> I H. D. (Thrtla). ?D?. iXSS'SX'm^ atoo said today. The highway safety official re vealed that highway ecddeaU ac counted tor SS fatalities among eMMicn at the agssfrd daring the first six months of the year. Seven youngsters, he said. In the age group from 0-4 died in traffic ac cidents daring the same period and six In the 10-14 group were killed. One was killed in the 10-10 age group. Thirty-three pedestrian fatalities In the same age brackets were re corded by the department In the first she months of 1090. "Parents and motorists alone can cooperate In preventing traffic accidents involving children," Jones said. "It la the duty of par ents to caution their children when they send them to the grocer or on an errand, or when the kids go 'oyl Dies In Oklahoma James Lawrence Voylee of rich er. OUa., died of a heart attack at bit Picker hotel on August 4. Mr. Voylee was born near Grape Creek April SO. 1888. He was the eldest son of the late William Lafayette Voylee. He had lived In Oklahoma since 1017, practicing law at Picher He 1ms spent many vacations here in Murphy stopping at the Regal Hotel. Surviving Mm are the Rev. Clarence A. Voyles of Union Coun ty. Ga.; the Rev. Charles M. Voyles of West Jefferson; Samuel H. Voyles of Fort Worth Tea.; and Harold Voyles of Lynch, K$. Interment was in the G. A. R. cemetery at Miami, Okie. out, to play. Wise parents will not only make certain their children are taught safe walking rules, such as cross only at corners, wait for the light or until there are no cars in sight, watch for turning cars, etc, but they will also provide a safe place for their children to pl?y." BT HOBBBT GKUNB Billy Lovlngood *u the winner oI Uw Murphy Summer Recreation Soap Bex Derby. The acece Ik based on the rum of two runs. Bil ly made It In 30JI meondi Peacock was second In 31.1 oods and third In 31.4 I were. Gordon chett. Bill Adams. Billy and Tommy Gentry, "id prise, s new bicycle, went to Billy, and Third prlxes were fl lars each,and five dollars was IBs prize for the best looking " This prtre was won by Billy . and Norris West whose wag? voted both the best and the most original. Murphy Presbyterian beat the Softball game with Marietta with a score of 28 to 3. The game was played at Marietta. August 13. Elliott led with 4 hits, and he was also the winning pitcher. Thomas led Marietta hitting with four hits and Marietta's losing pitcher was Garner. It was an exciting trip for the boys with a picnic supper and they saw part of the 'Little Boys" League baseball game. Civitan beat American Legion of Andrews 19 to 17 in soft ball. It was two and a half hours of rain and mud. Derreberry led with hits on the Andrews team while Hedrick with five, Zimmerman with five and Hatchett with four took care of 14 out of 27 hits for Civitan. The outstanding game in the football field will be the game be tween University of N. C. and University of Tenn., at Chapel Hill, according to Irvin Greene. U. N. C. has Murphy's Harold Da vidson who is well rated by Coach j Carl Snavely and is expected to I play first string quarterback. U. T. has Murphy's Frank Alexander trained under coach Bob Naylor. CABD OF THANKS We want to thank our many friends for the beautiful flowers, the loving acts of kindness, the many expressions of sympathy in our recent sorrow. May God's richest blessing rest upon you all. The Walker Family. 5-ltp. CANCER CLINIC TO MEET The Cancer Clinic meets C. J. 'Harris Hospital, in Sylva, every Friday. Registration hours are from 9 to 10:15 a. m. The Division of Cancer Control of the N. C. State Board of Health provides examinations for cancer to women above 35 and men above 40 years old and to any person of any age with symptoms suggestive of cancer NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. TOWN OF MURPHY, Petitioner, vs MARY B. MURPHY, and/or the unknown Heirs of Mary B. Mur phy, if deceased, Mary Emma Meroney, widow, and Barbara Meroney Allen and Husband, Richard Allen, Respondents The defendant Mary B. Murphy, and/or the unknown Heirs of Mary Is. Murphy, If deceased, Mary Em , ma Meroney, widow, and Barbara Meroney Allen and Husband, Richard Allen, will take notice ! that action entitled as above has 1 been commenced against them In J the Superior Court of Cherokee j I' County, North Carolina and that i I the purpose of said action is to j condemn a right-of-way for an | electric line over certain property , In Murphy Township, Cherokee j County, North Carolina, adjacent to the Eastern city limits of the Town of Murphy In