the Murphy church are Ida Brumby, Betty Jo Hyatt, Ann Parker and Judy Sneed. PYF Conference will be held at Montreal the same period and Vill be attended by Kay Burgess, Su sie Miller, Betty Moore and An nette Strange. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bates and sop. Gene, Mrs. J. W. Axley and Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson. Kay and Jan, attended graduation ex ercises hat week at Georgia Mili tary Academy in Atlanta, where Mrs. Ardeyi grandson, David Min eral, mi graduated. > The newly organized Murphy American Legion Auxiliary held a joint meeting with the Joe Miller E'kins Poet Monday evening at the Presbyterkn Cbunch. Mrs. Lura Bales of Robbinsvilie was guest speaker. She pointed out the- work the auxiliary should ac complish and assisted in com plete. organization. Officers of the auxiliary are: Pr-sideot, Mrs. W. A. Hoover; vice president, Miss Emily Sword; trea surer, Mrs. Paul Sims; secretary Mrs. T. J. Mauney; and historian, Mrs. B. H. Foard. Mix. Frank Swan of Andrews was a guest Prior to the meeting at Presby terian Church, several members had dinner together at Regal Hotel. Geo. Ancil Martin Is Graduated At the Bob Jones University Convocation. Greenville, S. C.. in the Sodeiheaver Auditorium Wednesday morning George Ancil Men In, son of- Mr. and Mrs. Lu ther Martin of Route 2, Murphy, received the Bachelor of Science degree from the School of Educa tion with a major in educational administration. At the Convocation, Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., president of Bob Jones 1/riiveraMy, conferred more than 425 degrees, including Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bache lor of Aits In Practical Christian Training, and also Mast er of Arts, Master of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Divinity, and Doctor of Philosophy decrees. Week's Schedule Recreation Program MONDAY tteou* FRIDAY MORMNGS: 10-11?Preebyeerlan BUe School 11-12 Oeptlat Btble School MONDAY AFTERNOON: 2:00-0:30?SofthaH, gMr, Volleyball. boys 3006:00?Beeeball practice, boye under 16 TUESDAY APnSRNOOIN: 100-6:00?Andrew* Fool Free Bue Lmrm Gym at 1:30 S4??30-O|MBii? League Softball Game 300-6:00?BMMbaB fttettce. hoy* under 16 aimjRsoAY ArmNOON: 100-6:00 ftwhnndin at AadMua, tree hua Free Throw Contest* 16 WAYLAND INTERNATIONAL CHO*R TEAM?Pictured here are members of the Wayland International Choir Team from Plainview, Tex., which is to appear in Murphy on June 6 at 7:30 p. m. in First Baptist Church. They are. left to right, Lynn Whitten of Amarlllo, Tex.; Velma ymphfres of Phillips. Tex.; Margaret* Wade of Denver City. Tex.; and Jimmy Sugg of Dunn, N. C. Way land Choir To Perform Here The Wayland International ? Choir Team from Plainview, Tex.. I will aippear iin First Baptist1 Church, Murphy, on June 6 at 7:30 j p. m. according to an anouncement :nade today by the Rev. J. Alton Morris. Director of the team is Shelby Collier, who also is director of the colorful International Choir at | Wayland College in Plainview and acting head of the college's depart" | tcent of fine arts. The team or ( quartet which will sing here was i chosen from the 32-voice choir. Members of the team are Mar-1 garett Wade of Denver City, Tex.; j Velina Umpbfrcs of Phillips, Tex.; | Lynn Whitten of AmariUo, Tex.;! and Jimmy Sugg of Dunn, N. C. | They, sing international and relig- i ious numbers and dress in colorful < costumes from such lands as China, Japan and Mexico. Jimmy and Margarett are both sophomores and music maWs at Wayland College Lynn is a Junior theory major; Vehna is a 1880 graduate of Wayland who returned to do further work In preparation for teaching. MUSIC DIRECTOR?S h e 1 b y Cclliir, pictured above. Is diifcctor of the W ayland International Choir Team from Plainview, Tex., which will appear at First Baptist Church, Murphy, June 6 at 7:30 p. m. Presbyterian VBS Is Now In Progress First Baptist Services Listed "The Flight to Horeb" is the sermon subject to be used by the Rev. J. Alton Morris at the Sun day services at 11 a. m. At 8 p. m. his subject wiU be "Creative Living or Aimless Drifting". Sunday School is at 9:45; Beal town Mission service at 2:30 and rralning Union at 7 p. m. Vacation Bible school each day is from 9 to 11:30 a. m. Monday through Friday. Monday at 7:30 p. m. B. W. C. will meet with Mrs. Joe Ray. Tues day at 8.30 p. m. will be the Fel lowship supper, and at 7:15, the Sunday school workers' Council Wednesday at 7:30 the Wayiand International Choir Team will be oeerd followed by Adult chair practice at 8:30. Thursday at 7:30 Is Youth Choir. practice, and Fri day at 7:30 sill be Vocation Bible 'Chooi exercises The Vacation Bible School which Is now in progress at the church will continue through Friday of next week, and commencement ex ercises will be held this evening. Tnrough Wednesday