which said respondents may have an interest, said lands being more particularly described in a deed from B. B. Meroney and wife, Martha A. Meroney to Mary B. Murphy dated July 22, 1889 and recorded in Of fice of Register of Deeds for Cher okee County, North Carolina, in Book No. 23 at page 541, reference to which deed Is made for more particular description of said lands. And the said respondents will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court for Cherokee County, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the peti tion in said action within ten days after the 13th day of September, 1981, or the petitioner will apply to the Court tor the relief mended in said petition. This the 15th day of Au 1981. JT. L. HALL, Clerk of Court. tNf* ttti ' 4/3E THE r*4de r j % ALL CLASSIFIED ADS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, LOCAL UT? MtnlweM. Me (e i ef ad wttk set aore thea S5 verte three tEeertJoei. $1. Addttfcmcl warta. U per went. r?Ss eM Ubo. Se per word. AD rate* pet. CtaaMOed eta accepted bp bbUI U aoee Wet CLASSIFIED ADS ABE Se PEE WORD AND A MINIMUM OF 15c. CARD OP THANKS Me. RESOLUTIONS OF RE8FECT, AND OBITUARIES Se PER WORD. COMFORTABLE HOME, view, four bed living ?ml Hilling garage, ? 1th Venetian all heat, together with with Income par month, located on lot cloae to town. A D. M. Reeae, Real 213. Murphy, N. C. 5-3tc HELP WANTED: Young woman to learn retail merchandising. Must have fair education, be unen cumbered, well recommended and responsible. Pleasant work ing conditions and reasonable salary. Write full details In own handwriting and address letter to "Merchandising", Box 205, Murphy, N. C. 5-ltc Are your bed springs sagging? Come and see us. Murphy Fur niture Salvage, Phone 298-J. 5-ltp 1 FOR SALE: Baby Grand piano, sofa, chairs, tables. Inner-spring mattresses, box springs and other household furnishings. Priced to sell. Thompson's res idence, Duke Street. Phone 255-R Murphy. 5-ltc FOR SALE: Used furniture, two beds, dining table and chairs, two dressers, cook stove, coal heater, washing machine, at a bargain. Can be seen at Pearl Hunsucker's Route 1, Murphy. Phone 441-J-3. 5-3tc FOR SALE: About 200 bushels corn in the shuck. Located at my place at Peachtree. Mark Elliott. Phone 141-W, Andrews. 5-ltp. FOR SALE: Small farm five miles south of Murphy, rock dwelling house with lights and water. Also outbuildings. Arthur Jones, Route 2, Murphy. 5-3tp Asphalt for driveways, parking lots, etc. Free estimates. Charles Higdon, Andrews, N. C., Phone 116-J 5-3tp Lost in Murphy. Small leather bill fold badly worn. Reward to finder. Telephone 128-J. 5-3tc CARD OF THANKS The family of Tom Maunej acknowledge with grateful appreci ation, the many expressions ol sympathy during their bereave ment. The Mauney Family. 5-ltc FOR RENT?McCall Apt, fur nished, first floor, throe rooms, private bath, with dressing room, private porch and entrance, all modem conveniences. Clean and cooL Mrs. J. H. McCall, Phone 104. S-Stc FOR SAL*: SAFETY CABS. CaU 22S-J or see Mrs. Vivian Gen try, Murphy. 4~*tp FOR SAL*?One five-year-old Registered Guernsey cow, arti ficially bred; 20 head or more of Pure bred Duroc hogs of all ages, blocky, medium type; one four year old mare mule, works to anything as I have tried her. C. C. Roberts, Phone 48, Murphy, or Marble R. F. D. 1. S-Stc FOR SALE?Cioder Blocks, size, any amiwnt Delivered Palmer Bros., Phone 202. Mur Pfey, N. C. 10-tfc I FOR RENT?moor sanding ma chine by hour or day. Phone 100 Gibbs Hardware ami Auto av*. *7Jtfe WANTED: Dishwasher, six days per weA fcegal flotel. *~ltc WANTED: Pennabeht renter with small fSmliy. Prefer Christian people Or a mah that doesn't drink. Stock furnished. Plenty of good land and pasture. On Up per Peach tree Carl Hancock, Murphy, Route 1. 4-3tp. WE STERILIZE all furniture that we rebuild. We have the only sterilizer In Western North Car olina. Brittaln's Upholstery Shop. Phone 298-J. 4-3tp FOR SALE: Good 10-room house | and four acres of land In one of I the best residential sections in | town. This Is the late Dr. F. L. Herbert home. Easy terms. Jack I Herbert, Andrews, ? N. C. , 4-tfc WE RAY HmjiHEST PRICES? For burnt and wrecked can Also, scrap iron and metals Kaye's Auto Parts, Phones, 360- j 341, Murphy, N. C. 27-tfc WANTED TO BUY For cash high tread repairable and slick re cappable carcasses. Any amount, any size. Graves Tires Co. Phone 300, Murphy. 2-tfc WANTED 2 waitresses?neat and i willing to work?Good pay. Live | on lot. Apply at once Junaluska j Hotel, Andrews, N. C 5-3tc | FOR SALE?Good used 7-foot mower. Works on Ford or Fer guson tractor. Evans Auto Co., Phone 48. S-Stc FOR SALE?Sixty acre farm and eight room house. 3 miles west of Hayesvllle on new highway. House has hot and cold water, electric hot water heater, gas heat, shower, finished floors, and is completely redecorated. There are five year round springs plus a small branch go ing through the place. W1 trade for place in Murphy. Call W. A. Sampson, 208-W 3-Stp REPAIRS?Expert watch, clock. Jewelry and glasses repairs. New and used watches. Metal and leather bands. Prices right Earl Beaver, Jeweler, next to Graves Tire Co. 3-3tp MEN WANTED?Sales and Ser vice. If you are between the ages of 25 and 30, have a car and can furnish references, and interes ted in earnings opportunities of ,$75 to $150 per week, we would like a personal interview with you. The nature of our business requires an interview at your home in the presence of your wife. In answering, give your name and address, or phone number. Let us know when we can see you at your home. Apply Saturdays 9 a. m. to 12 noon. Electrolux Corp., Box 1066, Murphy, N. C. 3-tfc FOR SALE: 9 column Burro ugh Adding Machine. See Galusha Pullium at Andrews post office. 5-3te pri vate! 4"cold for couple. CaH Hil ar 44?. Dr. George L. Dyer. ' ?-Wc THRU PIANO BARGAINS? to be eold In your neighborhood. One Small Spinet One Slightly uaed Spinet One nice uaed Up right to party who can make ?mall down payment and assume ' small, monthly payments. Write: J. T. Dickey. Credit Dept. 52 Pryor St N. E., Atlanta. On. 2-ttc WELL DRILLING: Get your homo water supply from a modem drilled well Wffl drill wells In all Western Caroling and North Georgia counties. Write F. B. Rogers, Route 1, Franklin. 4-Stp FOR RENT OR SALE: Two-story rock house, eleven rooms. Five bedrooms upstairs, two down, two baths. Would make a good rooming house. On Wells Street Murphy. Large garden space in rear. Mrs. Ruth Graham, 221-R. 4-Stc DONT BE MISLED: Buy where You can save?yet get quality monuments and markers. All work guaranteed to your satis faction. We have no salesmen. Write W. N. C. Marble and Gra nite Works, Box 177, Marble, N. C. 4-8tp We have opening In this territory for tionest sober hard working man who can furnish $1,000.00 surety bond to operate consign ment premium, candy route on commission and bonus basis. We furnish all merchandise and car. Previous selling experience not necessary. Write BCT Box 2005, Charlotte, N. C. *-3te IURNISHED APARTMENT for rent Electric stove, Frlgldalre, private entrance and porch. For couple. Mrs. Jerry Davidson, Phone 103-J. ' 3-3tc REYNOLDS ALUMINUM EMBOSSED CORRUGATED RUSTPROOF NEEDS NO PAINT KEEPS SUMMER HEAT OUT SWEATS LESS FARMERS FEDERATION DON RAMSEY. Mer. Phone 62 Murphy, N. C, MARKET HOGS FAST on the PURINA HOG PROGRAM^ Hogs weigh 200-225 lbs, at 5 Yl months and get to market 1 -3 faster than average. Low Cost Pork on the Purina Program, too. Hogs make a 100-lb. gain on 5 bu. grain and 45 lbs. Purina Hog Chow. NOW ALL PURINA HOG CHOWS CON TAIN Vitamin B-12, antibotic feed supple ment and other miracle growth vitamins in ad dition to quality natur al animal proteins. > PURINA HO f Your Store With The Checkerboard Sign E. E. STILES PRODUCE COMPANY Murphy, N. C. Phone 143 SCHOOL Is just around the corner. We suggest that you bring the children's shoes to the Cornwell Shoe Shop Let Mr. Chastain repair them before the children start tb school. Mr. Chastain is an expert Shoe Repair Man. CORNWELL SHOE SHOP If the Housec Burns So Will the New Porch Major alterations or improvements to your home increase its value ... to the ex tent of what these improvements cost you, and perhaps even rriore when you consider replacement. It goes without saying that your old insurance .policy should also be "modernized" to cover this additional in vestment. Examine your policies now to see if you have adSequate protection. Our coun sel is always available without obligation. T. W. AXLEY, Manager INSURANCE DEPARTMENT CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Murphy, N. C L.--'- wt I ALL MAKES- ? ALL MODELS PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 1950 Studebaker Champion 1949 Ford 2-Door 1946 Chevrolet Station Wagon 1942 Dodge 4-Door 1939 Chevrolet Coupe 1950 Studebaker xk Ton Pickup 1949 Studebaker xk Ton Pickup 1948 Studebaker xk Ton Pickup 1946 Studebaker xk Ton Pickup EVANS AUTO CO. Phone 48 Murphy, N. C. i ' ?> ? . J Z-.JW

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