there were 174 enrolled, and average daily st : cadence bed been 191. Waves Recruiter IsAtAsheviDe It. Frees. Wave recruiting on cer, will be hi Asbeville at the Navy Reondttng oiBce. located at the Poet Office, June 5-8 to inter view an wave awditanfe. For fur ry recruiter in Hous^. ' The Presbyterian Vacation Bible S:!kxj1 opened last Monday morn ing with an enrollment of 47 pu rils and a staff of 11 teachers. Mrs. <Cloe Moore, superintendent at the Bible School, stated this week ttmt four classes had been organized and each is studying the genera! tneme "How to live for Christ" Misses Betty Moore and Jane 111)1 are in obarge of the Junior girls. The Rev. Jas. R. Crook is teaching the Junior Intermediate boys and balding Softball practice during the recreation period each day. Bryan Hatcfaett will take over this class next week in the ab sence of the pastor. 'Mrs. Bruce Gordon is in charge of toe Primary class, and the as sistants are Misses Susie Miller and Mary Lou Gordon. Mrs Charles Barrett and Mrs. J. N. Hiil are teaching the Beginners, assisted by Misses Anette Strange and Carolyn Alexander. Closing exercises of the Bible. School will be held on Friday night, June 8. following a en gregational picnic on the church grounds. Pastors To Meet In Murphy Monday .The pastors of Western North Carolina and Wert Liberty tist Associations wfll meet Moo day, June A at 10 a. m. at First Baptist Church. Murphy. The devotional adB be by the Rev. W. T. Truett. and the Rev S. V. May will bring i al All " _ by the Floyd B. i Lions Win State Blind Trophy Six Other Awardf$f?x?fl*ention r.t ? ii / 15000 Bass Are Planted Wildlife Protector Arnold Dal rymple announces that be be lieves fishermen will be pleased io know that on Monday of this ?reek 15,000 large mouth boas were planted In the Persimmon (.reek rearing pool. Option Is Given Stores Doing Less Than $100,000 Retail stores doing less than $100,000 total store volume a year may elect not to ffle a chart under Ceiling Price Regulation No. 7, It ?vas announced from Washington Monday in a dispatch to Director Ben E. Douglas, Charlotte. Further relief is given to stores coirtg a relatively small volume of business in housewares, notions, sporting goods, silverware, china ware, glassware, jewelry, watches and clocks. Stores doing less than gfiO.OOO annually in these catego ries of items may elect to price tbem under General Ceiling Price Regulation rather than under No. 7 irrespective of the total volume of business done by the store. These are the two main provi sions in this amendment. A third provision retains a principle of the original regulation No. 7 which gives the option to any retailer whose total sales of the items cov ered by No. 7 is less than $20,000 annually to remain under the Gen eral Ceiling Price Regulation, the message to Director Douglas made it dear. In announcing today that the amendment was forthcoming, the Washington OPS warned that all other retailers selling items con trolled by OPR 7 and Ms amend ments must file their pricing < harts by May 31 if they want to continue to sell legally after that data. There will be on extension of tnat deadline, it was emphasized. It was also pointed out that a retailer who elected to remain un der the General Ceiling Price Reg ulation does not have to notify OPS 1 If a retailer who has already filed Vs chart under Regulation 7 end Is not eligible to remain under GPR and wishes to do so, he has until July 2 to request the return of his chart from his OPS district office 1 If he has not so requested, then . after that date he must continue tr price under Regulation 7. In announcing this amendment OPS also announced that an a nmdment to CCFR is being is Hied which will give relief to cer tain "squeeze" contitions In which merchants have been caught un der General Ceiling Price Regula tion. It is estimated that at least cce-third of the stores originally oovered by No. 7 are now eleg-1 ible to elect to remain under the General Ceiling Price Regulation. LION PRESIDENT?Loren C. Davis, local business man, who has been elected to serve Murphy Lions Club as president for the nojct fiscal year, beginning July 1. Last week at the State Lions Con ?errtion he was awarded a cup for best secretary in District 31-A during the past year, and also a 100 per cent secretary's plaque. Mrs. Ben Warner. Miss Edna B:snop and Mrs. Bill Roach are at Camp Scbaub, Waynesrville. for a three-day home demonstration meeting. I Murphy Lion Club wu Again 1 awarded the state-wide blind tro phy at the State Lions Convention in Winston-Salem last week. TttU is t coveted trophy and has been won many times by this club. It i.- presented in recognition of out standing work among the visually handicapped. The club also won the state act ivities trophy, for the various civ ic activities in which it has par 'ljpated. The convention attendance tro iihy also came to the local dot), as did the district attendance tro phy awarded for best attendance at club meetingr and district meet ings in 31-A H. Bueok, zone chairman, was presented a merit award for his work as zone chairman. Loosen C. Davis, who served as club secretary during the past year and has been elected president for ?he ensuing year, was presented a 100 per cent secretary's plaque, and also the cup for tike best sec retary in 31-A. Miss Joyce Coleman represen ted Murphy club in the beauty con test. She was'accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Walter Coleman. Attending from Murphy Lions :lub were: Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Flkins, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Bault, Mr and Mrs. Merle Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Davis, Bob Easley, Bob Vriute, Dale Lee, and H. Bueck. Dome Martin On Honor Roll The honor roll (or the final quarter of the year has Just beat released tor Appalachian State Teachers college, Boone, by Regis trar H. R. Eggem. Included in this list of distinc tion is the following Student front Cherokee County: DolMe Martin, senior of Unafca, who was graduated with the bach elor of science deffee in Rome Economics and science. Harold West Killed Instantly Word was received lute T^weky that HmU We*, son of Mr. and Mis. touts West, was killed in stantly in s csr wrack near Want* on Monday rtjSsL Details am u On Sunday Crook Preaches Final Sermon Before Going Into Army Chaplaincy Three From Andrews Graduate At Duke University Durham?Three students from the Andrews area are candidates for degrees at Duke University's 99th Commencement Monday, June 4, at 10:30 a. m. in Duke's Indoor Stadium. Dr. Robert D. Calkins, director of the General Education Board, .New York City, will be the prin cipal commencement speaker. The lion. Kerr Scott, Governor of North Carolina, will also address the graduating classes. The three-day commencement program will begin Saturday, June 2. with a meeting of the Board of Trustees in the morning, a meet ing of the Duke University Na tional Council, r band conceit, and a general alumni dinner and open house Saturday afternoon and even ing. On Sunday, June 3, at 11:00 a. m. Dr. Paul E. Soberer, professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, will deliver the commencement sermon in the Duke Chape). This will be followed by carillon and organ recitals in the afternoon and an outdoor recep tion for seniors and their parents at 6:00 p m. Seniors will officiate at the tra ditional flag-lowering exercises at sunset Sunday, and a community sing for students, parents, and alumni is scheduled in the Woman's College Auditorium for 8 p. m. that n.ght. Local students among the ap nroxhnateiy 1100 candidates for legrees at Duke are: John Holmes Christy, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Christy, An drews; A. B. degree; Dean's List in recognition of high schorlarship average. Miss Martha Eleanor Enloe, daughter of Mr. and (Mrs H. a. .En'oe, Andrews; Master Religious Education Degree. latum Barney Hudson, ion of Mr and Mrs. L B. Hudson, An drews; A. B. degree; Deans List Mrs. Dale Lea wfH lease day for lfaw York dor test w She wfl drive Mrs. car for ihlpimsst to Mr. Ward in Athens they will be located tor ? Hie Rev. James R. Crook, paator ?ji the Murphy Presbyterian i "liurch, will leave next week for active duty as Chaplain in the United States Army. His final ser vice here will be Sunday at >11 a. m when he will preach on the sobjett- "IWt atothfci. Pervert, Serving." Mr. Crook has been granted a six months leave of absence by the local church and Asheville Presbytery in the hopes that he may be released from the Army in this time, and return to his pasto rate here. P.ryan Hatchett, a second-year student at Columbia Theological Se'irnary, Decatur, Ga? arrives this week to be summer supply pastor of the Murphy Presbyterian Church. Mr. Hatchett stvpUed the toed pulpit two weeks ago. He and Mrs. Hatchett are from College Park, Ga. They will occupy the manse just behind the church. The Presbyterian Youth FeUoar ship and the Pioneer Fellowship gro ip will bold a joint meeting at tne church Sunday rt 6:30 p. m. First Methodist Bible School Starts Monday What Is Your Life?" will bo the sermon subject of the Re*. H. Deibert Byrum at the First Meth odist Church Sunday at 11 a. a. Ills evening subject is "In the Secret Place." Sunday School wtil be at 9:46. livening Youth meeting at 6:30. The Vacation Church school will "egln Monday. June 4. at 9 a. as. School will Mat two weeks, and the hours will be 9 to 11-30 a. m. Monday-Frtuay. "Meaee will ha provided for kmdeisarieu (ages ?), (ogee 6-8), Junior a tana 9-dl and 13-14). Mist OMra n -

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